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Scotland Vote No In Referendum – Selfish, Scared People, Well Done!

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posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: Gododdin

Or it proves they where wise to Salmond's promise of Brigadoon.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: bigman88

The bottom line many English Mp's in the House of Commons...that should sum it up for you. We Scots are tired of dancing to the Westminster tune. The whole referendum has been a slap in the face to the poor who for once used their vote to try and change their lives. We have been sold out by the middle class and the establishment. The English like to complain about Scots MP's voting on English issues. We Scots are tired of the hundreds of English MP's deciding our budget, foriegn policy etc...

You couldn't make it up.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: DrunkYogi

When did Salmond promise that. You don't have to make stuff up the referendum is over for now. No matter how you cut it, we will have independence, probably sooner than you think.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 07:34 AM

originally posted by: midicon
The English like to complain about Scots MP's voting on English issues. We Scots are tired of the hundreds of English MP's deciding our budget, foriegn policy etc...

Well, the Scottish Labour MP's stabbed both the Welsh and English in the back when they agreed free university tuition for Scottish students but voted against it for the rest of us in Westminster. We would have had the same as you if those Scots MP's had abstained.

Regarding the budget, it is a fact that more £'s per person of the UK wide budget are spent on Scots, Welsh and N.Ireland citizens than the English, around a £1000 more per year for Each Scot due to the Barnett Formula. Yet still you whinge.

Let's see what comes out of the 'pledge' offered before your country voted to stay in the union. I suspect that could well have influenced the vote, so I will be as angry as any Scot if those slippery bastards in Westminster try to rip you off now.

You lost the vote, and whinging that it was old middle class voters or whatever is just that, whinging. It was a democratic free vote, and the Scots voted to stay in union with N.Ireland, Wales, and England.
Perhaps if your beloved Alex Salmond actually had a plan for the currency/EU/defence/etc then more people would have been convinced, but his apple pie in the sky with no details didn't cut the mustard. Unlucky.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: midicon

What would you call the fantasy land he was claiming we would have?

What about his lies about the NHS being privatized from Parliament when it could only be privatized from Holyrood?

Or his lies on the SNP taking legal advice about Scotland's entry into the EU?
Or their lies about Oil.

Or their lie about talking to the Bank of England regarding currency.

They lied on just about every important issue.

If Scotland would be so great after Independence then why the need to lie? Why did they not tell people the truth?

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: DrunkYogi

We can both google up stuff to support our viewpoint. You have already said Salmond hates the English, now you say he promised Brigadoon. He did neither, perhaps you should reflect on why you post such things.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

Your comments are fair but the demographics and statistics support what I say. I have just finished reading an article about it. I agree with you that those in Westminster, whatever their nationality are slippery bastards. They love the gravy train and lifestyle and the way the system is set up. We now have Gordon Brown, the legendary mastermind behind the saving of the banking system, which is still bleeding us dry, negotiating for Scotland.

The UK isn't good for any of us. We have become powerless by this autocratic autonomous beaurocratic nightmare. It is a system set up by the rich for the rich. I feel empathy with all the home nations but I would rather we all deal with our own affairs as we see fit, good or bad. Westminster, Whitehall, Monarchy, City of London you are welcome to them.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Gododdin

originally posted by: bigman88
a reply to: liverlad

Different matter; the southern states were not a separate people with their own history, language, heritage, culture, genealogy... but i get your point though.

If Scotland truly became part of this union voluntarily, ALL of scotland, like really MOST of the citizens voted and said, we can't were lost all these years without you guys, and the majority of that country said yeah sure, and this is not something that was either decided by Scottish leaders despite the people not agreeing with it, or a lie told yo you by the government, then time for me to shutup.

I hate most holywood and it's movies. I hate the most of the culture in my country as a matter of fact.

The people that voted to stay in the union were old, selfish pensioners, codgers and hags, that fear change and wanted to make sure their retirement funds were secure. Take a look at this breakdown of the votes by age:

There vote was just as valid as anyone else.

Are you saying that elderly people should not have been given a vote?

I hope your not.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: alldaylong

Strangely enough that very thought passed through my mind a few times, although perhaps not seriously. I have had the unfortunate pleasure of having to ferry my mother around these past few weeks. She is getting on a bit. During the course of this I have been meeting and talking to OAP's in various situations. It is true that they fear change and in general buy into the fear factor. Of course they have the vote and it is right that they do. Let's not forget though that they grew up in a different time, no internet etc,
I look forward to the next generation of OAP's who perhaps will have a more insightful grasp of things. They will support independence next time round.

edit on 21-9-2014 by midicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: bigman88

It was never a democratic vote. All the media scared the over 65s to vote no, take their vote away, Yes won by 63%.
We were cheated on all sides. Scottish 45% are not taking this. We changed the face of UK politics.
The 'Edinburgh Agreement' and the "Vow" MUST be ratified by Westminster. If not, European Court.

Don't be fooled by 55% no, we were cheated. We will not get over it, we will rise very soon.

We changed the UK FOREVER
edit on 21/9/2014 by shauny because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

2 legally binding documents MUST be done. Scotland was promised DevoMax.
If it doesn't come we urge the SNP to hold ALL Tax money to Westminster.

We were cheated. Badly.

We changed the UK Political System because English/Welsh people will demand the same rights.

Say "Get over it all day" Not happening - You will see

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:26 AM
There is talk of a 25 billion cut to the budget in Scotland , and cut's to the free travel of pensioners and the heating allowance , i bet they never knew that when they voted

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: midicon
a reply to: alldaylong

Strangely enough that very thought passed through my mind a few times, although perhaps not seriously. I have had the unfortunate pleasure of having to ferry my mother around these past few weeks. She is getting on a bit. During the course of this I have been meeting and talking to OAP's in various situations. It is true that they fear change and in general buy into the fear factor. Of course they have the vote and it is right that they do. Let's not forget though that they grew up in a different time, no internet etc,
I look forward to the next generation of OAP's who perhaps will have a more insightful grasp of things. They will support independence next time round.

Oh how wrong you are, me(47) and my daughter (20) voted no, my mother (74) voted is not as simple as you are making out

As for having the "unfortunate pleasure of having to ferry your mother around" What an ungrateful person you are. Clearly you've forgotten all of the times your mother had to ferry you around..starting at 9 months in her womb...

And I think that next lot of oap's will probably have the same needs and requirements of this lot, food, shelter, healthcare etc...but at least by that time the sums won't all center around oil, because that really will be gone by then.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: Gododdin

originally posted by: bigman88
a reply to: liverlad

Different matter; the southern states were not a separate people with their own history, language, heritage, culture, genealogy... but i get your point though.

If Scotland truly became part of this union voluntarily, ALL of scotland, like really MOST of the citizens voted and said, we can't were lost all these years without you guys, and the majority of that country said yeah sure, and this is not something that was either decided by Scottish leaders despite the people not agreeing with it, or a lie told yo you by the government, then time for me to shutup.

I hate most holywood and it's movies. I hate the most of the culture in my country as a matter of fact.

The people that voted to stay in the union were old, selfish pensioners, codgers and hags, that fear change and wanted to make sure their retirement funds were secure. Take a look at this breakdown of the votes by age:

old selfish codgers and hags...what a thoroughly unpleasant person you are. That's why the majority voted No, to stop the nasty, bullying, thug brigade like you from getting power

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: douglas5
There is talk of a 25 billion cut to the budget in Scotland , and cut's to the free travel of pensioners and the heating allowance , i bet they never knew that when they voted

Well considering that's decided by the Scottish Government, then it just smacks of sour grapes, punishing people who didn't agree with them, even though there were large swathes of the over 65 population that voted Yes, but that just shows them to be the arrogant bullies that they are really...

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: destination now

The unfortunate pleasure was, tongue in cheek and none of your business. Good for your mother, I did not say everyone but I will relate my own experience. The oil isn't going anywhere and anyway the next referendum might be sooner than you think.

Why are you even posting to me? I take that was a question that requires no reply. There used to be a handy ignore button on ATS, I will pretend that it still exists with regard to you.

It's all good.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: midicon

The oil isn't going anywhere

Now that is delusional...seriously talk about having your cake and eating it. And I replied to you because you were having a go at the aging population, never mind what they have done for you and anyone who describes having to ferry their own mother around as being unfortunate, is ungrateful can dress it up as you like, I am not saying it is any of my business, but you might want to think about how you describe having to spend time with your own, elderly mother on a public forum, as people are going to judge you..they don't know what you are thinking, they only read your words.

As for ignoring me in the future...well that pretty much sums it don't like you'll just put your fingers in your ears and pretend it isn't happening..nah nah nah nah..pathetic really

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: destination now

If they keep on cutting things like libraries and services they will have nothing left and the Scottish parliment only gets what westminster gives it [ not 100% on that ]

But the bus services in my area going to every 2 hours and it is bad enough with 1+ hrs wait if they come and every year brition is losing a whopping £100 billion ? and that is with all the cuts they have done

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: douglas5
a reply to: destination now

If they keep on cutting things like libraries and services they will have nothing left and the Scottish parliment only gets what westminster gives it [ not 100% on that ]

But the bus services in my area going to every 2 hours and it is bad enough with 1+ hrs wait if they come and every year brition is losing a whopping £100 billion ? and that is with all the cuts they have done

Maybe you should try reading up on the Barnett formula, that gives every Scottish person £8623, as opposed to every English person £7121 and as you just mentioned £25 billion cuts, perhaps you should remember that oil revenues have been anything from £4 billion to £11 billion per year, so you can see that would be quite a shortfall in what Scotland receives as opposed to what it contributes..though not sure that the £25 billion cuts is quite accurate

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: douglas5
a reply to: destination now

If they keep on cutting things like libraries and services they will have nothing left and the Scottish parliment only gets what westminster gives it [ not 100% on that ]

But the bus services in my area going to every 2 hours and it is bad enough with 1+ hrs wait if they come and every year brition is losing a whopping £100 billion ? and that is with all the cuts they have done

Oh and bus services are run by private companies, who rely on profit to survive (though they are subsidized to ensure that buses run on unprofitable routes, so that people without access to private transport can use the service) and therefore if people are not using the bus service, they don't run one wants to see a bunch of empty buses running around, damaging the environment, just in case one person wants to use it, that would be ridiculous.

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