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Tupac and the JDL

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posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 05:28 PM
Below is an article I found from the Smoking Gun website:

The FBI "extensively investigated" whether late rap music stars Tupac Shakur and Eric "Eazy-E" Wright were the victims of death threats and extortion plots hatched by individuals aligned with the militant Jewish Defense League, The Smoking Gun has learned. Following a 2-1/2 year probe, bureau officials closed the investigation in May 1999, noting that agents were unable to corroborate information provided by two confidential FBI sources.
Details of the federal investigation, which began weeks after Shakur was murdered in September 1996, are contained in records provided by the bureau pursuant to a Freedom of Information request filed by TSG. Those records, many of which were heavily redacted prior to their release, indicate that the FBI probe was classified a "Domestic Terrorism" case because of the JDL's alleged involvement. One FBI memo notes that the Jewish group "has been the subject of numerous Bureau investigations involving bombings and homicides," including the unsolved 1985 killing of Arab-American activist Alex Odeh.

According to FBI records, agents in Los Angeles opened a preliminary criminal inquiry on October 17, 1996 after "two independent sources" provided information that JDL figures were "extorting money from various rap music stars via death threats." After six months of this initial inquiry, agents opened a full-blown "field investigation" on April 15, 1997 because, one memo states, there was a "reasonable indication" that "extortionate/criminal activity" was occuring.

Shakur and Wright, a founding member of the group N.W.A. who died in March 1995 from AIDS complications, were listed as victims of this reported shakedown. The redacted documents provide no specific details of the supposed threats, nor do they include allegations that the probe's targets were involved in any way with Shakur's murder.

The bureau records reveal that agents focused on whether the "extortionate activities" of the inquiry's subjects--whose names were redacted from the released documents--were "in furtherance of the social and/or political goals of the Jewish Defense League." During the course of the 31-month probe, records show, FBI agents in more than a dozen field offices aided the Los Angeles-based investigation. In addition, IRS agents, LAPD officers, and Los Angeles Sheriff's Department representatives also worked on the case.

On May 18, 1999, the FBI's "Act of Terrorism" (AOT) investigation was formally closed. In a memo to the National Security division at FBI headquarters in Washington, a Los Angeles agent reported that the matter had been "extensively investigated," but probers were unble to corroborate the "source information" which triggered their criminal inquiry.

The JDL homepage is:

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 05:29 PM
The beginning of this thread has links which report the strong arm tactics which the Jewish Defense League used against Tupac and Eazy E.

A little information about the JDL I found online:

Jewish Militants Arrested in Bomb Plot

Two members of the Jewish Defense League, a militant Zionist group with a long record of terrorist activities, were arrested on Dec. 11, 2001, on suspicion that they were preparing to blow up a Los Angeles mosque and the office of an Arab-American congressman. Irv Rubin, 56, JDL chairman, and Earl Krugel, 59, another JDL activist, were arrested after “explosive powder,” the last component of a bomb, was delivered to Krugel’s residence, a federal prosecutor said. Other bomb components were seized at Krugel’s home. The two are accused of preparing to attack the King Fahd Mosque in Los Angeles and the office of U.S. Representative Darrell Issa (R.-Calif.), a grandson of Lebanese immigrants. They have been held in custody pending their trial, which is likely to begin in October 2002.

In 1985 the FBI identified the JDL as “the second most active terrorist group in the United States,” linking it to 37 terrorist attacks carried out from 1977 to 1984. (Orange County Register, Nov. 19, 1985). Another federal agency, the Department of Energy, similarly characterized the JDL in a 1986 report: “For more than a decade, the Jewish Defense League (JDL) has been one of the most active terrorist groups in the United States.” In 1987 the FBI announced that Jewish extremist groups had carried out 24 terrorist acts from 1981 through 1986, 17 of which were the work of the JDL.

The Institute for Historical Review, a dissident history research and publishing center based in southern California, was a target of systematic JDL violence and harassment during the early 1980s. The attacks included a drive-by shooting, three firebombings, vandalization of IHR employee-owned vehicles, 22 slashings of tires of employee automobiles, demonstrations outside the IHR office, and numerous telephone threats.

This campaign culminated in a devastating arson attack on the Institute’s offices and warehouse in Torrance in the early morning hours of July 4, 1984. Damage was estimated at $400,000. Two days later, JDL leader Rubin showed up at the site of the gutted IHR offices publicly to praise the fire-bombing. The JDL, he declared, “wholeheartedly applauds the recent devastation of the offices of the Institute for Historical review.” Denying any personal responsibility himself, Rubin said that the arson had been carried out by a former JDL activist named Larry Winston (Joel Cohen). No one was ever arrested in connection with this crime.

In February 1989, JDL intimidation forced the cancellation at two hotel sites in southern California of a three-day IHR conference. The meeting was successfully held at a makeshift alternate site, in spite of further harassment by a handful of JDL thugs led by Rubin.

In a statement issued following the Dec. 2001 arrest of Rubin and Krugel, the IHR expressed the hope that the two will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, especially during this time of heightened awareness of the dangers of terrorism.

Further information about Rubin and the JDL can be found in “The Zionist Terror Network,” a detailed IHR report that is posted on the “Books On-Line” section of the IHR web site at: (

The Story for this report can be found at:

Or alternatively at:

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 05:30 PM
Why did you trashcan my last thread? I have the sources available

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 06:36 PM
Well for one thing you took a Jewish terrorist group and turned them into a Zionist U.S. government. If this were the case why was the FBI investigating it in the first place? Why would the investigative wing of the government need to investigate their own actions? Just a start.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:09 PM

Well for one thing you took a Jewish terrorist group and turned them into a Zionist U.S. government. If this were the case why was the FBI investigating it in the first place? Why would the investigative wing of the government need to investigate their own actions? Just a start.

The Zionist Law Enforcement Agencies work in alliance with the Jewish controlled U.S Government. The case was investigated to assure members of the public, and fans of Tupac, that the FBI are "doing their job" properly. If we are to examine the assassinations of prominent political leaders of the 20th century, you will find that their murders are still unsolved. Yet, the FBI continue to open up old cases which provide new "leads" and "spins" to further confuse the masses. In many cases the FBI know who the alleged assassin is rather they capture him or not. They still chose to leave such murders unresolved. In the case of Biggie and Tupac, to solve their murders would be exposing their own tactics of divide & conquer within the Hip-Hop culture and on Black people in general. Their goal is to keep the present and next generation blinded and divided. Our youth need to be uniting.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:12 PM
I just think that when it comes down to it, this anti-semetic Zionist stuff has been so completely disproven that it now has reached the point of hate rhetoric instead of educated discourse.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:14 PM
If anybody wants to learn more about Tupac's political beliefs, we must first study his background. Tupac was born into the Black Panther movement. His mother, raised him, from an early age to be politically aware. Tupac's mother,Alice Faye Williams (Afeni Shakur,)and his father, Billy Garland, were members of the Revolutionary 60s Black Panther Party, based in New York.

During the 60's the Government set up a counter-revolutionary program called COINTELPRO which was used to prevent and disband opposing groups within America, that posed a threat to the Zionist regime. Everything from harassment, disinformation, spying and murder, was used against leading members of the Black Panther Party and all other parties which were struggling for Black liberation. By 1969 the Black Panther Party had become the number one organization targeted by the FBI's COINTELPRO program because the Black Panther Party demanded the total liberation of black people.

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and prominent Zionist, J. Edgar Hoover called the Black Panther's the "greatest threat to the internal security of the country" and vowed to destroy it and its leaders and activists. In 1995 the Freedom of Information Act released memos to confirm the FBI COINTELPRO Programs involvement in the disbanding of the Black Panther Party. The report below includes copies of actual memos.

COINTELPRO was tasked with the mission of developing ways to "misdirect, discredit, disrupt and otherwise neutralize" members and organizations opposed to the establishment.Brian Glick author of COINTELPRO Revisited - Spying & Disruption grouped the COINTELPRO and its methods into the following groups:

1.Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on activists. Their main function was to discredit and disrupt. Various means to this end are analyzed below.

2.Other forms of deception: The FBI and police also waged psychological warfare from the outside--through bogus publications, forged correspondence, anonymous letters and telephone calls, and similar forms of deceit.

3.Harassment, intimidation and violence: Eviction, job loss, break-ins, vandalism, grand jury subpoenas, false arrest, frame-ups, and physical violence were threatened, instigated or directly employed, in an effort to frighten activists and disrupt their movements. Government agents either concealed their involvement or fabricated a legal pretext. In the case of the Black Panthers and Native American movements, these assaults--including outright political assignations--were so extensive and vicious that they amounted to terrorism on the part of the government.

If anybody wants to learn more about the FBI's CointelPro program please follow this link (the official website for Assata Shakur, Tupac's aunt) which will explain everything in greater detail:

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:19 PM
Show me proof that Hoover was a Zionist. You're making arguments with half truths. You present information that sounds legit on one level, then tack the zionist title on it as an afterthought to try and sneak it through. Whether or not Tupac was assasinated by a terrorist group or even the government may be up for legitamate debate, but you can't use that to legitimize your anti-semetic views.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:25 PM

I just think that when it comes down to it, this anti-semetic Zionist stuff has been so completely disproven that it now has reached the point of hate rhetoric instead of educated discourse.

I suggest you check out these sites before you come to that conclusion:

You have to remember that being a Zionist doesn't necessarily mean you have to be of Jewish descent. Madonna is one of the biggest Zionists supporters out there, but she is not a Jew. There are black Zionist politicians out there ie. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Otherwise known as Uncle Tom or a self serving "House n****r".

Check out this link on how Zionists were responsible for the African Slave trade:

Anti-semetism is a code word devised to detract people from studying anything which goes against Jews . Words are used to create images which feed positive and negative connotations. Negative words include: Nazi, Hitler, Anti-Semetic, Holocaust, SS, Swastika, Terrorist etc. These words are forever condemned as evil to prevent individuals from searching out the truth. To study anything beyond what you are given is a crime. The Zionist Government will brand you an Anti-Semite or a Nazi Sympathiser if you so much as question Jewish "Facts" we have been taught at school. When we talk about the Government being controlled by a elite Zionist entity, this is immediately branded a "Conspiracy Theory". "Conspiracy Theory" is a codeword which promotes images of paranoid thinking and crackpot idea's. The reason they call it "Conspiracy Theory" is to put a wall between truth and deception, and to stop intelligent minds from searching for anything deeper than what we been told. The word Anti-semetism is technically flawed besides, because Jews are only one part of the Semetic people.

" The number one weapon of 20th century imperialism is zionist-Dollarism, and one of the main bases for this weapon is zionist Israel. The ever-scheming European imperialists wisely placed Israel where she could geographically divide the Arab world, infiltrate and sow the seed of dissension among African leaders and also divide the Africans against the Asians. Zionist Israel's occupation of Arab Palestine has forced the Arab world to waste billions of precious dollars on armaments making it impossible for these newly independent Arab nations to concentrate on strengthening the economies of their countries and elevate the living standard of their people. And the continued low standard of living in the Arab world has been skillfully used by the zionist propagandists to make it appear to the Africans that the Arab leaders are not intellectually or technically qualified to lift the living standard of their people... thus, indirectly "inducing" Africans to turn away from the Arabs and towards the Israelis for teachers and technical assistance. They cripple the bird's wing, and then condemn it for not flying as fast as they. The imperialists always make themselves look good, but it is only because they are competing against economic cripples newly independent countries whose economics are actually crippled by the zionist-capitalist conspiracy They can't stand against fair competition, thus they dread Gamal Abdul Nasser's call for African-Arab Unity under Socialism."

-Malcolm X

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by introspective

former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Otherwise known as Uncle Tom or a self serving "House n****r".

Sir, with comments such as this you lower your argument and show your true colors. I am bringing this thread to the attention of the moderators and as far as our discourse, in my opinion you have invalidated any point you may have had with your ignorance, hate, and racism.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by introspective

I suggest you check out these sites before you come to that conclusion:

I suggest you watch your language.
ATS does not permit hate speech or racial slurs of any sort.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:36 PM
Okay, Tupac's mom just spoke out...!...but can anyone tell me what she said because I can't figure it out...other than Spread The Conspiracy...

Reminds me of my favorite joke...Legs is the word...spread the word...

Tupac’s mom speaks out
Alligator Writer...


“There is a disease permeating your generation,” Shakur said to the younger members of the audience. “And it’s not on anybody’s priority list.”


“Spread the conspiracy,” Shakur said, adding that people need to go one-on-one against the wrongs they see on a day-to-day basis.


No mention of any Jewish Organizations...though...

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:52 PM

Show me proof that Hoover was a Zionist. You're making arguments with half truths. You present information that sounds legit on one level, then tack the zionist title on it as an afterthought to try and sneak it through. Whether or not Tupac was assasinated by a terrorist group or even the government may be up for legitamate debate, but you can't use that to legitimize your anti-semetic views.

Have you read "The murder of the Rosenbergs" by Stanley Vakowsky?
Or 'Treason'? by Anne Coulter? These books will explain a great deal concerning Hoover's Zionist endeavours. The fact that he was Head of the FBI Department is prove enough that he was working for the Zionist entity.

You may want to check out this link which explains how many new hires in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the CIA and FBI, are former, or on loan, Mossad agents working for the Zionist Government:,150&values[0]=1&values[1]=749

"Americans who have recently shown how sensitive they are to threats to their privacy and liberties when CIA wiretapping and spying were revealed have never been told about the building of what might be called the Jewish Gestapo or the largest nongovemment spy system function mg in the Western hemisphere. In his book The Pledge,5 Leonard Slater, a staunch Zionist sympathizer, detailed the many illegal programs devised to assist in bringing Israel into being. Starting in 1945, Zionists enlisted key Jews and Gentiles in many countries around the world; connived with judges, custom officials, and politicians; and according to FBI reports, even smuggled weaponry and men out of the U.S. and Europe, past the British into Palestine for the day of reckoning with the Arabs. Washington economist Robert Nathan interceded with J. Edgar Hoover to help free Zionist agents arrested at the Canadian border for smuggling arms destined for Israel. 6 Cases of rifle barrels were stolen from the U.S. Naval Supply Depot in Hawaii. "-----Alfred Lilenthal


Hoover's Biography:

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:57 PM
Ummm I agree that the Rosenbergs were scapegoats and Ann Coulter writes some interesting commentary, but again you taking an argument that has legitamacy, tacking your zionist agenda onto it because you don't have a real argument and you're shooting spit balls to see what sticks. You can post a billion articles proving everything from the theory of relativity to how to make a pizza, but that won't convince me to make the leap to a zionist agenda when the two have nothing in common except for your feeble attempts to fool those not paying attention into making the leap.

Oh by the way, I single handedly dug the Panama Canal with a shovel and a bottle of kentucky red eye. The Panama Canal was built in 5 years, under budget, and was a great accomplishment of the Roosevelt Administration. It was also made possible by a coup in Panama against Cuba that hurt relations between the region and the U.S. for decades. See, that proves that I am a canal digging machine.

[edit on 16-2-2005 by jukyu]

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:59 PM

Sir, with comments such as this you lower your argument and show your true colors. I am bringing this thread to the attention of the moderators and as far as our discourse, in my opinion you have invalidated any point you may have had with your ignorance, hate, and racism.

I will refrain from using racial epithets in future.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 08:04 PM

Ummm I agree that the Rosenbergs were scapegoats and Ann Coulter writes some interesting commentary, but again you taking an argument that has legitamacy, tacking your zionist agenda onto it because you don't have a real argument and you're shooting spit balls to see what sticks. You can post a billion articles proving everything from the theory of relativity to how to make a pizza, but that won't convince me to make the leap to a zionist agenda when the two have nothing in common except for your feeble attempts to fool those not paying attention into making the leap.

Or perhaps you're just too politically correct to make that leap for yourself, due to your own arrogance.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 08:10 PM
Nope, pretty sure its you.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 08:11 PM
INTROSPECTIVE----> What the hell are you paranoid for? I never understood the whole "hate the jews" things. Lemme ask you a question. What has the Jewish faith/race ever done to you? Why do hate them? Do you have a REAL reason, or are you one of the skinheads on here who seem to think that we are as stupid as them. The Jew bashing amounts to nothing but a staggering post, chock full of dumbf--kery that gets old. I think youd be better off posting on a White Power site. Take this crap with you...

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 08:43 PM

INTROSPECTIVE----> What the hell are you paranoid for?

I'm not paranoid since you asked. I do my research and let reason dictate logic.

What has the Jewish faith/race ever done to you?

It's nothing to do with Jews or Race. This is a common mistake you people seem to make. Its about Zionism.

Why do hate them?

I hate Zionists Not Jews, let me make that clear. I cannot hate the Jews, because I know nothing about their tradition and culture. That would be blind hatred. But I do hate what is bad and injustice in this world. The more you understand about Zionist, the more you will understand who the real haters are.

Do you have a REAL reason, or are you one of the skinheads on here who seem to think that we are as stupid as them. The Jew bashing amounts to nothing but a staggering post, chock full of dumbf--kery that gets old. I think youd be better off posting on a White Power site. Take this crap with you...

Why should I take my "crap" to another forum? Because you disagree? Now thats just being discriminatory. No, I won't leave because I have as much right to stay here as you. And since you asked, I'm not a skinhead or into White Power. They don't accept African Americans like me into the movement.

PS. What does Malcolm X, Napoleon, Louis Farrakhan, Adolf Hitler, and Osama Bin Laden have in common?

Answer: They were all against International Zionism.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 08:44 PM
The Zoinist FBI has published these photos proving where OBL has run off too. He and Hitler are sharing a Love nest in South America.

Elvis was the best man

Dont you people EVER give up

[edit on 16-2-2005 by Amuk]

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