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NYC World Premiere. Firefighters, Architects & Engineers: Expose the Myths of 9/11

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posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:03 PM
I'll take a moment to show my empathy on this day for all those who died, and for those who may still be dying from the aftermath, after all we all have souls, don't we? I have not seen all of this latest presentation as yet, but over the years I have seen things that were supposed to be impossible demonstrated as real about 9/11, that's not loony tunes, nor is it loony tunes about what was known prior to 9/11. And more, it's only after 9/11 that real loony tunes start to appear, to make what actually happened, the secure truth, with redactions, the events for the next generation/s. R.I.P. all those who died on the day, shame on those who rest easy with what they have been given.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

I felt bad I didn't SnF this post earlier so I had to make a conscious effort to come back and SnF it!
This stuff never gets old, and I'm glad there is still a lot of people questioning the official narrative.

Justice will be served one day.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: muSSang

Justice will be served one day.

Despite the straggling OS hold outs and their dwindling defeated numbers.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: hellobruce

originally posted by: lordcomac
They never found the black boxes?

I somehow missed that.

They found the ones at the Pentagon and Shanksville.... But truthers prefer to lie and claim none were found!

That's funny since the Pentagon's own Police outside that day TESTIFIED on film as seeing the plane doing a dive bomb on the building, then pulling up and fly right over it, then a large explosion happened. Never mind the hole, the one that was neatly punched into the Pentagon only a Tomahawk Cruise missile could have done that in bunker busting mode.

Lets not forget the Taxi cab driver who also spilled the beans as to him being told what to do on the bridge with his car by his wife who is in the FBI. The one that the light pole fell on, while on the bridge in front of the Pentagon, like it was struck by a plane. Never happened and he only spilled his beans when he thought the camera was off.

ONLY A DIRECT ENERGY WEAPON CAN MAKE THE TRADE CENTER STEEL BEAMS TURN INTO DUST WHILE FALLING THROUGH MID AIR. It also explains why the debris pile was so small when it should have been massive.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge
That's funny since the Pentagon's own Police outside that day TESTIFIED on film as seeing the plane doing a dive bomb on the building, then pulling up and fly right over it, then a large explosion happened.

Of course you can show us this video.....


Any evidence the beams "turned to dust"?

Oh dear, someone who believes the silly "beam weapons from space" conspiracy theory!

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 08:19 PM

That's funny since the Pentagon's own Police outside that day TESTIFIED on film as seeing the plane doing a dive bomb on the building, then pulling up and fly right over it, then a large explosion happened. Never mind the hole, the one that was neatly punched into the Pentagon only a Tomahawk Cruise missile could have done that in bunker busting mode. Lets not forget the Taxi cab driver who also spilled the beans as to him being told what to do on the bridge with his car by his wife who is in the FBI. The one that the light pole fell on, while on the bridge in front of the Pentagon, like it was struck by a plane. Never happened and he only spilled his beans when he thought the camera was off.

Yeah, please alert that Sky guy... maybe he should see this, but we know he will not..

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 08:23 PM
Hey Hellobruce, don't knock Dr. Woods, I don't buy into her story but I will say it does explain some things, the fact of the matter is there are things we don't know about, who knows how it was done but it was done..

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:04 PM
Just finished the video. What a great presentation.

WTC 7 says it all....

Proud to be an American...

Want to leave so bad.

edit on 11-9-2015 by frostie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Just finished watching, great new presentation and I can say they have every skeptic's angle thoroughly refuted. However, this is just a scratch of information compared to the mountains of evidence but from an engineering standpoint, there's nothing any skeptic can say anymore. Owned. S&F

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:49 PM
Here is the video; edit, I see it is also posted on page one by gladtobehere.

edit on 11-9-2015 by ecapsretuo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 10:29 PM
Interesting. I think I found something worth mentioning. For anyone who watched the show, Ace Elevator Co. was suspect. I never heard of them so I did some reading. Beside the fact that they took over the contract at WTC from the original team Otis, they did some major work there according to an article put out by their president Robert Baamonde. I mean major! work. They were hired to replace the elevator system and modernize the WTC buildings elevators with a highly customized motor-drive system, which was actually too big for the elevator room. Read below the work involved to power this thing.

Installations of two separate trough runs (one high
voltage and one communication) from the elevator motor
room to the motor generator room seven floors away,
proved a challenge. A run of approximately 80 vertical
feet, employed over 300 running feet of 2-1/2" x 8" and
2"x 2" trough raceway. This run traveled through plaster
ceilings, concrete floors and around structural steel. The
remote location necessitated the installation of a new
800 amp service disconnect switch with a remote shunt
trip, installed in each motor generator room.

Read the entire scope of work here:

Well then. There's your detonator. 800 AMP circuit, what better place to put a bomb?

edit on 11-9-2015 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 11:10 PM
Do fires and rescue workers use countdowns to bring buildings down???
No, but a demolition does.

Any doubters and or seekers listen at 35:00 to 36:25.

a reply to: gladtobehere

Thank you, S&F

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: seasoul

Sorry bro but global research should change it's name to "russian propaganda." There is so much nonsense on that site it's impossible to take seriously.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

The OSers hate Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Why? Because these are professionals and experts who refute the official story.

Civil & Structural Engineers on WTC Collapse
Let's take a look at the real story.

Civil & Structural Engineers on WTC Collapse

"The aircraft moved through the building as if it were a hot and fast lava flow," Sozen says. "Consequently, much of the fireproofing insulation was ripped off the structure. Even if all of the columns and girders had survived the impact - an unlikely event - the structure would fail as the result of a buckling of the columns. The heat from an ordinary office fire would suffice to soften and weaken the unprotected steel. Evaluation of the effects of the fire on the core column structure, with the insulation removed by the impact, showed that collapse would follow whatever the number of columns cut at the time of the impact."


Did experts on the scene think WTC 7 was a controlled demolition?

Whom should we ask to find out if WTC 7’s collapse resembled an explosive demolition? How about asking the explosive demolition experts who were on the scene on 9/11? Brent Blanchard of Protec:

"Several demolition teams had reached Ground Zero by 3:00 pm on 9/11, and these individuals witnessed the collapse of WTC 7 from within a few hundred feet of the event.

We have spoken with several who possess extensive experience in explosive demolition, and all reported seeing or hearing nothing to indicate an explosive detonation precipitating the collapse.

As one eyewitness told us, "We were all standing around helpless...we knew full well it was going to collapse. Everyone there knew. You gotta remember there was a lot of confusion and we didn't know if another plane was coming...but I never heard explosions like demo charges.

We knew with the damage to the building and how hot the fire was, that building was gonna go, so we just waited, and a little later it went."

Controlled Demolition Inc

D.H. Griffin Companies

Mazzocchi Wrecking

Gateway Demolition

Yannuzzi Demolition & Disposal

The Magzine of the American Institute of Architects

All of Gage’s so-called evidence has been rebutted in peer-reviewed papers, by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, by the American Society of Civil Engineers, by the 9/11 Commission Report, and, perhaps most memorably, by the 110-year-old engineering journal Popular Mechanics.

Towers Weakened by Planes; Brought Down by Fire

Analysis by a team of 25 of the nation's leading structural and fire protection engineers suggests that the World Trade Center Towers could have remained standing indefinitely if fire had not overwhelmed the weakened structures, according to a report presented today at a hearing of the House Science Committee.

That finding is significant, said W. Gene Corley, Ph.D., team lead for the ASCE/FEMA Building Performance Study Team, because extreme events of this type, resulting in such substantial damage, are generally not considered in building design, and the fact that these structures were able to successfully withstand such damage is noteworthy.

Only a handful of architects and engineers question the NIST Report, but they have never come up with an alternative. Although at first blush it may seem impressive that these people don't believe the NIST Report, remember that there are 123,000 members of ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineers) who do not question the NIST Report. There are also 80,000 members of AIA(American Institute of Architects) who do not question the NIST Report.

There are 120,000 members of ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers) who do not question the NIST report. There are also 370,000 members of IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) who do not question the NIST report. There are also 40,000 members of AIChE(American Institute of Chemical Engineers) who do not question the NIST Report. There are also 35,000 members of AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) who do not question the NIST report.

There are123,000 members of ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineers) who do not question the NIST Report. There are also 80,000 members of AIA(American Institute of Architects) who do not question the NIST Report.

Why the World Trade Center Buildings Collapsed: A Fire Chief ’s Assessment

Bearing walls and Open floor design

When the jet liners crashed into the towers based upon knowledge of the tower construction and high-rise firefighting experience the following happened: First the plane broke through the tubular steel-bearing wall. This started the building failure. Next the exploding, disintegrating, 185-ton jet plane slid across an open office floor area and severed many of the steel interior columns in the center core area. Plane parts also crashed through the plasterboard-enclosed stairways, cutting off the exits from the upper floors.

The jet collapsed the ceilings and scraped most of the spray-on fire retarding asbestos from the steel trusses. The steel truss floor supports probably started to fail quickly from the flames and thecenter steel supporting columns severed by plane parts heated by the flames began to buckle, sag, warp and fail. Then the top part of the tower crashed down on the lower portion of the structure. This pancake collapse triggered the entire cascading collapse of the 110-story structure.

edit on 11-9-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 11:42 PM
The pentagon has a lot of cameras and the only evidence there is, it's a video from a security gate.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: skyeagle409

This thread is about A&E exposing the myths of the OS.
Do you have any information supporting A&E?

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: ecapsretuo

Let's take a look here.

The Structural Engineering Community Rejects the Controlled-Demolition Conspiracy Theory

The structural engineering community rejects the controlled-demolition conspiracy theory. Its consensus is that the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings was a fire-induced, gravity-driven collapse, an explanation that does not involve the use of explosives.

The American Society of Civil Engineers Structural Engineering Institute issued a statement calling for further discussion of NIST's recommendations, and Britain's Institution of Structural Engineers published a statement in May 2002 welcoming the FEMA report, noting

The structural engineering faculty at the university issued a statement which said that they "do not support the hypotheses of Professor Jones". On September 22, 2005, Jones gave a seminar on his hypotheses to a group of his colleagues from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at BYU. According to Jones, all but one of his colleagues agreed after the seminar that an investigation was in order and the lone dissenter came to agreement with Jones' suggestions the next day.

Northwestern University Professor of Civil Engineering Zdeněk Bažant, who was the first to offer a published peer-reviewed theory of the collapses, wrote "a few outsiders claiming a conspiracy with planted explosives" as an exception. Bažant and Verdure trace such "strange ideas" to a "mistaken impression" that safety margins in design would make the collapses impossible. One of the effects of a more detailed modeling of the progressive collapse, they say, could be to "dispel the myth of planted explosives".

Thomas Eagar, a professor of materials science and engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also dismissed the controlled-demolition conspiracy theory. Eagar remarked, "These people (in the 9/11 truth movement) use the 'reverse scientific method.' They determine what happened, throw out all the data that doesn't fit their conclusion, and then hail their findings as the only possible conclusion."

Civil & Structural Engineers on WTC Collapse

"The aircraft moved through the building as if it were a hot and fast lava flow," Sozen says. "Consequently, much of the fireproofing insulation was ripped off the structure. Even if all of the columns and girders had survived the impact - an unlikely event - the structure would fail as the result of a buckling of the columns. The heat from an ordinary office fire would suffice to soften and weaken the unprotected steel. Evaluation of the effects of the fire on the core column structure, with the insulation removed by the impact, showed that collapse would follow whatever the number of columns cut at the time of the impact."

Architects Shy From Truther 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Architects didn't show up for a 9/11-architecture-conspiracy documentary screening—and the AIA doesn't want its name associated with Trutherism.


In other words, the Truth Movement is not supported by overwhelming majority of structural and civil engineers and architects.

Now, about Richard Gage.

The Magzine of the American Institute of Architects

All of Gage’s so-called evidence has been rebutted in peer-reviewed papers, by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, by the American Society of Civil Engineers, by the 9/11 Commission Report, and, perhaps most memorably, by the 110-year-old engineering journal Popular Mechanics.

edit on 11-9-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

The OSers hate Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Why? Because these are professionals and experts who refute the official story.

In reality, the overwhelming majority of professionals reject claims of the Truth Movement and support the 'OS.'

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: Informer1958

While I disagree with the NIST report on the collapse time of WTC7 and what it thinks in regard to the pancaking floors, I am in general agreement with the official story.
edit on 12-9-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 12:11 AM
THE 9/11 READER. The September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks

edit on 12-9-2015 by seasoul because: (no reason given)

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