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Michelle Obama Tells Black Grads That White People Make Life Tough

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posted on May, 13 2015 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: wanderingconfusion These are experiences she has had and that her audience have had and will have. We are in the deny ignorance zone, not the 'say truth is racist and divisive zone'.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 12:45 PM
Nothing new.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: wanderingconfusion

Instead of being resentful to white people, why aren't they mad as hell at the other 7 out of 10 blacks who perpetuate the vision that some white people have of them ? None of the successful blacks I know blame the white race for their problems.

The ones that demand respect are the very ones who deserve none. Because they don't have any respect for anyone. Even their own race. Nobody I know and respect would ever be seen on the streets of Boston smashing store fronts and looting private businesses over a police shooting. Violence only leads to more violence. Most whites respect the justice system to work. Some blacks don't respect the justice system because it works.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: 248tonrobot

I read that article when I found the one I posted in the OP.

Her insecurities are glaring and her cynical view of whites is bordering on delusional paranoia - IMHO.

Off topic - I am bewildered how people like Vinita Hedgewood, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins, Saida Grundy and those of this ilk can say the things they say but not much of a fuss is made nor is it seen as hate speech/racial slurs.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: texasgirl

Is interesting that we heard about racism one sided, but actually racism can come in many ways and many forms and it just depends where you are at and who the majority rules.

For some reason in America discrimination is only seen by one side only, when the other side complains of been discriminated is ignored.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 02:33 PM
I saw the reality of an Obama presidency from the beginning. The question you need to be asking yourselves is why are they doing it? Who do the Obama's think they are helping?

They are not helping whites or blacks. They really are not even helping themselves. They are playing on some other team that is wrangling control of America and seeking to alter American supremacy.

Remember the Bell curve? You can't underestimate the stupidity of the masses.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 02:35 PM
She said the truth. Why would you want her to lie and say life is peachy?

To all my fellow white people..... stop your complaining. We have no idea what other races have to deal with their whole lives. With Michelle opening up like that it helps and prepares the students for the REAL world thats full of bigots.

Im proud of her and hope she continues to keep it real. As the only way to end or reduce racism is to have more famous people to come out and open peoples eyes.

a reply to: wanderingconfusion

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: cenpuppie

People like him and others so call black American civil right leaders are nothing but con artist keeping the issue of racial discrimination alive and well, while exploiting any real racial issues and divisions to their advantage, they are not doing anything to stop profiling or civil rights of minorities, because those issue is what keep them alive as long as they are issues.

edit on 13-5-2015 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: awareness10
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

In recent weeks Ms. Grundy has tweeted that “white masculinity is THE problem for America’s colleges,” white men are a “problem population,” and that she avoids shopping in white-owned businesses.

Isn't that call racial discrimination also?

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Generation9

You mean who are they helping by emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility? Gee, I would think you guys would be all about personal responsibility. Am I wrong? Does no one on this site believe in personal responsibility like Michelle is advocating in this speech?

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Ancient Champion

Is good political game this days that we have been inundated with police brutality and profiling, this is a great topic for politicians that have nothing else to talk about.

While the real victims of brutality and profiling are exploited with no real results about how to stop the damage been done.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: buster2010

I was referring to race relations - not the economy when I said things have improved over the last 50 years.
Now we all have equal opportunity to become penurious.
I don't think there was ever a time when a single or dual parent household could easily afford to send their kid to college.
It was never cheap but costs have far exceeded inflation, I won't challenge that idea.

edit on 13-5-2015 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: snypwsd

To all my fellow white people..... stop your complaining. We have no idea what other races have to deal with their whole lives. With Michelle opening up like that it helps and prepares the students for the REAL world thats full of bigots.

Why don't white people know? Are we not interacting enough with people of other races? Are we not inviting people of other races into our homes?

Why is it that we do not know?

Are people of other races inviting us into their homes? Are they interacting with us?

What is the result of interaction with us? I will tell you, the most we interact with people of other races are when some white people decide they are good enough to sleep with or some of us think that in order to fit in with them is to act like them.

If the most interaction we have with each other is youtube videos, that really is not interaction. Some of us have nephews and nieces that are mixed. I have a mixed nephew who has a black mother and a mixed niece who has a Native American father. Are they less than me?

The problem is this, there is really very interest on all sides of real interaction unless it is a protest. OK, so we go to school together, but even in school there is no interaction beyond school events. People are still hanging in separate social groups.

Notice even the black guy doesn't have a white friend. But I want to know why people don't know each other? Are we not investing enough time into getting to know each other beyond just youtube or sleeping with each other?

BTW, I have had many black friends in my life, they have been in my home and I have been in theirs, the same with Chinese, Native American and Hispanic. If a white person doesn't know, then ask why not.

The real understanding will come when all sides will actually invest time into getting to know each other.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 03:58 PM
OMG...those horrible white people. They gave us bottled water, cell phones, sneakers, pop corn, cars, car tires, lug nuts, glasses to drink out of, glasses to see when we go blind, the internet so we can bitch and complain on...oh, my. And oh, those light skinned hipanics are ebil too and those asians with their good grades...horrible.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 04:43 PM
I find the first lady's remarks both repulsive and racist. I never realized how much black people hate white people until Obamas were in office. They have made race relations far worse than ever, while not helping the black community with jobs, education or vision of the future. Instead, they dole out free phones and food stamps. What's worse, the media continues to give them a free pass on their totally inexcusable behavior.

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 04:44 PM
Too much racism in this thread to even touch it's like people don't know what empathy is smh

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: Harvin

None of what you said was invented by white people as a whole race nor as a person

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: wanderingconfusion

Michelle Obama Tells Black Grads That White People Make Life Tough

uhhh..OK...I listened to the whole clip...I heard her refer often to "Some People"? Didn't hear "White People"?

Of do you consider white people and the "Some People" aka racists that she was referring to as interchangeable?

You do know that there are "White People" that are not racist?...Don't you?

Maybe there is a "hearing" comprehension issue here?

edit on 13-5-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: christophoros

And this guy's is the racism I'm talking about apparently white people civilized us and gave us their inventions so we must worship them as gpds

posted on May, 13 2015 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: Zoyd23
I find the first lady's remarks both repulsive and racist.

That's kinda how I felt about your post.

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