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Comments to the Nation of Angels

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posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 01:16 PM
The Universe of Human Consciousness is a marvellously organized and persistent awareness.

Does The concordance of mind (governement of Life after death) require Life to exist on the earth? Or is the survived spirit emancipated of the flesh for all its sustinence? Does a spirit need something to behold it in order to exist? Our could a spirit remain alone on a lifeless world, like Mercury? We have no answers to these questions yet.

Does the Existence of Spirit exist in other solar systems? Could one of our spirit join to those of other life systems in nearby stars? Or are they all lifeless?

I do not accept the interpretations of the silly.

I do not accept that aliens are visiting / threatening the earth.

Please post your proofs of these matters.

I do however concur in the marvellous array of angelic intelligence that develops within our Human Awareness at the more developed stages of our being. We humans are capable of retaining godlike understanding of matters on a sustained basis. That was the model I desired to develop into all Americans, so that we might be a gigantic nation of happy, developed beings, in ready gladness to the Inevitable appearance of God upon this world from time to time.

Perfectly reformed human minds are good in intention, and these will retain the joyous form of their kind, and shall retain the fullness of life. Their wisdom coupled with their patience, and goodness will be the jewels they wear among those of this world.

I give blessing and greeting to the fullness of Human mind, for it is a nature with which I am well favored. Our tendency, when gathered in mass, would be the formation of civilizations and great ideas, which our kind is adept at building from the materials of this star system. With such prowess in dignity and advancement, our kind would be suitable for the explorers and colonizers of new worlds.

We would form images of our own aerie, our republic in its truer form would be by the establishment of our hand upon the soils of new worlds.


posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 06:22 AM

I do not accept that aliens are visiting / threatening the earth

Whether or not they are a threat i woulnd not go as, as to say but E.Ts do exist.

1. The pyramids.

thegreat pyramid built by order of Khufu. So where was his body? Grave robbers? Okay if you say so cant argue with that, maybe. The Great pyramid has sunk less than 3 inchinto the ground. This cant be achieved by modern standards.

It would have taken more lumps of rock to build the ramp than to build the pyramid itself. Thereare no hiroglyphs that detail the building of the pyramid. There is one that mentions it but it surgests the pyramid was built before the egyptions moved in.

Atlantis? Maybe. I serously doubt they built it,but maybe. The only reason this theory really has any power is because of the Cayce foundation.


Won't go into that everyone knows what happened.

Abductions? How can you explain every single one them away. I dare say they're in the millions now.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:36 AM
An excellent topic, lad.

The mysteries of Egypt are among the most fruitful for men's study. Among their many achievements was the science of spiritual immortality. This sacred science, which occupied the of their wise classes, formed the eventual shape of Western Christianity, and thereby reshaping the entire world.

Brothers, we are quite firmly rooted in Egypt, every one of us. There is no nation unschooled in her teaching. Even modern nations must bend to the nation of Egypt, becuase of the immense value of the gift, which is still alive in this world and beyond.

The knowledge of the Ka, and the Ba, and the other forms of Life energy after death are carefully recorded in the Duat, and the Writings of Thoth instruct a man in the voyage to the beyoond, and the perils he may face.

One of the most profound and fearful stories of the Egyptian death experience was the Weighing of Truth, where the gods would remove the heart of the man being judged, and set it upon the scales of MAAT, where it was balanced against a feather.

If the feather rose and the heart was weighed down with iniquity, the heart was siezed and cast to the half-crocodile beast called "Devourer of Hearts." If the Devourer ate the heart of the wicked person, that person would die a second death. This was the moral rigor with which the Egyptians carried the concept of heavenly perfection.

The construction of the Pyramids were undertaken by a truly ancient and technologically organized people. Its construction and exact duplication would not be easily accomplished by today's construction experts. While it is possible materialists can exceed the wonders of the ancient world, they often do not because they have no spiritual drive to build great things.

One of the saddest outcomes of American culture is the loss of desire to build great and enduring monuments and constructions. In other words, they have failed to maintain the rigor of space travel, and develop the next generation of space vehicles. That to them is a weighy shame on their faces, which they will bear as the world begins to exceed them in space vehicle technology.


[edit on 12-12-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 12:39 PM
So, you're saying that humans used to be well smart but then we forgot everthing? Or was that when the great flood came along and knocked everyone out other than good ol' Noah?

Have you heard the theory that the pyramids or just the great pyramid (cant remember which) was really Noahs ark?

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 05:52 PM
It is implied in many ancient societies that mankind was wiser in ancient times than he is at the present. This concept of wiser also included the intercourse of mankind with the gods, things which we know do not appear in mankind today naturally.

Mankind was thought to be of several generations - namely the gold, silver and bronze ages of men. The gold was the closest to the gods, lived long lives, and were wise in all matters, and righteous. The silver was more wicked and materialistic. They obeyed the laws, but didn't really attain divinity and rightful thinking like their ancestors had. The bronze race had law only, and was wicked all the time. They didn't remember the gods very well, and what they did was only from memory and writings.

We are said to be in the Bronze generation.


[edit on 12-12-2004 by Arkaleus]

[edit on 12-12-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 03:19 PM
But surely there would be some evidence of this. What about these gods? Who were they? Is it possible they could have been aliens?

Isn't there any evidence of our once great and wise civilsatriion? Other than a sunken city that rose in the way of statue (Ask Edgar Cayce not me) that was found osme where in the caribean.

And what about the obvious monuments on Mars? Were the achient humans so great they landed there and built such great momuments. If so wouldn't they have done something even better on their home planet, Earth? Or is it possible that we were indigenous to Mars and after some catastrophe moved to Earth and dureing the move lost alot of knowledge?

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 06:06 PM
It is my understanding that life on Mars died out billions of years ago.

I don't think humans have ever stepped foot on Mars. I think we will be the first generation to do so, in the next few decades after the world cools off a bit.

I think human life arose from earth, that our bodies are indigenous to earth, and our minds heavenly in origin. I say that because the human mind can be emancipated from the earthly body and retain its intelligence outside of the material universe.

I think intelligence is elsewhere in the universe, and it perhaps came to be in other forms around other stars. Self awareness might just arise out of nothing, Shorty, simply a self-organizaing principal of matter and biology. Life tends to develop itself. Life might arise simply by the force of "developing self."

The active force, or the force of activity for everything in the universe, can organize life from non living material. After all, a functioning body is little more than a support system for the brain. Intelligence is something far greater than matter, because it exists within matter, and is better than the matter than houses it.

So we must ask, how does a process of material nature generate something that is greater and more excellent than itself? Look at a planet, it is a gigantic system made up of nothing but minerals and metals and gasses all piled together in a lump of gravity. None of its particles are themselves very reactive or dynamic, except when combined in a planet, it becomes part of very complex and powerful systems and forces. The way of the universe is to aggregate and assemble, not to decay and become dispersed! Look at the universe as a place where marvelleous things have come forth from almost nothing, just like our earth.

Our earth was a wonder of thing waiting to be discovered. There are probably many earth-like worlds in this galaxy alone. Even if they are not as vedant as our own, they might hold treasures and mysteries worthy of a whole new epoch of civilization.

Think about it Shorty: Sometime in our future, mankind WILL become a multi-stellar civilization. That is our great dream.


[edit on 15-12-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
It is my understanding that life on Mars died out billions of years ago.

[edit on 15-12-2004 by Arkaleus]

I know a few bible bashers (no offense) and they would refuse to believe there is life other than our own and a few bad dudes called demons oh, and a few nice dudes called angels. It was my believe you were a Christian so how can you believe both?

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 02:45 PM
Life on Mars, or anywhere else in the universe, is a Glory of God, not a confusion to men. Men have very little to do with the Glory of God, so it is often futile to mention it to them.

The exploration of the universe is the goal of mankind. How this concept is received by other men gives a strong indication of their nature.

I am a Christian, but I am man before I am a Christian. A man is better than most anything else, and an excellent man is better than other men. So it goes until the greatest light of them all, who is God.

Ancient religions spoke about life in heaven, even other worlds. Modern "Christianity" is fairly silly. It has nothing of the mystery of Jesus, and psychologically damages those who adhere to it. If you want to be a Christian, you need to jive with 2000 year old men. If you have nothing to do with those men, then I absolutely guarantee you they have nothing to do with you.

Laddie, I wish that you gain great wisdom in your search for knowledge. If your nature is good, and you desire to do no evil, then you will become very successful. This world is madness, and its people are often beastly and profane. They have chosen death, they don't know any better, and they do nothing but rob and steal in their hearts.

Their thoughts do not pause in the morning, and say, "Behold the hoary day, and the glory of God." They do not love their neighbor, and say, "Blessed be you, laddie, may your teeth and bones never break."

Those who live life without this kind of relationship to life, are those who die and vanish. Those who live and then vanish think that because they have become "liberated" from their obligations and terms of obedience to God, they become deranged and demented, and cause nothing but suffering for the rest of the world. When you mention things like space travel to these people, they reply like fools, or hav eno understanding. Is it possible to have less dignity and sense than a man who does not honor God and His excellent inheritance for our world?

That's just how I say it. You can honor God however YOU want to. But you must have some respect and honor towards the totality of this universe, and our acquisition of learning and knowledge about it. We will soon be able to to travel and see the worlds around other stars. Those who do not appreciate this I consider to be swine.

I strongly feel we have a need to reform our nations to the proper rule of our inheritance and intellect. Our governments should not be economic machines. That is a terrible destruction of this world. In old times, the forces of economy and merchants were purposefully kept out of the elite institutions, becuase it was understood that their ways were not more excellent than the king, or the emperor, and their stations was not at the legislature or the senate. The merchantmen were kept where they belonged. Let them exchange commodities freely, but let the rule of the land be above the money and systems of this world as much as we can make it.

Brothers, the purpose of our governments are to lead the people into the best advantage, the greatest liberty, and the most excellent path. If the purpose of our present government is not accomplishing these things, then why do we continue it?

Does the government rule us, and refuse to submit to us? Then know your government to be a unlawful tyranny, and worthy of destruction.

This response kinda wandered a bit. But I get that way when I drink that much eggnog.

Merry Christmas!


posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 02:48 PM
Arkaleus you have really took too many crazy pills today. I take it your trying to convert members into your "religion" then?

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 03:19 PM
So tell me what exactly is you're relgion Arky.

And yes modern Christianity is rather silly.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 03:45 PM
It's been forgotten for so long, it seems new to you.

All the religions on the earth today do not sufficiently prepare men or address the issues of our transition into a stellar civilization. It does not comment upon the vast new knowledge we have gained. It does not guide our moral thinking in an age when we can manipulate and build from the most basic matter in the universe. In short, the philosophy and intellect of the old churches are inadequate.

What prayer do we make when we land a robot on a faraway planet? What psalm do we read? Perhaps we must write new ones. How do we do this? Is it true that makind has lost the ability to talk to God, and write new things about religion?

I plan to take and hold this ability for myself, if everyone else has forgotten it.

My religion is poperly called "What made Christ teach what he did." The human thought formed and excersised by a man who desired to improve the world. It is perfectly acceptable in My religion to debate Christ, or to ask of him anything at all, or even to play and wrestle with him. This should be the way for all righteous men! If it isn't, then they are not obeying Christ's First Commandment. Who knows what that is? Do you really know?

My religion is what Christ would say, after I asked him: "How should we organize ourselves best to approach the heavens, and claim the inheritance of the endless creation?" His word would form the foundation of a new world.

Arkaleus( (With Christmas Eve Dinner Bloat) Ooooooohhhh. . . .

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 03:53 PM
Now, repeat what you just said...
But in English. You are an interesting character Arkaleus, but there is something about you that i dont get...

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 03:58 PM

Arkaleus( (With Christmas Eve Dinner Bloat) Ooooooohhhh. . . .

Thats the first joke you have ever told or something that could be portraded as one. congrats

I don't know what the first commandment is. What is it?

Are you saying we should question are god and christ without believeing blindly?

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by shorty
I don't know what the first commandment is. What is it?

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

translation - I am THE god, worship me now!

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by shorty
I don't know what the first commandment is. What is it?

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

translation - I am THE god, worship me now!

You know you're bible stuff. I wouldn't never of expected that. No offense im not insulting youre intellect just you didn't seem like hte type who would.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by shorty
You know you're bible stuff. I wouldn't never of expected that. No offense im not insulting youre intellect just you didn't seem like hte type who would.

You better not being insulting my intellect

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."

Commandment No.9 that is, your making false claims against me
you broke that commandment!

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by infinite
false witness against thy neighbour."

Commandment No.9 that is, your making false claims against me
you broke that commandment!

I probably broke a few and i mean asking you not masterbate is going to far

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by shorty
I probably broke a few and i mean asking you not masterbate is going to far

i just nearly choaked on my chocolates :shk:

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by infinite

Whats that mean?

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