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Satellite images show Russian naval ships on the move; Mattis says US ‘ready’ to strike

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posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 03:33 PM
If we focused on mining the plastic island floating in the ocean the planet would be more peaceful and healthy. How is it when we are having school massacres and after that Las Vegas massacre we are rushing off to another countries problems? Don't we have enough mess to clean up at home? Are we a bipolar nation?

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 03:37 PM
Dear ATS Readers, Writers,

a reply to: shawmanfromny

Thanks shawmanfromny, very well said.

My biggest concern is the lack of proof that Assad was behind these latest chemical attacks. We went to war against Iraq, because of a supposed threat from their weapons of mass destruction. There was no evidence of this and the war caused a sectarian civil war in Iraq.

You touched on the following in one example too...

The Civil War had Fort Sumter, where Lincoln told the commander to do exactly what the south said would cause them to open fire on Fort Sumter. Spanish American War had the USS Maine which was a coal bunker explosion, so Spanish were innocent, yet war happened. WW1 had Lusitania, a set up sacrifice if there ever was one.... and WW2 had Pearl Harbour for the Americans to dive into the blood bath, also well argued by some, that it was known to be coming, but allowed somehow to shock America into a war that they were needed in the war to win.

Viet Nam had Gulf of Tonkin Incident, which many say was friendly upon friendly fire...

All of these "bleeping wars" had dodgy beginnings.

Now perhaps the for reals last war, is over a CW attack in London which can't remotely be proven, and a CW attack in Syria that a bunch of specialists claim there are no signs of it happening. They went looking for residue, etc, evidence, and found none apparently..

The only thing we see in pictures are CW cannisters from NATO nations?!? Is it true? Is it a set up? Who bloody knows at this point, but don't let that stop the profiteering rush to war.

Why let facts spoil a good blood bath and global financial reset, and everyone waking up one morning with NOTHING in the bank??

Correct on deep state types running things. Numerous previous Presidents mentioned this "shadow government" in their memoirs, etc.

In reality, I do believe this is all the final plays in the long game set forth with the PNAC Plan pre 9-11.

It was a huge shift in USA foreign policy, and one bent up on empire protection that was established post WW2.

That has driven the underlying foreign policy ever since.

War with Iran was set out at the beginning, Syria was on the list too.

Once all of those smaller countries were sorted out, then they would go after Iran, and whoever sides with them..

We are getting close to Iran and who ever sides with them.. gonna bump heads with Russia sooner or later. And it is going to be one major headache when it happens.

When Trump earlier, months ago talked about mending things with Russia he got SLAMMED by everyone in D.C., he sends missiles to Syria about a year ago... They quit bashing him, and praise Trump for this attack back then.

So, all of this investigation etc, and Stormy Daniels stuff, "could be" a form of pressure for Trump to play along with Deep States plan, or else....

If war happens, Trump will get the blame, when in reality, it got set in motion to evolve into today's steaming pile of diplomatic manure....pre 9-11!


posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

This is how I see it as well. There is pressure for Trump to play ball on the PNAC path or get taken down.

I'm very curious if Trump fails this test or not.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: howtonhawky

Trump says, "Putin I need a distraction!"

Putin, "Comrade, hold my beer."

truly hilarious....

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 04:08 PM
The Deep State--with the help of many of y'all--pushed Trump into so many no-win corners all HELL might really break loose. The psychological hit job has been 24-7/400 or so days a week. If he cracks and just decides "eff it I'll show you how much I love Russia, I'll unleash the hounds of hell on them and on the earth and all y'all can kiss my orange asp," we'll soon have a front row seat to what we've been bringing to the rest of the world.

If everyone had forgotten their differences for once and got behind him on this ONE thing, he probably would've died trying to keep us out of this and bring some troops home. He loves to be loved. We all do. He woulda ate it up and delivered.

From the time Allen Dulles asked Jung for advice on, and had a psychological profile done up on Hitler, the techniques of the shadowy men of war and world fortune have conspired in the ways of control and have gotten much better at it. It was already brutal on Trump then it got bad. All that with a heavy work load.

For those who have wanted to see him fall or crack you might rather hope he don't.

Maybe it's not too late to give it a shot. Be a little supportive if he ever again cares to even offer to keep a promise to bring our guys home and stop bringing war zones and regime change world-wide and focus on stuffs like economy. Peace, Y'all.

edit on 11-4-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 04:12 PM
Didn’t in 2013 trump tell Obama, not to attack Syria, over chemical weapons? What changed in 2018 again? I mean that maybe 5 years later they are still doing it but strange. Even the brits are willing to risk political turmoil to attack Syria what is going on over there? The Russian propaganda is saying it’s a made up story. It seems nato is looking for a reason to arrack Russia. Diplomacy is not even being discussed..

I think Russian political posturing has offended some in the West and Syria, is being used as a display of power.
edit on 11-4-2018 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 04:17 PM

They will quickly learn not to mess with Trump.

He doesn't believe in tit for tat.

He will kick your a$$ and take your gas.

Yea... you better watch out or he'll put a $67M hole in your runway. Way to show him Donald.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
a reply to: WarPig1939

Prove it.

This is the greatest threat of all out war since the Cuban missile crisis and your stance is "meh"????

Able Archer and the Norwegian Rocket Incident were both as grave an incident as the Cuban crisis.

People simply don't know about them.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Amen, brother.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: HanSolo31

Times change.

Beer in Russia is no longer considered a soft drink.

They even classified it as alcohol.

Well shiver me timbers, ill be damned.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: EternalShadow

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

originally posted by: WarPig1939
Posturing as always. Nothing big is going to happen.

Agreed, Trump pulled back after his little Twitter hissy fit.

His next tweet was an hour~ later, and spoke of wanting to resolve Russian US relations.

My guess is he got a call telling him to sit down and shut up.

Seriously? A freaking Twitter post, from Trump no less, and all is right with the world again???


Yes, Twitter is far more powerful than CNN.

Unfiltered, opinion free, direct link of Trump conveying either asskissery or asskickery when appropriate. No interpreters necessary, spindoctors unneeded, damage control is out of a job.

Trump will bomb whatever he wants in Syria and there is nothing Russia can do to stop it.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 05:15 PM
this just come in, some important points made so 50/50

lets hope he is right

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

Well said. It seems as if the oil industry loves a little conflict in the Middle East. Another way for the "elite" to get wealthy, while civilians and soldiers pay the price.

Oil prices hit their highest level since early December 2014 after President Donald Trump warned Russia to prepare for a strike on its ally, Syria.

Brent, the benchmark for international oil prices, earlier climbed to its highest level in more than three years after President Donald Trump earlier warned Russia to "Get ready" for a U.S. missile attack on Syria, whose government Moscow has backed during its seven-year civil war.
edit on 4/11/2018 by shawmanfromny because: forgot a "t" in little, lol

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 05:35 PM
It is all a deflection.

It draws attention away from Zuckerberg ...

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Is their little tug boat with them? In case they break down?



edit on 11-4-2018 by CaptainBeno because: Forgot quote

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: TYPHOON66uk
this just come in, some important points made so 50/50

lets hope he is right

The analysis of EJ Magnier sounds plausible.

"Negotiations failed last week only because these Jihadists in Duma were buying time and were asked to hold on until the world intervened in their favour. They have presented many excuses to their Russian interlocutor asking that:

- 1000 of these would remain in the city and take up the police role.
- The $900 million they have accumulated throughout the years from taxes and donations should be transported outside Ghouta by those exiting to the north of Syria.
- No Syrian intelligence services be allowed to be in Duma.

All these demands were rejected by the Russian and the Syrian government, who finally understood that the jihadists were waiting for something, a hope: a chemical attack! This is why Russia and Damascus ordered the military to resume the pressure. Today over 165,000 jihadists and civilians left eastern Ghouta and the remaining twenty to thirty thousands are expected to leave in the coming days."

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 09:11 PM
I think the truth about the JFK Coup de tat will cause a global pause.......simply because although it will convict a lot of people of doing a lot of things it will also absolve many of things they did not do.

It will bring the USA and Russia CLOSER THAN EVER.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Everyone was behind him pulling out of Syria, I dont even know of any far leftists that didnt agree with this move.

So im not sure what youre talking about.

In all fairness people are responsible for themselves, Trump is responsible for his actions, if hes so emotionally unstable that he cant keep from making snap decisions that could throw us into a war, because hes upset about what people said about him on facebook or twitter

Then he doesnt need to be in office

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 09:51 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: EternalShadow

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

originally posted by: WarPig1939
Posturing as always. Nothing big is going to happen.

Agreed, Trump pulled back after his little Twitter hissy fit.

His next tweet was an hour~ later, and spoke of wanting to resolve Russian US relations.

My guess is he got a call telling him to sit down and shut up.

Seriously? A freaking Twitter post, from Trump no less, and all is right with the world again???


Yes, Twitter is far more powerful than CNN.

Unfiltered, opinion free, direct link of Trump conveying either asskissery or asskickery when appropriate. No interpreters necessary, spindoctors unneeded, damage control is out of a job.

Trump will bomb whatever he wants in Syria and there is nothing Russia can do to stop it.

They may not can stop it, but they sure as hell can retaliate.

Are you guys ok with this?

Would you guys stand beside Trump throwing us into what would amount to a real WW3? Or would that finally cross the line for you?

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

So is this a ROUSE by trumps election buddy Vlad or perhaps these two are in cahoots to destroy the world together?

Maybe the elites need a world war to kill off the masses and bring on the world wide police/tech state.

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