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I Think We Are Missing The "BIG PICTURE" Here

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posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 01:39 PM

To share what I know about the “Big Picture” requires identifying the structure of the paradigm within which the Big Picture takes place.

Understanding the true nature of the UFO experience necessitates an expansion of perspective from the usual framework of reference to which we are accustomed. The UFO experience is a phenomenon whose mechanics, dynamics, purposes and implications cannot be fully explained within the limited conceptual frameworks that are currently offered by conventional science or religion.

Traditional frameworks need to be expanded into new frontiers of understanding regarding the natural law of physics, space, time and matter and the nature of perception and consciousness itself. UFO Sightings and Contact Phenomena are in truth a natural and anticipated stepping stone in our evolution of biology and consciousness.

The “Big Picture” of the UFO experience cannot be fully explained unless we evolve old definitions and paradigms.

We will not understand the nature of our “visitors from the stars,” nor the reality of their existence among us, if we attempt to define them through our standard 3-dimensional conceptuality, for the visitors and the places from which they come exist within reality fields of a multi-dimensional spectrum. The first step in understanding the phenomena of UFOs is to acknowledge and investigate the framework of multi-dimensional reality.

What's up ATS?

The above quote comes from an article written by the not so popular Anna Hayes, or whatever name you want to go by (she has several aliases). The premise of this thread is not to vilify her or her purported sources of information but to investigate what may be the highest hurdle we have to transcend before humanity as a species can comprehend the the complicated field of ufology. Complicated because the true nature of our reality is multidimensional, but it is not either widely accepted or the concepts have not yet been thoroughly explored by mainstream science. Of course, another complication could be that there is some knowledge of these aspects being suppressed. I surmise that its likely a combination of all afromentioned factors.

I want to break down and analyze this article which raises some very key issues we must face mainly because, as the article states, knowledge of past to current visitor contact is a natural and eventual stepping stone in our evolution.

We are being taught, covertly and intentionally, to perceive our contact reality as fiction and to view the contrived fiction of non-contact propaganda as reality. The sad part is, most of us are buying it. Why? Primarily because it is safer to believe we are walking around in “Leave it to Beaver” than to admit we are held captive in a progressively unfolding real-life “X-Files” episode. Many people already know the reality of contact, for they have had first-hand experience with the phenomenon.

This would fall under suppression. Reason being there are multiple agendas already in play. From the article:

Furthermore, it is commonly assumed that only one or two races of Visitors are presently involved in our drama, when nothing could be further from the truth. Presently, there are over 400,000 different inter-stellar / inter-time / inter-dimensional races involved with our civilizations to some degree, and each has a particular interest
in and agenda regarding interaction with the human race.

Until a agenda is ready to unfold, the public must be kept miss/dis informed. Its time to let go of our traditional frameworks of reality for a change and pay attention to those who have have had direct experience with the phenomenon.

The current Visitor agendas regarding humanity can be traced back to the long and presently hidden history of their involvement with our evolution. Without access to or understanding of this history, we will be unable to identify the Visitors’ present motives for interacting with us, Visitor interest in humans is nothing new, and the reemergence of contact in our contemporary times is motivated by their awareness that we have recently crossed a threshold in our race and planetary evolution, a threshold having more to do with the details of our biological or consciousness evolution.

Our history has been shrouded in secrecy from day one. According to the article, due to where we are at in our planetary evolution, the unveiling of this UFO/contact phenomena is the next inevitable step. Other intelligences are aware of this and are facilitating the event. Consciousness evolution is cited as a precursor.

Within the paradigm of multi-dimensional / inter-time mechanics (a paradigm vindicated by its functional use by a multiplicity of this Visitor races), we can begin to understand the true nature of UFO phenomena, but more than this, we will also begin to further comprehend the true nature of ourselves and the mysteries of our personal and race evolution.

Through expansion into the awareness of multi-dimensionality we will also begin to question our previous interpretations regarding the nature and mechanics of our biology, psychology, spirituality and consciousness. Furthermore, traditional interpretations of the historical evolution of our lineage will likewise cry out for review. In the multi-dimensional paradigm, suddenly the records of ancient civilizations, with their “mythological” dramas of gods, angels and demons, are presented with a new framework of potential evaluation.

Suddenly, the dividing line between ETs and Angels, alien communication and revelations of God, messengers from Heaven and Visitors from the Stars and the polarity between scientific and religious dictum begins to blur, and our previously accepted definitions of reality begin to appear much less solid and reassuring.

Through multi-dimensional reality view, we also find a place of rationale within which such oddities are the Nazca Lines, crop circles, cave drawings of space ships, Renaissance religious paintings with UFOs, Sanskrit texts describing domed craft and aerial wars, paranormal events, NDSS, OBE, ESP, channeling mediumship, ghosts, reincarnation and a plethora or other “unexplainable” isms, including UFO sightings and alien abductions, can logically come together.

This could very well hold the key to all the answers we were seeking for the mysterious and unexplained. It would surely tie in ancient history and all the tales painted from ancient cultures from the creation myths of Sumeria, to the Egyptian deities passing down kingsmanship in ancient Egypt, to the exploits of the mythological titans/gods and their offspring of ancient Greece. Discoverery of of a multidimensional reality would also account for paranormal and other "oddities". We can then starting putting the pieces together. Some of us already have. The next stage of our evolution is space exploration and colonization, but not without contact with those who have already done it. That would be those farther along the curve who have mastered inter dimensional/galactic travel and have a better grasp of multidimensional physics.

So THAT is the bigger picture.
Expand your reality paradigm to encompass other possibilities besides the ones perceived only by your 5 senses. Realize, there is much more to learn.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: TrueMessiah

Actually the bigger picture in the scheme of things we are grains of sand in the Vastness Of The Universe.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: TrueMessiah

The 'multidimensional theory' as put forward by new agers
and philosophical descendants of the new agers is probably
wrong. It is rehashed Theosophy, which is rehashed
'celestial dynamics of crystal spheres' from earlier failed
metaphysical systems plus a dash of credibility stolen
from theories of cutting edge physics, but which has
been turned into pseudoscience.

We organic creatures are living in a tiny space (relatively
speaking), which is just 4% 'normal matter' out of a whole
which is 96% not normal matter.

Of this 4% normal matter, 99% of it is in the form of plasma,
which is mostly hydrogen and helium.

So to make grand proclamations with no evidence, about
.0004 (.04 * .01) - .04% of reality, using roughly 4000
year-old mysticism with not a single dash of science
in it, is patently absurd on it's face.

Now if you put forward a THEORY and say "This is a theory",
and mention potentially testable evidence.. then that
would be a different matter.


posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 07:07 PM
I agree with this. In the higher dimension that they come from, time is not perceived like it is in our dimension. In our dimension time only goes forward. In the higher dimension, time itself can be traveled forward and backward by beings beyond our current comprehension of understanding.

Our universe is thought to have 10 dimensions. The First dimension is what gives the universe length a.k.a. the x-axis. Add that to the second dimension, the y-axis, or height. The 3rd dimension is the z axis or depth, and that's where our minds stopping seeing the universe for what it is. The 4th dimension is time which we can't see. Add all these the dimension together and that's where the higher beings come from, the 5th thru 10th dimensions.

Our minds can only perceive reality through a 3 dimensional perspective. The beings from the higher dimension can flow back and forth through time, and go up, down, sideways, inside, outside, and do it instantaneously. Maybe when we see aliens, maybe that is just us seeing the higher dimensional beings in a 3 dimensional perspective, which is not real.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Wholly concurred. I'm generally wary of people like this who seem to think that they hold all of the answers. The OP frankly reads like a bad self-published space opera.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: Kojiro
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Wholly concurred. I'm generally wary of people like this who seem to think that they hold all of the answers. The OP frankly reads like a bad self-published space opera.

It's modern mythology based on
exactly nothing but a misunderstanding
of history.


posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: TrueMessiah

I agree with you 1000%.

Ive been saying this for years and years...thanks for the thread.


posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

The 'multidimensional theory' as put forward by new agers
and philosophical descendants of the new agers is probably

Here are ten proponents of the 'multidimension theory' that aren't new agers and the philosophical decendants of new agers.

"Edward Witten: Seen as the leading thinker of string theory, Witten introduced the concept of M-theory in 1995 as a way to consolidate the existing string theories. Witten’s work also included the 1984 application of Calabi-Yau manifolds to explain the compactification of the extra dimensions. Among string theorists, Edward Witten is seen as a guiding light because of his ability to grasp the implications of the complex mathematics of the theory on a level that few others have been able to match.

John Henry Schwarz: At a time when virtually every other physicist abandoned string theory, Schwarz persevered for almost a decade as one of the few who tried to work out the theory’s mathematical details, even though it hurt his career. Eventually, his work led to the first superstring revolution. In 1984, Schwarz performed (along with Michael Green) the work showing that string theory was consistent, triggering the first superstring revolution.

Yoichiro Nambu: One of the founders of string theory who independently discovered the physical description of the Veneziano model as vibrating strings, Nambu was already a respected particle physicist for his earlier work in describing the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking in particle physics. Dr. Nambu received the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics for this work.

Leonard Susskind: Susskind is another founder of string theory. As he recounts in his book The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design, he saw the original dual resonance model equations and thought they looked similar to equations for oscillators, which led him to create the string description — concurrently with Yoichiro Nambu and Holger Nielson.

David Gross: He was one of the physicists who developed the heterotic string theory, one of the major findings of the first superstring revolution. Since 1997, Dr. Gross has been the director of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. In this capacity, Gross is known not only as a strong advocate for string theory but also as a strong opponent of the anthropic principle as applied to the string theory landscape.

Joe Polchinski: Polchinski proved that string theory required objects of more than one dimension, called branes. Although the concept of branes had previously been introduced, Polchinski explored the nature of D-branes. This work was crucial to the second superstring revolution of 1995. Polchinski’s work is seen as fundamental to the development of M-theory, brane world scenarios, and the holographic principle.

Juan Maldacena: Juan Maldacena is an Argentine physicist who developed the idea that a duality exists between string theory and a quantum field theory — called the Malcadena duality (or the AdS/CFT correspondence).

Lisa Randall: Even among the rare women who choose theoretical physics, Lisa Randall doesn’t fit the mold. She spends her free time on intense rock climbing expeditions but spends her professional days exploring the implications of multidimensional brane worlds as a phenomenologist. One of the most intriguing models to come out of her analysis of brane world scenarios are the Randall-Sundrum models, which explore the possibility of gravity behaving differently off of our own 3-brane.

Michio Kaku: Physicist Michio Kaku has been one of the most vocal supporters of string theory. He worked on the theory early in the 1970s, actually co-founding “string field theory” by writing string theory in a field form. By his own account, he then abandoned work on string theory because he didn’t believe in the additional dimensions the theory demanded. He returned to string theory during the first superstring revolution and has proven an entertaining and lucid spokesman ever since.

Brian Greene: Last but certainly not least is probably one of the best-known string theorists, especially among nonphysicists. Brian Greene’s popularity as a writer and spokesman for the field dates back to his 1999 book The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory, which was used in 2003 as the basis for a three-part PBS Nova special. In 2004, Greene followed up with the book The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Fabric of Reality. (He has appeared on Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report at least twice, outdoing Dr. Randall’s one appearance."

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: Afdcs


I'm talking about the people
who just mouth the words
not these fine folks.

Heck Vallee also discusses
the edh.

The core problem is that dimensions
in physics have Nothing to do
with the 'mystical dimensions that
are carryovers from theosophy
which has bled into Ufology.

Which is exactly what I stated, and
with which any of those scientists
you listed would agree with.


posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: Afdcs

The thing to remember is there are actual theories of multiple dimensions, which those scientists you listed are discussing, then there's the mystical, new age gobbledygook that you'll find in this thread. Both are very much mutually exclusive.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: Kojiro
a reply to: Afdcs

The thing to remember is there are actual theories of multiple dimensions, which those scientists you listed are discussing, then there's the mystical, new age gobbledygook that you'll find in this thread. Both are very much mutually exclusive.

Well said.

Modern Ufology has become
a religion and money making
scam and in general has
nothing to do with logic
or research.

A few brave and qualified
researchers exist but they
are in the minority.


posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: Kojiro
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Wholly concurred. I'm generally wary of people like this who seem to think that they hold all of the answers. The OP frankly reads like a bad self-published space opera.

Who said they had all the answers?
This is just a theoretical approach in attempt to explain the unexplainable. One things for sure, humanity doesn't have all of the answers yet but I think concepts like these are a step in the right direction.

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear

Heck Vallee also discusses
the edh.

The core problem is that dimensions
in physics have Nothing to do
with the 'mystical dimensions that
are carryovers from theosophy
which has bled into Ufology.

That didn't bleed into ufology. There already exists an inter dimensional hypothesis in ufology. Supported by the man you just so happened to mention there, Vallee. Both ufology and the estoric or theosophical side incorporate other planes of existence.

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: TrueMessiah

Stating that there are 400,000 civilizations interacting with ours is merely theoretical, eh? Not a claim of fact? Oddly specific for a theory I must say. And later, she throws in everything along with the kitchen sink in that big list of "things to be explained." Quite the tall order.

If I recall, Vallee tends to be significantly more reserved than that, considering he's an actual scientist and uses science in his methods. The article you linked to doesn't, instead it attempts to build a mythology as KellyPrettyBear called it. That is the difference.

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 12:13 AM
yep, yep....long ago in biblical times 10 dimensions were deciphered and written of....they worded it the 4 were known and the other six scripture decoded dimensions were not knowable....old stuff here two thousand years old....but now rediscovered...
brings us to this is always ahead of the accepted view by 150 years more or less...i'm talking a slow turn-around rate anyway....

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: GBP/JPY

What are you on about?

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 01:44 AM
At this point, I tend to agree with John Keel. Ufology won't bear fruit until we stop looking at these things from the planetary visitor perspective. As he noted many cases over, UFO phenomena tend to occur in conjunction with other paranormal events. In so many cases, the lights or craft in the sky don't seem to display any real sense at all, nor do the occupants coming forth (in those such cases).

I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or I just have always loved Keel, but the hallucinatory aspect he always proposed so well seems to make the most sense in a lot of cases. I was in great contrast to that view for a long time, but I'm there now. I won't claim to understand any reasoning for inducing said experience (which is the sort of thing we should be studying instead of where ufonauts claim to be from throughout the years), but I do think Keel makes a good case for it. Especially the connection between other events (hairy hominids, out of place animals, mutilations, etc. often appearing during UFO flaps).

Meh. I think in the end, like most things, it comes down to vibration.

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: thektotheg

"Vibration", eh? That should be pretty simple to prove or disprove, since science can detect and measure the vibrations of single subatomic particles hitting crystal lattices. So, what do you think is vibrating?

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: TrueMessiah

Very interesting

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

Um, energy? Uh, yeah. That was tough to figure out. You're adding a lot to the conversation LOL

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