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A number of American conservatives hate the world

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posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 10:57 AM
Yeah, I asked like 3 times
A non answer on that one sticks out louder than a denial

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 11:30 AM
Yes.. a non-answer..

Hey Lost Sailor - don't be accusing me of not answering your questions ever again!

He conveniently slipped away into drunkville.. Cheers, mates!

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 11:36 AM
Oh I'd answer... If I knew what the heck a plan daisy was.... is.... I'm assuming this is more liberal's resorting to name calling....

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by LostSailor
Oh I'd answer... If I knew what the heck a plan daisy was.... is.... I'm assuming this is more liberal's resorting to name calling....

Interesting answer..

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 12:49 PM
Another, plan daisy in the boards?

My god I though we just got riddle of them, hum, must be that time of the year for fresh daisies to come out.

Its just a joke ok.

I really think that conservatives does not hate America or other americans they are just misguided in their feelings of who they seem as a true patriotic.

And when some disagree with them well instead of a "denied ignorance" approach, it feels better to used insults and name calling to get the point.

Nobody likes to be call anti-American or un-patriotic, that is a low blow and not very nice way to prove a point.

I guess I needed to bring this thread back to the main subject, that is all.

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 01:38 PM
Being conservative or liberal beats being totally apathetic as so many are. Labeling people like that is nothing more than weakness. No solid argument = labeling. It's juvenile and without merit. Just an example: There are more LIBERAL-leaning members in congress who are actually military/war vets than conservatives. Now if they served and fought, how does that make them anti-American? See how ridiculous it is?

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Now if they served and fought, how does that make them anti-American? See how ridiculous it is?

Exactly, that is what I can not understand, we have many heroes that have fought for our nation but when they are label "liberals" and call names for their views and opposition to the government policies they are tag without respect as anti-Americans.

Yes I think is childish and without merit, especially when it comes from somebody that has never served a day in their lives in any part of our proud military forces.

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Yes I think is childish and without merit, especially when it comes from somebody that has never served a day in their lives in any part of our proud military forces.

This whole freakin' administration.
(With the exception of Bush, who valiantly defended Texas against Arkansas in the Air Guard, Rumsfeld, who was a pilot, with no combat experience; and Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff). Powell's the only one who knows anything about combat and they totally cut him out of the loop. How dumb is that?

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

; and Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff). Powell's the only one who knows anything about combat and they totally cut him out of the loop. How dumb is that?

Very dumb in my opinion. Colin Powel was the only person in the administration that I had any respect for. But now he is outta there and there is nothing left for me to look up to in this current administration. Colin Powel is the only person out of that administration that I would have reccommended as a candidate for presidency. There is a rumor that Ive heard that said Colin Powel was mulling over running for president awhile back, but his wife asked him not to out of fear of assination.

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 06:16 PM
Wow... I've just read through six pages of an exchange between LostSailor and Kidfinger that, at times, seemed arcane to me, especially when it came to savings plans...

But I did see inklings of the very reason I posted this thread for.

I have never been so proud of my Prime Minister as I was this week when he rejected the notion of Canada participating in the continental missile defense shield. That must have made neocons have a fit - another nation showing independent thought, imagine that! And worse, another nation putting *its* national interests and public opinion first, not the United States' national interests and public opinion!

Someone posted that America "doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks". Except that after that, some conservatives cry and whine that the world hates the United States, and they wonder why... "We don't give a damn what you other countries think or want, but y'all supposed to love us anyway."

The other interesting thing I saw is the contention that liberals are an "elite" which has "taken America away from the majority". I thought that plurality of ideas was acceptable in the United States? Or maybe I was mistaken? And if liberals took power in the past 30 years, it's surely because the majority voted for them? Surely Roosevelt didn't fraud his way into power?

I can only laugh... here is the country preaching democracy to Iraq, while at home people in one political faction are calling people in the other "anti-American"...

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Otts
Someone posted that America "doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks". Except that after that, some conservatives cry and whine that the world hates the United States, and they wonder why... "We don't give a damn what you other countries think or want, but y'all supposed to love us anyway."

I've never, never said that... You don't have to love us. Just quit acting like you know whats best for us.

The other interesting thing I saw is the contention that liberals are an "elite" which has "taken America away from the majority". I thought that plurality of ideas was acceptable in the United States? Or maybe I was mistaken? And if liberals took power in the past 30 years, it's surely because the majority voted for them? Surely Roosevelt didn't fraud his way into power?

Elite as in they like to call themselves the intelligent party... Us Republicans couldn't possibly think at the same level as liberals... Red States are the dumb states... etc. etc. etc.

As far as the "taken America away from the majority" part goes. I think you may have misread something.

I can only laugh... here is the country preaching democracy to Iraq, while at home people in one political faction are calling people in the other "anti-American"...

Thats the beauty of Democracy... Love it or live under a dictator. Actually I'm pretty sure I hear the Communist party is the strongest one in Iraq right now... I'll look into it a bit deeper, but wouldn't that just be a slap in the face to Bush.

After all this liberating the people of Iraq, and the people may vote commie....
But you know what? They got the chance to decide..............

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by LostSailor

After all this liberating the people of Iraq, and the people may vote commie....
But you know what? They got the chance to decide..............

What an irony the people in Iraq are going to vote and the winner will be US administration choice occurs.

We still need to privatized their resources you know.

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 09:25 PM
Oh, the irony!

Another in a long tradition of threads at ATS started by someone who is not a United States citizen to tell those of us who are how stupid we must be not to hate America right along with them.

Now Otts is going to say "I don't hate America, just her government, huge bully that it is. Oh and the conservatives that agree with said government. And of course anyone that says anything bad about Canada, the United States far wiser neighbor to the north."

Amazing how a thread about U.S. conservative's hatred of the world can contain a quote such as this by the threads author:

That must have made neocons have a fit - another nation showing independent thought, imagine that! And worse, another nation putting *its* national interests and public opinion first, not the United States' national interests and public opinion!

It does seem like someone here hates a bit doesn't it?

For the record, I don't hate France, Germany, Russia or Spain. I actually love Canada (esp. British Columbia), and have yet to meet a Canadian that I didn't like. And me being a conservative. Go figure.

Otts, I apologize for the dumb things fellow conservatives have said about Canada on these pages, and hope you can see that although I may not share your opinion regarding U.S. politics, I certainly don't hate Canada.


P.S. I have to add that the posts of Kidfinger in this thread had me LMAO. I swear, if he were to join, the site would implode from the sheer irony.

Kidfinger, you can't quote an opinion piece and call it fact. Even the website lists it as a "Comment". Now I am not saying that Mr. Baker is right or wrong about Social Security, only that what you quoted was his opinion. Frankly, as long as 24 year old alcoholics can retire on SSDI, I don't count on any money being there when I retire, and that is long before 2042.

And when jsobecky said:

Financial report today stated that 1 of 3 hi tech firms plan to add jobs next year.

And you responded with:

1 of three firms plan to hire people? so what are they going to add? 1 firm, even the largest could only offer 1000 to 3000 jobs next year. But for a conservative, Im sure you see thes as an economic boon

Now that is funny! Priceless in fact! I almost fell out of my chair!

Oh yeah, we only have three high tech firms an only one will hire!

Now that's funny. I don't care who you are.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 01:44 AM
What is up with the Bush supporters on this board? All you can do is criticize and look the other way when the truth is laid in your lap. When confronted with the truth, they either resort to name calling, or bashing your family, or hate mongoring. Why cant you guys have a decent debate without acting like your abunch of 4 year olds. I have a 6 year old daughter who has more wisdom and rationality than some of the conservatives on this board.

Oh, and Seth, You dont have to worry about me joining ignorance I would never be a member of a website that claims to deny ignorance, yet is ran by at least one person who embraces ignorance in all forms. The Irony is in this. I have read post from the other site operators, and, well, you just dont compare to thier level rationalization.

[edit on 12/29/04 by Kidfinger]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 12:30 PM
We need a round two!

LostSailor vs. Kidfinger.

The thread is too great to be buried. Bump!

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 08:55 PM
Seth Bullock - I know your post is a month old... but for the record, what you stated about people casting wide blanket statements is exactly why I try to *never* generalize.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by Kidfinger

Originally posted by LostSailor
Hey... you're one of those guys that always has to have the last word aren't you? We may have a problem here...

I guess you fell for the propoganda that the dems are a party for the people....

Why must you constantly deny the original intent of this thread? Is it because you are afraid of the thruth? The truth being liberals love this country? Liberals are patriots. Conservatives are nationalist. Plain and simple. Try and deny that.

hehe, I didnt think so.

[edit on 12/16/04 by Kidfinger]

First, I agree with you totally about liberals loving this country, but you should maybe rephrase what you've said. Technically, liberals, conservatives and nationalists are all different. So, you can't say conservatives are nationalists. They all have completley different veiws and ideals. And even if conservatives are nationalists, thats not neccesarily bad. Look back in the 1800s in Europe, many aspects of Nationalism were all well and good and gave people a sense of common heritage and identity, and gave them the goal of creating their own homeland. Though there was a down side, it often bred intolerance and led to prosecution of other ethnic groups and national groups. So, go ahead and say conservatives are nationalists if you like, but it think you should brush up on your vocabulary skills a little and choose a better term. I'm not dissagreeing with the fact that liberals love this country, but why are you guys all fighting over something as trivial as this? Most likely all of the parties and groups or whatever you want to call them love this country and are just as devoted to it as any other. Just because they want to see the US move in a different direction doesn't mean they're "not patriotic" I mean geez guys, don't you think we should be argueing over something more important? This is like two brothers fighting over who loves their parents more, because if you think about it, conservative or liberal, republican or democrat, we're all Americans.

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