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A Family Affair – the 2005 UK abduction of Rachel Devereaux, Benji, Alex, and grandma Anne

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posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 09:10 PM

The cast of abductees: Rachel Devereaux, sons Benji (9), Alex (11), and grandmother Anne.
Location: High Bentham, North Yorkshire, UK.
Date and time: Sunday, January 4th 2005, 5.30pm.

After my recent thread concerning Travis Walton, or rather his work colleagues, it occurred to me that the UK is hardly a contender in the media-reported abduction stakes compared to the USA. Sure, we've had some wonderful few-and-far-between cases such as the abduction of policeman Alan Godfrey in 1980 (Mirageman has an excellent thread covering the equally strange death of a man ironically called Adamsky that foreshadowed the abduction - a death equally ironically investigated by Godfrey:, but they are rare indeed. So perhaps the UK made amends by having four family members allegedly abducted together as recently as 2005 (not sure about you, but that seems like yesterday to me).

They lived in a moorland farmhouse near High Bentham on the Yorkshire/Lancashire border. After a grand day out together, the four of them ate at a Little Chef on the A65 before heading north towards Ingleton – with Rachel (pictured above) driving, Alex in the passenger seat, Anne and Benji behind them. Although the ensuing high strangeness made them unsure of the route they'd taken, the adults remembered the kids had pointed out some terraced houses with very distinct chimneys which are located in a lane off the A65.

A bright white light appeared in the sky to their left – the size of a car headlight but bright enough to make the Moon seem “yellow”. It moved until it was visible through the windscreen. Nobody said a word as it suddenly accelerated downwards at incredible speed, so much so that they expected to witness a crash. However, it then rose higher before speeding off over the Forest of Bowland hills as the car entered High Bentham.

Alex (above, right) later said, “I got this strange feeling, but I wasn't scared – it was as if I was drawn to whatever was there.” Benji even felt that he wanted to be taken away and “leave everything else behind.” Anne (below) regretted the object's departure, wanting more of the feeling it gave her - already sounding like an abductee junkie!

The day after the incident, Anne called Radio Lancashire to describe the event on air, trying to seek an explanation. There were other witnesses to the object who rang in suggesting it had sped towards the town of Clitheroe in Lancashire.

Enter stage left a UFO researcher, Joe McGonagle, who reported it to LAPIS (Lancashire Anomalous Phenomena Investigation Society), based in Blackpool. On 10th January, LAPIS contacted the family by phone. Anne called the object “beautiful and compelling” and, keen for an explanation, invited the investigators to visit the following weekend of the 17th January.

On 15th January, Anne, Rachel and Alex re-drove the route to locate the exact spot of the sighting. Strangely, the journey only took nine minutes, much shorter than it had previously seemed, leaving a missing time period of 80 minutes. And Luis Elizondo wasn't even driving (TTSA joke for those in the know). Furthermore, the “road was wrong”, now finding themselves in a narrow winding road of walls and hedges - rather than the “high up” straight, wide road with central white lines that they'd remembered. Trying alternative routes home did not provide any helpful answers.

A disturbing aspect is that they all described feeling a “horrible sensation” whilst driving along a particular stretch of road, which dissipated after a distance but returned when they re-drove along that stretch... only this time the car decided to stall. Later interviewed independently, all three witnesses reluctantly described a strange silence combined with an odd feeling of “being underwater” and out of place. Once the car restarted, Rachel drove to a nearby garage, a mechanic blaming a burnt-out coil as the reason for the sudden breakdown, albeit unusual for that make of car. On Sunday, 18th January, LAPIS met the welcoming and eager family, liaising with them for a few months via visits and phone calls.

The road described as the location of the sighting was never found, and over time the family experienced further high strangeness:

1) Anne recalled childhood memories of waking with muddy feet and seeing triangular UFOs.
2) The boys witnessed more UFOs in the sky above their farmyard. Alex claimed, “We've seen cigar-shaped ones and balls of light in our yard... which was a funny one.”
3) Electrical problems in the farmhouse – kettles burning out; lights exploding – not experienced by previous occupants.
4) Personal problems seemed to resolve themselves “magically”. Rachel changed jobs while Anne took up charity work.
5) Anne developed an overwhelming love for the colour yellow, despite a previous and particular dislike for it after a dark period in her life.

Both LAPIS and the family realised the incident was only half-remembered, and the topic of hypnosis reared its head despite LAPIS not recommending it.

In late May 2005, the women contacted a TV production company and discussed their major participation in a documentary for Sky 1, 'The Real 4400', airing in the Autumn of 2005. Rachel, a science graduate and the most sceptical, agreed to a hypnotic regression conducted by Hull hypnotherapist Steve Burgess. She only knew the contents of her regression when she was given a copy of the tape months later.

Meanwhile, in June, the local villagers (with or without pitchforks) were a bit bemused when filming commenced in the area.


posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 09:12 PM

Before Anne contacted the radio station, Alex received a video-camera for his birthday...

”I was just randomly filming, just outside, then I put the camera in the sky and there were these lights in it, and then after that, the next day, we were filming again to see that those weren't there again. But when we looked at it again after I'd filmed it, there were thousands of lights in the top left-hand corner of the screen which weren't there when we'd seen it being filmed originally, so there's been lots of cases."

A confident kid who was not short on words, Alex initially did not recall much detail about the main incident, but six months later dreamed he was in a bubble floating over various landmarks while “they were talking to us... but what THEY were saying to us was more interesting than anything out of the window” - although he cannot remember their words - “Which is a pain”. He wants to know their identity and why they “watch certain people”.

In the SKY 1 show, as a taster, infamous historian and abduction researcher David Jacobs underlined that half of these cases do not occur during sleep or sleep paralysis, and that no countries in the world are immune to this type of abduction in his experience.

During the hypnosis session with Steve Burgess (above), it seems the aforementioned 'missing road' was in fact a stretch of road that was “in the air”. Rachel also described feeling...

“Happy... [tears of joy]... No walls, it's just black everywhere, like standing in the middle of space. There's a big bright light here that's high, and that's watching what the little ones are doing; the small ones going around and looking at us and talking to each other. They think the boys are funny – I can hear laughing now, the children are laughing, they're really giggling... [joy turns to concern]... I'm scared for the children, but the light's there, it's just telling me it's fine and 'we're not gonna hurt them'.”

Burgess didn't think she was lying or faking the tears, believing her story 90%. I wonder what the 10% entailed.

Overall, there is something utterly charming about this case – not only the 'Shiny Happy People' aspect of the alleged abductees' demeanours and their need to experience it all again, but also the manifestation of aliens as what appears to be simply benevolent Light Beings who seemed to take great care in assuring the family's safety.

Of course, there is no hard evidence here and, as with most of these cases, the story ultimately boils down to the character and believability of the witnesses themselves, who seem utterly confused and unlikely to have concocted this story out of thin air. The high strangeness and obsessional 'saintly' interests that followed the incident are not uncommon traits, such as Anne's peculiar fresh obsession with the colour yellow, and the need to suddenly do charity work. It seems to fit a certain type of post-abduction 'mould' down the decades.

But hey, if this case is any indication of the UK's modern abduction scene, it seems a very comforting and pleasant one. In fact, I wouldn't mind hitching a ride myself!


posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

Good job on this thread CB, a very freaky case with parallels to the Stanford, Godfrey, Gary Wood A70 incidents as well - also interesting to see it made number one on this list.

This part always got me.

They think the boys are funny – I can hear laughing now, the children are laughing, they're really giggling...

Seems the family are genuinely baffled as to what happened to them and you have to admire their courage in actually going public (suspect many people don't due to fear of ridicule) - also telling that, as the researcher mentions, these folks have no one to turn to after an experience like this and certainly can't go to their MP or MD.

Similar report - The Mann Family, England,1978
edit on 21-1-2019 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 07:40 AM
Its usually a Family affair.With specific groups.

Q...will soon help Humanity understand.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 08:13 AM
Aha! Lovely stuff CB. ZondoCabs don't operate in the UK so we can rule out a Code 2 situation.

This experience has always seemed almost spiritual when I heard it many years ago. I do wonder why, given that hypnotism has been proven as totally inappropriate for recovering lost memories, it remains the go to solution for UFO abduction stories. Unfortunately there is never any proof of these stories.

Ten years later and maybe their smartphones would have recorded the location and whereabouts of the family as they travelled home. Thus provided evidence for the missing time experience.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
Aha! Lovely stuff CB. ZondoCabs don't operate in the UK so we can rule out a Code 2 situation.

This experience has always seemed almost spiritual when I heard it many years ago. I do wonder why, given that hypnotism has been proven as totally inappropriate for recovering lost memories, it remains the go to solution for UFO abduction stories. Unfortunately there is never any proof of these stories.

Ten years later and maybe their smartphones would have recorded the location and whereabouts of the family as they travelled home. Thus provided evidence for the missing time experience.

It seems like hypnotism does in fact override some screen memories and memory may not be optimal but it is impactful.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: one4all

In 'missing time' cases like this one, sometimes the witness doesn't undergo
hypnosis so I guess we'll never know.

Always would have liked to hear what Robert Taylor had to say but he never underwent hypnosis either.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Corinas story is believable to me.I tried to contact her a few years ago with no luck to pass her my personal message as a fellow experiencer with some regional commonalities.There is a very important reason a few of us are taken...not all but some.It is so important a reason as to be a Species level concern.

I have empathy for her and wish her strength and resolve to endure the final stretch before disclosure after which she and all abduction victims will be vindicated and validated mainstream.

Abductions are all different but the level of details remembered can be significant in some mine I had total recall of some insitu abduction actions....absolute full and complete unadultered memories of interactions with different PEOPLE and hybrids or clones or robots(don't know what the little greys are) in different humanoid forms.

However I was also given screen memories and was hypnotised in some way.

I would not self-induce hypnosis personally...and depending upon the individual and commands implanted it could be very damaging to some few ultra-sensitive people.

I am well aware because of clear memories that specific medical procedures were completed with my being under a cerebral anesthetic and IMHO it is not in my best interests to relive those moments with the painkiller absent for I would NEVER TANGIBLY AKNOWLEDGE THE EXPERIENCE AT ALL IF I DID NOT SELF-INDUCE HYPNOSIS....I happen to have some weird uber-tolerance or immunity to -AINE type drugs like Novociane and Lidocaine and Cocaine .... something blocks the receptors or they have been short-circuited or cauterised.

If you do enough research you will hear renditions of this specific moment in time WHICH I DO NOT ENJOY is nothing in the world like being under a cerebral anesthesia and being wide awake and aware with full and complete recall WHILE AN IMPLANTTION DEVICE IS DRIVEN through your nasal can feel the individual degrees of exrapolating pressure and you can feel the bursting of the cartilage as it gives way but WORST OF ALL you can CLEARLY HEAR the sound as you simultaneously experience the dull resonance of the physical action....yes the sound is an eerie spooky sound when you know its your body being violated making the sounds but you have to emotional or physiological conduit to connect to it with.It doesn't HURT per its a curious experience.

Sure....LMAO...lets all go have ourselves a nice accurate hypnosis session so we can finally tangibly FEEL on that funorama

edit on 21-1-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 11:58 AM
There experiences are real and involve extraterrestrial entities.

Governments like the US are fully aware of them. Their silence is worrying.

The most important event in human history is being kept secret from all of us by a bunch of burocrats and the aliens themselves who operate in secret so their agenda isn't interrupted.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: JackHill

There [their?] experiences are real and involve extraterrestrial entities.

The story sounds more like a form of spiritual experience to me. Yes they experienced something. But it's a bit presumptuous to proclaim it involved extraterrestrial entities.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: JackHill

There [their?] experiences are real and involve extraterrestrial entities.

The story sounds more like a form of spiritual experience to me. Yes they experienced something. But it's a bit presumptuous to proclaim it involved extraterrestrial entities.

Have you read abductions accounts? Dozens of them are qualified as "spiritual".

These beings can manipulate your feelings and thoughts at will.

This is nothing new.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 03:53 PM
I've either read about or watched videos about "friendly" alien abductions lately. There are apparently a few where those crafty little aliens have a way of making their victims feel fine, if not elated to have been chosen for the experiments. Like they understand how important they are. Even if it's just a delusion or a hypnotic cover for something horrible and terrifying... well, at least it's not horrible and terrifying. Whatever these half-real creatures are up to.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: JackHill
There experiences are real and involve extraterrestrial entities.

What makes you think they're extraterrestrial?

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: JackHill

Have you read abductions accounts? Dozens of them are qualified as "spiritual".

These beings can manipulate your feelings and thoughts at will.

This is nothing new.

Can you be specific?

Which abduction accounts are qualified as spiritual.

Which one by beings that can manipulate your feelings? I could manipulate your feeling and thoughts on this forum...

That doesn't make me an extraterrestrial.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
I've either read about or watched videos about "friendly" alien abductions lately. There are apparently a few where those crafty little aliens have a way of making their victims feel fine, if not elated to have been chosen for the experiments. Like they understand how important they are. Even if it's just a delusion or a hypnotic cover for something horrible and terrifying... well, at least it's not horrible and terrifying. Whatever these half-real creatures are up to.

Yes,there are different Groups with different agendas and intentions and moral conduct guidelines.

Some try to mind-meld with you and use ESP to manipulate you....some try to veil their intentions and some do not.

I experienced multiple was a Military Human Group EXACTLY LIKE US IN EVERY was a Group that included our sub-species of group was honest so to speak and had what we would call a humanitarian moral code although it was over-ridden by Military protocals…..and one Group was not so forthright and honest...however in both Groups certain Individuals treated me as an equal.

There are Humans who have been abducted that are alive today who are a part of a critical effort to help our Species survive a near ELE even that is looming on our horizon as we speak.

Anyone who failed to note the commonality of messages of upcoming catastrophic planetary level doom is remiss and anyone who failed to notice that a large volume of disinformation was devoted to keeping this commonality a mystery and out of the light.....well its wake up time.....90% of online UFO Abduction accounts are made up stories which include bits of truth from real abductions bits designed to lock in your belief system ,con-job artificially engineered stories.....very few of the are real....thousands and thousands of real accounts exist within the privately held files of many UFO and Abduction Researchers and many have already been lost to the sands of time.

They dont just tell Abductees what is coming...they show us.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: JackHill

Have you read abductions accounts? Dozens of them are qualified as "spiritual".

These beings can manipulate your feelings and thoughts at will.

This is nothing new.

Can you be specific?

Which abduction accounts are qualified as spiritual.

Which one by beings that can manipulate your feelings? I could manipulate your feeling and thoughts on this forum...

That doesn't make me an extraterrestrial.

ESP or Telepathy is confusing to people who haven't been taught that we naturally send and receive Telepathy but our recievers have been geneticlly shut off while our broadcast is on full volume all the time....and defeating a mind meld or an attempt to overpower you cerebrally is can be done...and when it is done you know kind of what they were trying to do to you......once you learn to defeat their methods they cannot easily handle you....if you are religious you might think God helped you overpower the attempts...if you aren't taught that there is a greater power than yourself you will know it was YOU who defeated them and then all bets are off....because we ARE EXTREMELY POWERFUL.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
I've either read about or watched videos about "friendly" alien abductions lately. There are apparently a few where those crafty little aliens have a way of making their victims feel fine, if not elated to have been chosen for the experiments. Like they understand how important they are. Even if it's just a delusion or a hypnotic cover for something horrible and terrifying... well, at least it's not horrible and terrifying. Whatever these half-real creatures are up to.

Assuming this family hasn't simply lied outright for publicity purposes - and they don't seem the type - the feelings of elation from all four witnesses is a fascinating aspect and certainly a change from the more sinister machinations involved in these cases. Whatever they experienced, or think they experienced, it seems to have cheered them up, including the grandma's sudden need to help the impoverished and needy. Even if it was all a mass delusion, it's a type of psychological event that's worthy of investigation despite the lack of substantive evidence beyond perceived missing time and testimony.

Abductions currently fascinate me more than lights in the sky - even if it's a purely psychological phenomenon. I have seen very well-respected ATS members bravely come forward to relate their experiences, and the sincerity and power of their accounts leave much food for thought. I don't believe an ET hypothesis is applicable, and sense something far more interesting is at work here than simply shared dream imagery.

As to WHAT... well, we do all love a mystery!

edit on 21-1-2019 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit

originally posted by: Blue Shift
I've either read about or watched videos about "friendly" alien abductions lately. There are apparently a few where those crafty little aliens have a way of making their victims feel fine, if not elated to have been chosen for the experiments. Like they understand how important they are. Even if it's just a delusion or a hypnotic cover for something horrible and terrifying... well, at least it's not horrible and terrifying. Whatever these half-real creatures are up to.

Assuming this family hasn't simply lied outright for publicity purposes - and they don't seem the type - the feelings of elation from all four witnesses is a fascinating aspect and certainly a change from the more sinister machinations involved in these cases. Whatever they experienced, or think they experienced, it seems to have cheered them up, including the grandma's sudden need to help the impoverished and needy. Even if it was all a mass delusion, it's a type of psychological event that's worthy of investigation despite the lack of substantive evidence beyond perceived missing time and testimony.

Abductions currently fascinate me more than lights in the sky - even if it's a purely psychological phenomenon. I have seen very well-respected ATS members bravely come forward to relate their experiences, and the sincerity and power of their accounts leave much food for thought. I don't believe an ET hypothesis is applicable, and sense something far more interesting is at work here than simply shared dream imagery.

As to WHAT... well, we do all love a mystery!

Even suggesting it could be a purely psychological phenomenon is definitely making you a ConfusedBrit

edit on 21-1-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: one4all

And those 'chips' they put in you are actually a form of technological reincarnation so the 'soul' of another entity lives on and literally has eyes through your eyes. Abducting our souls for sure.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: one4all

Even suggesting it could be a purely psychological phenomenon is definitely making you a ConfusedBrit

"Suggest" and "could be" are the operative words you used. And since the dictionary definition of "Confused" is "Uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required", then I'm perfectly content to wear that label for the moment.

For you it's 'Case Closed' - you believe you have the requisite answers and angles with no need to question your belief. Most of us don't have that luxury, and will continue to question until we reach a similar state of certainty - whether FOR or AGAINST an extraterrestrial cause.

Have patience with us in the meantime.

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