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Expectations of Holy/Race wars of Humanity.

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posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 06:44 PM
Expectations of Holy/Race wars of Humanity.

In my humble opinion: One possible scenario.

Now that the world stage has been set and the lines are starting to clearly be drawn out. People are slowly finding themselves aligning with one faction or another. It's only the ones that are paying attention right now. The ones that have followed this and have done their best to try to stop it. However, they failed. It has taken on a life of its own. It is growing and becoming more mainstream, before it was just in news every so often. Now it is every other day. People are becoming more and more hostile towards one another. More and more people are being drawled into the war. This will be the War of Humanity. As much as our humanity is going to get us into it. It will be our Humanity that will have to get us out of it.

There is a massive divide in the world right now and it is being fueled by all sides. We have religion against religion. Race against Race. Political affiliation against other Politics. We even have Corporations against corporations. The MSM and the Alternative Media are both contributing to the fire. This has been going on for decades. It is being pushed harder than ever now. It is causing people to do things they never thought they would ever do. I remember stories growing up, saying nothing like this will ever happen in my lifetime. Well the stories are wrong/false. This war is no longer creeping upon us. It is full speed a head. A collision course with chaos that will reshape the human existence.

We can expect to see more isolated attacks against Muslims. Especially in countries that feel their own government has abandoned them to the influx of refugees. These Muslims will continue their attacks against the infidels which will just add more fuel to the fire. People will become trapped in a circle of hate and violence towards each others faction. This will continue and the rate of attacks will speed up to where the government will have no choice but to try to quell the uprising's of these factions. During that time, these politician will find themselves under attack from their constituents. At this stage , when the local police cannot stop it. The military will be deployed. It will only be able to contain it for a little while. Even it will find it will have to secure certain location, such as leaders and other elites of said countries. More and more military personnel will be deployed to other countries to fight, leaving just a skeleton force to control the factions. These factions will use guerrilla warfare against any and all who oppose their ideology.

By the time the military gets pulled into it, the people of the land will have already decided in their hearts of which side they will find themselves on whether they accept it or not. Some will still try to stay out of it. But war is funny like that, it spreads to the most unsuspecting places and these holdouts will wake up and find themselves in a situation they do not want to be in.

We will continue to see middle eastern wars. We will continue to see more and more nations going to war in the ME. It will then spread to the neighboring nations. Then Europe will become a war-zone like it was in WWII. Now we have nation after nation trying to fight for their sovereign ideas and way of life. If you are paying attention, you will already see the countries in Europe forming their own battle lines. Poland, Hungary and Czech republic have already moved towards a different opinion on what direction they want their country to go. They will not be allowing refugees in. Which in turn will pit them against the EU countries that are letting them in. So the complete breakup of the EU is all but assure. Along with a civil war between the nations states within the EU , the people of these nations will find themselves against not only other nations military but against other religions and some against

their own governments.

Back to the middle east, by this time Iran and Saudi’s will be in full fledged war with one another. With the US and Russian weapon contractor's supplying arms and whatever they need. Pakistan and India will be kicking off as well. China will also be in proxy wars. These superpowers will not display their loyalty openly until Israel makes its move. Russia ,US and China will continue to fight a proxy war until Israel is attacked. They will supply arms to all that request them. Eventually Israel will be attack and then these superpowers will start engaging one anther more and more until they are at the point of annihilation.

Meanwhile in the US, you will continue to see more and more divide between the liberals and conservatives. Also, you will see factions start to form and alliances between states. ISIS will come out of the shadows and start openly attacking and trying to take over towns in the US. The citizen will be shocked and stunned like never before. The questions, how could this happen , why did this happen. People will be forced to move and migrate to other parts of the country. They will have to find work and or fight. They will want to find safe havens for their families during this time. There will be massive attacks on the infrastructure and power grids., constant brownout and supply chains broken. Food shelves will empty , people will riot, the National Guard will not be able to contain it. States will leave the Union and align with other like minded states to combat the chaos. People will migrate to these different states /territories. It will be there only chance to survive this war. The liberal states will be abandoned and left to find their own alliances. The conservative states start to form their own coalition in name of Christianity.

Society will continue to go to work. Except new jobs will become available as in security for supply lines /shipments and political leaders. Weapons manufacturing and supplies. Some states will become under martial law. There will be check points coming and going between states. New id issued to people wanting to migrate to these territories. You will nave religions forming their own military and police to protect their Ideologies. Some states will band together with certain religions to strengthen their chance to keep their faith from being wiped out. This is just the beginning. Now onto the holy wars.

These states will find no peace in all of this. The states that have formed out of Islam will find themselves at war with the christian states. The states that abandon religion all together will form their own coalition. In order to protect themselves from being subjected to these religious ideologies. The chaos will cause even more divide, The geographic and demographic will forever be changed.

Once the superpowers are pushed to their limits , they will collapse in upon themselves and then within the collapse only the strong and organize will survive and rise out of the ashes to create the next chapter of Humanities ever lasting conflict with itself.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 06:56 PM

Or the tiny percentage of nutjobs will continue to do what they do while everyone else just goes about their lives as normal.

But the doom porn has been scarce around here, so well done.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: Hazardous1408

Or the tiny percentage of nutjobs will continue to do what they do while everyone else just goes about their lives as normal.

But the doom porn has been scarce around here, so well done.

I agree.

I have no plans to participate in any wars. I actually like the humans.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: Skorpy


It does look grim though, doesnt it. Not sure if it will escalate like the OP suggests or not. Might just fester endlessly with low level conflict and wars.

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 01:11 AM
I will just add at this point, that this war was planned 120-30 years ago. Not by ants, neither by birds. And definitely it was not the aliens. It was planned by humans with heads on their shoulders. This should tell us something...

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: Skorpy

I don't know man....

With the widespread legalization of's hard to get interested in holy wars when you're watching cartoons on TV.

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 08:32 AM
We haven't even won the War on Women yet and now we need to join another one!? Can we just finish kicking their asses first?

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 12:24 PM
There is another side to all this you know..
The side that believes religion has been holding humanity back for a long time now, the side that knows race is pointless, it's all in the upbringing and education.

Religion and race are useless identifiers, death to any who opposes this view

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: pirhanna

Only until you step away from the computer and/or TV and get out into the world as it actually is. Y'know with people actually getting along with each other, or at worst, ignoring each other.

I mean my neighbors across the street don't get along. At all. Yet no gunfire has been exchanged, they politely ignore each other.

Yeah, there're people out there who want to cause harm to others, but they're far out numbered by folks who just want to live their lives as well as they possibly can.

I saw an odd thing just the other day... A little league baseball game. What's odd about that you ask--go ahead, you know you want to. There were white kids, hispanic kids, black kids, all playin' baseball. No BLM marches. No antifa. No white bigot billboards. Just twenty or so kids playin' a game of baseball.

Dark as the world is, it's also very light.

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Don't forget the munchies--that could get violent.

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Skorpy

Dude where do you live. When I look outside I see people going to work. Washing their cars. Taking their kids to school. You know, normal stuff like that.

But mostly just working when they have work and enjoying themselves when they have time off. Lot's of people worrying about money and family problems and how to make ends meet while still having the new cell phone and big ass flat screen tv like their friends have.

Also, anyone gearing up for war aren't the people who've been working tirelessly for years trying to stop it. They are the ones who've been pushing it to happen for years either covertly or overtly. They may claim to have been trying to stop it but that is BS they like to tell themselves and others so they don't seem like the bad guy.

Relax. Not everyone hates each other as much as the media may want you to think. People don't want war even though a few people do. Calm down and pay close attention to those few who do want it and are trying to push it to happen. Then stop them and everything will be just fine.

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