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Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. Caught Sharing Customer DNA Data With Police With No Warrant

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posted on May, 8 2015 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: dreamingawake

This thread is exactly why I'm not going to the doctors anymore for them to take a blood sample!

They keep saying I should go once a year but I'm refusing to at this time because I don't want them storing my samples or any other info which they don't need to know.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 06:48 PM
Well, I had my DNA, and my offspring, done at ancestry and I knew anytime that you did this sort of thing that this information might be able to use against you if you did a crime. So since I have not done a crime and do not plan on, I am not worried. Also my daughters both know this, and they are honest and my grandchildren also know that their is DNA on file.

You see, when you set things in motion and people are aware of it it can control the future of your family. My grandkids already know that they shouldn't be committing crimes now because they could get caught easier than someone else.

Half the time people will say no to doing something bad if they have an excuse to give to the person trying to talk them into it.

I actually have a method to my madness.

So, don't worry Soficrow, I was very aware of what I was doing in advance of doing it. I had even discussed this same possibility with my daughter who has the kids, and she thought it might be a good thing.
edit on 8-5-2015 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

They invent a crime if they want too. You're not safe Ricky, you are putty in their hands. I hope you don't become a fall guy, or any of your descendants.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

From what I have learned from doing that, which requires a lot of studying and thinking about what is pertinent to our genetics, I hope to dampen some of the autoimmune problems that plagued my family. The autoimmune issues make like miserable, they do not kill you. With this knowledge, I have been able to improve my health so that I can go out and do more. Simply knowing what enzymes you do not make as much of helps to adjust my diet better and simpler than randomly trying to eliminate foods and waiting weeks to see any results.

So this outweighs the risk of anyone using genetics to try to frame me with. I am looking for ways to have a better quality of life while I live. I would rather look at real evidence that applies to me and my family even though the interpretations of what these genes actually do is not totally understood. From what I have learned from my research has led to weird positive effects on my life. It is nice being able to be guided somewhat, going the wrong way with my testing was a drain on my body sometimes. I test the influence of natural chemistry on myself to try to understand the information I am finding. Still, I have to continue eating foods my genetics do not like to treat my TLE. But I would already be dead if I was taking the meds they were giving me. Thank god the doctor told me that they couldn't help and told me I would die if they kept trying because I was intolerant to all the drugs.

It only took me a couple of weeks to investigate replacement chemistry in foods for their drugs, they probably will not replace meds for full blown grand mals, but I do not have those.

I did a risk assessment before going to Ancestors and doing this. The pros outweighed the cons by a longshot. I have only been to the doctors three times in the last seven years and take no meds, just a multimineral tablet and an occasional other vitamin or mineral. My drug of choice to control my epilepsy is soup which has cabbage in it. It works better than the medicine I was taking, but I always need to have cabbage in the fridge and potatoes in the basement. With the information I gained from the genetics I have been able to lower the side effects of the intolerance to cabbage pretty well,

I am now working on my grandkids problems but they are much harder, I cannot test things on myself to use for them and trying to get kids to eat what we used to eat when I was young is pretty hard. See, I wasn't paying attention, what my parents were giving us to eat when we were kids included lots of remidies so we did not get negative effects that caused susceptibility to disease. But when my mother started working, the whole thing went out the door and we started eating prepared foods. She became obsessed with trying out new recipes and we started to get sick. I am now turning back the clock once I have studied this. I have found that most of the information ion my families cronic illnesses was misinterpreted. The path of the Western Diet with all it's fads is not good for many of us. I have read over ten thousand research articles just on my conditions and half of them are opposite of each other. Until you look at genetics, that narrows things down a lot and it explains why the doctors have been misdiagnosing so much.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
Ancestory dot com is owned by a Mormon corp and is used to track lineage to modern decendants for the purpose of the Mormon church to do baptisms for the dead.

If you used it you and your ancestors have been baptized by a proxy Mormon.

It is part of there must do as a Mormon in order to get to their celestrial heaven.
if you are not a Mormon the practice is a false doctrine and therefore harmless. if You are a mormon it's your doctrine anyway so no basis for complaint either way. It's at worse harmless and if you understand why they do it (they believe that in the lords thousand year reign the unsaved can be saved by those close kin ministering to the otherwise damned.) what this means is they are keenly interested in genealogy for this reason. Essentially to save those too dumb to come to jesus or those that had no opportunity to before thier earthly demise. And with the baptisms they are trying to rule lawyer God into considering salvation for those who are otherwise ineligible for millenial salvation. you cannot get anymore loving than that. whether misguided or not.
edit on 9-5-2015 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 02:05 PM
My Mormon friend says Ancestry isnt owned by Mormons, but is owned by Mormons. It is a free site. You can search records for free.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 04:03 PM
I believe this is the reason why I snickered the first time i saw Ancestry's DNA offer. It was obvious to anyone with two brain cells that this would happen. Obviously the Govt. can't get enough info on our lives and it looks like the CIA uses their clout to worm into anything in life where there is personal info exchanged between Wall St. and consumers.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I like cabbage and potatoes. Sounds like a good deal if that's as good as meds. The ole lady doesn't like cabbage, but she's Italian and I'm mostly German and Czech. Just boiled cabbage is good to me.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
a reply to: rickymouse

I like cabbage and potatoes. Sounds like a good deal if that's as good as meds. The ole lady doesn't like cabbage, but she's Italian and I'm mostly German and Czech. Just boiled cabbage is good to me.

The Romans used cabbage to keep their troops in line. The Germans around WW2 used sauerkraut to keep their troops in line. The Vikings used Asparagus to settle their soldiers when they were back home. They all contain settling chemicals. The potato also contains a chemical that can be used to control epilepsy but it also contains chemicals that can boost intelligence a bit. The Chinese use Soy Sauce and Humus to keep their people settled. In America they have used many types of food, trouble is they are over medicating. People like to be calm and mellow, but overindulging in these things can cause problems. The chemistry added to processed food is hard to track, especially because even recipes can create chemistry that dopes us. They do not have to tell anyone about their processes and some natural things that are considered GRAS do not have to be listed if there isn't any evidence that they can harm anyone in the serving size on the label. Certain foods have to be listed if there is known allergies out there as regulated by the FDA. Stuff like soy and nuts and eggs and milk.

Did it again
Maybe just a little too much information
edit on 9-5-2015 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

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