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Nostradamus on 2012

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posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 08:36 PM
St Udio,

I think you're correct, the sea will claim us all.

That makes more sense so far to me.

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 10:28 AM
i never said the world will end in 2012... i simply said it may be hit by a comet... that doesnt bring the "end", just a lot of destruction...

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by namehere

Egyptians, Greeks, Christians, Romans, Computer Nerds, aliens, Indians, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce.... So on and so forth all said the world was going to end in 2000.

huh? aliens? i never heard any aliens talk or anything have you? greeks, egyptians, romans or anyone listed never said that except nerds reading about the mayan calendar which never even stated this, its just the end of the calendar, only native american prophecies say this date as the end and many other dates in other prophecies, ps nostradamus says 3797.

[edit on 6-3-2005 by namehere]

Aliens- Heavens Gate mass suicide.

Greek and Rome- Radicals were claiming that the United States was going to collapse like Rome and Greece because of the rapidly expanding economy of the time and foreign influence on technologies.

Egyptian- People cited heiroglyphs that they claimed depicted machines failing in the year 2000.

Computer Nerds- Y2k???? the biggest joke prophecy of all!

Indians- The Nazca lines were said to suggest the destruction of the continent by the millenium.

The point in which I was trying to make was that people at the time of the turn of the millenium seemed to interpret everything even the ridiculus as a sign of impending doom. My feeling is that 2012 will be like 2000 every little sign will be linked to the destruction of earth because of the mayan calander, just like every want to be prophet attempted to tie the worlds destruction into Y2k. My point was to illustrate how crazed people get about miniscule information, and how we almost seem to toss reason out the window in an attempt to better understand a problem which in reality we created. The mayans never stated the world ends when their calander ends, WE CREATED THAT through interpretation. Just like we did when we created all the hooplah around the year 2000.

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
So Nostradamus wrote "That Neptune will not be persuaded to peace"
Could this mean that the first 3 lines of the prophecy will lead to the end of the age of Christianity? Our age will not end in peace?

I hate to quote myself but I wanted to point out that my post made no mention what-so-ever of the world ending in 2012. In fact I don't believe it will end in 2012, I figure it will be the start of a new age.


posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 01:43 PM

In fact I don't believe it will end in 2012, I figure it will be the start of a new age.

very good point...! its a begining of a new age..not necessarily a good new age ...

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 05:49 PM
Something's going to happen. We just know it's going to be big. And that we'll celebrate the Olympics at this time.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 05:33 PM
I thank you for bring this to my attention.
i have been looking for the connection between Nos. and the maya, because of you i have found it.

the maya refer to the ecliptic era we are in as the era of kings among men(said to end in 1987), moving out of this era we should be moving into the era of the manly kings.

one can take the naming of this maya era(kings among men) and expand it to the era of christianity mearly through wording, kings among men=some men have a connection with god. in catholicism its the pope, in the U.S.A its Bush (LOL). moving into the era of manly kings, COULD be counted as "divine assention", or assention into the 4'th dimension of conciousness, call it what u will based on your spiritual teachings.

the major predictions of the Hopi, maya, Nostradamus, and multiple other culture's now come into play. The Hopi predict that 13(?) mountains will "speak" and the earth beneth us will crack and split, as with the maya, and nostradamus. The major earthquake's and eruptions of volcano's (also flooding,pole shifting, and contanental seperation) MUST all be taken into consideration when we are speaking of the gravitational pull of crossing the ecliptic equator. Here you will find the astrological proof of our position and the position of the sun during the day of Dec. 21 2012.

For those of you not active enough to go throught the reading....heres the basic's

The field is now reduced to a 5-degree span, what astrology considers to be within conjunction. The dot to the lower right of the sun is the star 4 Sgr. Amazingly, the Sun is right on target. We couldn't have hoped for a closer conjunction. 1 day before or after will remove the sun a noticeable distance from the crossing point. December 21st, 2012 ( in the Long Count) therefore represents an extremely close conjunction of the winter solstice sun with the crossing point of Galactic Equator and the ecliptic, what the ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. It is critical to understand that the winter solstice sun rarely conjuncts the Sacred Tree. In fact, this is an event that has been coming to resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. What this might mean astrologically, how this might effect the "energy weather" on earth, must be treated as a separate topic.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by spliff4020

Originally posted by Umbrax

Originally posted by spliff4020
Anyrate, Nostradamus=pure rubbish. If anyone would like to challenge that, please feel free, and I shall post the truth...waiting......

I'm not interested in challenging that.
However would you be able to post for us the truth on 6 90 from The Centuries ?
"The stinking abominable disgrace,
After the deed he will be congratulated:
The great excuse for not being favorable,
That Neptune will not be persuaded to peace. "

well, lets see. this can be interprited to mean just about anything you want it to. Today its christianity, but what if in a few years a leader named "Neptune", or "Netune" or something similar arises. I know this is far fetched, but go with me here for a second. Now the believers will say its for that. The main point is that his words have been translated and rewritten so many times that they often do not represent anyhting close to the original script.

Nothing more than good television. If pychics and fortune tellers are real, why are they not all millioniares? Can they predict the end of the world, but not next weeks winning lottery numbers?

Actually he was famous, infact the queen herself had summoned him to predict futures for her, after a while it also got around to town folk aswell.

Originally posted by spliff4020
I am sooo sick of Nostradamus. Its crap. Its been rewritten and translated like a 1000 times. People have posted everything from Hitler to 9/11 Nostradamus predictions. It would be interesting, if it had a shred of truth to it. The problem lies in the fact that it has been reworded to fit every occasion and the masses just swallow it up as the word of god.

From my understanding, true scholars believe that Nostradamus was doing nothing more than commenting on his current political situations. He spoke they way he did, so as not to be able to be accused of any crimes. His predictions were nothing more than thinly veiled critiscisms of his current political leaders. However, since in his day you could be beheaded for openly attacking any leaders, he spoke in "code".

Anyrate, Nostradamus=pure rubbish. If anyone would like to challenge that, please feel free, and I shall post the truth...waiting......

actually that wouldnt make any sense at all, especially considering the fact that he did his book in centuries, alot of the things he had said had NOTHING at all to do with his political views or even politics at all, how exactly could you interpret it that way anyhow? please tell me

also, he spoke that way in order to prevent him from being labeled a product of the devil.
if you were alive back then, i dont think you would want that either considering if you were accused of being some sort of demon it could be punishable by beheading.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir
from my studies of Nostradamus i believe both prophecies about 2012 and the King of Terror that comes from the skies are talkinga bout a comet....The prophecy of the King of Terror said it would come in 1999 and seven months, most people took that literarly and desmissed this prophecy as something that never happen and that proves Nostradamus as a fake... well i think 1999 and seven months means the time of the year the Comet was seen by Nasa's telescopes. its kind of coincidental that Nasa is launching "deep Impact" in June to hit a small asteroid...maybe its target practice for something bigger "the Great King Of Terro that Comes from the Skies" ???

here is our link if you want to read more about our study

wrong again, see, in roman times, our years and their years were off by two, "The year 1999, seventh month" the modern calender is off, the pope revised his calender, we didnt.
Nostradamus's calendar actually began with the month of March
so it was september, otherwise known as septa, or 7.
"From the sky will come a great King of Terror"
saddam sending fourth his soldiers from planes.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by Event Horizon

So Nostradamus wrote "That Neptune will not be persuaded to peace"
Could this mean that the first 3 lines of the prophecy will lead to the end of the age of Christianity? Our age will not end in peace?

That is a possiblility since we are only supposed to have two more popes after JPII.
No offense buddy but you basickly are saying the Stupid pope plays a roll in Cristianity I wonder if you know anything about religion like what was the messiahs name Jesus or Budda or possibly in your head H.G wells. Please give me some insight you know what your taling about?

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Clark1250

Originally posted by Event Horizon

So Nostradamus wrote "That Neptune will not be persuaded to peace"
Could this mean that the first 3 lines of the prophecy will lead to the end of the age of Christianity? Our age will not end in peace?

That is a possiblility since we are only supposed to have two more popes after JPII.
No offense buddy but you basickly are saying the Stupid pope plays a roll in Cristianity I wonder if you know anything about religion like what was the messiahs name Jesus or Budda or possibly in your head H.G wells. Please give me some insight you know what your taling about?

the that nos. predicten the beginging of a new era after the dimise of the "second pope".......if YOU knew ANYTHING about Nos. you would know that he only predicted 2 popes after pope john paul II.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Umbrax

Right-on. Though I'd drop the "christianity" aspects. I'd say you're quite valid.

Lets just say the world is like a plural of more then two, but for this expression two will do.

The world is like two men, they start with words, then pushing, then shoving, then slapping... This goes on until there's a full blow fight to the death going on. Both men are very strong and skilled. They counter and keep throwing blows. Both men beat eachother near to death, and on their last thrown blows each man falls to the ground, bloody, exausted and worn out compleatly. Both men lay down to die, while a little child walks up and takes the item the original fight started over.

And I ask you, is that a peaceful resolve?

2012 through the eyes of the phyical body doesn't end in peace.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 03:41 PM
What does Nostradamus predict ?
We have already the following books:
The Nostradamus Code: World War III. 2006-2012
The Nostradamus Code: World War III. 2007-2012
The Nostradamus Code: World War III. 2008-2012

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 12:57 PM
Jesus said that no Son of man or man know the timing of my coming only God. Knows. To predict when Jesus comes and the world ends is pointless. Didnt notradomas say that the world world would end in 2007know there was a predicton of his that said that somthing would happen in 2007. And alot of his predictions never came to pass. Notradomas predictions are wrong.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by slymattb
Jesus said that no Son of man or man know the timing of my coming only God. Nostradamus predictions are wrong.

Thats absolutely right.
Nostradamus WW-III did not start in 2006 or 2007.
To keep selling this madness stuff the year has just been changed to 2008.

Why are people buying those stupid Nostradamus and 2012 books ?

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 02:47 PM
Why dont we all go with things we know,

For one, we know this topic an other about something big about to happen for all of us on planet earth, since it has recently in the past decade become a huge ordeal yes the internet is here an allowing more people to talk about it, but just as celebs baby pics get alot of attention so is this,

" just like the Animals miles away from a forest fire know to leave before hand, we humans also know something is up an are preparing. "

Second, Mr Noster has be replay an replayed an replayed again an again, but still brings up so much attention an belief that the era we are in now is one of a multiple cycle event, and that we are closing in on that, We cant even widely use alternative fuels so why would anyone think we will get a mans understanding many centuries ago? Its not a exact science but with practice an experience we should figure it out in the nick of time.

Third, If anything these constant revivals of these kinda topics will help shed light on these understandings, edgar cacye* made his predictions but at the same time was in a trance the whole time giving his predictions an had someone else recording his every word, what about there being a recording error then about the dates? His work an readings seem to have some play in todays events like it did in WW1 an 2

I believe we are apon a new era, one where mankind will stop this redundant ego trip name calling she said he said, wild we are better then everyone else ideal an realize we breath you breath why cant we call breath together..... and that by working together we can achieve everything an anything.....

[edit on 25-2-2008 by Trance Optic]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 09:56 PM
I always thought the purpose of this site was to examine things that most of the scientific community writes off as illogical. The History Channel has done quite a bit on Nostradamus, and Edgar Cayce. There is obviously something there, or there wouldn't be a big fuss over their predictions.

I try to look at things as a scientist, but there are plenty of things that defy scientific explanation. As a Christian, I also must look at reality regardless of how illogical it seems. If we look at what is happening in the world today, we see a growing conflict with Christians and Muslims, or should I say Islamic fundamentalists have a problem with all other religions.

At the same time we see a growing backlash against Christianity, and traditional American values. In fact liberals like Bill Mahr are trying to ridicule Christians, and the very founding principles of our country. Is it just a coincidence that we are seeing one of the biggest financial debacles in history, and rise to power of Barack Hussein Obama?

If he wins the election, and it seems nothing will stop him, we have 4 years until 2012. I believe Nostradamus predicts WWIII will involve a war with the Muslims. For those paying attention, we see Obama's associations with Rashid Khalidi, Dr. Khalid al Mansour, Mike Klonsky, William Ayres, Bernadene Dohrn, Saul Alinski, Jeremiah Wright, Gregory Galluzzo, John L McKinght, Frank Marshall Davis, and Antonin Rezko as very alarming for someone seeking the highest office in the land. If this doesn't reek of conspiracy theory, I don't know what does. In my mind this is the biggest issue to be discussed on ATS in it's history.

For those who write this off as lunacy, I sincerely hope and pray you are right.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 09:35 PM
the end of the world wont come for a long time yet. theres 1 thing that will happen that will be the begining of the end of days. the first resurection when the graves will give up the dead and all the people that are saved on that day will accend into would like all the little children of may be your next door neabor or your grandparents ever one that is saved on that day will go to heaven that is the first resurection. and the devil will be unbound and will rule for a 1000 years time then the anitchrist will be born and the time of the mark of the beast will come about that will lead into the great war that be the end of days. but just in case im wrong dont vote for Obama.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 09:56 PM
Interesting thoughts OP.

Remember as a friend of mine has explained, Nostradamus does not think in a straight manner, he is almost dyslexic in the way he lays out the quatrains. So if you are looking for understanding through his work you have to first know how he operated or you can easily miss.

One idea, the last hurricane not only devastated the coastal areas it made land fall on but I watched as it traveled across the US and headed overseas. If there were enough Hurricanes ravaging the seas at one time it could cause anyone not positioned at a very high altitude to perish.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Umbrax

I read we are in the age of Aquarius

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