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Alien History

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posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: klassless

originally posted by: tikbalang
What is imagination and what is reality? Its a question asked by humans through out time. Sometimes the answer is obvious and sometimes its not.
There is one question however we always are fascinated by;" Are we alone in the Universe? "
Is there intelligent life on other planets? Are we alone? Science thinks there are numerous intelligent civilisations, but the distant is to wast for us to ever visit and even a visit from them is considered, well, impossible. Well that is if you believe the experts.
But where do these flying saucers come from? These UFO, and the thousands of reports from every corner of the world. Many of the cases cant be explained is it fantasy or reality?

Welcome to the world of my mysteries of the past, let the journey begin.


Into reality!

Let's see, what is imagination? It is the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. In other words, it's all in your mind.

Let's see, what is reality? It is the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. In other words, outside of your mind.

Thinking about holding a cup of coffee is imagination. Actually holding a cup of coffee is reality.

Yes, we are alone in the universe since there is no irrefutable evidence to prove otherwise. You can fantasize all you want and that's your imagination. But, so far, we're it.

It doesn't matter if science thinks there are numerous intelligent civilizations, they do not have one iota of evidence to support their "thinking". Science strives for results. No results yet.

Now you bring in UFOs and it's something we can dig our hands into, but from a distance. We don't know what they are, what they're made of, if there are beings inside them or they're ROVs, where they go when we don't see them, why they are here, yappity yap. And since there are no UFO experts (that's right Mr Friedman) there is no one to go to for answers. We have no concept of what could happen if we ever interacted with beings other than humans. You can theorize 'til you turn blue in the face and you'll wind up with only a blue face.

Nothing from the past can categorically be used as evidence. There are some fascinating images but no hardware or reliable written records disclosing any knowledge. At the rate things are going I'm going to leave this physical reality with nothing but unanswered questions. Ciao.

All blanket conclusions based upon your own view. YOU haven't seen any evidence yourself so you make the claim that your view is the correct one for the entire population, which is quite flawed because of that, and it is also unscientific. But perhaps in your view it is being scientific after all. That part is okay in a singular and personal sense, but the flaw is when you attempt to make the claim for everyone not just yourself.

Please prove me wrong. My views is all I have and I am not a scientist, just a human who has lived for a very long time and I have never experienced what drives believers. If you can find people that have had experiences with other than our mundane reality I'd like to hear it. I'm not making claims for anyone, just myself, but I'm also being guided by what I see happening in the world and nothing out of the ordinary has been reported by anyone outside of reported UFO sightings and photos and videos. You got something that supports your opinion?

posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: boncho
a reply to: klassless

You can go overboard with Graham Hancock, von Daniken, etc., or you can get some decent history here:

You can go overboard on Zawi Hawazbag too. Im planning to post a video that should put him in a totally different light. Oh hey, Graham Hancock's in it...coincidence? Nah.

You picked a good one 'cause I can't watching and listening to Wowie Zawi and I feel the same way about Stanton Friedman. When they both come I immediately reach for the mute button on my remote. I hope that your video can pass the test of negative criticism which may be foisted on Graham. I enjoy seeing him, listening to him, but he's a fringe person and one has to keep an open mind with him. I prefer Schoch who doesn't stray into fantasy as much as Hancock does. They're good people following their stars.

posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: klassless

Hancock has just accepted a reality and moved on delving further into the subject.

It's similar to the UFO/Alien question (actually, quite related). Bluebook documented a lot of UFOs, very good cases too. 50,000+ case files. But the government (USAF/CIA) purposely lied and misrepresented the data. Why?

Just look at me... Notice I was a 'skeptic'? In the face of overwhelming evidence, one has to reassess and change their outlook.

Once you admit UFOs are a reality (which COMETA & any other honest study has concluded), you then admit the reality. Once you admit the reality, you check historical record. As its likely to be a far-reaching reality. Sure enough there are not only sighting events, but abduction accounts, & many other arguments that not only have ETs or Aliens, inter-dimensional beings (whatever they might be, there is no consensus there), they have been visiting for a long time, and are deeply entrenched in our histories and notions of god.

Then you look at the "re-writes" and suddenly the cover-up becomes obvious. They have been (for a very long time) covering up real history and burying the evidence. And they are even coming up with new ways.

This new idea of "Jesus was in Arabia/Israel area so he was an Arab!" is actually the type of thing that completely ignores history. But 'scientists' will map out the 'face of Jesus' and others, claiming "because we know about who was there in the region...." but no, actually, there's a reason "purges" happened. There's a reason for crusades, and there's a reason for the inquisition and there's a reason for persecution. And that was to remove the information that didn't "fit in".

Why else would people be so adamant about someone being a god? You can start a cult, you can start new religions, but unless its based off some supernatural event or person who is completely unexplainable, you won't get many followers.

Blue eyed-blond hair Mongolians:

Just one example. Now, of course people will want to explain this naturally (some Caravan got lost and ended up halfway across the world to drop in its genes. Something something.)

But this isn't a one off event, this is just an example, that's it. Current materialist science is purpose creating cross-sections of history, and purposely looking at the 'effects' vs the cause and by doing that it allows you to 'debunk' anything. And when it works for them, it's touted and flouted around.

When it doesn't....(work for them)

They just create Tabloid stories to discredit the real story. Or, like Zawi HawASS, just ignore or pretend things don't exist entirely.

I've been hearing over and over again the Warehouse, from Indiana Jones....exists. Would it be that big of a surprise? No. Hell, the Vatican archives might be seen as one itself. They purportedly hold little tidbits like this:

You can find plenty of cases of archaeological "finds" which were later censored, retracted or 'discredited'. Given the total body of evidence: that there is an active effort to discredit outlying, contradictory archeological evidence; that many pieces are kept from public; that many pieces reside in private collections; that there are oral traditions passed down that contradict official histories, and fall in line with the super histories (interaction with gods/demi-gods (ETs); it starts becoming obvious at what's going on, and what has gone on.

Of course, depending on who finds it, who owns it, what governments are in power in the region, etc. The way these 'outliers' are handled (covered up) varies. The skull presented is a Peruvian skull, with red hair, a volume greater than any human skull, and even different physiological differences in the skull itself, where the plates are & how it formed.

Enter: Tabloid Discredit Action

...ooooh, Antarctica, the mysterious place that has so much Alien/UFO lore surrounding it, they found skulls there, wow!

...'skeptics' here to save the day.... thank god the "skeptic" movement happened right around 1950s when mass UFO sightings took place, to poo-poo credible witnesses and encourage/legitimize ad hominem attacks on people. Let's pretend some of the most prominent didn't hire "plants" (CIA/Mossad Assets) to "debunk" stuff they were debunking...

And there it is, "conclusively" debunked. The Tabloids have perfectly laid out this "conspiracy theory", and people get all their hopes up, and ....'awww', it wasn't real.

But in fact, the entire story wasn't real. And it's likely the same 'planted' evidence that 'skeptics' used half a century ago. James Randi & the Spoon Bending? Yep.

So, the people pushing or (more aptly) 'holding back' evidence, keeping it from being properly recognized, hiding it right in front of the worlds face....they do it by the same tactics they used in the past, and have been using. Tried and true methods. Why argue with something that works right?

I mean, it also explains why the military side sticks with the false-flag method. Which they've been doing for ages, about as long as they've been covering up histories....

posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 11:28 AM
dbl post
edit on 15-9-2016 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 11:28 AM
dbl post

edit on 15-9-2016 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 02:08 PM
The otherworlders obviously come from another star system other than our own --- And based on my own photographic evidence and my own personal UFO sighting --- At least one alien race...comes from a planet that is dominated by peaceful, intelligent, warm blooded dinosauroid humanoid species, with three fingered hands and three toed feet --- Who have obviously achieved the milestone of interstellar travel, with the use of starships that can reach and survive the speed of light barrier and beyond into the superluminal realm.
edit on 15-9-2016 by Erno86 because: added a word

posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: SargonThrall

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

All kidding aside, i think if you look at enough of history, all of the accounts, all of the stories, all of the people close to classified info, the info that has been released itself, and combine that with a regard for what we know about development of life, evolution, the amount of stars and planets in our own galaxy, let alone the Universe, the age of the Universe as compared to our Earth, our own technological advancement and the time it has taken, the Kepler project which is finding quite a few potentially habitable planets already.

And then your own, personal experiences.

When i look at all of these things, the idea of there being a total lack of intelligent life on other planets, and life that is much older than humanity, to me, is audacious.

posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Erno86

They showed you their feet?!


Sorry, couldn't resist

posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: klassless

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: klassless

originally posted by: tikbalang
What is imagination and what is reality? Its a question asked by humans through out time. Sometimes the answer is obvious and sometimes its not.
There is one question however we always are fascinated by;" Are we alone in the Universe? "
Is there intelligent life on other planets? Are we alone? Science thinks there are numerous intelligent civilisations, but the distant is to wast for us to ever visit and even a visit from them is considered, well, impossible. Well that is if you believe the experts.
But where do these flying saucers come from? These UFO, and the thousands of reports from every corner of the world. Many of the cases cant be explained is it fantasy or reality?

Welcome to the world of my mysteries of the past, let the journey begin.


Into reality!

Let's see, what is imagination? It is the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. In other words, it's all in your mind.

Let's see, what is reality? It is the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. In other words, outside of your mind.

Thinking about holding a cup of coffee is imagination. Actually holding a cup of coffee is reality.

Yes, we are alone in the universe since there is no irrefutable evidence to prove otherwise. You can fantasize all you want and that's your imagination. But, so far, we're it.

It doesn't matter if science thinks there are numerous intelligent civilizations, they do not have one iota of evidence to support their "thinking". Science strives for results. No results yet.

Now you bring in UFOs and it's something we can dig our hands into, but from a distance. We don't know what they are, what they're made of, if there are beings inside them or they're ROVs, where they go when we don't see them, why they are here, yappity yap. And since there are no UFO experts (that's right Mr Friedman) there is no one to go to for answers. We have no concept of what could happen if we ever interacted with beings other than humans. You can theorize 'til you turn blue in the face and you'll wind up with only a blue face.

Nothing from the past can categorically be used as evidence. There are some fascinating images but no hardware or reliable written records disclosing any knowledge. At the rate things are going I'm going to leave this physical reality with nothing but unanswered questions. Ciao.

All blanket conclusions based upon your own view. YOU haven't seen any evidence yourself so you make the claim that your view is the correct one for the entire population, which is quite flawed because of that, and it is also unscientific. But perhaps in your view it is being scientific after all. That part is okay in a singular and personal sense, but the flaw is when you attempt to make the claim for everyone not just yourself.

Please prove me wrong. My views is all I have and I am not a scientist, just a human who has lived for a very long time and I have never experienced what drives believers. If you can find people that have had experiences with other than our mundane reality I'd like to hear it. I'm not making claims for anyone, just myself, but I'm also being guided by what I see happening in the world and nothing out of the ordinary has been reported by anyone outside of reported UFO sightings and photos and videos. You got something that supports your opinion?

Please prove you wrong? I already did prove you wrong. I showed how someone, anyone, who has never before seen the inexplicable, isn't someone who can, with an ounce of authority, make a claim that aliens, UFO's, creatures not from Earth, are not coming here. I showed by common logic, that your claims of what I just mentioned, have absolutely no real value because you are not a witness of any of those things, while many other people who are highly credible, and belonging to a sighting where multiple witnesses in varying near proximity have reported the same thing and saw things relatively close, enough to agree that what was seen had no natural explanation.

The claims you have been making are based on nothing except your own high bias, you have had no encounters as you say, no real life experience with any direct exposure to UFO's or their occupants.

I see you as someone who is frustrated with the entire thing because of being denied any personal experience with these out of this world phenomenon, and I don't blame you, but I do see right through it enough to recognize what is really going on in that head of yours. You are doing exactly what the air force office of special investigations loves to see people doing with respect to the subject. The funny part is that you paid them indirectly to do it.

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 05:35 PM
It is good to know that Ghost and Bigfoot are no longer considered "out of the ordinary". This means we are getting somewhere as a society.

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect
It is good to know that Ghost and Bigfoot are no longer considered "out of the ordinary". This means we are getting somewhere as a society.

It's unfortunate that that "somewhere" seems to be right back into the dark ages.

posted on Sep, 20 2016 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: DarkvsLight29
Brilliant Thread OP you put a lot of info, makes me want to learn more.
You could start with Wonders In The Sky. e+Sky%3A+Unexplained+Aerial+Objects+from+Antiquity+to+Modern+Times

posted on Sep, 20 2016 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: boncho
a reply to: klassless

You can go overboard with Graham Hancock, von Daniken, etc., or you can get some decent history here:

You can go overboard on Zawi Hawazbag too. Im planning to post a video that should put him in a totally different light. Oh hey, Graham Hancock's in it...coincidence? Nah.

Well I for one prefer Graham Hancock to Zawi (there shall be no history but mine own) HawbadassAmI every single day, twice on Sunday just for the heresy.

posted on Sep, 20 2016 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect
It is good to know that Ghost and Bigfoot are no longer considered "out of the ordinary". This means we are getting somewhere as a society.

It's unfortunate that that "somewhere" seems to be right back into the dark ages.

This is an incredibly fatuous thing to say really, isn't it? Given that the more research there is into reality and what we perceive it to be, the more cutting edge science is actually challenging our standard view...

posted on Sep, 20 2016 @ 04:07 PM
I am new to the forum. That being said, I would like to jump into the fray, if I may.

I have done some research on the differing opinions about ancient history (archaeology vs those outside the mainstream view). I am sure that the amount of research I have done is pitiful compared to many, but I have been doing it for about 20 years.

I believe I am a critical thinker (others may have a different opinion), and with what I have learned, I believe that the mainstream view today is skewed to support all previous theories leading to the current view. You must admit that Darwin's theory is exactly that (a theory). It is patently apparent that archaeology today is inconclusive as to our origin. I do not deny that evolution exists. It is not mutually exclusive (meaning that because evolution exists, that the conclusion should be that humans exclusively evolved from some previous form of hominid). That fact alone is ignored by mainstream archaeology. That is not the scientific method. Scientific method demands that ALL data be included not just select data (unless you are using pseudo science to force a specific outcome).

With that being said, I believe that there is ENOUGH evidence to show that the current view (i.e. Darwin's theory) is inconclusive, which should open the door for respected scholars (i.e. Schoch, Cremo, and others) to bring to the table whatever evidence they have, which should allow competent and open discussion on the matter. As with any scientific field, this should be the case. Even Einstein poo-poo'd Quantum theory.

Just my thoughts on the subject.

posted on Sep, 20 2016 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: repairguyt Welcome to Create Ignorance, the place where people try to hide the truth. Their names are spelt "skeptic". As in We Do Not Believe In Aliens but we spend a whole lot of our "free" time trying to defend that they do not exist. It is very important for us that you do not believe that aliens exist.

Everything you wrote is true. But a lot of Cover UP is going on here.

Obviously the mil gov is trying to keep it secret that aliens are present on Earth. To do that they must also keep it secret that aliens have been on Earth before. They cannot have people going around knowing that aliens were here thousands of years ago and expect people to think that they cannot be here now. As example, that is why they locked up VD when his Chariots became too popular.

Speaking of books, there is a great book on the evolution of man that I bet a zillion dollars you would like, if you have not already read it. Even though I have been reading it lately the name escapes me. I will try and let you know tomorrow which book it is. It has a row of skeletons standing across the cover and is written by a woman evolutionist. it trashes evolution in a detailed way by showing all the holes in it. Basically saying that all proto humans were swingers, but not from trees. Sex, sex and more sex has led to a mish max of evolutionary traits that are not in a straight line like the majority of evolutionist say.

That basic idea also comes from the cover up. The mil gov cannot let people think that man was created by something else, not God or god.

That cover up extends a long way because the government is in charge of the countries schooling funds, and if they do not play by their book they get no money. One has to go rouge to get the truth into the open. And when that happens the skeptics here complain.

So jump on in and do not get discouraged by the unnatural amount of posters who waste their time [and ours] at a site they do not believe in.

Nice first post you got there too.

posted on Sep, 20 2016 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: repairguyt Here it is:
The Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man: Crossbreeding and the Unexpected Family Tree of Humanity

posted on Sep, 20 2016 @ 07:10 PM
Attention Please:

All opinions are welcome here, even heated debate, but opinions of each other and rude comments about other members are not allowed. Make your posts about the topic and not about others.

Do not reply to this message.


posted on Sep, 20 2016 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: spiritualarchitect

Thanks, I appreciate the support. And thanks for the tip on the book. I will definitely give it a look.

I do believe that while there is not an astounding amount of evidence for the origins of man either way, I believe that there exists enough evidence to question the current theory. I am of the opinion that homo sapiens origins may go much farther back in time, possibly millions of years (based in part on Michael Cremo's book "Forbidden Archaeology" and other sources that bring reliable evidence to the discussion). In reality, many of the arguments that the Mainstream Archaeologist' use to discredit artifacts that don't fit, can be used to discredit their own artifacts. Using their standards, one can bring in to question a multitude of currently accepted artifacts and dates.

There are also the many examples of the current theories about what is myth and what is not myth in ancient recorded texts that have already been proven to be actual recorded events and not myth as was assumed.

I believe that they should, at the very least, be willing to look at and review new finds and include any reliable information into the current record. The fact is that each time some modern human bones are located in a strata that dates back millions of years (and there have been many credible finds, over many, many years of archaeological work), they insist that it is a hoax or some other nonsense.

Hopefully, the old generation will eventually fade out and allow for the younger generation to move in and at least make some updates.

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: repairguyt
One of the points in that book, for example, is that every time someone finds a finger bone that does not match expectations they want to create a new man. So we have lots of humanoids branches that probably belong on other parts of the tree.

If the original poster here is not coming back you can try searching for UFO's in history. Or find a Karl post, click his name and check out his threads. I think he has some along the historical line.

Search for Evolution while you are at it.

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