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Diamond Reynolds raising money after Philandro Castiles death

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posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:52 AM


posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:52 AM

originally posted by: ssenerawa

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: ssenerawa

originally posted by: Nyiah
Here's my take, and you get what you get, so like it or lump it here.

She's not an "inspiration" or anything else remotely like it, she's a POS. Instead of dialing 911 while the cop is actively freaking the F out in the background (I.E doing nothing to call for a bus himself) she decides to livestream a dying human being on social media like a flat-out attention whore.

Let me repeat that. She opts for streaming over calling emergency services. THE EFFING PHONE IS IN HER HAND, AND SHE PICKED FACEBOOK OVER 911.

Piece. Of. S#.
riddle me plz. lol why would she call 911 wtf? didn't they just murder her boyfriend. Who is it you people suppose this lady should call that the officer's have not called yet

Riddle me this, smarty pants. Since when is one cop collectively all of "them"? ONE cop frakked up & got trigger happy on this guy, not all of them. Whatever you think you scored with your ace up the sleeve, you didn't. Blaming other cops & EMTs not even there is a total cop-out (no pun intended)

Phil's blood is quite aptly on BOTH of their hands. Neither of them did anything to try to help him in the critical first few minutes there. He might have still died, it might have been the 5minutes that kept him alive. Fact of the matter is, she narrated instead of calling. The cop kept yelling the F word on repeat. In a nutshell, one was realizing quite boisterously how badly he screwed up, the other was looking for her FB feed fame.
Can you just answer this then. Which extension of 9/11 should she have called and/or said what

You can't be serious. Have people really gone this stupid today? What do YOU think would have have happened if she'd called? This?

"Hello, 911! We were pulled over at blankity-blank & such-and-such. The officer just shot my boyfriend, and he's bleeding out I think. Please send an ambulance, quick!"

"Ok, caller, will do."

< click >

Newsflash: that wouldn't have happened. The operator would have talked to both the cop & her, and at some point, assessment of Phil's injuries would have been done hastily in effort to try to triage him while waiting for the ambulance. THIS is what people are oblivious to, and why her narcissistic on-the-fly Facebooking pisses me off. THAT WAS CRITICAL TO PHIL, AND IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: ssenerawa

Just using your logic.

You and others claim anybody using facts and evidence to counter the narrative given by Lavish Diamond is somehow racist against black people.

So, using your logic, anybody arguing aginst officer Yanez is obviously racist against latinos.

Of course neither is true.

Just pointing out the silliness of it all, so even you can understand.

edit on 12-7-2016 by Deny Arrogance because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

Newsflash: that wouldn't have happened. The operator would have talked to both the cop & her, and at some point, assessment of Phil's injuries would have been done hastily in effort to try to triage him while waiting for the ambulance. THIS is what people are oblivious to

There is a difference between reality and your fantasies .....

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: visitedbythem
Diamond "Lavish" Reynolds and her daughter will soon be invited to the whitehouse and be embrased and entertained by the Obamas. She may even go on a talk show with Michelle at her side to discuss what is wrong with America and how we can change all that once and for all with an Obama plan

And then this is added to the discussion.

So much for intelligent discourse.

If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon.

visitedbythem may be on to something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: Deny Arrogance
a reply to: ssenerawa

Just using your logic.

You and others claim anybody using facts and evidence to counter the narrative given by Lavish Diamond is somehow racist against black people.

So, using your logic, anybody arguing aginst officer Yanez is obviously racist against latinos.

Of course neither is true.

Just pointing out the silliness of it all, so even you can understand.

No. But the name calling and false dialogue is very disturbing I have to admit

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: ssenerawa

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: ssenerawa

originally posted by: Nyiah
Here's my take, and you get what you get, so like it or lump it here.

She's not an "inspiration" or anything else remotely like it, she's a POS. Instead of dialing 911 while the cop is actively freaking the F out in the background (I.E doing nothing to call for a bus himself) she decides to livestream a dying human being on social media like a flat-out attention whore.

Let me repeat that. She opts for streaming over calling emergency services. THE EFFING PHONE IS IN HER HAND, AND SHE PICKED FACEBOOK OVER 911.

Piece. Of. S#.
riddle me plz. lol why would she call 911 wtf? didn't they just murder her boyfriend. Who is it you people suppose this lady should call that the officer's have not called yet

Riddle me this, smarty pants. Since when is one cop collectively all of "them"? ONE cop frakked up & got trigger happy on this guy, not all of them. Whatever you think you scored with your ace up the sleeve, you didn't. Blaming other cops & EMTs not even there is a total cop-out (no pun intended)

Phil's blood is quite aptly on BOTH of their hands. Neither of them did anything to try to help him in the critical first few minutes there. He might have still died, it might have been the 5minutes that kept him alive. Fact of the matter is, she narrated instead of calling. The cop kept yelling the F word on repeat. In a nutshell, one was realizing quite boisterously how badly he screwed up, the other was looking for her FB feed fame.
Can you just answer this then. Which extension of 9/11 should she have called and/or said what

You can't be serious. Have people really gone this stupid today? What do YOU think would have have happened if she'd called? This?

"Hello, 911! We were pulled over at blankity-blank & such-and-such. The officer just shot my boyfriend, and he's bleeding out I think. Please send an ambulance, quick!"

"Ok, caller, will do."

< click >

Newsflash: that wouldn't have happened. The operator would have talked to both the cop & her, and at some point, assessment of Phil's injuries would have been done hastily in effort to try to triage him while waiting for the ambulance. THIS is what people are oblivious to, and why her narcissistic on-the-fly Facebooking pisses me off. THAT WAS CRITICAL TO PHIL, AND IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
That was not the only cop on the scene. Ambulance were already on the way. Also you don't have to say anything but we need an ambulance they will come no assessment required.
edit on 12-7-2016 by ssenerawa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 04:04 AM


posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: Deny Arrogance
a reply to: ssenerawa

Just using your logic.

You and others claim anybody using facts and evidence to counter the narrative given by Lavish Diamond is somehow racist against black people.

So, using your logic, anybody arguing aginst officer Yanez is obviously racist against latinos.

Of course neither is true.

Just pointing out the silliness of it all, so even you can understand.

Also her name is Diamond Reynolds.. Lavish is her middle name which people keep saying to demonize her pretty sure, as Diamond Lavish sounds very different from Diamond Reynolds. Lol u people don't play games..
edit on 12-7-2016 by ssenerawa because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2016 by ssenerawa because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2016 by ssenerawa because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2016 by ssenerawa because: (no reason given)

(post by Deny Arrogance removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 05:56 AM
I will donate money to the Dallas PD or any other PD singled out by BLM and their hate crimes.

'Lavish' can get her hand out elsewhere.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 07:20 AM
To the OP, you can't watch that video and not know that we have a real problem. This. Broke. My. Heart.

He didn't have a broken tail light, and she did the right thing to record and remain calm doing so. This one video made me understand what black people are saying is true.. I applaud her level headed actions. Watching that man die like that, no ambulance was called and the officer was still pointing a gun at him, disgusting.

Go to 9:35 of this video and see Diamond Reynold break down while her 4 year old is with her in the back of a police car handcuffed for no reason. The should be ashamed of themselves.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: reldra

She kept her cool in order to document that horrible thing properly.

I have a grip.

I've been robbed at gun point before and my girlfriend was standing next to me.

Recording a video and livestreaming it on Facebook was literally the furthest thing from my mind.

Staying calm after someone gets shot right next to you and then suddenly bursting into tears?

No. Sometimes a spade is a spade.

Not every person acts the same way. It appears, in the beginning, he was shot in the arm. He bleeds out quickly. There would have been no help in trying to stop the bleeding. The cop is standing right there, and I can see the cop is freaking out, but he does nothing but stand there with his gun up.

It is standard operating procedure to secure the scene, weapon, etc before rendering aid. This is true of all PD's. and they did give him cpr after more officers arrived.


posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Spider879

A few errors with your post:
-He does have a criminal record with over 30 convicted traffic violations.
-No absolute proof of his conceal permit.
-The recording started after he was shot, not much context to go off of.
-The officer was not white.
-More whites are killed by cops than blacks.

I have seen this trying to characterize the victim as a thug's still surprising and disgusting no matter how many times it is done.

Have you not seen all of his facebook pictures? Crips? Gang signs? Merry CRIPmass and a happy BLUEyear? Does none of that matter?


posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

Have you not seen all of his facebook pictures? Crips? Gang signs? Merry CRIPmass and a happy BLUEyear?

I have not seen those pictures. Can you post one or two of the most offensive so we can what you're talking about? A link maybe?

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 11:35 AM
The amount of racist people in this thread is ridiculous. Have some sympathy. Have any of you nifnards heard of "shock"?

To those saying "Oh she should have stopped the bleeding!" It's clear none of you have common sense.

1. He stated he had a gun on him.
2. The officer was careless/afraid/nervous and shot the guy.
3. What would behoove her to try and stop the bleeding when the officer still had his gun pointed the whole time?
4. Had she done that the officer could have shot her too thinking she was going for his gun in retaliation.
5. Now we have another shot person and possibly a third (child in the backseat possible sitting behind the mother due to missed shot or richochet)

Some of you people need to use an ounce of the brain that was given to you. Ask yourself, is this GoFund affecting your every day life? Are you contributing to it? If not, stfu and move on.
edit on 12-7-2016 by cd5love96 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2016 by cd5love96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: onequestion

I bet she's already picked out designer purses and other useless trash to buy with the "money she will get". She went on "The View" (maybe this morning even?), she is milking this gig for everything it's worth.

Lavish/Diamond is a great example of people in our society who contribute little to nothing to society, and if anything likely is just bringing others down due to her lack of respect, ambition, or responsibility. In conclusion, Lavish seems like a selfish pig and doesn't want to miss this "great opportunity" to get some greenbacks

edit on 12-7-2016 by FamCore because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: FamCore

I bet she's already picked out designer purses and other useless trash to buy with the "money she will get". She went on "The View" (maybe this morning even?), she is milking this gig for everything it's worth.

Saw it this morning on HULU. The thing is, this isn't about Reynolds. She is just another statistic. She belongs to "The Movement" now. Did you see her lawyer, an erudite black man, much more like F. Lee Bailey than Johnnie Cochran.

Skip to 5:50 to just hear what her lawyer has to say.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 01:22 PM
To be completely honest I think you guys are gross and should be ashamed of yourselves. What do you care if she gets money or not? You are all psychiatric diagnosticians now huh?

God forbid she try and render aid and get shot herself, it's not like there wasn't still a handgun in the car and he got shot for it being there. You think he is going to suddenly allow her to reach for it?

edit on 12-7-2016 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: TheKnightofDoom
a reply to: Spider879

I have just read the whole thread obvious to me racism is rife in the US and here on ATS...they disguise it well but it is obvious.

No but those of you defending these armed robbing, child molesting, cop attacking thugs are doing a good job of turning us into racists.

I know plenty of ghetto fabulous, hood rat white chicks too.

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