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Happy 11/11... the 11:11 phenomena revisited

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posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

I agree with you, and am highly skeptical of claims,however it is because of this fact its stranger still. Also i dont watch clocks but happend to look at the time on my cell directly because of this thread. And almost predictable y it was 1.11 on 11.11. Carl Jung writes about synchronicity im not sure its a far fetched idea, or that there is abosolutly zero interaction between mind and world.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 04:31 AM
I'm going to enjoy this thread !! So I know what 1111 is to me. What do you guys feel is the meaning of this ? It cannot mean the same for everyone. What do you believe it to be ??

Thanks for the thread !!

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: TechniXcality

We are a pattern seeking species. Compare your synchronicity to the amount of times you looked at the clock otherwise. Oh, and I think you're supposed to make a wish or something.

There is more to it than that, sometimes it's hard to see other times quite easy to detect the synchronistic experience.

For me, I tend to acknowledge such things as 11:11 or even a "pattern" of 666.66 as a flag post or guiding rod. We are truly in motion like a river with ebbs and flows and I acknowledge such patterns to let me know where I'm at in regards to my flow, high or low, stay or go.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 04:49 AM
LOL, I went for coffee, came back looked down and you had 16 flags. 1+6.....that's cute. I shall make it 17!

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 06:21 AM
It's easy to ignore this a few times, but after the eleventh thousandth one hundredth and eleventh time the probability of it being a coincidence is probably more ridiculous than it being messages from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
Life's a sad state of affairs if you're staring at the clock for your profound moments. There's an entire earth out there.

There is no effort involved so your point is moot, there is simply astonishment or disbelief at the odds of something like that happening over and over again.

If this was simply our innate predisposition to look for patterns then why is there a change in experience?

People don't experience synchronicity... then they start experiencing it. Two different states that the person finds distinct enough to separate.

You go through all of your life.. and then all of a sudden you start seeing 1111 and other repeating numbers several times a day.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: PsychotropicRanger

It might have deeper meanings but I believe that it partially serves us as a reminder that our seemingly material world is much more fluid than one might think at first glance.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: madmac5150

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 07:57 AM
Why on earth would a number be reminder that there is more to the material world? smh

Before digital clocks no one cared whatsoever whether it was 11:11 or 11:12.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Yes I agree that it partially serves as a reminder but is that all it is ? It obviously means a lot to someone who's experienced it but would the deeper meaning be the same for all ? When I used to see 311 and 222 along with 1111 I kind of figured out that it's at least someone telling me to have faith no matter how bad things seem. Then I got the deeper meaning too.
Today I can say I love my life and myself and I never want to be anyone else.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: Calalini

It's a lot more than Just Numbers my friend.

For a lot of people it's hope, for some faith. A lot of people's lives have changed and for them I'm certain it's not just number.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

A clock isn't random numbers. You're right, it's not coincidence or chance, but a repeating sequential pattern of recurring numbers with little to no variation that loops countless times. The same with a calendar. This isn't random at all. Looking at a clock at a certain time is your decision, your choice, just like pretending it is more meaningful than looking at it other times. You supply the look, the reading, the meaning, and not once has the universe tried to tell you something.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 08:55 AM
Isn't it a huge synchronicity that the world over, 11/11 is known as Remembrance Day? Not that it's related to the 11:11 phenomena, yet strange.

It's almost like trying to say "Remember", but what is it that we ought to remember?

A personal reminder to us all.

P.S. No disrespect meant to the original intention of the day, may all the souls that fought valiantly for the wars find peace.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: madmac5150

I was born on the 11th at 11:11. I weighed 7lbs, 11oz., and my room number was 11. I see 11:11 everywhere. No 37s tho.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 10:51 AM
11/11 here we go. Good morning from AK everybody.

It's funny, last night after posting in this thread we hit the road and passed a huge digital clock right at 7:07, the temperature was 37 degrees. Then, later that night I walked into the kitchen literally one second before 11:11 turned to 12.

It truly is neat, because I promise you all that I am not thinking about this subject at the times, yet the numbers still appear, even more so lately it seems.
edit on 11-11-2014 by GoShredAK because: Edit

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 11:03 AM
I'm more of a 3:33 kinda guy
especially in the AM, roll over look at the clock...there it is. It used to come after I was awoken by the sound of two loud knocks...anyways

Back on topick
What is supposed to happen today?
Syncronicity? Ascention?
Is religious hatred going to be stamped out?

Or maybe I'm just going to have the best grilled cheese sammich ever for breakfast?

I kinda like the last one

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: madmac5150
Mine has gone beyond just 11:11. I use standard time on my watch, and a 24 hr clock on my phone and computer. I regularly see 11:11, 12:12, 13:13, 23:23, etc. it has almost become maddening. I need tinfoil to construct a proper helmet...

And a shrubbery!

Ha! A Monty Python zinger! "Shrubberies are my trade. I am a shrubber. My name is Roger the Shrubber. I arrange, design, and sell shrubberies."

And yes....11:11....seems my clock is on that at least a couple times a week when I look. I always kiss it for luck.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

You're a hoot.

No, you're right, it's not random at all, it's a meaningful statistical anomaly. Viewed holistically in light of other synchronicities one would have to be stubbornly obtuse to keep denying a certain degree of meaning.

Me casually looking at the clock on my computer or happening to notice it while glancing at the volume level is not the same as me waiting for it to turn 11:11. I can't really know what It'll be before I see it..

Once again you're trying to dictate reality for others, you have no way of knowing if the universe has tried to tell any of us anything. Sour grapes, it really is becoming quite obvious and odious from the way that you act.

"It never happened to me so it must not be true."

So, to sum it up, yet again, you just don't know.

originally posted by: Calalini
Why on earth would a number be reminder that there is more to the material world? smh

Before digital clocks no one cared whatsoever whether it was 11:11 or 11:12.

Before digital clocks synchronicity would still manifest in the same way it still does to this very day, by thoughts mirroring reality.

a reply to: PsychotropicRanger

Probably there is a personal dimension to it too, as well as a numerological one, if one cares to delve into that, something I haven't had the inclination to do myself. Aside from numbers I get specifically tailored synchronicity that sometimes appear to answer questions, but I usually don't pay that much significance to it since the source of these synchronicities can at times be dubious. Besides, there's other ways I put more trust into.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 12:36 PM
Earlier in the thread I mentioned the words astonishment and disbelief, it was more rhetorical than anything else, there's really no astonishment going on for me over these things, I'm not sure there ever was. I would class these things as tame when classifying experiences. I would still say they're meaningful in there own sense though, and sometimes I do appreciate them very, very much.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Once again you're trying to dictate reality for others, you have no way of knowing if the universe has tried to tell any of us anything. Sour grapes, it really is becoming quite obvious and odious from the way that you act.

"It never happened to me so it must not be true."

So, to sum it up, yet again, you just don't know.

If I just don't know, then you just don't know. Such an argument only puts the same doubt on your own.

One cannot dictate reality, friend. I'm speaking my observations, which I believe we've discussed before. Meanwhile, you try to say I'm wrong, "dictating reality", without providing any reason. I am easily convinced with reason. So please, be my guest.

Have you never glanced at the clock and seen 11:17? What was the universe trying to tell you then?

There are much more elegant explanations for this sort of phenomena. My question is, do you simply not like them? Are they unreasonable? Or are they out of the question because they don't put you at the exact center?

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