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I am so sick of racist comments directed towards whites

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posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 12:49 PM
those jokes are funny because almost every one of them started as a black joke. they are just flipped. i dare not write the original jokes for fear of being lynched.
a lot of minorities are getting carried away with things today. some people actually get offended at the term "black person" because african-american is the politically correct thing to say. unless you are african-american then you can say black or brown person. asians go crazy if you say oriental. thats like the N word to them. you can't say "indian" to a native american for some asinine reason. right away they think you are racist and want to give them smallpox. god forbid someone makes an honest mistake and calls a haitian a black person or a mexican a puerto rican. they will physically assault you. it ieven has gotten so bad that the dwarves have come out to attack everyone that says "midget". the little-people believe midget is equal to the N word. next time someone calls me white i'm gonna tell them that i am offended because i should be referred to as a primate. that is until monkeys find that offensive.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 12:55 PM
Heres some more White Trash Jokes

You know you're trailer trash when...

The Halloween pumpkin on your front porch has more teeth than your spouse.

You let your twelve-year-old daughter smoke at the table in front of her kids.

You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws.

You think a woman who is "out of your league" bowls on a different night.

Jack Daniel's makes your list of "Most Admired People."

You think Genitalia is an Italian airline.

You wonder how gas stations keep their restrooms so clean.

Someone in your family died right after saying "Hey, y'all watch this!"

Your Junior/Senior prom had a daycare.

You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off its wheels.

The bluebook value of your truck goes up and down, depending on how much gas it has in it.

Ya' can't git married to yer sweetheart 'cause there's a dang law against it.

You think loading the dishwasher means getting your wife drunk.

Your toilet paper has page numbers on it.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 12:56 PM
I hope I have offended BOTH sides, if I left anyone out U2U me and I will add your group to the list

I hate crap like this people need to lighten up a bit and have a laugh not only at ourselves but at each other as well.

BTW heres a link to some Southern Jokes

[edit on 15-2-2005 by Amuk]

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 01:15 PM
Amuk, your sig is a perfect addition to this thread.

"What does not kill you makes you stronger"

I've been called so many names and had my chops busted so frequently that it doesn't mean jack to me anymore. Maybe my skin is thicker than average for it.

I don't see any hippie/metal head jokes on any of your posts. Are you excluding my stereotype for a reason?


posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 01:18 PM
Lets make like a hippie..... and blow this joint.....

[edit on 15-2-2005 by Lking4]

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 01:20 PM
Don't Get Me Wrong

Lest my earlier stridency seem unnecessarily hard-bottomed, I really don't take issue to coarse humor.

Where I get concerned is when I see stereotypes and denigration of people for simply being different causing harm to people who don't deserve such mistreatment.

That's just lame to hassle people for that, especially the people of Iraq, who have had a hell of a bad time for a long time. I am hoping passionately that they may blossom into a rich and powerful nation once again, and a good ally of my country.

Damn glad to have Iraq aboard. And I don't take kindly to people bashing my friends.

You knock Brits, Aussies or Japanese, I'm likely to explain my dissent and back it up with a long list of facts.

I've been seeing a lot of Iraqi-bashing in many threads these days, and I just gotta say: I have a pretty damn short fuse about people bashing Iraqis.

These people are our allies, and I'll be god-damned if I'm going to sit by and let people bag on them without my saying something.

It's wrong.

So Please Stop Bashing Iraqis, Okay? Please?

Now back to talking about how white men can't jump or black men can't swim, or what-the-freakin-ever-I-couldn't-care-less.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 01:20 PM
Goode, I just think it is possible those jokes have negitive effects on younger kids. I talked to alot of white kids that admit they wish they were black because they say why would you want to be white? I was just saying I think those jokes play a part in it maybe a small one but still

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by B. Goode
I don't see any hippie/metal head jokes on any of your posts. Are you excluding my stereotype for a reason?

Heres one

A hippie was seen crawling down some railway tracks. When asked if there was a problem, he said, "Yeah, man, can you help me off this ladder?"

Its lame I know I will try to find some more

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 01:54 PM
Playing the race card from either side of the table is simple ignorance and bigotry.

As for one race claiming they are commiting bogoted acts because of past injustice, isn't that hypocritical? Didn't their mother ever teach them two wrongs don't make a right? Pissing off people of a certain race/ethnicity doesn't seem to be a good way to make people see things your way, and in fact you just might create more bigots.

I heard crap like this in grade school and now comedians, rappers, actors and other "grownups" get paid enormous sums doing it "professionally".

Watch a show on UPN, (if you can stomach the horrible writing), listen to some famous comedians routines and watch a movie like "Soul Plane" and the sterotypes and racial jokes will seem just as disgusting as the blackface routines of the 20's or the stereotype "Sambo" charactors in Looney Tunes and other cartoons of the 30's, 40's, and 50's.

The accepted mainstream bigotry of the early and mid 20th century grew into the accepted mainstram bigotry of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. If you can see it from both sides, it's the same ugly business.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 02:45 PM
Thats right Veltro

Jokes may not offened some people ,but its about the big picture.

Why if one thing racist, why is the other not.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 02:53 PM
Joke from BoonDock Saints
A black, a mexican, and a white are walking down the beach. They see a lamp, rub it, poof, Genie. You all get one wish. The black man says "I want all my african brothers and sisters in America to live happily and free in Africa." Poof, all the blacks are in africa. "I want all my Mexican brothers and sisters in America to live happily and free in Mexico." Poof, all the Mexicans are out of the country. "So, what is your wish?" "You mean to tell me all the blacks and mexicans are out of the country?" "Yes." "Guess I'll have a Pepsi."(mpeake, you should recognize this joke, I edited it a little to keep myself from infringing on David Della Rocco's joke)

Ok, gays and straights.

How are gays and married men the same? Both sleep on beds with more then two pillows, both go shopping when the big football game is on, and both can't remember the last time they had sex with a woman.

Ok, Another 3 type joke.
WHat do you call 50 whites running down a hill? Avalanche
What do you call 50 mexicans running down a hill? Mudslide
What do you call 50 blacks running down a hill? Jail break.

What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? Good start.(does this mean I hate lawyers and wish them dead? No)

I played a blank tape at full blast last night, drove the mime next door crazy.(Do I hate Mimes? No)

A Amish girl walks into the kitchen. "Mom, it's so cold my hands are gonna freeze off." "Well, put them between your legs and they'll warm up." Later that day she at a friends house, he says. "It's so cold out my nose is gonna freeze off." "Well, put it between my legs and I'll warm it up." Later, he says. "Its so cold out my penis is gonna freeze off." "Well, put it between my legs and I'll warm it up." She goes home that night and asks her mom. "Mom? Did you know boys are messy when they thaw?"(Do I hate Amish people? No)

How do you starve a black man? Hide his food stamps in his work boots.
How do you starve redneck? Clean the road kill of the road.

Ok, blondes are next.

A redhead and a brunette are talking. "If you are on top, you will have a girl." "If you are on bottom you will have a boy." A blonde walks over. "I'm having puppies!"(get it? doggy style? Do I hate blondes? No)

Amuk, those were great jokes, some of those I never heard of.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Snowman9
If Chris Rock is on Stage and makes abunch of jokes on white people it is ok. Now if You got on stage and told those jokes, you would be labeled a racist, by the media.

Do you even watch stand up comedy? Obviously not. White stand ups poke just as much fun at black stereotypes as black standups do to white stereotypes. It happens all the time. At least the standup that I see on Comedy Central. Trust me Snowman9 (interesting name
), it's definitely a 2 way street in the stand up world. Have you ever seen the show that was hosted by Colin Quinn on Comedy Central, "Tough Crowd"?(I think it's cancelled now, but not due to the stereotyping, but to low ratings) The comics that appeared on that show ripped each other for thier white/black stereotypes all the time.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Joke from BoonDock Saints
A black, a mexican, and a white are walking down the beach. They see a lamp, rub it, poof, Genie. You all get one wish. The black man says "I want all my african brothers and sisters in America to live happily and free in Africa." Poof, all the blacks are in africa. "I want all my Mexican brothers and sisters in America to live happily and free in Mexico." Poof, all the Mexicans are out of the country. "So, what is your wish?" "You mean to tell me all the blacks and mexicans are out of the country?" "Yes." "Guess I'll have a Pepsi."(mpeake, you should recognize this joke, I edited it a little to keep myself from infringing on David Della Rocco's joke)

Yes, yes...Love that "Funnyman"!!!

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Snowman9
Jokes may not offened some...

...then you're not trying hard enough!

But seriously, it is a JOKE! It is meant to be humorous by definition, but I do understand that some people will take offence from anything. These are the same people that one NEEDS to mess with in order to get them to lighten up...or watch them have an aneurism in a fit of repressed rage. Either way, I'm good.

The world is a depressing and messed-up place. If you can't laugh it off, even your own misfortines, then it is going to bury you. After all, why should you or I become angered over the stereotypes concerning ourselfs if they have no merit? If someone negatively calls me an ostrich I know that it is ignorant because I'm not. That just does not logically fly.

Cha Cha Cha!

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

Originally posted by Snowman9
If Chris Rock is on Stage and makes abunch of jokes on white people it is ok. Now if You got on stage and told those jokes, you would be labeled a racist, by the media.

Do you even watch stand up comedy? Obviously not. White stand ups poke just as much fun at black stereotypes as black standups do to white stereotypes. It happens all the time. At least the standup that I see on Comedy Central. Trust me Snowman9 (interesting name
), it's definitely a 2 way street in the stand up world. Have you ever seen the show that was hosted by Colin Quinn on Comedy Central, "Tough Crowd"?(I think it's cancelled now, but not due to the stereotyping, but to low ratings) The comics that appeared on that show ripped each other for thier white/black stereotypes all the time.

Yeah there are always the few examples, but overall no. A blcak comedian can say cracker, honkey or whatever. I never seen some use the N word or anyother racial slur towards blacks on those shows. If they did it would be pulled off the air, and there would be a uproar of emotion. For the record I like Chris Rock, but I find it disturbing that a black guy can say whatever he wants about whites and no one cares. They can use every sterotype there is out there and nop one cares. White guy says something and its just awful.

This goes in every aspect in our culture now.

Most educated people know these are sterotypes and not true, but it still is not right.

I think fair is fair.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:37 PM
Alright I know they are jokes, and lets laugh it off right.

So go and tell some black jokes, on TV and in the comedy clubs, or to a group of black guys. See what happens to you.

Its just a joke right

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:37 PM
I here what your saying jonna but what if a white guy uses one of those black jokes in a pimarily black club, no one would wonder why those black people didn't use your thoery they would call the white guy a racist

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
I know we can't make decent music, (afterall country and western is hardly "music") Nor are we good at sports, or cook exciting food,


You forgot we cain't jump!

A-a-a-a-nd we cain't keep a car clean (just look around)!

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:53 PM

Chris Rock is hilarious and his brand of humor may not be for everybody but he makes plenty of black jokes too.

Good point. It's not like he or anyone else goes up there and just rags on white people. The majority of his jokes are black jokes.


posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Kramthenothing
I here what your saying jonna but what if a white guy uses one of those black jokes in a pimarily black club, no one would wonder why those black people didn't use your thoery they would call the white guy a racist

I am not saying how people ARE, but rather how I think people SHOULD be. But that, of course, is the viewpoint of a lunatic.

I have a friend even more twisted than me and our favorite pastime is verbally beating the crap out of one another. It is not that we are attempting to be offensive, but instead that we realize that a good joke is a good joke. There is no animosity or insult involved.

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