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Trans Activism and "Gender Affirmation" is Breaking Our Kids

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posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: dug88

They're #ing children...they say stupid # and have stupid ideas all the time since when are the ideas of children taken seriously? Especially when it comes to something they have no real concept of?

^^^That^^^ made me
and brought back some happy memories my grandson

had a 'super man 'outfit and you had to prise it off him he wore it all the time

and he really believed he could fly!! in his dreams.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: queenofswords

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: queenofswords

So do people with type I diabetes. As long as they take their meds.

What’s your point?

Really? You don't understand the point?

We're talking about mental/psychological/emotional conditions....not physical ailments.

Hormones are not psychotics meds.

Coming from someone that believes too much testosterone is the cause of all the killings and problems in the world.

Man, you are fixated on me and everything I say! You need a life.

Would you say I'm as fixated on you, as you are on trans issues, and therefore need a life as well?

The bigger question is why are you deflecting away from you stated belief, now?

I’m getting ready to go out for the evening, so... see ya.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: kaylaluv

The ONLY treatment that has helped resolve gender dysphoria is therapy, plus any drugs needed to help with the symptoms of the dysphoria (depression and anxiety), PLUS helping the person with the level of transition that relieves their dysphoria (how much transitioning depends on the individual).

This makes sense. These people need therapy, psych drugs, and some level of transition to be able to function normally.

That's okay. There are people in the world that have varying levels of dysfunction and psychological issues that require ongoing treatments. We can all sympathize and empathize.

But.....Society should not be forced to accept this as a normal gnder identification. We CAN accept it as a dysfunction and/or inability to function normally without multi-level treatment.

They for sure do not belong in the armed forces. Ooops!...I went there.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: kaylaluv

I don't get the alt right's obsession with degrading trans folks. They go out of their way to make people who have a tough time already and try to make their lives more difficult.

The OP really put a spin on this and the usual suspects are eating this up.

Do you people really think their is a trans agenda aiming to make more children become transgender?

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 05:34 PM
There is no such thing as transgender/gender affirmation..its a fallacy...a term created to be accepting of ridiculous mental illnesses. Its a term that "progressive" people think allows them to be non traditional and somehow "hip" to new ways of living and being.

You're either a male or female at birth (99.9%, and yes, the .1% who are intersex are an anomaly)..there is NO other option than these 3. NONE, its 1 of the 2..or the VERY slight possibility to being both. You CAN call yourself what ever you want...binary, upside down, inside out, gender fluid, or whatever ludicrous thing you want to come up with...but the FACT remains you are a male or female assigned shortly after you were created. Now, how you behave is up to you...doesn't matter who you screw, love, hug, cuddle with...still that male or female from birth. You can go to 1000 doctors, cut things off, take injections, grow hair, have a fake penis sewn on, hole punch your taint...doesn't matter, after all that money is spent and healing is are still the male or female you were from birth. You can believe in your brain you FEEL like a woman, FEEL like a can feel anyway you want, but you are still what you were at birth.

Bottom line is your momma may have wanted a girl so you got exposure to girly things. Maybe daddy wanted a boy, so you got exposed to those traits. Maybe you just felt a certain way about dolls vs trucks...doesn't matter. ENOUGH playing games with people who can't just accept the realities of life. This we have to be compassionate toward lunacy is what's most disturbing. No no one should attack or hurt these people, but the constant patty cake BS is getting old. You can live your life of confusion and craziness...enjoy...but stop thinking society or individuals MUST be on your side the majority are not....just be whoever you want, but enough demanding and seeking approval of your choices.

CREATION...God made man and women...
EVOLUTION...Science made man and women...

There is nothing else to justify your insanity...the only 2 possible ways to explain life/humans...BOTH determined 2 genders....nothing more or less...

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
People arent born smoking crack or shooting dope, but enough personal tension combined with peer pressure and all bets are off. Now imagine if the entire media and educational apparatus told them their entire lives they all need to strongly consider becoming a dope addict.

We don't have to imagine that scenario. This group of "professionals" are the same bunch that got two whole generations of kids hooked on pharmaceutical drugs because the education system is so broken that normal kids are drugged for being active, normal kids. They are the ones giving kindergarten kids uppers/downers meant for adults. Is it any wonder that the product of those kids who were drugged for 12 or more years is that they are now producing confused, possibly brain-damaged children? Who knows what those "Keep them quiet and docile" drugs (which had never ever ever been tested on children) did to the brains of kids who were force-fed chemicals.

As an adult I've paid a big price for my mother being fed DES while pregnant with me. She trusted that doc, believed every word he said about how it was to keep her safe. He was a professional.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: Wardaddy454

So, no peer reviewed science, and no general consensus.

So, what do we look at, in your opinion, for our information?

The general consensus of doctors / psychiatrists is everyone needs to come to them all the time whether sick or not, that nobody has any business self-diagnosing/treating anything, and that we all should be on some kind of drug that we have to keep getting from them.


Its like being on permanent probation (in law enforcement terms; that is where its ALL about you being on probation and staying on probation to pay them those monthly installments).

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: pteridine

It actually IS the general consensus of the Endocrine Society.

I can see why they accept this, there is more income for their members. No bias in that organization, they do things to increase financial security of their members. I can understand the fox guarding the henhouse.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: jrod
Do you people really think their is a trans agenda aiming to make more children become transgender?

There isn't but it's pretty darn clear there's an agenda at work here to prevent those that are from receiving the treatment needed to improve the quality of their lives. While you all were bickering back and forth at the speed of light, maybe my post on page 7 of this thread was overlooked?

I will also bet that NO ONE in this thread has ever actually met or dealt with a genuinely transgender child let alone had to parent one. I'd also venture to say if that were the case, some of you might take the time to gain a better understanding of this condition beyond what you've read here from a rabid anti-trans activist and show a little empathy.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: kaylaluv Yes, a good ol' slap does not hurt. Kids ned more disipline not less, then they might grow up into responsiblr adults. The only regret I have about raising my kids. I didn't beat them enough.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: Cybelle

originally posted by: jrod
Do you people really think their is a trans agenda aiming to make more children become transgender?

There isn't but it's pretty darn clear there's an agenda at work here to prevent those that are from receiving the treatment needed to improve the quality of their lives. While you all were bickering back and forth at the speed of light, maybe my post on page 7 of this thread was overlooked?

I will also bet that NO ONE in this thread has ever actually met or dealt with a genuinely transgender child let alone had to parent one. I'd also venture to say if that were the case, some of you might take the time to gain a better understanding of this condition beyond what you've read here from a rabid anti-trans activist and show a little empathy.

I have, and do engage with many teens on a regular basis. All of which suffer from some sort of mental health issue. I'll just leave it at that. But I will say one fine lady I know (born a male), told me she felt a lot of pressure growing up which ultimately led to, and fed her severe anxiety.

I am not disputing that some people do genuinely suffer from gender dysphoria, but I also know when most people think they do, they in fact don't, but will suffer from many other things instead.

My main problem with this trans movement has nothing to do with being anti-trans, it is the unnecessary and very dangerous approach when dealing with children. You cannot, and should not be trying to force-feed this issue onto such young impressionable minds, especially when they have no real concept of what is actually going on.

You will just mindf# them.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Your kids are broken? If they are then I blame you, the parent.

Because my liberal friends kids are awesome. Smart and kind.

Nothing like when I was a kid.

Gives me hope.

So whatever this upcoming gen is doing they should keep it up.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: infolurker

originally posted by: knowledgehunter0986
a reply to: Boadicea

Absolutely, but even knowledge is becoming more scarce in this new climate.

Soon enough, if you don't follow in lock-step with the hivemind, you will be shunned and ridiculed into obscurity.


And then they will be coming to get those "hateful" Christians who won't get with the program.

"They" are going to wish they deleted themselves if that is the case.

They are and have gone too far on all fronts..we see nothing but the affirmation that they want us all dead inside and be trapped forever.

No forgiveness at all will be given to them..none at all.

THEY have decided to be One with all that is lost..and want it to worsen slowly and forever.

Boy have THEY woken the wrongside of some long asleep...warlords.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 07:55 PM
It's a new breed of Indigo Children.

They're coming here with fluid thoughts and are raising the evolution of the planet with their self preference.

Once you experience life as the opposite sex to gain understanding needed for your soul progression and eventual ascension into the Higher Solar Realms, you end your life in ritual suicide when your older and realize you were probably better suited to just accept your birth gender.

But by then it's too late.

The damage has been done.

The New Age makes very little sense to me with their child worship.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: kaylaluv

I don't get the alt right's obsession with degrading trans folks. They go out of their way to make people who have a tough time already and try to make their lives more difficult.

The OP really put a spin on this and the usual suspects are eating this up.

Do you people really think their is a trans agenda aiming to make more children become transgender?

Yeah, and it is working as I mentioned earlier in the thread.

Get to the children's minds and bodies while they are young and weak and suck them into not only acceptance but participation!

150 autistic children given puberty blocker drugs and getting body parts cut off!

Most of the youngsters undergoing the transformation are autistic, according to a teacher there, who said vulnerable children with mental health problems were being ‘tricked’ into believing they are the wrong sex.

Older pupils at her school who changed gender ‘groomed’ younger, mainly autistic students to do the same;

One autistic teenager is soon to have a double mastectomy;

Pupils who say they were born the wrong sex mimic transgender YouTube stars Carol believes are partly to blame for convincing vulnerable children they have gender dysphoria.

She adds that one of the most worrying ways these pupils exercise their newfound power is by influencing younger children, ‘who are nearly always autistic’, to think they, too, are transgender, which reminds her of grooming.

Carol told of how distressed children would come to her and say they are trans, explaining to her: ‘I was feeling very lost, but [an older transgender student] found me crying in the corridor and helped me understand who I truly am.’

Her concerns come amid growing alarm over the surge in the number of teenage girls wanting to change gender.

More than 1,000 were referred for treatment this year compared to just 40 in 2010.
‘I’m now so alarmed by the force of the transgender agenda that I’m not sure how muchlonger I can go on for, as I can no longer be honest with the students.

‘We are being dictated to by groups who don’t know these kids, to make decisions that are harmful to them.

4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs Perform Double Mastectomies on Healthy Teen Girls

"Dr. Joanna Williams, author of the book Women vs Feminism, has said that schools are 'encouraging even the youngest children to question whether they are really a boy or a girl,'" the Telegraph added.

The issue is so big that UK officials have launched an investigation into the increase in children seeking to transition to the opposite sex.

Here in the US, there is also a growing push to inject children with drugs to stall the onset of puberty.

"Reasonable people would be mystified, if not repelled, by the statements and actions of a leading researcher into transgender treatment," The Federalist reported. "In a study funded by a $5.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), researchers including Dr. Johanna Olson of Children's Hospital Los Angeles are supposedly evaluating use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on dysphoric children."

In England, 800 dysphoric children were injected with puberty-blocking drugs last year, including some as young as 10 years old.

Transgender Kids in the UK: Number of Girls Jumps 4,415%, Number of Boys Rises 1,151%

The UK’s Government Equalities Office suspects the influence of social media and teaching of transgender philosophy by the educational system have fueled the striking increase in transgender children.

Outbreak: On Transgender Teens and Psychic Epidemics

Jung was aware of the dangers of what he termed “psychic epidemics.” He discussed the spontaneous manifestation of an archetype within collective life as indicative of a critical time during which there is a serious risk of a destructive psychic epidemic.

Currently, we appear to be experiencing a significant psychic epidemic that is manifesting as children and young people coming to believe that they are the opposite sex, and in some cases taking drastic measures to change their bodies. Of particular concern to the author is the number of teens and tweens suddenly coming out as transgender without a prior history of discomfort with their sex.
edit on 26-1-2019 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 09:05 PM
i only read about a sentence of this twaddle because oh look, it's ATS so we're posting the same old fearmongering nonsense over and over and over again and harvesting stars from all the other dinosaurs scared of the future.
what a freaking yawnfest
i don't mind having to argue with people who know nothing about my life trying to tell me how to live but god damn can you get some new talking points already? this is sooooo ooooooooold

trans people have always been here
trans people are always going to be here
you're going to die and there will still be trans people
get used to it

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: queenofswords

So what is the treatment recommendation for people with mermaid dysphoria in the DSM?
I assume it has its own listing? I go by what the professionals say on the matter.

There are many, many people with gender dysphoria who go on to lead happy, fulfilling lives after transitioning.

Well once your movement is fully normalized why WOULDN'T other groundbreaking problems come up that need to be solved.

Pure boredom alone will ensure that in your hopeless society.

Never ending search for the rest of the story...requires further testing you know....transgenderism is a hijacked twisted attempt to solve a problem that is far beyond what the left can ever solve.

FREEDOM will only do that..something you lot will never recognize.

It is just the way that it is.

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: kaylaluv
You dearie parrot lucifer. The creation has it perfection and your existence was not born out of the perversion of nature. Remember that.

edit on 26-1-2019 by Ansuzrune because: small addition

posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

i mean, that's clear from the way none of you will shut up with thread after thread about this boring fake nonsense but it's big of you to own up to it so readily i suppose

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