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Court order for fingerprinting...for a TRAFFIC ticket?

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posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 05:24 PM
I just wanted to tell you to make sure you expect to be there for about 4 hours incarcerated. When you go in for fingerprints they have to book you and then they put you in a holding cell and usually make you wait about 4 hours till they come get you to get printed. It happened to a buddy of mine.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 05:43 PM
refuse it and see if they arrest you for refusing. challenge it.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: riiver

Actually a traffic citation is a form of arrest. I agree with you though that that is BS it is more government over reach, we as a citizenry have become like sheep to the slaughter.

Think about it, a traffic ticket or any other citation is essentially you being charged with a crime, ie an arrest.
edit on 12-2-2019 by norhoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: sine.nomine

Yeah it seems the people are far too apathetic, makes me suspicious the water has been spiked with something.

I know what you mean. That's why this slow burn of erasing history is scary. If the memory of what the US stands for is gone, they can get away with anything. It's a takeover. Don't mistake that for some grassroots racism BS movement.

That's a very interesting take on this erasure of history. I hadn't quite thought of it like that...think I'll put it in my tool-kit. Cheers....

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: riiver

Be careful about that riiver. What they do is when your ticket/fines go to collection they mark you d6? I believe. But basically they suspended your license and that is how the messed up cycle of our system starts. And they do give out jail time for driving on suspendeds even if it's your only crime.

Fun fact, in most places your 3rd driving on a suspended or DUI in 10 years is a felony. Even if it's a driving on a suspended WITHOUT knowledge it still counts against you. That means some people actually get prison time for that. Crazy right?

Ugh we need a new system.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: 772STi

The problem with this country is Criminal "Justice" is not justice, it is just another billion dollar business. Prisons should not be for profit businesses.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: norhoc

I know it's horrible. My last encounter cost me pretty big for making a stupid mistake. It was $4k up front to my attorney $6k later. My bond was $120,000 for 3 yes you read that right 3 charges. So that was $12k and put up the house to get out. By the time court came around 2 charges were dropped because they charged me with the same thing 3 times, illegal btw. Then they reduced my charge down to the nothing it should have been. My bond should have been 5k not $120,000!!!

I saw a guy with a child molestation charge under 12yo get a $15,000 bond. Mine was $120,000 for doing a stupid thing. If they know you work and make money they really try to get you hard. I deserved to be punished but not like that. If I couldn't have bailed out I would have sat in jail for 6+ months just to have charges dropped. Crazy

That's why I'm trying to warn riiver. They really know how to get people in and KEEP them in the system.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: bananashooter

Nope, that wasn't remotely what happened. Each person went to the jail, showed the fingerprint order, was walked back to the fingerprint gadget (digital fingerprint scanner these days), printed, and was walked back out. Took less than 10 min from start to finish. No other paperwork, no booking, no arrest.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: CharlesT
refuse it and see if they arrest you for refusing. challenge it.

I thought very hard about it, and if this had happened 6 months ago I would have. But I lost my job in Sept. and am having precisely NO luck in the job search, and having to bail out of jail and pay another fine was just out of the question. Sad but true; money kept me from challenging something I thought was probably bull#.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 06:28 PM
But I've had traffic tickets in the past and never had to be fingerprinted for them, and neither has anyone I know. This has to either be a really new thing (like, enacted since last year) or specific to this court.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: riiver

As I said, I agree with you 100% this is BS government overreach/control.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: riiver

You are correct you do not get fingerprinted for Basic traffic tickets. But you do for Criminal traffic violations. Suspended/Expired/Revoke are criminal charges.

See if you can find your case number/citation number. Don't post the whole thing but look at the first 2 letters. They start with the category. So.
TT- traffic
CT- criminal traffic
MM- misdemeanor
FF- felony

I would guess it starts with CT and they have been taking fingerprints for that for at least 10 years that I know of personally. I can see why your upset thought.

Also you said there were people there on minor drug charges. That actually makes sense because minor marijuana charges and charges like yours are the lowest level misdemeanors. So it makes sense you were together with them because certain judges only see certain types of cases. You were obviously in a minor misdemeanor court room.

I hoped that helped.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: 772STi

Good catch, judging by the pic he posted it is criminal, with a case number 18TE-CR00111. I would be willing to bet the CR before the 00111 means criminal, so as I said originally, the citation you were issued was technically an arrest and essentially a release on your own recogniscence type deal, where you agreed to show up to court and face the charge of driving without a license.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: riiver
I'm sure that the ATS rules say that I can't ask for a paypal account to send you $10.00, so I won't ask.
I wish you the best.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: norhoc

Wow good catch on your part. We solved the case lol.


posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 09:12 PM
link this is what i could find apparently its standard some how...... they apparently do it to juveniles too for any misdemeanor or felony seems they even want it if your going to a hearing these days to "prove who you are"

not a fan of such things mind you but it seems if you have to go before any kind of court or judge in Missouri you need to get finger prints taken they do it AT traffic stops in green bay

Police Begin Fingerprinting on Traffic Stops If you’re ticketed by Green Bay [,WI] police, you’ll get more than a fine. You’ll get fingerprinted, too. It’s a new way police are cracking down on crime. If you’re caught speeding or playing your music too loud, or other crimes for which you might receive a citation, Green Bay police officers will ask for your drivers license and your finger. You’ll be fingerprinted right there on the spot. The fingerprint appears right next to the amount of the fine. Police say it’s meant to protect you — in case the person they’re citing isn’t who they claim to be. But not everyone is sold on that explanation.

i had idenity theft and since then even though i did nothing wrong i have to tell them a "password" every time im pulled over and as i dont get pulled over often i often dont remember to tell them and they dont seem to like it but its how i prove who i am these days

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: RalagaNarHallas

wow, bravo. Awesome post. I didn't check out all your links but hopefully it helps riiver.

Unfortunately, this is what our world has come to. Identity theft really sucks I feel for you. When I was buying my first house I found out someone was renting an apartment in my name in F'in Indiana. I was born in Jersey and grew up in Florida lol. I was so pissed, scumbags. I almost flew up there to confront them. My better half (then) talked me out of it.

I hate any interaction with police period. If I see them at any store I keep driving. And I have respect for what they do, but unfortunately I've been screwed over to many times. When you have a history and a DOC number it doesn't matter how successful and good your doing in life, if you own your home, are raising a child, the model citizen, your automatically being detained and your life is put under a microscope.

It really is crazy, that's why this tread didn't surprise me at all. I once beat an aggravated assault charge at a jury trial with NO attorney because it was self defense. I put a cops son in a coma for 3 months with 1 punch after HE swung on me and I didn't even know him, he was drunk. I actually took a bad beating when I was arrested by his father and his buddies, I never resisted in the slightest. And after I was found NOT GUILTY, unanimously, I was STILL finger printed.

I absolutely love legal threads like this, it's nice to vent. If anyone reading this wants to make real changes to the system please PM me. I have been thinking for years to get with others and being an advocate for people being completely screwed over by the system. And don't even get me started on father's "rights" when it comes to custody battles. I once had very serious thoughts of selling everything and taking my son to another country.

Sorry to rant, thank you riiver for this thread

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: 772STi
a reply to: riiver

Be careful about that riiver. What they do is when your ticket/fines go to collection they mark you d6? I believe. But basically they suspended your license and that is how the messed up cycle of our system starts. And they do give out jail time for driving on suspendeds even if it's your only crime.

Fun fact, in most places your 3rd driving on a suspended or DUI in 10 years is a felony. Even if it's a driving on a suspended WITHOUT knowledge it still counts against you. That means some people actually get prison time for that. Crazy right?

Ugh we need a new system.

I'm going to find out for sure exactly what happens. If there's more to the story than what I was told, I'm going to make a huge scene. (I'm going to make a huge scene about some other stuff anyhow, because there was some serious unfairness going on in that court. Not against me, mind you; I got a perfectly good deal. But against some other people--who were total strangers to me--and some things just were not right.) In the meantime, I'm going to send them about $10 per month.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: norhoc
a reply to: 772STi

Good catch, judging by the pic he posted it is criminal, with a case number 18TE-CR00111. I would be willing to bet the CR before the 00111 means criminal, so as I said originally, the citation you were issued was technically an arrest and essentially a release on your own recogniscence type deal, where you agreed to show up to court and face the charge of driving without a license.

Wow, if so then they should have to inform you of that at the time!

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: 772STi

A mod contacted me to tell me--it was too late for me to edit--and is going to blur it out for me. Thank you so much for pointing it out.

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