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I've come to realize most of you only want to protect your ability to spew BS

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posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 10:11 PM
In response to Kali74
I've come to realize most of you only want to protect your ability to be a jerk

Yes left-wingers, I'm talking to you. Michael Moore, free health care, mass shootings, killer drones, the government's too small (to which I disagree but differently than you), the DHS are good guys, racism, classism, black on white violence and the word hypocrisy being thrown around like a loaded water balloon... I've absorbed enough to warrant a rant IMHO.

Free health care you say! Freedom to keep the plan you chose you say! And oh how you mean it, you really, really think you mean it. You don't. Why? Because as soon as someone's plan changes in order to give them ‘extra’ coverage they don’t want, you seem to think Americans no longer have the right to purchase health insurance as they choose. Instead...

You want no repercussions for being a racist or a sexist or a bigot.

Socialism you say! Right to live as a collective unit you say! Government's too small you say! You really, really think you mean this too. But, you don't. Why? Because what you actually want is a tyrannical government run by people who tell you how to think and what to believe. Government's only too small because it hasn’t completely taken over every aspect of your life (or has it?).

You want to be able to live as you choose, but if guys want to own guns or let's really be honest here... shoot them... your heads explode. And then we're back to Pelosi and Obama being able to have as many armed guards as they choose. Even if it means giving them the right to say which member of the public is or isn't.

Cops are out of control you say! Look at all the violent felons they kill! They raided that illegal’s car with no warrant! Another white on black crime is imminent you say! And you're scared, the big bad state is just waiting to send law enforcement for your gardeners. But you're only scared for you and your own kind. What you really want is a police force that doesn't police minorities, just white guys that may have offended them. It's only brutality when some white cops have to struggle with a violent (insert non-white group here) guy who is trying to do them harm. When they kill unarmed 'crackers' they're #ing heroes again (although the MSM won’t make note of it).

edit on 11-9-2014 by doompornjunkie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 10:26 PM
I was wondering how long it would take before this popped up. Glad to see it!

Now we can have both sides of utter BS represented and that's what we should all want!

No matter how flat you make the dookpuke... It always has two sides. We deserve to have both represented.
edit on 9/11/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 10:27 PM
I'm flattered!

I'm just going to line item...

Michael Moore... pretty cool guy, most of the time.
Mass shootings are bad, so is labeling mass shooters kids that went wrong while labeling an unarmed man shot by a cop a thug yanno cuz black.
Drones are bad.
Healthcare should be considered a human right.
I'd prefer no government but we're not ready for that
DHS is bad born of right wing fear, and democrat lack of spine to stand up to it cuz 9/11 patriotism/nationalism
racism still exists
classism still exists
violence is bad regardless of who swings first, black on white violence/racism doesn't negate institutionalized racism.
Obama sucks
Pelosi sucks
99.9% of all politicians suck
Cops killing unarmed people is bad not just when it happens to white people.

Did I miss anything?

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: doompornjunkie

edit on 11-9-2014 by MagesticEsoteric because: wrong thread

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 10:34 PM
Said in my most sarcastic faux voice: Y-y-y-You're a RACIST!!

ETA: And Kali ... you got a star for sportsmanship!
edit on 1192014 by Snarl because: ETA

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
Said in my most sarcastic faux voice: Y-y-y-You're a RACIST!!

I swear I heard Alex Jones in my head when I read your post. Damn near blacked out. Don't do that again...

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
I'm flattered!

I'm just going to line item...

Michael Moore... pretty cool guy, most of the time.
Mass shootings are bad, so is labeling mass shooters kids that went wrong while labeling an unarmed man shot by a cop a thug yanno cuz black.
Drones are bad.
Healthcare should be considered a human right.
I'd prefer no government but we're not ready for that
DHS is bad born of right wing fear, and democrat lack of spine to stand up to it cuz 9/11 patriotism/nationalism
racism still exists
classism still exists
violence is bad regardless of who swings first, black on white violence/racism doesn't negate institutionalized racism.
Obama sucks
Pelosi sucks
99.9% of all politicians suck
Cops killing unarmed people is bad not just when it happens to white people.

Did I miss anything?

Na, looks like you pretty much covered it. By the way, mass shootings was left in there because damn near all mass shootings that have happened in the last decade have all been committed by lefties, mainly far-left lefties. Yet the sheeple always blame right leaning gun owners. It had nothing to do with labels..

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: doompornjunkie

Actually you gave me a chance to make the point I forgot to make about the poor misunderstood kids vs the thugs that deserved to be executed sans charges trial or conviction.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 10:56 PM

In all seriousness though, these left vs. right political wars are useless and achieve nothing but discord.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 11:00 PM
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,

There's clowns to the left of me,

Jokers to the right,

here I am, Stuck in the middle with you.........

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 11:04 PM
Well, I said it in Kali's thread and I'll say it here....

That could apply to either party, not just the Left

Although, this is good to show just how silly it is for people to think that there is a difference between the 2 parties, which clearly there is not

Both of these threads prove that both sides think that they are right and the other is wrong
So what does this solve?
Not a damn thing!!

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: doompornjunkie

The Progressives are having a hard time coming to terms with the massive failures that have been exposed, especially during the Obama times.

The memos are out and now we see the onslaught.

Deflections, tangents, re-definitions etc. etc. are all in play.



Increasing poverty and high crime in heavy Democrat voting pockets for decades.

Problems can't be solved.

Blame somebody else. If that "somebody" is Left Wing, then simply say they are Right Wing and all is well.

Obama.Care: Call it a Republican idea when parts fail and/or get klobbered in court.

Disassociate from all failure and blame away to convenient scapegoats.

This is all part of the election strategy.

Arguments often focus on petty nit picky points with little or no meaning.

Attack the religious "Right" and praise the religious "Left".

When Socialist programs are exposed as failures, just say they aren't Socialist.

etc. etc.

Very entertaining.

God help them if Republicans romp this November !!

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: mwood
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,

There's clowns to the left of me,

Jokers to the right,

here I am, Stuck in the middle with you.........


Need some humor from time to time in these serious threads

Thanks for that

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 11:21 PM
I have no fear of losing my right to be spew BS.

I'll just be a jerk about it - wait... Oo

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 12:44 AM
Just like I said in the other thread.

You are absolutely right OP. The only thing you did not do was add your side to the list. I see the behavior you talk about from all sides. It is called hypocrisy. Right, left, up, down, diagonal. People on all sides complain when the other side does it. Then they go out and do the same thing. Again.... EVERY SIDE DOES IT. Then cries when the other side does it. Over and over this happens.

I am beginning to think people on here have gold fish memory. Do people just read or write a post. Then immediately forget it. You can call them out on it. But they just ignore you and keep on doing it. It is getting super annoying. Everyone just wants to be right infallibly. Everyone who is like them is good. Everyone who is not like them is bad. There is no middle ground. It is quite sad. In the end. No one is going to win. Except the ones encouraging the divide and conquer mind set that is prevalent in the world of today.

I know there are a lot of smart people on all sides that see and understand this is happening. They just do not care anymore. Being seen as correct and the winner is more important. What better are we then the elitists we condemn. From what I have learned, by observing the behavior of people on this site. Most of us, if we were in charge of the world. Would do the exact same things those who are in charge now do. We would just favor what we consider our team. Its all one big self identifying issue. We need that outer source, that team to define us. We are scared to look within. In the end. Were all just frightened children. Looking for mommy and daddy.

But whatever
. No one is going to change. And so it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and infinity.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 12:50 AM
The poop loop is now complete.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 01:10 AM
It's not over till I say it's over. Great how you people all ignore me on a daily basis , then talk crap behind my back. I am the only one on this website with a real conspiracy. Why are you all here. To get dillusional about things I am not responsible for and fan the flames of war through your keyboard. Real gangsta. Why should I be executed for living in my house and being the last real slave alive through 1000 fold corporations. You people are pathetic , I only come back to this site cause I am famous here. Not one of you little tin foil hat freakazoids showed up in real life to beef with me. I guess the pen is mightier than the sword. Eh Brutus.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

and this is precisely the problem

the left has problem, but the right refuses to expose their own failures as well to which there are numerous

Then the left exposes the right's failures and the left refuses to expose their own

can we just, for once in our stupid miserable society agree that all sides need to grow the heck up and work together?

Oh no...we can't...gotta keep those house seats!

pathetic...truly pathetic...BOTH sides are so guilty of this, including my own past

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 02:30 AM

I think I've figured out how WW3 is going to start.... right here on ATS.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: letmeon
It's not over till I say it's over. Great how you people all ignore me on a daily basis , then talk crap behind my back. I am the only one on this website with a real conspiracy. Why are you all here. To get dillusional about things I am not responsible for and fan the flames of war through your keyboard. Real gangsta. Why should I be executed for living in my house and being the last real slave alive through 1000 fold corporations. You people are pathetic , I only come back to this site cause I am famous here. Not one of you little tin foil hat freakazoids showed up in real life to beef with me. I guess the pen is mightier than the sword. Eh Brutus.

Delusional you say?

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