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Facebook Has Totally Reinvented Human Identity—For the Worse

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posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Taggart

How can you go back and get rid of photos once they are submitted? Is that possible? I'm thinking a pseudonym might be a good idea too.

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 03:01 PM
My view on facebook was always that it's a tool to consolidate conformity as well as mine data.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

I've decided Facebook is pretty useless for me since I'm a pretty private person. It really should be called Bragbook because that's what a lot of the posting turns out to be. "Look at my beautiful house/car/clothing/etc!!", "I'm on vacation!", "I'm eating lobster!" , "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! LIKE ME!"...

It also turns into High School all over again when all of the people who barely knew you existed in school want to friend you. When you're new on there it's interesting to find out what happened to everyone but then it's the popularity contest right back in your face. I"m sure it really makes a person feel like crap when they post that a family member passed away and they get like 3 condolences, meanwhile Ms. Popular posts that she made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and she gets 143 likes and 50 comments. I see it all the time since I've got those that were popular and unpopular as friends on FB and it's the same BS all over again. It's all well and good that those folks are still popular but I really don't think hearing about their every move is enriching my life at all. When I want to share something I just call one of my real friends.

It seems to also bring out the very worst in people. A person could post that world peace had just been achieved and there would immediately be several folks raining on the parade with their nasty and negative comments. Nobody can just read and enjoy a joke or whatever either and it always has to turn into a battle of opinions. Also, no matter how far removed a topic is from politics, it almost always turns into a lib vs. con ugly debate. I never thought people were all that great before, but FB has done nothing but reinforce my general lack of faith in humanity.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Yeah...that conformity thing. No thanks.

a reply to: EveStreet

That's what it reminds me of too. High school but with somehow more exposure. I'm more of a "don't look at me" type, so yeah it's not ever going to be my things. I'm with you on the real friends thing

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 07:38 PM
It'z human evolution happening right before our eyez... I don't like it, but I accept that tha next generation will grow up knowing no different.. There's 2 types of people: Those that grumble about change, and those that bring about change... There iz no right or wrong view, only observation... a reply to: Urantia1111

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: Auricom

I did the same thing, to catch up with old military and high school pals. Like you said, once we all said hi to each other and exchanged emails and numbers, I saw no need to keep the FaceBook account, and closed it.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: dimaryp
a reply to: ~Lucidity

Ah I've thought about leaving Facebook many times before but the practical uses it has held me back, genuine reasons to keep in touch with your friends and family. But the way the site had changed throughout the years to better suit advertising and corporate interests (as well as governmental) is making me consider a definite abandonment of Facebook. But...

but it has to be done right, and of course, in style.

Check out what Nick Briz has to say about it:

Once i decide to leave I'll have my facebook redirect ppl to a personal blog or some kind of creative output to inspire others if they land on my page.

I just recalled someone mentioning on here how facebook is essentially a one of the precursers that will eventually result in some synthesis of human connection to robotics and the internet...

woah man, we'll always be connected through some neuro-internet implants that you come home to afterwork to immerse yourself in some virtual life to lounge with your homies. Didnt facebook buy the technology for Oculus Rift? There's gonna be some weird augmented reality factor to it at first and then it'll turn into some David Cronenberg stuff.

Nice post though, this is a topic we should always be discussing and vigilant in the reality of its symptions.

They deleted this page. Video is still on Youtube so far.

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