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Decoding The Prediction of The Italian Quake

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posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 01:23 AM
Dreams are a link to time, shift in reality and foretelling of events. However, we enter the twilight zone when we see future events as our limited mind is too limited to comprehend these events. So, our mind alters details and it would take great effort and time to decode, which is why I think most members don't get their predictions quiet right. Their predictions are correct but lost in the translation and the filtering of the mind during such event/paradox.

As we know today a quake occurred in Italy and it was a good 6.2 one.
Shallow 6.2 Quake Shakes Italy

Now, I love to surf the dream and predictions section, but the amount of doom porn makes me question - WHY SO MUCH DOOM PORN GUYS?

However, at the same time you can also find something very very interesting that proves the notion I have about dreams a member that goes by the name OneManMasquerade - Actually predicted the event. However, he or she failed to take the time to decode the message and because of that it was lost in the translation.

Flooding In Europe

Yes, his or her other predictions are questionable and doubtful, but some hold connections to actual events and yet they seem to lack real decoding and translation.

I'd like to point towards something odd in that thread and yet rather specific:

There was also a child a small girl maybe 8 or 10 years old drifting on a giant door.

It is the 8th month of August that this quake took place, the location was 10km under the sea and the Girl can represent Mother Earth basically Earth. The connection is there and it would explain why he or she would see water in Italy as he or she did state:

The country side seemed very peaceful at first I heard a bell ring out from what seemed like an old church. However, I could not tell as it seemed almost Italian, French or Spanish it was hard to distinguish from it, but it seemed like it belonged to one or all of those regions.

Furthermore there was also a statement of fields of olives and lavender Tuscany is known for their large export of Lavender and Italy is famous for the lovely olives we have on our Pizza.

So, if we are to look at that post we have all the details there, the region, the month, the location of the quake. I know! What's it's missing is the tsunami but is it possible for it to occur?

Which is why I believe that the water the poster saw was either to come, or is a symbolism for something else. Like the blood of the innocent being spilled?

However, although true this prediction is barely anything it does prove that we are limited to the understanding of dreams and the possible dream time travel phenomenon which we go through during some nights.

This is merely my hypothesis of the event and what I found buried in the Dreams & Predictions section.

I hope you enjoyed the read and most importantly we should wonder - Is the tsunami a viable event that may occur if a more powerful quake is to occur hours or days after this initial one?

posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 01:31 AM
Another fun note the Tuscany Lavender export is part of Florence and the quake was felt quiet well in Florence, so would the reference between the fields of Lavender and Olives be a reference to the size of the area effected?

I'm rather growing curious by decoding this poster's prediction

posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 01:42 AM
Also is there anyone on here that has sources and connections in Italy to help us find out which churches were destroyed during the quake?

Any help is much appreciated

posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: TheChuckster

Yea, I sorta follow your idea.

Unless I'm mistaken, Johnathan Hogue, or someone else predicted this earthquake on C2C fairly recently but I'd never be able to find a link to prove that.

posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: TheChuckster

Yea, I sorta follow your idea.

Unless I'm mistaken, Johnathan Hogue, or someone else predicted this earthquake on C2C fairly recently but I'd never be able to find a link to prove that.

You have to admit though a 4 month warning in advance of time is astonishing and the data is all there too. The only issue is that the writers and experiencing individuals do not take the time to decode the dream. Our mind makes the connections but replaces certain gaps with basics for us to understand, yet at the same time it is the paradox that our mind alters future dreams to avoid 100% accuracy.

posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 09:08 AM
so is it your contention that the language of dreams is a universal language?
that would be very interesting. ive always held that dream imagery is personal,
based on ones life experiences, and views. so.. a child floating on a door could
mean a hundred different things to a hundred different people.
if though, dream imagery is universal..that would mean we are all plugged into the same
computer jack...interesting can of worms there.

posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: TheChuckster
It is the 8th month of August
what does this mean? where does the number 10 fit in?
edit on 24-8-2016 by NobodiesNormal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: autopat51
so is it your contention that the language of dreams is a universal language?
that would be very interesting. ive always held that dream imagery is personal,
based on ones life experiences, and views. so.. a child floating on a door could
mean a hundred different things to a hundred different people.
if though, dream imagery is universal..that would mean we are all plugged into the same
computer jack...interesting can of worms there.

The message remains the same but the translation is near impossible to make out due to the paradox of all sentient beings observing the event. Thus the over all conscience makes it impossible for us to obtain the truth as the original message is being distorted.

posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: TheChuckster
so the messages are universal, but are hopelessly distorted by ones own individuality,
and personal experiences?
does this have to do with our duality, we are getting in the way of ourselves?

posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: TheChuckster

Maybe you're going where the guy on C2C went yesterday, or the day before, (I forget). You can read about him here:

An excerpt from the C2C@ article:
"n the second half, expert in hypnosis and time travel, Dr. Bruce Goldberg, talked about out-of-body experiences (OBE) and dimensional travel. This kind of travel is quite safe, he suggested, and people can visit such places as the astral, causal, and etheric planes. While the lower astral plane is the home of creepy entities and psychic attacks, the higher part of the plane contains an 'Astral Museum' where you can view futuristic technologies, he said. A conscious OBE or COBE, is an ascension technique that Goldberg developed, for a person to connect directly to their higher self, rather than lingering in the lower astral plane. He also delved into cases of past life regressions that he's conducted, such as with TV host Jerry Springer, who relived a past life as a knight who saved a woman from a sword attack. Interestingly, the woman he saved in that life is currently his daughter Kirstie in his current incarnation, Goldberg shared. Regarding his time traveling views of the future, in the 35th century people will be able to live to between 500 to 900 years old, and have teleportation devices in their homes.

On the show he claimed we travel out of body every night when we sleep and go to different astral planes, one of which contains the Aksaick records.

Maybe some people are better able than others to remember what they experience there when they're asleep?

posted on Aug, 25 2016 @ 04:22 AM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: TheChuckster

Maybe you're going where the guy on C2C went yesterday, or the day before, (I forget). You can read about him here:

An excerpt from the C2C@ article:
"n the second half, expert in hypnosis and time travel, Dr. Bruce Goldberg, talked about out-of-body experiences (OBE) and dimensional travel. This kind of travel is quite safe, he suggested, and people can visit such places as the astral, causal, and etheric planes. While the lower astral plane is the home of creepy entities and psychic attacks, the higher part of the plane contains an 'Astral Museum' where you can view futuristic technologies, he said. A conscious OBE or COBE, is an ascension technique that Goldberg developed, for a person to connect directly to their higher self, rather than lingering in the lower astral plane. He also delved into cases of past life regressions that he's conducted, such as with TV host Jerry Springer, who relived a past life as a knight who saved a woman from a sword attack. Interestingly, the woman he saved in that life is currently his daughter Kirstie in his current incarnation, Goldberg shared. Regarding his time traveling views of the future, in the 35th century people will be able to live to between 500 to 900 years old, and have teleportation devices in their homes.

On the show he claimed we travel out of body every night when we sleep and go to different astral planes, one of which contains the Aksaick records.

Maybe some people are better able than others to remember what they experience there when they're asleep?

Unfortunately, Goldberg does not seem to grasp the branch theory of the tree of time paradox, what he saw was a possibility of a future that may come. However, you must take into account the human nature, religion, politics and other dogmas that can split off the direct timeline into a different subbranch. Time is not straight it splits off into branches and subbranches, the paradox of time is still limited to mankind. All timelines already exists it is the route that we take that will show the journey toward a specific unknown destination.

posted on Aug, 25 2016 @ 08:37 AM
I have some great news coming for you my lovely brothers and sisters!

It will be in my next thread and it is something that will be most great to hear that are of the faith Catholic, Christian or Orthodox.

No it's not the return of the savior or Jesus riding down on a could. But! It is something that will finally bring in the age of change and the world will know so so so much!

I'm so excited I don't even know if I am worthy of writing this thread

posted on Aug, 25 2016 @ 10:28 AM
Here you go guys and girls

The Last Pope: The Fisher of Man

a reply to: TonyS

I thought you will enjoy this S I actually tried decoding the filled gaps during the trip, it reaped some interesting results

posted on Aug, 25 2016 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: TonyS

The thing about predicting an earthquake, is that you WILL get a bite at someo point. Especially in areas prone to them
In the case of Italy, its not as if they have never held them . Now if someone were to predict one in an area with no known tectonic activity, it would be interesting. However this is boring.

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