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John Kirby admits no evidence of hospitals bombardments by Russia

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posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 01:56 AM
Where did they find this guy? He's hilarious! He perfectly fits to the team of:
- Jen "That Egypt line is ridiculous" Psaki,
- Sam "Let's condemn Russia for condemning a U.S. war crime" Power,
- Victoria "F#ck the EU" Nuland,
- Mark "Exercise in transparency in democracy AHAHAHA" Toner.

It's like a freaking Dream Team of US diplomats and communicators!

Here's the excerpt from yesterday's "Daily Press Briefing" where he clearly admits that they have nothing:

QUESTION: Can we go to Syria?


QUESTION: Okay. First of all, can you clarify what is going on in terms of where the Russians are bombing? I mean, some say in Aleppo, but there is no evidence that there is any bombardment of eastern Aleppo by the Russians. There is bombardments of Idlib and Homs and so on, and the countryside of Homs. So first of all, if you have information on where they are bombing and what is going on there.

MR KIRBY: Well, I don’t have – as you know, Said, I don’t have specific tactical information about Russian military operations in terms of grid points and locations on a map. We – I would say, though, that we have seen additional airstrikes now in Syria by Russia and by the regime, to include what has been reported to be – and we have no reason to doubt this because of the sourcing that we’re getting – that five hospitals and at least one mobile clinic in Syria were struck by --

QUESTION: Can say which city the hospitals were in?

MR KIRBY: What’s that?

QUESTION: Which city were the hospitals in?

MR KIRBY: I don’t have the exact location. But – so five hospitals and one mobile clinic. And by all counts, it looks like they were deliberately targeted, all in the span of just the last day or so. It’s also worth noting that despite Russian claims that it halted airstrikes in the past month or so --

QUESTION: Twenty-eight days.

MR KIRBY: -- yeah – they’ve allowed no food or humanitarian assistance into east Aleppo. And the regime and Russia have now let Aleppo’s residents starve, all while seeking praise from the international community for halting indiscriminate strikes for three weeks. Again, five hospitals and at least one – maybe more – mobile clinic. That doesn’t sound to me like a halt in indiscriminate attacks.

QUESTION: Can you give us a specific --

QUESTION: Now the Russians are – excuse me, just let me --


QUESTION: -- follow up with a couple of things. The Russian defense ministry claims that it is actually the rebels who are – or the terror groups who are holding back the aid, they are disallowing the public from reaching that humanitarian aid. And in fact, they’re saying that there was some sort of demonstration by the public and that was crushed brutally by the different militant groups and so on. And so I want – how do you sort out after all this kind of conflicting information and so on – how do you get your information on this case?

MR KIRBY: No, look, it’s a very fluid situation and our knowledge is imperfect. That’s why we say I have seen – we’ve seen reports of these things. And I don’t have specifics for you. I don’t have specific locations --

QUESTION: But don’t you think it’s --

MR KIRBY: Hang on a second, I’m answering Said.

QUESTION: Don’t you think it is important --

MR KIRBY: We don’t have that. I’m saying we’ve seen these reports.


MR KIRBY: And they fly in the face of everything Russia says it’s doing in Syria, and specifically in Aleppo. So I don’t have – I don’t have (inaudible) on this and it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to get into that anyway.

QUESTION: But don’t you think it is important --

QUESTION: So you would refute --

MR KIRBY: But, but --

QUESTION: -- the claim by the Russians that they have stopped or they had a moratorium on striking Aleppo, eastern Aleppo, for the past 28 days? In fact, all the while were – the militant groups were striking western Aleppo.

MR KIRBY: So we’ve seen – well, you’ve also seen reports that – about opposition groups that were limiting or trying to be an obstacle to humanitarian aid and assistance. And we’ve made it clear to the opposition groups that we communicate with and certainly to nations who have influence over other opposition groups that these reports are troubling and concerning and obviously to the degree they’re true, that that obstruction should not occur. That said, it’s without question that it is the regime and its Russian backers that have had the – by far, the most responsibility for stopping the violence, for stopping the strikes, and for allowing the aid to get in, which they haven’t done. I mean, I don’t know how many times now I’ve been to this podium talking about the fact that no humanitarian aid is getting into Aleppo and that hasn’t changed.

QUESTION: Don’t you think it is --

MR KIRBY: It hasn’t changed one bit.

QUESTION: Sorry, don’t you think it is important to give a specific list of hospitals that you’re accusing Russia of hitting? Those are grave accusations.

MR KIRBY: I’m not making those accusations. I’m telling you we’ve seen reports from credible aid organizations that five hospitals and a clinic --

QUESTION: Which hospital --

MR KIRBY: At least one clinic --

QUESTION: In what cities at least?

MR KIRBY: You can go look at the information that many of the Syrian relief agencies are putting out there publicly. We’re getting our information from them too. These reports --

QUESTION: But you are citing those reports without giving any specifics.

MR KIRBY: Because we believe these agencies are credible and because we have other sources of information that back up what we’re seeing from some of these reports. And you know what? Why don’t ask --

QUESTION: If you – exactly.

MR KIRBY: Here’s a good question.

QUESTION: That’s what I --

MR KIRBY: Why don’t you ask your defense ministry --

QUESTION: That’s what I was --

MR KIRBY: -- what they’re doing and see if you can get --

QUESTION: If you give a specific list --

MR KIRBY: No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

QUESTION: If you give a specific list of hospitals --

MR KIRBY: No, no, no.

And so on. it's worth reading.

So he has nothing to say and sends the journalist to the Russia's defense ministry to confirm his own accusations. LOL.

P.S. Should I call him John "No, no, no, no, no, no, no" Kirby from now or something?))
edit on 2016 by JedemDasSeine because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: JedemDasSeine

Just more baseless lies and propaganda from the State Department.

At least Marie Harf (sp?) was sort of amusing. This guy is plain stupid.
edit on 17-11-2016 by TruthsSword because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: JedemDasSeine


And yet there is documentary evidence, as well as some instances of video, and photographic evidence available of airstrikes, drone hits, and the like, by western forces against civilian targets. If you include the entire War on Terror, there is a significant catalogue of such events. If you include every civilian death caused by the paid agents of western intelligence, the proxy armies, then the catalogue grows longer, and we should include those proxy armies, the ones receiving money and arms through intermediaries, linked to western governments.

And yet Russia is accused of unethical behaviour in the region? Russia is not a perfect place, and its leader is not a perfect man. It's armies have done great wrong over the course of history, it's intelligence services have been historically ruthless and morally retarded in the application of themselves to their duties. But that is no reason to ignore the truth of this moment in history, and what is going on in it, specifically.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 02:21 AM
He sort of reminds me of Ari Fliesher how hed stand there prevaricating and saying nothing....

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: JedemDasSeine

He said he didn't accused Russia directly and all based on rumors.

Sounds like it was something pro Hillary's agenda, now pointless.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: JedemDasSeine

Wait I'm confused are you trying to claim it didn't happen?? You do know it's been widely reported and they have pictures and video of the destroyed hospitals. I read about the children's hospital and the blood bank they just hit earlier today. It's no secret the Russians are hitting hospitals it's a strategy they used before. And we'll frankly it works you injure the terrorists they go to hospital and you bomb the hospital. They did the same thing on Afghanistan.

Only problem is the civilian population depends on these hospitals as well. You can argue right or wrong this is a Russian strategy to break Isil. Russia can get away with doing things most western countries can't bottom line.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

Not saying Russia did it or not. The footage of the "bombings" I have seen I did not see one jet or helicopter as reported from MSM. I saw explosions from ground level, and footage inside the hospital/s.

I don't hear any jets or helicopters. The people say we hear jets and choppers, I saw an explosion. The camera/s didn't pan up to show these aircrafts as reported. Nor can I find footage of it.

If anyone can send me footage showing the Russian aircrafts that bombed the 5 hospitals and the clinic, please. Seeing they reported seeing the Russian aircrafts.

edit on 09/02/2012 by KaelemJames because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

I don’t know what reports are credible today, and that’s really sad. I don’t know whether there’s a SINGLE credible organization.

But I’m sure if Kirby had at least one single proof about mentioned hospitals, he would have jumped out of his pants to show it. Instead, he said something like, “Oh, it seems like you are from RT? So go and ask your MoD about those bombardments. I don’t have any specifics. We don’t have that. No, no, no."

When caught in a lie and scratched for the details, he immediately played dumb like, "I'm not accountable for my own words, ask "credible organizations" about this, and you know what? Go to your MoD, by the way!"

Did you get it now?

And he is the Spokesperson for the United States Department of State, you know.

P.S. My thread mostly related to the collection of freaks mentioned in the OP and their utterances rather than to bombardments.
edit on 2016 by JedemDasSeine because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: JedemDasSeine

Russia can get away with doing things most western countries can't bottom line.

Western countries illegally invaded Iraq and got away with it.
When a western country bombs a hospital it gets portrayed as an "accident" in the media.
What persecutions have the western countries faced for the war crimes committed in the illegal invasion of Iraq ?
Has Bush + former GOP administration or Tony Blair been charged and convicted for war crimes ?
No no and no.
Both Russians and Americans kill people each and every day and get away with it.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: JedemDasSeine

Our state department is an actual joke...

I suppose when you actively support Al Nusra and Daesh, there is no way for any thinking individual to take you seriously.

It would be funny if it was not so tragic.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 03:33 AM

originally posted by: KaelemJames
a reply to: dragonridr

Not saying Russia did it or not. The footage of the "bombings" I have seen I did not see one jet or helicopter as reported from MSM. I saw one explosion from ground level, and footage inside the hospital/s.

I don't hear any jets or helicopters. The people say we hear jets and choppers, I saw an explosion. The camera/s didn't pan up to show these aircrafts as reported. Nor can I find footage of it.

If anyone can send me footage showing the aircrafts that bombed the 5 hospitals and the clinic. Seeing they reported seeing the aircrafts.

So you admit the hospitals were bombed but your argument is we didn't see what planes actually did it?? See here's the problem by the time a bomb is dropped the plane is all ready miles away before it even hits. Thus isn't world War two with huge bombers lumbering along with propelers. These are jets now as to who they belong to. Well let's see this should be easy. Only 3 players involved jets out of Turkey jets from Syrian air bases or jets from russia using Syrian airports.

Now as we all know US and Turkey will avoid the area because we'll Russia has set up air defence in the area. So whoever is doing it doesn't have a Sam trying to shoot them down means that it's either Syria or Russian planes. Or you would have to believe the Russian s300 air defense system is crap and doesn't see these jets make bombing runs. So which is it Russian air defense sees the planes but isn't shooting because it's there's or Syria. Or there air defense system is useless and they can't see f16s from Turkey in the area??

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

If people and reporters on the ground saw the aircrafts as bombing took place why don't they show us these Russian planes.

Also, notice I placed quotes over bombings in my previous post. Don't presume I admit to Russian airstrikes or bombings. Don't jump to conclusions.

Show me the Russian planes as they bombed. Any camera man would pan up to show the responsible bombers. They said we heard the jets and helicopters, which means that they could have been filmed. Especially helicopters.

edit on 09/02/2012 by KaelemJames because: (no reason given)

edit on 09/02/2012 by KaelemJames because: (no reason given)

edit on 09/02/2012 by KaelemJames because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 03:42 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: JedemDasSeine
Russia can get away with doing things most western countries can't bottom line.

I wonder if you remember about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The thing I'm worried about is that those people are capable to repeat nuclear strikes, but now in Syria. And I'm sure there is a looooong list of justificatory reports about that already, ready to be published.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 04:15 AM
I'll know if Russia did it if Alex Jones says they didn't.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:48 AM
I hate how corrupt the U.S. has become.
There's no question anymore that we're the bad guys now. Every day I see more and more evidence of it and what we're turning into.
We just feed into the Globalist agenda at the cost of our citizens and everything we once stood for.
The death rattle just grows louder and it all won't end well.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: JedemDasSeine

It feels like the outgoing administration has accelerated its plans now Trump's coming in! Gotta make this a private matter now, not a public one.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:09 AM
This is what this reminds me of:

The state department is really, really inept these days.

edit on 11/17/2016 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:12 AM
jesus this is sickening lets think about this..

Russia and the Syria Army circled Aleppo and stopped their airstrikes and opened up humanitarian corridors for civilians to flee the city.

Meanwhile, the US backed rebels fired chemical weapons at the Syria Army, they also used snipers and mortars to kill any civilians using the aid corridors.

The US then goes on TV and tells the world Russia has bombed hospitals, while not giving proof, specifics, examples, names, dates or anything.

the US then attacks a Russia journalist when she asks what Hospitals are being bombed.

edit on 17/11/16 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: Kettu
I'll know if Russia did it if Alex Jones says they didn't.

Jones is probably Stratfor asset. Gun hired by hired guns.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
jesus this is sickening lets think about this..

Russia and the Syria Army circled Aleppo and stopped their airstrikes and opened up humanitarian corridors for civilians to flee the city.

Meanwhile, the US backed rebels fired chemical weapons at the Syria Army, they also used snipers and mortars to kill any civilians using the aid corridors.

The US then goes on TV and tells the world Russia has bombed hospitals, while not giving proof, specifics, examples, names, dates or anything.

the US then attacks a Russia journalist when she asks what Hospitals are being bombed.

Thank you Agit8dchop!

This is precisely what has been going on!

It is no wonder that the state department has to lie through their teeth, honestly I am surprised they do not just come out and say, yes we are actively engaged in assisting Al Nusra and ISIS, how else do you expect us to destabilize countries that will not bow to us?

Half the american public would still think we are righteous in our actions... Operation Mockingbird anyone?
edit on America/ChicagoThursdayAmerica/Chicago11America/Chicago1130amThursday7 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

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