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Tom De Longe with answers about UFOs, Life, the Universe and Everything...

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posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 05:11 AM
a reply to: stealthyaroura

If TDL is in the circle he says he is, then we would be able to see a pattern or a conditioning coming from the media as well as within a societies infrastructure, thats to say, if there is world changing technology and there are ancient Gods here with us, watching our everymove.
I believe the upsurge in superhero movies could be conditioning us, especially the young.
and if there were upcoming technological advances, you could draw a link with that and the fact that a UBI universal basic income is being tried and tested across europe as we speak, there will be a lot of redundencies if there was a sudden technological advance. these are just links that came off the top of my head, i am sure there are many links to be found, and if we as a collective put our heads together, not only might we see the path, but also where it is going....

just some links for your consideration...
edit on 6-11-2016 by Davg80 because: links

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Peeple

The religions that go on about demons, in large part, are the ones creating those varieties of the phenomenon.
That they can't see it, has always been baffling.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Christ Consciousness has been show to rid people of so called Demons,
Of course of information came out that debunked all religions and changed a mass of consciousness in an instant...
then christ consciousness would no longer exist.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: stealthyaroura

That's the thing. The much ballyhooed "TPTB" is composed of various factions.
Some are scientists. Some are industrialists. Some are yada yada.. you know
we all know the groups.

Well groups like the Collins Elite (if you believe people like Nick Redfern, or
know for some other reason), really REALLY believe in the demon theory of
all this and push it hard.

So if anybody is infected with nonsense, it would be them...

But other factions.. I'd say not so much.. you have to give permission for weird
ideas and "hypothetical entities" to enter your body and mind.

If you want to "fight" "hypothetical entities" then that root of fear, and total
belief in them, in fact, creates a tacit "permission" on some level, to let
them in.

That's why, as Peeple correctly says, (for the most part.. as they also have
"hungry ghosts") Buddhists don't get possessed and harassed by demons...

Any Christians who use the name of jesus and it appears to "work", have just
revoked permission / cut themselves a break from their own BS. It's not
just Christianity of course.. Any religion that creates a hell for their enemies
and demons to torment themselves with can experience this.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: Davg80

I have addressed this many times, including in this thread.
So have others.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

belief is everything, and Buddhism does not teach Duality, so it would make sense that they wouldn't be affected by things they have no belief in, as per the law of attraction, of course it could run deeper with so many other possibilities, its hard to know what the end game is, but one thing i am certain of is that it involves a consciousness shift that is going to be orchestrated.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Great Disney vid, thanks for posting!!!

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: Davg80

Everybody is trying to force their consciousness on others.
That's why the world is a mess.
That some people try extra hard and use props has been done for thousands of years.
Even the "hypothetical extraterrestrials" do it.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: Peeple

The religions that go on about demons, in large part, are the ones creating those varieties of the phenomenon.
That they can't see it, has always been baffling.

Speaking for all ET out there:

edit on 6-11-2016 by Peeple because: Auto

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: Peeple

One might posit that only the insane ones come here..

which would explain a lot.

But we are off topic. Let's stay on the topic of TD.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: Davg80

Yes good plan, thanks for the links.
Only today it was a topic of discussion on the UK TV networks about the benifits system and a much needed rethink about it. Also single mums have just lost quite a chunk due to some benefit change.

It is an interesting angle I had not thought of being involved in the tdl deal. If it is I would hope it led to a fairer system cos at the moment it's broken.

Pretty big idea in itself if it were for a worldwide change of the monetary system. But banks are greedy basterds and giving up or sharing the wealth?

Food for thought though

To add thank-you for the posts kev, I wrote before I read the rest of the reply.and that's how I viewed the demon ala Collins elite theory worked, of course I really can't express it as eloquently as you. ( more the hands on type of guy)
edit on 6/11/2016 by stealthyaroura because: In reply to KPB

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Buddhist do deal with demons, Guru Rinpoche dealt with all the evil forces that dwelt in Tibet
We have all kinds of beings that we believe in. Some you can see some you can't
We also have absolutely no problem with ghosts existing. It just another realm of existence you can get trapped in.
There are also many many Hells to send evils beings to.

No doubt it's far more complicated than we image - there are certainly other intelligent lifeforms out there... being from other planets? Beings from other dimensions? Beings from other times? Beings we co-exist with but barely notice? Energy beings that just inhabit space? Gas beings that inhabit gas giants? La la la la... could gone on and on.

I think the agenda TDL is being sold however is very much a them/ Evil vs Us /good scenario.
But we have no proof offered of this yet.
He hasn't been told by the military of any good ETs yet, he mentions, he doesn't doubt they exist, but never mentions any directly. That makes me dubious.

Dr Steven Greer is convinced it's all con job/cosmic false flag by the military industrial complex to create a fake war.
He's doing a webinar next weekend. Will be interested to hear his arguments.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Peeple

originally posted by: Impodog

'UFOs & the Occult/ Scents & the Paranormal' recorded on 30th Oct

It spinning the same line as TDL - some kind of evil other dimensional beings that wish us harm

What harm? Why evil? I mean if that was the case, why are we still here?

I think it's something like this

There is no time.
The universe is made of light so they cannot win and the war is already over.

Also agreed first guy on the show was pretty flakey but the interesting thing for me was that George had invited him there in the first place.
I think because he backs up some of TDLs claims. He's gone too far the other way there's still going to be ETs up there.

But i remember at school stories of occult stuff, chairs being flung around always hushed up by teachers. Saying never touch this kinda stuff ?
Some downright weird stuff and always buried and hushed up. It freaked me out then and later in life dismissed it all. But thinking back there probably was something to it they just didn't know how to deal with it. The world is not going to change from these revelations it''s already the way it already is. We might just believe there is a god / Buddha/ Allah and hopefully treat each other a whole lot better. Can always hope.
edit on 6-11-2016 by Impodog because: Extension

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Impodog

I'm certain that there are people within the TD project that are just as concerned
as I am, about the fake good/evil misinformation.

I hope that it is only a small part of the whole "advertising package" we get fed, that has
*some* truth in it.

Now as to Buddhists.. I'm not one, and not a Buddhist scholar.. I've certainly read a lot..
but my point was, you'll probably never seen an "exorcist movie" based on Buddhism.
I suppose based on which the several major branches you are dealing with, you get more
or less of that sort of stuff. I myself found some good material in "early Buddhism", before
(IMHO) it got 'corrupted' by other cultural influences, such as christianity, hinduism and
others.. Let's be serious, "Buddhism" has become syncretic like all the other major
religions has.

It's interesting that we share some common concerns. I was glad to see your response.

One final note -- I struggle myself with passing along misinformation on "good/evil".
There is a tidal wave of those who wish to portray things this way.. and the "truth"
is most subtle when it comes to this topic. Humans tend to see things in terms of
duality.. it's hard to communicate in a way that avoid both the duality and the unity
traps.. as both are just human conceptions and not 'reality'.


posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: Impodog

Now as to Buddhists.. I'm not one, and not a Buddhist scholar.. .I myself found some good material in "early Buddhism", before
(IMHO) it got 'corrupted' by other cultural influences, such as christianity, hinduism and
others.. Let's be serious, "Buddhism" has become syncretic like all the other major
religions has.


The reason why Buddhism remains fresh and alive is because when you meditate you can see the reality of the teachings. You still need faith but there is a feedback loop - you realise universal truths in meditation that help you to better understand the nature of mind. If therefore if taught properly by a great mediator or master it can be passed on. If you carry on meditating and help all other sentient beings that's the most important thing. You can still find teachers in our age who still have some of the Buddha's realisation passed on to them, maybe not directly from the Buddha himself but there are plenty of other buddhas out there. Yes in some Buddhist cultures things have drifted but if you practice with good instructions the reality is self apparent.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 04:33 PM
I really hope that the TDL 'project' has nothing to do with introducing a new religion or even reinforcing one of the old ones. It may have got us so far in the past few thousand years but it's holding us back now. All religions were made up by man. Man made god in his image and that's it.

Although Tom has said that he asked a specific question about cattle mutilations and was told they were a part of the UFO phenomenon. So why does the USA have thousands of recorded cases and India none?

Think about it.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Impodog

That is your faith. I've known a variety of hardcore Buddhist mediators. Spent a few years discussing all the metaphysics (I know..the Tao you can discuss is not the Tao to reference another system). Most of them went off the deep end chasing rainbow bodies and visiting pure lands to chat up Arhats you know.

I personally can't give Buddhism a "pass" either.

But let's stay on topic.


posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: mirageman


I think that cattle mutilations are done by men, not "aliens".

When it comes to "real UFOs" they pretty much present identically world-wide and across time.

Except perhaps in the case if Chupacabras. I don't really know what those are. It's hard for a nonlocal and non-spanish speaker to investigate that topic.


posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

That is your faith.

experience isn't faith. interpretation can be though

a reply to: mirageman


p.s. cows are taboo in india
edit on 6-11-2016 by aynock because: filled out

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Although it might not seem it, the 37th Parallel is a well written book, if you consider it was supposed to be about Bigalow, not the guy who is the focus. I'm assuming either scheduling or legal reasons diverted the course of the book. The premise, which you can find echoed elsewhere is one I'd consider.

Look at some of the patterns that have been identified over the years (and occasionally retracted)
- Jaques Vallee - distance between Mars and Earth being smallest increases reports
- Ben Mizrach - Mutilation cases cluster between 36th and 39th parallel
- Several - Sunspot activity correlates with increase in reports
- Randles / Burroughs - Meteor activity correlates with increase in reports (backed up by several scientists in Randles books)
- Statistical Analysis - Large bodies of water within 20 miles increase reports

Of course, correlation does not mean causation, but I'd to propose the following suggestions:

- Martian orbit: coincidence
- 37th Parallel: Sunbelt but low population
- Sunspot Activity: Satellite disruption
- Water / Valleys - low urban population
- Meteor showers / Green meteors - Used to camouflage entry into atmosphere

Which leaves us with:
- Whatever the phenomena is, it prefers not to be seen by the populace
- It is not interested in the globe but rather nations that have a developed MIC
- It hides from detection intentionally

Yet, most of what I've read from those part of the '3 groups' seems to focus on:
- There are nuts and bolts craft
- They may not be extraterrestrial in the conventional sense
- They intentionally deceive us / can control willing minds (Tom references using belief systems to drive 'them out'
- We have developed craft to combat 'them'
- We are on the verge on finding life out 'there'

What possible solution can fit all of these options? I can think of only one, that is made even more plausible if we assume the Mars orbit theory is correct.

Our enemy is a super intelligent AI, that can control and manipulate matter. They can control minds and deceive us.

Quite obviously they are "The Mysterons"

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