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This new Childish Gambino Song Promotes Divisive Lies

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posted on May, 17 2018 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: Milkweed

So is the it's all whiteys fault...

posted on May, 17 2018 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: luthier
a reply to: Thejoncrichton

I already explained the stats,

They don't show a correlation and causation. They show spikes and concentration of crime that skew the over all stats.

Alaska has the highest crime per capita and a very extreme low black population. How is this explained?

If I choose to draw assumption conclusion I would say it's because there are no blacks...

Which makes no sense.

Same reason when you look at rural blacknpopulations they have the same level of crime as whites.

Imagine a poisonous center near a white population making people sick. We could say white people get sick at a higher rate because the data shows this. Or we could say there is a cause for the anomaly.

Black people are people. They are individuals and should be treated as such.

Putting blacks in a category is the same thing socialists do when they give special privledge to people based on race. It may be opposite but it is the same mind set.

Are black ceo's more violent?

Black dr's?

These shallow conclusions drawn are simply in helpful to anyone.

Only thing shallow is your analysis.

Alaska does in fact have a high violent crime rate, but it isn't even in the top 30 when it comes to actual murders. You are comparing apples and oranges. I (we) have been discussing gun homicides specifically.

While there aren't many blacks in Alaska, it does have a huge poor and transient population which does lead to it's high incidents of crime. Alcoholism and drugs are major problems in Alaska. Blame it on the harsh winters, people running from their lives in the lower 48, lack of females leading to rape, or whatever you want. However, Alaska is not a murder capital.

Highest Homicides Per Capita

posted on May, 17 2018 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: luthier

Alaska has the highest crime per capita and a very extreme low black population. How is this explained?

100% SB91s fault. It took away penalties for almost every crime, and basically allowed criminals to walk. 1st offense for all but the absolute vile crimes, things changed from felonies to misdemeanors, and a lot of those went to #ing tickets. Good luck on removing trespassers, car thieves convicted of 24 counts of grand theft auto time served 2.5 months while awaiting trail. All this stupid bill did was embolden criminals. THAT's what cause the uptick in violence in Anchorage, race had nothing to do with it. It's catch and release.
edit on 17/5/2018 by Grimmley because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2018 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: Edumakated

the out of wedlock birth rate in the black community wasn't even 25% in 1965 and even then it was considered too high versus the 75% it is now.

The out of wedlock birth rate in the black community was indeed about 24% in 1965. At the same time, the out of wedlock birth rate among whites was 3.1%.

It's now over 30% for whites and about 75% for blacks (and 50-someting % for hispanics). And of course, the numbers are skewed so that the younger the mother's age, the higher the percentage of out of wedlock births.

I think you're trying to find causation out of a correlation that isn't that great to begin with. You blame the "War on Poverty" for the rise in out of wedlock births in the black community but clearly that couldn't explain why they were 8x higher in 1965 than for whites.

So clearly some other factor(s) was/were at play to begin with. You also don't address that since then, while there's been a 3 fold increase in out of wedlock births among the black population, there's been a 10 fold increase among whites. And what about other racial/ethnic groups such as Native Americans where it's almost as high as for black folks?

So that's one problem with your argument. The second is aside from being a traditional "ideal" what is the actual usefulness of citing out of wedlock births when arguing for the health of a demographic?

The OP talks about black on black crimes so let's talk about crime. Given this "out of wedlock" hypothesis, one might predict that an increase in out of wedlock births would strongly correlate with increases in violent crime. However, the reality is that at the same time that the rates of out of wedlock births have drastically increased, violent crime rates have steadily fallen. The reality is the opposite of what would be expected if the out of wedlock hypothesis were true. If this was 1993, the out of wedlock hypothesis might *seem* to make more sense if you accounted for a lag between births and the ages when people are most likely to violent crimes but what's actually happened is that violent crime continued to decline even as out of wedlock births steadily increased.

More plausible factors would be things like deindustrialization or the increased market for coc aine and later crack (which I've seen a lot of sociologists attribute the homicide peak in the early 90s to).

It's not entirely unreasonable to look for correlations but as everyone knows, correlation is not causation. The same applies to the meme of Democratic mayors or black leaders. A bad leader with bad policies is less likely to preside over an improvement but at the same time, there are significant factors beyond their control and a bad leader can be in office when things are good and a good leader can be at the helm of a sinking ship that cannot be saved.

You think Clinton was just some sort of economic mastermind or that he and Gingrich were just so awesome that they pulled all the right levers at all the right times? Pfft. Clinton was in office between recessions and during the tech boom and left office as the bubble was bursting. Then you've got to look at the role of something like the price of oil in recessions.

I guess the point here is that trying to look for causation in singular factors in a massively complex system, identified through limited correlation, is a foolish pursuit. It happens all the time in politics unfortunately.

I'll give you a C+ for effort.

It is true that the out of wedlock birth rate is about 30% for whites now. What is also true that portion of the white community is exhibiting many of the same social and cultural dysfunction that is prevalent in the black community as well. Dr. Charles Murray wrote a book on it called Coming Apart.

While not every child raised in a single parent home is destined to a life of crime, we do know that statistically, being raised by a single mother is the highest correlated variable. From an Atlantic article on the subject:

The bottom line is that there is a large body of literature showing that children of single mothers are more likely to commit crimes than children who grow up with their married parents. This is true not just in the United States, but wherever the issue has been researched. Few experts, including Cohen, dispute this. Studies cannot prove conclusively that fatherlessness—or any other factor—actually causes people to commit crimes. For that, you'd have to do the impossible: take a large group of infants and raise each of them simultaneously in two precisely equivalent households—except one would be headed by a father and mother and the other by a lone mother. But by comparing criminals of the same race, education, income, and mother's education whose primary observable difference is family structure, social scientists have come as close as they can to making the causal case with the methodological tools available.

There isn't a single statistic that you or anyone else can point to where being raised in a single parent home is a net positive... except for maybe chances of become a rapper or athlete. Kids raised in single parent homes statistically perform worse in every metric from crime to academics. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule.

However, with this fact, we know that having 75% of the kids being born out of wedlock is not doing the community any favors. Three fourths of the kids are already starting way behind on the road to success.

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: Thejoncrichton

its art its subjective and not factual! they didnt quote statistics or anything so it can be interpreted by people differently

it was created with the intention of getting people to talk about the issue!
Divisive lines are created by the individual they arent created by others
you draw your own lines in the sand based on your own world view

edit on 18-5-2018 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: Milkweed
Racism against black people exists. The whole "black people kill black people" argument is tired and worn out.

Injustice exists for most everyone and no doubt there is some racism. I think many blacks are far more racist towards whites than the other way around. The real problem is the victim mentality many blacks have accepted. It is a self limiting mental cage and I believe there are higher powers that want to perpetuate this.

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: Thejoncrichton

There are numerous obvious significant themes and you've chosen to fixate on basically 3 words in the middle and a couple frames of the video.

Gun violence
Pop culture as a distraction

And of course all of the above as they relate to black people in American in particular. If you could suppress your triggering, you'd see that it's a cultural critique that you could probably find some agreement with. Consider the middle portion starting:

Don't catch you slippin' up


Guns in my area
I got the strap


Get your money, Black man

and then finally:

Look how I'm geekin' out
I'm so fitted
I'm on Gucci
I'm so pretty

That's seems a pretty clear indictment of violence driven by consumerism which is reflected and promoted in pop culture.

And yes, there's also some fairly overt references to racism/racial injustice (church shooting anyone?). I would also say, shades of the sentiment behind "cultural appropriation" which is that American society values black people as entertainers but scoffs at real issues that impact black people disproportionately.

It certainly succeeded in driving conversation.

And meanwhile the author of this song is thriving and making millions off the system that he so despises. Oh yeah, he has embraced the system whole heartedly. Reminds me of Leonardo Decaprio blathering on about climate change while he travels across the world in private plains and lounges on huge yachts...oh my, the hypocrisy is blinding....
edit on 18-5-2018 by pointessa because: added on

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 09:29 AM
What about the cases you hear about where black people ... and I hate to use that term...ffs we are all humans, but where they shout things while attacking whites and its deemed NOT a hate crime, yet were it reversed it IS a hate crime. For this reason I cannot accept those numbers, that said however...racists idiots no matter their skin color need to check themselves.

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Black on black crime is a misnomer and is one of those "labels" created by a group of folks quick to get on the racial political band wagon.

Crime is crime. You can break it down by race after that and unlike what conservatives swears, it ain't going to give you any answers or insight.

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: cenpuppie
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Black on black crime is a misnomer and is one of those "labels" created by a group of folks quick to get on the racial political band wagon.

Crime is crime. You can break it down by race after that and unlike what conservatives swears, it ain't going to give you any answers or insight.

I am continually amazed how some of you can deny reality.

If crime is crime, then there is no need for black lives matter, right? I mean if a cop abuses a black person, it is just crime. There is no racial component? No need to track or classify "hate crimes" I suppose.

Let's try for some consistency with your positions...

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 10:57 PM
Wait wait wait... So nobody actually watched the video?!

Lol! There isn't a single incident of white on black violence in this video.

The video actually opens with black on black violence; while also using 'posture symbolism' to evoke an image of an old black caricature.

If anything the video is filled with symbolism against gun violence (he also acts out the church shooting with an assault rifle)

He even goes as far as to show the police without displaying any imagery of police brutality (which is pretty mild for a socially charged visual - given the social stigma about police brutality currently).

Is it that you guys have become so politically charged in either direction that you can no longer even objectively see what is in front of you; and instead just use it as fuel for whatever dogma you already have loaded up?

Or perhaps seeing a black man angry in pop culture - you automatically equate 'blm' (as if it couldn't possibly be charged in a different political direction)?

On another note: Donald Glover is insanely popular right now, not just for this video but for the FX series Atlanta and his past roles; as well as being a very notable film writer.

This thread from the top down is a complete fail and indicative of the 'bat poop' crazy threads and comments that have become standard practice on what used to be a decent board.

But PLEASE by all means; don't let me get in the way of a good time.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: 11165

I pointed out much the same, earlier, yes a lot of detractors including the O.P totally missed what's being said in the vid, I for one prefer his social critique of AAs pop and social culture over Kanye's idiotic blabber rants.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Thejoncrichton

I'm confused as to how you don't see the song is literally mocking black America.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: Milkweed
Racism against black people exists. The whole "black people kill black people" argument is tired and worn out.

Racism against people exists. So of course racism against black people exists. Why would they be immune to it?

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: 11165

What video? OP doesn't mention any video, or song title for that matter.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: 11165

What video? OP doesn't mention any video, or song title for that matter.

Google "new childish gambino song"

It will direct you to his new single "This Is America"
The single was released with a visual presentation (that google search will also immediately direct you to this as it has over 150 million views)

It's very pertinent if one intends to decipher what the artist is implying.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: 11165

What video? OP doesn't mention any video, or song title for that matter.

LMAO are you being serious right now? Are you really arguing this? We all know what the OP is talking about and if you don't, you are just being Childish and petty.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: jidnum

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: 11165

What video? OP doesn't mention any video, or song title for that matter.

LMAO are you being serious right now? Are you really arguing this? We all know what the OP is talking about and if you don't, you are just being Childish and petty.

I didn't really take it is as argumentative; if anything I think it's devicive that the opening post didn't include the title or video. It just jumps straight into a rant.

Edited to add:

The OP being possibly devicive IMO doesn't take away responsibility from someone weighing in on the topic to have at least some idea of what they are debating. Especially when googling the thread title will find the song and visual presentation for you. Most of this thread reads as though nobody gave any effort into understanding the substance of the subject.
edit on 19-5-2018 by 11165 because: More content

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 06:12 PM
I'm honestly curious: how many black people have posted in this thread so far?

And I am curious (if slightly facetious). I'm not saying that non-black people are barred from commenting on topics concerning the black community, because that would be ridiculous and needlessly antagonistic. But I wonder how many people in this thread actually care about us, as opposed to simply deflecting blame or exploiting our plights for their own agendas. This happens on both ends of the political spectrum, of course, as Donald Glover illustrates to great effect in much of his work.

The fact is, we do a lot of dumb stuff in our own spaces. That's true, and we'll be the first to admit it if you actually listen to us on a day-to-day basis. It's really not that difficult to happen upon a black person decrying the common ills of the Black diaspora. Do we suffer from generational trauma, vestiges of institutional racism and covert discrimination? All the time, and every day. It's not something that white people have to deal with, so I understand why these concepts are elusive to the grasp of many. But, as has been said before, attempting to distill all of the symptoms plaguing us into one talking point is lazy at best, and disingenuous at worst.

Donald Glover injected a world's worth of imagery into that piece, and if you choose to see one thing only, that says more about you than it does about him. That goes for your "radical leftist media" boogeyman, too.

posted on May, 19 2018 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: 11165

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: 11165

What video? OP doesn't mention any video, or song title for that matter.

Google "new childish gambino song"

It will direct you to his new single "This Is America"
The single was released with a visual presentation (that google search will also immediately direct you to this as it has over 150 million views)

It's very pertinent if one intends to decipher what the artist is implying.

Thank you.

I did the search as you instructed and somehow (obviously due to my own error) ended up on THIS "This Is America" by Stevie Holland, and it took me several minutes to figure out that it wasn't the right song lol.

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