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The Hostage Air Base – and Its Hydrogen Bombs

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posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 07:13 AM
opps wrong thread,

edit on 22-7-2016 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: MetalChickAmy
I too am concerned about this, and the entire situation. Add in Theresa May's recent declaration that she would push the nuclear button, this is like the 1980's all over again.

OK, lets put Theresa May's comments into perspective.

Her words were said during the recent debate and vote over Tridents future, of course she is going to say she would push the button, otherwise, in not doing so, would have given those in opposition the chance to say something along the lines of "if you wouldn't use it, why have it"

Bang goes the argument, its not like she is threatening anyone at all

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

Glad to know youre actually writting the novel. When its ready id love an autographed copy.

Belleraphon. Interesting name. Did the ship disappear and return after fighting some monsterous alien species in deep space. Or is it it will be kicking alien ass after it gets a new engineer from planet dirt, who happens to be the only engineer genius enough to thwart the evil aliens and thus hunanities only hope.

Im well aquainted with the tr3b tale and some of its details. So i know better than to push on that one.

But the men who state at goats thing sounds exciting. Id like to onow more about that concept. The psychic thing the SF soldiers could do was it like stare at a enemy sentry intently thinking "you want to do a half assed job at you post and become distracted" and " you want to turn on your comrades and start shooting at them" wait they could mentaly focus and shut off electronics telepathically ...or people. Wait teleport or dimensionaly displace objects? Curious as to what project jedi was tryin to achieve. IM me if you want so nobody steals your intellectual property and novel ideas.

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