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So... Do You Remember?

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posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 07:45 PM
Past lives and/or another existence? I've always had and interest and some experiences but the BBC America series Intruders got me to thinking (not in the malicious way they depict) that maybe yearnings and talents aren't completely coincidental...Just a thread to share, not a debate. If you don't believe in it...don't worry about it. I have always gravitated to art and pen and inks very reminiscent of Aubrey Beardsley or his imitators, although in art school I did not know of any of them and I've wondered how I came to use the same techniques and patterns sight unseen.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: EveStreet

I remember before I was born and I remember being born. I remember that I had a choice of whether I wanted to go or not. And I remember being excited. I remember transitioning into this plane of consciousness via a weird wormhole of sorts (probs my mothers womb) and seeing the 'light at the end of the tunnel' and then seeing the doctor in green and a white mask with latex gloves picking me up and taking me over to the sink. The walls were peach-colored. There were no pictures of the room where I was born, and the only pictures of me as a baby in the hospital were in a green colored room so it isn't just some false memory construct due to my mother and father corroborating my memory with their own.

I dream of death sometimes (not my own. and lately i've begun to have the sinking suspicion i am actually not dreaming so much as i am actually witnessing someone's real death--and feeling it, too)--in every way imaginable. Yes. It is totally as awful and disturbing as it sounds and I hate when I get those dreams, mainly because I (in the body of someone else) end up acting in ways that I would never normally act and I am unable to stop them from dying. I see and feel everything from their eyes and sometimes get lost in their personality. But I don't think it is past lives because the people who I am in dreams like that are people who I don't know and they are in modern time always. I am a sensitive so I assume this has something to do with that. i don't know, though.

I don't really believe in past lives but perhaps some of us remember our purpose for being born and that is why we end up being seen as a bit different. I am not sure, though. My own life and experiences confuse the heck out of me and I'm the one living it so yeah I'm probably not being very helpful but I tried

Edit: perhaps some of those 'past life' people have seen the Akashic Records. That might explain some things
Also, I remember reading this theory that one of Terence Mckenna's doctor friends had about how all memories are collectively stored. If you'd like I can try to find where I read that
edit on 20-10-2014 by rukia because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-10-2014 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:24 PM
being empathetic in this reality just gets harder and harder. I suggest that it is wise to share in places like this even with all the haters because over time it will all build up on you. Being around like minded people is a must in order to protect ones sanity from all the ones that hate you all for what you really are.

It would take a very long time to go through all the different connections i have made over the years but one can not discount a very strong desire in society to want us to be wrong or not exist at all. My favorite memory and feeling of goodness came from the life of a fruit fly and i really wanted to stay there so much i begged the angels but they kinda were just like there is so much more. However being a reed near a pond was great because you got the feeling that comes with being alive minus all the human bs that we go through. very peaceful and content them reeds are.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: rukia

Thank you for your reply & experiences. I am wondering whether I had a choice to come here or not - maybe I changed my mind after I got here because my mum said I cried nonstop for six months or more & I've never felt "settled" here. Strangely I have early dreams of a posh sort of living room place dark paneled with a pool out on a terrace that I've never ever been to. Nobody I knew early on had in-ground pools - I had a very humble beginning. I have had dreams of death's hard to breathe but I remember a very busy wallpaper. Strange...Maybe dreams or more. When I had a very bad un-diagnosed sinus infection years ago I dreamed of walking across this expansive field with people dressed from all ages toward a ship but when I got there I was turned away. I have some of the weird premonition dreams too. I dreamed I was in a city where the windows were blown out of the buildings and there was at least 10 ft of water in the streets. There were bodies floating in the water and as I looked down I realized if I was above - I was dead. Also one where I was in a walkway in a building with huge windows on one side but there was water building up against them. Suddenly they broke in and then the dream ended...

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: EveStreet

I would like to believe it's true like most topics on here but....

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: deadeyedick

I agree. This is a good place to share. Being empathetic does hurt but if you are to find like minded folks you might suffer less here. My first impulse was to discount you as a troll when you said the fruit fly and reed memories...Sorry for that, because I then remembered a dream I had as being a dragonfly and then I was the water that the dragonfly flew above...

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: deadeyedick

that was a really beautiful post. And you are a beautiful person.

being empathetic in this reality just gets harder and harder. I suggest that it is wise to share in places like this even with all the haters because over time it will all build up on you. Being around like minded people is a must in order to protect ones sanity from all the ones that hate you all for what you really are.

wow--oddly enough I was just regretting being so candid and wondering if i had made the wrong decision but...what you said is totally true and I found it comforting. thank you

originally posted by: EveStreet
a reply to: rukia

Thank you for your reply & experiences. I am wondering whether I had a choice to come here or not - maybe I changed my mind after I got here because my mum said I cried nonstop for six months or more & I've never felt "settled" here. Strangely I have early dreams of a posh sort of living room place dark paneled with a pool out on a terrace that I've never ever been to. Nobody I knew early on had in-ground pools - I had a very humble beginning. I have had dreams of death's hard to breathe but I remember a very busy wallpaper. Strange...Maybe dreams or more. When I had a very bad un-diagnosed sinus infection years ago I dreamed of walking across this expansive field with people dressed from all ages toward a ship but when I got there I was turned away. I have some of the weird premonition dreams too. I dreamed I was in a city where the windows were blown out of the buildings and there was at least 10 ft of water in the streets. There were bodies floating in the water and as I looked down I realized if I was above - I was dead. Also one where I was in a walkway in a building with huge windows on one side but there was water building up against them. Suddenly they broke in and then the dream ended...

sorry i'd edited out my premonition part. Regrettably, I let my anxiety and self-consciousness get the better of me. With regards to what you say here, I don't have answers but thank you for sharing. The imagery is very poignant. Gives me a lot to consider. I wonder what was up with the dark paneled terrace--did you ever see it again?
edit on 20-10-2014 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: EveStreet

I've always been obsessed and afraid of airplanes and have always had dreams if planes crashing on me, around me, or while I was on one.

Whenever one flies over my house I run outside to see if it's going to crash. Because of this obsession I actually saw a small plane crash in the hills behind my house, not the crash actually but the plane going down and the sky light up from it exploding upon crashing.

My home is under a flight path, there's a small airport right outside of town, lots of private jets are in and out on a daily basis. a major AFB is right over the hill, in the town I grew up in. The sound of fighter jets is a familiar one, both comforting and scary.

Dreams of planes are common, usually one is crashing next to my home and occasionally I'm inside the plane as it's coming down. It's the dreams and obsession that make me think I was killed by one in WWII. I can still see the dream in my head, it feels more like a memory than anything else.

It feels like Europe, the continent for sure and for some reason I think it's France. As a child I would always ask my parents if I was French and told them I used to speak French. While I do have French ancestry, it isn't as prevalent as my other heritages. As a child I was obsessed with France, wanted to move there, wanted to speak the language, it was overwhelming.

The Dream

There is a wide open field, about the size of a football field, on the edge of a wooded area, the field is surrounded by trees, more heavily to the right side. I'm pretty sure there is a gravel or dirt road to the left on the other side of the tree line.

In the the field there is a building made of wood, I am almost sure that it is a small church. There is a large group of people and we are running from the planes that are flying overhead. I am a child, I think about 8-12 years old, definitely pre-pubescent.

The group is running, seeking shelter inside of the church. Everyone is screaming, parents are running with children in their arms, the mood is fearful. The fashion was familiar to the style of clothing worn during WWII, I remember I was wearing a dress with boots. I think that everyone thinks that the church won't be bombed and that's why we were running to seek shelter there, but it was. Then the dream ends, I can still hear the planes.

It's a reoccurring dream, it doesn't happen as often as much in my adult dreaming life, maybe once sometimes twice a year.
edit on 20-10-2014 by Jennyfrenzy because: eta

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: chrismarco

Ok...I would too. See, nobody really knows for sure. All we have are memories and experiences...That's all anyone has to go on. If you've got inklings, share them. :-)

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: rukia

I too remember before i was born, i remember stairing at the world with an entity though i couldnt see its form but it was a comforting and warm feeling, i remeber being able to choose and i got see everything that would happen in my life images flashing. I remeber this was to be a painful life and honestly it has been, i remember the entity feeling and kindfully a achnologing my pain, i also remember being told id would be looked after, and i would never get more than what i could handle and its true to some extent as well. I would tell my mother these things when i was a child she Always thought i had a very big imagination.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy

Definitely sounds like there's something to it. It always seems like the dreams are "crosstalk" wires touching other wires...How do you know this or see this in a dream if you haven't experienced it in some way? Sounds legit and the not experiencing as much. I think when we're young we're so new and we age our new experiences take up real estate in our minds and over write the old stuff except the most poignant things.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 09:51 PM
I have recurring, clear memories that have no basis in this life.
I remember being in cold rain trying to keep an instrument, a mandolin I think, dry and being very hungry.
I also have clear memory of running up the face of a steep hill trying to escape three men in blue military attire ...seems like Civil War era. I was shot in the back of the head, but it took a long time to die.
I have a girlfriend that is a little on the crazy side. We were hanging out drinking one night and she stared at me for a long time and then said "You were eaten."
I asked what she was talking about. She told me that I was a caveman and other people killed me with rocks and ate me. If there is a such thing as past life memories, that's what I've got.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 11:32 PM
I did a spiritual awakening course a couple of years ago & we worked on past lives & it was amazing,I was walking down a market place in Egypt no specific times Ijust felt it was ancient,I felt superior & smug which was so weird,then I was in a palatial home being restrained while my children were being taken from me by my slaves as vengeance for my cruelty. When I shook the vision off I was still crying & I felt heartbroken.
The thing about it apparently is we carry our past karma with us,I had seperated from my husband when my daughter was a baby ,we worked it out & we now have more kids but it seems like we keep trying to get it right in all incarnations. Strange thing is I thought about it yesterday & today this post was one of the first I saw!! Got goosebumps at the moment

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: rukia

I too remember before i was born, i remember stairing at the world with an entity though i couldnt see its form but it was a comforting and warm feeling, i remeber being able to choose and i got see everything that would happen in my life images flashing. I remeber this was to be a painful life and honestly it has been, i remember the entity feeling and kindfully a achnologing my pain, i also remember being told id would be looked after, and i would never get more than what i could handle and its true to some extent as well. I would tell my mother these things when i was a child she Always thought i had a very big imagination.

Yes. Yes yes. Wow, pleased to meet you, good sir. I wonder...Question: have you ever been visited physically by something evil before/do you remember? like when you were very young (age 2 or 3). Something that asked if you wanted to be friends. Talked in a condescending high pitched tone that had bite. was sickeningly friendly but underneath it it was obvious even as a kid that the thing was bad news. Had sharp teeth and the creepiest and largest smile that I have ever seen. And red eyes. Was brown, scratchy felt-like fur. Almost like bristles. It called itself 'dirty laundry' mockingly when i asked its name. I touched it once after asking if i could and then asked why it never touched me. It replied that it was not allowed. Also it had the power to make you forget your experiences with it until it was about to arrive the next night. Does any of that sound familiar to you at all?

a reply to: EveStreet

Ok, i had to re-read this to make sure I read it correctly. I had a dream a few years ago that felt like a premonition but it hasn't happened yet. It looked like it was on the coast somewhere. Lots of modern buildings, a beach (like cali) keep in mind, when i had this dream I had not yet discovered this website and was not into conspiracy very much, as I was still rather young. Well, it started with me walking down a boulevard. Then I was lifted into the air and saw this absolutely ginormous wave--like hundreds of feet tall kinda thing--like the king of all tsunamis (twas very scary at the time) heading right for the beach. It was a sunny, pretty, hot day. All of a sudden I am on the beach and I think I went into a surfer dude. Well, I remember the screams. They were so loud and all I could do in this guys body was look at the ocean in dumb horror. It was like a frothing grey-black wall of certain death. Time slid by slowly as I slowly realized that I was going to die. That there was no escape and that everyone was going to die--everyone anywhere nearby at all was totally dead as a doornail. The last thing i remember was this feeling of the impact and then everything went black and all of a sudden I am back in the sky, watching as this wave destroys the city. I remember the sound of glass breaking. And the screams were so loud they reached me where I was, high in the sky. But the screams didnt last long because soon all there was was absolute silence except for the sound of water.

It is really weird that you dreamt something similar. That kinda freaks me out a bit. I hope that dream never comes true.
edit on 21-10-2014 by rukia because: adding a reply

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: rukia

It's a bit disturbing to find you've got a similar dream and the same with me, I knew nothing of this site a few years ago. I didn't hear any screams in my dream thankfully. It was like watching a newsreel for the blown out skyscraper windows and the floatin above the dead bodies but the second dream in the corridor was present first person and even more scary when it all collapsed. I remembered these because they didn't relate to any movies I saw - just came out of nowhere - but most of my dreams have no connection to real life...I too, hope this never happens whatever it was...And btw Bleach rocks. Hope they go on somehow after the last installment on Adult Swim....

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: twinklez

Isn't that strange that I should post now? I've had things work out too with synchronicity a lot... I have had dreams of something like Egypt (desert-ish) or similar where I'm walking up this giant roofed ramp with stone walls leading up and a bend to the left. I can't imagine where that would be or why I'd remember something so boring.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: rukia

Strangely when i was a child i was visited once by the entity i stood with before being born, that was positive and this memory is from when i was two. Earlier that night i was sat at a table while my mom cried to my brother and i, she promised she and my dad were done drinking and they wouldn't be going out that night.then she put us to sleep , well i awoke to that entitys presense in the room it was a good feeling like i was being watched but protected, next thing you know my brother who was four at the time was picking me up out of bed and taking me outside to the apartment next door. He knocked , a kind woman answered the door, she let us in and it was revealed my parents had left us there alone again while they went to the bar. So she let us stay and we watched from the window until my parents came home. Thats all i remember and this memory was comfired many years later by my mom. As for negative entitys i remeber later in life my stuffed animals would talk to me and move on there own they were evil, and i was scared to be alone at night. I cant remember much more but that specific entity i do not remember. Its nice to meet you as well, someone who also has the same memory, i think it happend and there are others of us as well.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: rukia

. As for negative entitys i remeber later in life my stuffed animals would talk to me and move on there own they were evil, and i was scared to be alone at night. I cant remember much more but that specific entity i do not remember. Its nice to meet you as well, someone who also has the same memory, i think it happend and there are others of us as well.

I used to see what seemed to be midgets in teddy bear costumes walking around in the dark when I was a kid.
They never did anything to me that I can recall, but they scared the crap out of me.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 12:59 AM

originally posted by: EveStreet
a reply to: rukia

Thank you for your reply & experiences. I am wondering whether I had a choice to come here or not - maybe I changed my mind after I got here because my mum said I cried nonstop for six months or more & I've never felt "settled" here. Strangely I have early dreams of a posh sort of living room place dark paneled with a pool out on a terrace that I've never ever been to. Nobody I knew early on had in-ground pools - I had a very humble beginning. I have had dreams of death's hard to breathe but I remember a very busy wallpaper. Strange...Maybe dreams or more. When I had a very bad un-diagnosed sinus infection years ago I dreamed of walking across this expansive field with people dressed from all ages toward a ship but when I got there I was turned away. I have some of the weird premonition dreams too. I dreamed I was in a city where the windows were blown out of the buildings and there was at least 10 ft of water in the streets. There were bodies floating in the water and as I looked down I realized if I was above - I was dead. Also one where I was in a walkway in a building with huge windows on one side but there was water building up against them. Suddenly they broke in and then the dream ended...

Maybe you have a Gypsy soul... wanting to wander through past and future lives somehow... interdimensionally perhaps?

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 01:07 AM

originally posted by: EveStreet
a reply to: deadeyedick

I agree. This is a good place to share. Being empathetic does hurt but if you are to find like minded folks you might suffer less here. My first impulse was to discount you as a troll when you said the fruit fly and reed memories...Sorry for that, because I then remembered a dream I had as being a dragonfly and then I was the water that the dragonfly flew above...

A long time ago, about 10 years ago i had a travelin dream. I had to go see this indian who guided me thru this path. Then i had to cross this pond with stepping stones to get to the other side. I felt as if at the time i somehow died and was led thru to come back. I believe i had this dream before the car accident.

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