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‘White Privilege’ training for teachers-Pacific Educational Group

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posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 04:15 PM
I ran across an interesting article that, at first blush, would seem to be yet another indictment of the "White Privilege" issue. Instead however, its more about how School Districts across the United States are spending Millions of Dollars a year on Teacher training materials designed to educate and prepare Teachers to better understand the needs and problems of minority students in their schools. The company that has designed these materials is the "Pacific Educational Group, a San Francisco-based education consulting company". And apparently this company has profited quite handsomely through the sale of these materials to School Districts across the US.

The article's author points up some rather peculiar paradoxes concerning this companies practices. For example, it appears that the company has profited handsomely from exploitation of the free enterprise system, i.e., from capitalism. On the other hand, "PEG has used speakers at its national conferences who condemn the ideals of private property and profit, and dismiss the notion that minority students (like Singleton once was) can work hard and succeed on their own." Indeed it appears that many of the Speakers at the national conferences are devotees of "Bill Ayers, a Marxist educator and former member of the radical domestic terrorist group Weather Underground, which was accused of blowing up U.S. government buildings. Ayers is a leading proponent of using the education system to recruit new radical activists". the Pacific Educational Group (PEG), on the one hand, profits handsomely from the free enterprise system, and yet on the other hand seems to embrace an anti-capitalism philosophy. The first thing that jumped out at me was that these materials aren't about helping anyone; they're about promoting Marxist values and indoctrinating teachers and their students to be change agents in the transformation of the society from a free enterprise system to a collective economic system. "White privilege" is nothing more than a convenient medium to promote these concepts. promoting this agenda....PEG is making buckets of bucks using the free enterprise system it decries!

Another paradox which I found particularly disturbing is in the fact that on the one hand, "PEG’s overt mission is to improve educational opportunities for black and other minority children." This would lead one to the conclusion that "PEG’s founder and president, Glenn Singleton, who is a black man, wants better instruction for minority kids so they can follow his path and become successful participants in the American economy." However, the overall direction of these materials is "intent on convincing minority students that the education system, and American society in general, are biased against them. Instead of motivating students for success, they seem like they want to convince them they are victims of an unjust society that requires radical transformation."

I've quoted heavily from the article itself which you can read here:

What a peculiar contretemps this situation presents. On the one hand it seems the goal is to help minority students excel in school such that they can lead productive lives as full participants in the US Economy and yet, on the other hand, the teaching materials are designed to help the Teachers communicate the idea that the education system and the economic system and indeed the very institutions that make up the US systems of Government and Enterprise are rigged against them such that they can't hope to succeed because "White Privilege" insures they'll always be at the back of the bus of opportunity.

I understand the concept of the "White Privilege" paradigm and yes...."White Privilege" does exist and it does permeate US society to one extent or another. does "Tall Privilege", (where its recognized that tall men are often promoted ahead of those who are short or even of average height); so does "Handsome and Pretty" privilege, (where its been shown that men and women who are physically attractive are looked upon more favorably and are considered more intelligent and talented than ordinary looking people). But the question is: Do we help short, ugly kids by teaching them they can't succeed because innate prejudice against them dooms them to failure? Of course not! Danny Devito didn't become a successful actor because he was told he'd fail because he was short and ugly. He succeeded because he was taught he could succeed if he worked hard at perfecting his acting craft.

Maybe its time to stop focusing so much on the problems and instead, start educating and encouraging kids on how to succeed despite obstacles they may encounter!

For your consideration!

+4 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: TonyS

"White Privilege" is a myth. We have black billionaires, actors, sport stars, scientists, teachers, cops, firefighters, and even a black POTUS. The AG is black too, so was the last one. Does that mean that Lynch and Holder have "Black Privilege"?

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 04:34 PM
Trying to encourage people to develop,or cling to a victim mentality is pretty sick,imo.Of course it's great for those who loves to wallow in self-pity..but self-pity has never much helped anyone to succeed? How can it,when it is The most disempowering attitude and worldview one could imagine..seems like these PEG folks are happy to make money off sabotaging children by encouraging that destructive attitude.Sick.

+9 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 05:22 PM
im sick and tired of black people trying to make me feel guilty about being white. i cant help the color of my skin. im not a rascist or a heathen. im a normal fat stoner pothead white middle aged man that works 40 hours a week @ 15 an hour. my parents parents came here by legal immigration from poland.
my family never had slaves, never were rascist, or bigots... but no matter what, because im white... i have to watch what i say, or worry about offending someone when they call themselves the n word. ive been called pollack many times, and i dont sit and call other polish people that.
im white... im proud to be white... im glad im not brown... i will never know what your "pain" is...
but i refuse to teach my kids to live off the goverment. they will goto college. i refuse to let my kids run the streets.. they are in by 8 pm. i refuse to let my kids hang out with scum....
stop whining about white privilege. its bs...
black privilege on the other hand:
can mock all other races with no reprucussions - whiteys, uncle toms, crakas etc...
can riot and go nuts over stupid outcomes of court cases
can wear whatever they want and act like hoodlums and expect to be treated with dignity
expect all whites to bow down to them for slavery that happened hundreds of years ago and most black arent even related to any former slaves...
stop.... please

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Maybe its time to stop focusing so much on the problems and instead, start educating and encouraging kids on how to succeed despite obstacles they may encounter!

You mean actually empower folks to fight the bully class and be someone who can look themselves in the mirror and be proud no matter what anyone else says or thinks? GASP!!!

Then all those kids might grow up and be strong and independent and self-sufficient and not need the political class (nor those "educational" materials). Can't have that...

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 06:57 PM
Well, regarding this teaching methodology...if you're not part of the solution, there's good money to be made continuing the problem...

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: nobunaga

I really like the way you worded this. May I share it on my facebook?

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: nobunaga
im sick and tired ...

Yeah, sure you are.

The ignorance runs strong with this one.

You aren't even cognisant with the issue, yet you profess to be 'against' it...

do some bloody research on other than a conspiracy site, or stormfront or whatever and educate yourself as to why there is, indeed, 'white privilege'.

You may start liking yourself a little more after that, and stop being a dropkick stoner on minimum wage...

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: aorAki

originally posted by: nobunaga
im sick and tired ...

do some bloody research on other than a conspiracy site, or stormfront or whatever and educate yourself as to why there is, indeed, 'white privilege'.

Evidence please.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: BIGPoJo
a reply to: TonyS

"White Privilege" is a myth. We have black billionaires, actors, sport stars, scientists, teachers, cops, firefighters, and even a black POTUS. The AG is black too, so was the last one. Does that mean that Lynch and Holder have "Black Privilege"?

And you misunderstand what White Privilege is , it's not about your balance sheet or position in a company or government.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 11:49 PM
Every single white person I know works their ass off for practically nothing. I work hard and clear just under 700 a week after taxes and I'm not living to high on the hog out here in California.

Meanwhile I'm surrounded by immigrants leeching off of the system sucking up all the trade jobs out here for 10 n a hour which is insane.

Cut the crap with this bull#.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: Spider879

It's a steaming pile of horse#.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 12:57 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
Every single white person I know works their ass off for practically nothing. I work hard and clear just under 700 a week after taxes and I'm not living to high on the hog out here in California.

Meanwhile I'm surrounded by immigrants leeching off of the system sucking up all the trade jobs out here for 10 n a hour which is insane.

Cut the crap with this bull#.

And so does every black person I know, still you have a better chance of hailing a cab with your pants dangling off your ass if you are a white hipster than I would dressed in a suit and tie in Manhattan.
White privileges is simply a set of positive assumptions that give whites the edge over their Black and other minority counter parts.

Edit to add vid context.
edit on 25-2-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: Spider879

Are you saying that getting a cab is white privilege?

How many of those cab drivers are white let's be honest here?

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: Spider879

Are you saying that getting a cab is white privilege?

How many of those cab drivers are white let's be honest here?

It doesn't matter it's the attitude and assumption about "race" that matters even among Black and minority folks, it get even worst when it involves LEO, a person with a Black sounding name have way lower response on a job resume than a white one. ease/
Klik^ here for text.
Again let me repeat no one is saying that white folks do not work hard for what they have it's just a fact that they have an easier time off it, and there in lays the "white privilege"

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 02:27 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

originally posted by: BIGPoJo
a reply to: TonyS

"White Privilege" is a myth. We have black billionaires, actors, sport stars, scientists, teachers, cops, firefighters, and even a black POTUS. The AG is black too, so was the last one. Does that mean that Lynch and Holder have "Black Privilege"?

And you misunderstand what White Privilege is , it's not about your balance sheet or position in a company or government.

Then what is white privilege exactly? Do you understand how offensive this concept is to whites? I mean its very racist to say that a person's skin color affects social status.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 03:43 AM

originally posted by: BIGPoJo

originally posted by: Spider879

originally posted by: BIGPoJo
a reply to: TonyS

"White Privilege" is a myth. We have black billionaires, actors, sport stars, scientists, teachers, cops, firefighters, and even a black POTUS. The AG is black too, so was the last one. Does that mean that Lynch and Holder have "Black Privilege"?

And you misunderstand what White Privilege is , it's not about your balance sheet or position in a company or government.

Then what is white privilege exactly? Do you understand how offensive this concept is to whites? I mean its very racist to say that a person's skin color affects social status.

It shouldn't come off as being offensive but it is what it is, so yes a person's skin color does affects social status, as was stated earlier one can achieve,academic,financial and professional status and still be affected by it, too many stories of wealthy Blacks getting checked in their own neighborhood that is largely white or mistaken for the the help or the valet..why the assumption??? it is assumed they don't belonged there and maybe a probable interloper, btw sometimes with deadly consequences, money and power can help shield some from the worst of it but it's still there and a good many self segregate themselves in their own upper crusty communities to avoid such daily challenges to their being.

But that's them if one is simply average middle class or working class then such negative assumptions become even more grating as there is very little one can do to avoid it, being racially profiled is not a thing most white folks will experience while shopping even if they are raggedy as hell and looked broke , it is assumed that the person is just in dress down mode.
I know many perhaps most here cannot believe it's a thing simply because they have never experienced it, and I am not saying that someone won't profile you while shopping or just going about your day, but I can almost guarantee that it's rare.
edit on 25-2-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: Spider879

In having a hard time understanding how we're having an easy time of it when nothing has been easy for me my entire life.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: Spider879

In having a hard time understanding how we're having an easy time of it when nothing has been easy for me my entire life.

I said easier time of it , you still have to bust ass to get yours, btw did you klik on the first vid, that's not some one off rarity.
edit on 25-2-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: Spider879

Calling it white privilege is a misnomer.

Why don't you just say there is a certain prejudice and stop calling it white privileges because it sounds moronic to any hard working white person busting their ass for barely scraps.

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