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What Color Is Your Robe?

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posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 09:01 AM
What color of robe is Jesus wearing? He’s wearing the white robe of perfection. (Genesis 3:15, he’s the second Adam) Now, what did Jesus do? He died for the fact that all people became the bearers of the black robe that they inherited from the first Adam. (Romans 3:10) He took the black rode upon himself. He took the entirely of it, according to the apostle Paul, and he answered God’s justice concerning that “black robe” when he died. So, the black robe is no longer the issue. But don’t for a moment make the mistake that the black robe associated with our fleshly existence goes away. God’s justice has been satisfied for the black robe to be sure, but sin will remain a part of our earthly existence as long as we remain in our earthly bodies. Does the issue of God’s justice being resolved for the black robe place those for whom that justice has been resolved into the white robe of perfection? The answer is NO! No one will be able to dwell with God apart from wearing the white robe of perfection which belongs to the Savior himself. Apart from the Savior’s righteousness, no person is going to dwell with God in Heaven. A person can try to Christianize that black robe by making it conform to the rules and regulations adopted by their denomination. They can make new commitments and top those new commitments with re-commitments, but they can never dress up the black robe with the robe that matches the white robe of perfection worn by the Savior. 

The sin issue has been resolved through the sacrifice of Jesus. You see, it’s not the issue that God’s justice needs to be satisfied, it has been satisfied. The issue is: Will a person believe it. People’s great need now is to be placed into the sin bearer and that does not take place until a person believes that Jesus became the sin bearer. That’s what believing the words “he died for my sins” is all about. A person can say those words all they like, but unless they believe Jesus accomplished something where their sins are concerned when he died for those sins, Paul’s good news message is hidden to them. Satan’s ministers of righteousness are busy at work within the righteous structure called religion in order to keep the meaning of Paul’s good news message hidden; to keep people’s eyes blinded to the truth of what was really accomplished. Understanding our completeness in the Savior should motivate us to love the one who died for us and also motivate us to love those for whom God’s son became sin. When your mind is in alignment with God’s mind, when you are reconciled to what he believes to be true, you are placed into God’s son.

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 09:17 AM
So as I understand it, baptism is death of the flesh man, death to sin, death to this life
We become spiritually pure in Christ in Spirit, we are now in Christ who is in God, how can we still be wearing a black robe if we are in God
Christians are supposed to be dead to the world spiritually, spiritually alive in Christ.
So spiritually we are already perfect through Christ, our old bodies, the flesh is slowly being purified
In Gods Kingdom on earth, but the earth is not Gods kingdom, yet

All things are lawful according to Paul, not all things build us up. There is work ahead, go read the sermon on the mount to understand the work we as christians have ahead of us, not because we want or need to be saved, because we love our Lord we do these things

When Jesus said it is finished, He meant it
edit on 25-2-2017 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Try to see salvation as threefold.

Salvation of the spirit is initial faith in Christ. It is irrevocable.

Salvation of the soul is the daily washing of the robes with the water of the Word, and the Blood of Christ. It is a restoration of the soul's mentality. Consistent use of 1John1:9 + daily learning and living on Bible is required for this.

Salvation of the Body is the resurrection.

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
So as I understand it, baptism is death of the flesh man, death to sin, death to this life
We become spiritually pure in Christ in Spirit, we are now in Christ who is in God, how can we still be wearing a black robe if we are in God
Christians are supposed to be dead to the world spiritually, spiritually alive in Christ.
So spiritually we are already perfect through Christ, our old bodies, the flesh is slowly being purified
In Gods Kingdom on earth, but the earth is not Gods kingdom, yet

All things are lawful according to Paul, not all things build us up. There is work ahead, go read the sermon on the mount to understand the work we as christians have ahead of us, not because we want or need to be saved, because we love our Lord we do these things

When Jesus said it is finished, He meant it

What does Paul mean by the phrase “in the flesh” in Romans 7:5? What first comes to your mind when you think of someone being in the flesh? Now our minds are tied to that concept of rule-keeping for righteousness, we grew up with it. Most think of a person who is living in sin. I would venture to guess that most people would picture a Christian here who has slipped back into a worldly lifestyle thus, that backslidden church-goer would be considered to be “in the flesh.” Is that the picture that came across your mind? That’s the view most people have in their minds of the expression “in the flesh.” It’s sinning! But, that isn’t the case at all here. That’s not what Paul has in mind. You are not in the flesh if you are a saved person. You need to understand that as you read through Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 of Romans, “to be in the flesh” means to be in a law-husband relationship; to be in a conditional performance relationship. You’re in a new creation relationship with God. You’re alive because of your identity, not at all because of your practice. You’re in an alive-identity with the Savior because God has deposited his power from on high inside you and because you’ve trusted solely in what Jesus accomplished for you, not on what you could accomplish for the Savior, but you cannot be in a relationship with both at the same time. God no longer views you in a fleshly capacity. He no longer views you in your human flesh. He views you in your glorified identity. He sees you as being joined to his son which is why Paul could say, “Therefore, if any person is in the Savior, they are a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) It’s new identity.

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 10:45 AM
What about the purple robe the Roman soldiers put on Jesus right before he was crucified? I'm sure that symbolizes something regarding his crucifixion, Revelation says the harlot wears purple.

Just some food for thought.

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
What about the purple robe the Roman soldiers put on Jesus right before he was crucified? I'm sure that symbolizes something regarding his crucifixion, Revelation says the harlot wears purple.

Just some food for thought.

Here’s good news! God has held back the wrath you so justly deserve and he’s been good to you in holding back that wrath. God hasn’t held back his wrath because he is happy with who you think you are, or because he is satisfied with who you are trying to become. God has been longsuffering in holding back his wrath because he hopes that you will consider his goodness through what his son accomplished on your behalf. God wants you to change your mind about who you are from fleshly perspective apart from the Savior. God isn’t patiently waiting for you to change your mind about what you do, many have done that thinking it gains salvation. Is the “Give your life, or commit your life to God if you want to be saved” message we hear so often today. And many have done that and many have become very good humanly speaking; even to the point of the self-righteous moralizer Paul is referring to in Romans 2:4.

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: newnature1

My post came out sounding more confrontational than I intended so I apologize for that, no need to imply I'm going to hell though. I just found it interesting the symbolic implications that the purple robe represents.

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: Raggedyman

Try to see salvation as threefold.

Salvation of the spirit is initial faith in Christ. It is irrevocable.

Salvation of the soul is the daily washing of the robes with the water of the Word, and the Blood of Christ. It is a restoration of the soul's mentality. Consistent use of 1John1:9 + daily learning and living on Bible is required for this.

Salvation of the Body is the resurrection.

Irrevocable, meaning that you can't lose it
I think we can rule that out

There is only one unforgivable sin, blaspheming the Spirit, to blaspheme the Spirit you must know the Spirit.

Thanks newnatur, I am confused by the black robe and why we Christians are wearing it, we through Christ are already as white as snow spiritually, clothed in Christ Gal 3.27

I didn't even consider in the flesh and backsliding, just hit a nerve after listening to a minister recently saying we as Christians are wicked. The devil is wicked, Spiritually through Jesus we are not, in flesh we are. What counts, how Jesus sees us.

It's almost like saying a person is evil and has no value, let's set the bar as low as possible when to the opposite in scripture we see Jesus set the bar so high that Christians have to strive to achieve the goal of love

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Eternal life is irrevocable, as Jesus paid the penalty in full for us.

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is failure to use 1John 1:9 as a believer. It will result in having stained garments. Remember the Outer Darkness in Matt 24-25? Its not Hell. Its a place for believers with dirty robes to wait, through the duration of the Millennial kingdom. Like Moses being banned from entering the Promised Land. He had to watch from Mt Pisgah.
edit on 25-2-2017 by BELIEVERpriest because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-2-2017 by BELIEVERpriest because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Purple means royalty. The Roman guards were mocking Jesus making Him where a purple robe. I think the Harlot actually wears a scarlet robe, or maybe you're right, but either way, the Harlot considers herself to be royalty.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 02:17 AM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: Raggedyman

Eternal life is irrevocable, as Jesus paid the penalty in full for us.

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is failure to use 1John 1:9 as a believer. It will result in having stained garments. Remember the Outer Darkness in Matt 24-25? Its not Hell. Its a place for believers with dirty robes to wait, through the duration of the Millennial kingdom. Like Moses being banned from entering the Promised Land. He had to watch from Mt Pisgah.

I would disagree respectfully
Blaspheming the Spirit in knowing the works of God and denying they are from God

Forgiveness is very tricky, it's hard work and many rely on Christ to do that for them. We are broken human beings, not perfect, not Jesus, not capable of forgiveness, it's the hardest thing to learn as a christian

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: Raggedyman

Try to see salvation as threefold.

Salvation of the spirit is initial faith in Christ. It is irrevocable.

Salvation of the soul is the daily washing of the robes with the water of the Word, and the Blood of Christ. It is a restoration of the soul's mentality. Consistent use of 1John1:9 + daily learning and living on Bible is required for this.

Salvation of the Body is the resurrection.

The MESSAGE of the good news message is in 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. It’s there that Paul explains to us what happened to the sins that were placed upon our Savior, and the wonderful news that God is no longer imputing those sins unto the sinners. The MECHANICS of the good news message is in Romans 3:20-31. How is it that Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection can accomplish justification for a wrath-worthy individual, a declared righteous of that individual. We find that the model that produces a declared righteous is divided into three different sections all working together. Having dispelled all of people’s self-defense pleas, Paul makes this startling statement in verse 20 “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight.” Verse 21”BUT NOW” has to be the biggest two letter word statement found in all of scripture. Whenever we see the “BUT NOW” in Paul’s epistles, sit up and take special notice because “BUT NOW” let’s us know that a change has taken place. 

The words “BUT NOW” moves us from one situation to a different situation. In other words, at one point in time something was true. “BUT NOW” something else is true which leads us to ask the question, what is it that Paul wants us to know, is different now from what used to to be. Paul is simply saying that God’s righteousness is now being manifested apart from the principle of rule-keeping. What Jesus did for us doesn't make you measure up to God’s rightness. You have to be declared righteous and that comes by grace through the blood of Jesus and through Jesus’ faithfulness, and you are going to find out your faith has to be in those three components.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: newnature1

My post came out sounding more confrontational than I intended so I apologize for that, no need to imply I'm going to hell though. I just found it interesting the symbolic implications that the purple robe represents.

Could be some kind of NWO thing…mocking the son of God with their purple?

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: Raggedyman

Eternal life is irrevocable, as Jesus paid the penalty in full for us.

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is failure to use 1John 1:9 as a believer. It will result in having stained garments. Remember the Outer Darkness in Matt 24-25? Its not Hell. Its a place for believers with dirty robes to wait, through the duration of the Millennial kingdom. Like Moses being banned from entering the Promised Land. He had to watch from Mt Pisgah.

1 John 1:9 - “sins” is a Double Metonymy, a figure of speech that replaces the name of a thing with the name of something else with which it is closely associated. A Figure of speech relates to the form in which the words are used. It consists in the fact that a word or words are used out of their ordinary sense, or place, or manner, for the purpose of attracting our attention to what is thus said. A Figure of speech is a designed and legitimate departure from the laws of language, in order to emphasize what is said.

John was writing to the Israelites, but to the necessity of that confession for the Israelites. Ezekiel 36:26-28, when will this national sanctification come to fruition? When Israel is willing to accept Jesus as their messiah and admit they swore falsely when they entered into a covenant with God vowing they could merit a righteous standing before him through their performance.

The confession was indeed called for. It was not about confessing the three lies on Monday and the bad attitude on Wednesday, and the idolatrous thinking on Friday, it was not about any of that. It was not an option testimony in the days of Jesus, it was a requirement for the remission of sins. It was the way people could be identified with the faith associated with the confession of Leviticus 26:40.

Israel was continually being called upon to repent, to change their thinking. John called upon the nation to repent, the 12 called upon Israel to repent, and Jesus called upon the nation to repent, God wanted them to change their thinking about the source of their righteousness and the identity of their Messiah.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: Raggedyman

Try to see salvation as threefold.

Salvation of the spirit is initial faith in Christ. It is irrevocable.

Salvation of the soul is the daily washing of the robes with the water of the Word, and the Blood of Christ. It is a restoration of the soul's mentality. Consistent use of 1John1:9 + daily learning and living on Bible is required for this.

Salvation of the Body is the resurrection.

Irrevocable, meaning that you can't lose it
I think we can rule that out

There is only one unforgivable sin, blaspheming the Spirit, to blaspheme the Spirit you must know the Spirit.

Thanks newnatur, I am confused by the black robe and why we Christians are wearing it, we through Christ are already as white as snow spiritually, clothed in Christ Gal 3.27

I didn't even consider in the flesh and backsliding, just hit a nerve after listening to a minister recently saying we as Christians are wicked. The devil is wicked, Spiritually through Jesus we are not, in flesh we are. What counts, how Jesus sees us.

It's almost like saying a person is evil and has no value, let's set the bar as low as possible when to the opposite in scripture we see Jesus set the bar so high that Christians have to strive to achieve the goal of love

Is Paul telling us in Romans 6:14 that as believers, we’ll never again have the propensity to sin, or sin shall not have dominion over you because now you are capable of beating it? Is Paul telling you that you are now capable of never committing another sin as long as you live because sin shall not have dominion over you? Is Paul saying it is possible for a believer to live a sinless life? All believers, we’re all alike in this respect, we all continue to struggle with that issue of sins in our lives. Not only do we continue to have the propensity to sin, we do in fact do those things that come short of the glory of God far more often than any of us would like. Sin shall not have dominion over us because we’re not living under the law program, we’re living under grace. The victory has already been won and who won it? Jesus won it. Sin shall not have dominion over us because believers are not under the law, but under grace.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: newnature1

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: Raggedyman

Try to see salvation as threefold.

Salvation of the spirit is initial faith in Christ. It is irrevocable.

Salvation of the soul is the daily washing of the robes with the water of the Word, and the Blood of Christ. It is a restoration of the soul's mentality. Consistent use of 1John1:9 + daily learning and living on Bible is required for this.

Salvation of the Body is the resurrection.

Irrevocable, meaning that you can't lose it
I think we can rule that out

There is only one unforgivable sin, blaspheming the Spirit, to blaspheme the Spirit you must know the Spirit.

Thanks newnatur, I am confused by the black robe and why we Christians are wearing it, we through Christ are already as white as snow spiritually, clothed in Christ Gal 3.27

I didn't even consider in the flesh and backsliding, just hit a nerve after listening to a minister recently saying we as Christians are wicked. The devil is wicked, Spiritually through Jesus we are not, in flesh we are. What counts, how Jesus sees us.

It's almost like saying a person is evil and has no value, let's set the bar as low as possible when to the opposite in scripture we see Jesus set the bar so high that Christians have to strive to achieve the goal of love

Is Paul telling us in Romans 6:14 that as believers, we’ll never again have the propensity to sin, or sin shall not have dominion over you because now you are capable of beating it? Is Paul telling you that you are now capable of never committing another sin as long as you live because sin shall not have dominion over you? Is Paul saying it is possible for a believer to live a sinless life? All believers, we’re all alike in this respect, we all continue to struggle with that issue of sins in our lives. Not only do we continue to have the propensity to sin, we do in fact do those things that come short of the glory of God far more often than any of us would like. Sin shall not have dominion over us because we’re not living under the law program, we’re living under grace. The victory has already been won and who won it? Jesus won it. Sin shall not have dominion over us because believers are not under the law, but under grace.

I hope you are not thinking I am saying Christians don't sin, that's not what I am saying.
What I am saying, spiritually in Christ we are free of the stains of sin, sinless

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: newnature1

I don't know what Paul meant in that particular verse but I do know what John meant in this one:

1 John 2
5 But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: 6 Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.

How did Jesus live? Without sin. Why would John tell us to live a sinless life if it is impossible to do? He says that the way we know we are "in him" is by living as he did which was sinless.

1 John 3
9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.

He goes on to double down on this in the very next chapter by saying that those who are "born again" cannot go on sinning because God's seed is in them.

How can Christianity claim to be "of God" when it teaches people that sin is unavoidable seeing as how John tells us otherwise? The doctrine of the church seems to contradict the words of John (and possibly Paul as well).
edit on 2/26/2017 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

The bible says they either put a purple or a scarlet robe on Jesus so either way it seems that they put the harlot's color on him right before his crucifixion.

Catholic cardinals wear scarlet robes and what do they believe/teach? Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as salvation. I believe it all points to something but only the individual can search it out for themselves.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: newnature1

I commend your ability in using right division in your OP and in all your replies.

Stars and thumbs up.

BTW, my robe is the one given me by faith in Jesus Christ work of the cross for my sin, a white one.
edit on 26-2-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

The bible says they either put a purple or a scarlet robe on Jesus so either way it seems that they put the harlot's color on him right before his crucifixion.

Catholic cardinals wear scarlet robes and what do they believe/teach? Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as salvation. I believe it all points to something but only the individual can search it out for themselves.

Scarlet and purple are colours representing royalty, not whoredom or corruption, you are reading revelations before the old testament.

The colour purple is associated with royalty and status for example: "So Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, with a great crown of gold and a garment of fine linen and purple; and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad." Esther 8:15

"And they clothed Him with purple; and they twisted a crown of thorns, put it on His head, .... And when they had mocked Him, they took the purple off Him, put His own clothes on Him, and led Him out to crucify Him." Mark 15:17&20

Crown representing royalty as does the purple.

As for the
"The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication." Rev 17:4

Purple and scarlet = royalty, gold and precious stones = wealth and her cup of corruption.
The symbolism is of power, greed and corruption

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