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Famous quotes on reducing the World's population.

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posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:17 AM
I say these guys lead by example.. once enough are gone and things look better.. I may consider it..

I had read somewhere, that in order for a country to sustain its current population it has to have like 2.5 children per family.. made sense considering grams and gramps will soon be gone followed by mom and dad.. anyway it wasn't so much about depopulation as it was how Islam who have large family in the states could have a majority in a generation.

Anyways, in the very short distant past. The US use to produce enough food to dam near feed the world.. we are rich in resources.. we need better management.. the whole depopulation group just want to be able to rule with an iron fist..

I'm for getting away from this ethanol crap. Start planting real food again.. get our ships distributing and protect the convoys giving aid from these dam warlords who steal it.. teach agriculture, well digging and irrigation and get these lands flowing again.. just my take..

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: violet

National Security Study Memorandum


when you click on the contents and read what it's all really about it's quite astounding.

Feminine rights is really to stop women having children.

II. B. 3. Expanding Wage Employment Opportunities, Especially for Women

The status and utilization of women in LDC societies is particularly important in reducing family size. For women, employment outside the home offers an alternative to early marriage and childbearing, and an incentive to have fewer children after marriage. The woman who must stay home to take care of her children must forego the income she could earn outside the home. Research indicates that female wage employment outside the home is related to fertility reduction. Programs to increase the women's labor force participation must, however, take account of the overall demand for labor; this would be a particular problem in occupations where there is already widespread unemployment among males. But other occupations where women have a comparative advantage can be encouraged.

Abortions as a way of family planning

Wage employment opportunities and women's rights (not "feminine rights") = stopping women from having children and promoting abortion? Where do you get these absurd ideas? Where are they generated in your mind? When people have more children than they can feed, the children suffer enormously. You want them to produce more?

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:19 AM
a reply to: Phage
I do read Phage. I know how. I read quite a bit of it. I meant it was too much for you or others to read. Frankly I'm not so interested as you might think in obsessing over population control. I'm just contributing to a thread I thought was interesting enough. Nothing more.

Anyways the quoted text I added wasn't really for you. I just added it to the post for others to review.


posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: violet
a reply to: Phage
I do read Phage. I know how. I read quite a bit of it. I meant it was too much for you or others to read. Frankly I'm not so interested as you might think in obsessing over population control. I'm just contributing to a thread I thought was interesting enough. Nothing more.

Anyways the quoted text I added wasn't really for you. I just added it to the post for others to review.


You clearly didn't understand the quoted text that you posted.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: Tangerine

It was in there, perhaps you could do that find word on page thing.
Here I will do it for you I clicked on " Abortion" and found it. I managed to insert my imagination into an already printed publication

Frankly I don't care how many children people have. Not my business. I'm not gonna whine about where my taxes go, we all have to pay them, but no I don't think people should be irresponsible either, but if they can't cope that's their problem.

edit on 8-9-2014 by violet because: (no reason given)

ETA I re-read my quote and I think you read it upside down. I put the women's rights ( yes I said feminine) above the text I quoted, it went with that. Abortion was typed below, I didn't include a quote for that. It was just a comment. Please read more carefully next time.
Thank you
edit on 8-9-2014 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:29 AM

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: MarlinGrace
a reply to: gladtobehere

How come it is when the people that say this nonsense never leave it on a note next to their bed when they take their own life offering to lead the way to a civilized earth prosperity?

What they are saying is, now I have enriched myself and it's time for you to go, thanks for your help now AMF.

I say let them lead by example.

Has it occurred to you that a solution to overpopulation is to lessen or stop reproducing? That doesn't involve killing any people.

Yeah, that was my point but it went unnoticed apparently.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:33 AM

originally posted by: violet

Frankly I don't care how many children people have. Not my business. I'm not gonna whine about where my taxes go, we all have to pay them, but no I don't think people should be irresponsible either, but if they can't cope that's their problem.

That's where you're wrong. It's everyone's problem. There's a finite amount of resources and when there's not enough to go around, it affects you, too. Overpopulation leads to increasing diseases and wars, too. Do you think those won't affect you?

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:35 AM
Kill them all god will protect his own [ some geezer long ago ] allegedly

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: Tangerine

Those quotes were suggesting reducing the population of the planet by 50-80 percent. If that doesn't qualify as culling what does? Correction: anywhere from 10-15% to 95%

The 'proof' I referred to was proof of some form of due diligence by the people who are suggesting such a massive reduction in population. What can they offer as justification for their choice of solutions?

Reducing the population by such a significant amount isn't going to happen without taking lives. Did you think half the planet would commit suicide or maybe disappear? Someone deciding who lives and who dies, is deciding who gets the death penalty. The reason is supposedly because the earth is overpopulated and will function better as a whole with far fewer people on it. The damage to the planet that people are doing, making it more and more difficult for daily survival by depleting precious resources, those are the crimes against humanity for which it seems some select few have decided to hold the rest of us responsible.

When you read those quotes and respond in a knee-jerk fashion, you could imply that they're saying the population needs to be culled.

A rational person could take the quote at face-value and say that they're advocating a reduction of the world's population over time, not instantly through death. Other than the Prince Phillip quote, ALL of those quotes could be interpreted as a call for responsible reproduction and contraception to control population levels. Reduce the number of NEW people and the situation will start to sort itself out.
edit on 9/8/2014 by Answer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: violet

Frankly I don't care how many children people have. Not my business. I'm not gonna whine about where my taxes go, we all have to pay them, but no I don't think people should be irresponsible either, but if they can't cope that's their problem.

That's where you're wrong. It's everyone's problem. There's a finite amount of resources and when there's not enough to go around, it affects you, too. Overpopulation leads to increasing diseases and wars, too. Do you think those won't affect you?

I knew that would be your answer to me saying not my problem. I'm ignorant.

Wars are caused by we all know who and for reasons beyond your control. Don't be so naive.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:49 AM

originally posted by: Answer

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: MarlinGrace
a reply to: gladtobehere

How come it is when the people that say this nonsense never leave it on a note next to their bed when they take their own life offering to lead the way to a civilized earth prosperity?

What they are saying is, now I have enriched myself and it's time for you to go, thanks for your help now AMF.

I say let them lead by example.

Has it occurred to you that a solution to overpopulation is to lessen or stop reproducing? That doesn't involve killing any people.

Yeah, that was my point but it went unnoticed apparently.

Yeah I don't know why people think anyone needs to be killed. People die naturally everyday the problem is that far to many people think that every time they have sex they should have children. They are like rabbits. What is wrong with having one child per couple do people really feel they need to have a pack of kids. WTH is wrong with those types with 4 and 5 kids?

26,812-----------Births today
95,234,541------Births this year
11,063-----------Deaths today
39,294,915------Deaths this year
15,749-----------Population growth today
55,939,627------Population growth this year

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 12:57 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

Agreed. Assuming the people making this decision have the patience to wait that long, I am sure there will be a set of criteria, some set of deciding factors, that will no doubt coincidentally happen to match the traits of the chosen few making the decisions.

And the Eloi continue happily on their way munching grapes that appear out of nowhere. And every once in a while us morlocks get to jab them with pointy things and feast on the goo inside. Nice future...

People like you are exactly why a solution can't be reached.

You've read books and watched movies so you're an expert on what would happen if efforts are made to reduce the world population. Let's not have a sensible discussion about it because "nothing good can come from it."

Again, what if we simply found a way to make people unable to reproduce until they choose to have a simple procedure done that will make them fertile? Just eliminating the unplanned births would go a long way toward helping the problem.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:01 AM

originally posted by: Answer
They actually had the balls to speak the truth in public.

The population of the world is getting out of hand and we will ALL suffer for it.

If you remove emotion from the discussion and shun the "every life is precious!" mantra, you have to admit that our planet can not continue to sustain our population at current growth levels.

Unfortunately, the ignorant masses who don't understand the problem are the main ones breeding like horny rabbits. Just look at the sh1tstorm that was caused when someone suggested mandatory birth control for women on welfare. Just try to imagine how many unplanned children are born daily on our planet... it's ridiculous.

your belief in the overpopulation myth is ignorance, its a myth thats been carried by main stream media, a propaganda tactic, they are trying to convince you of overpopulation, and you are believing them,

do some research of your own instead of listening to the corporate conglomerates, in the end the truth is there is no such thing as overpopulation, our purpose as pieces of the universe observing itself is to improve our ability to observe itself by multiplying, improving our survival and spreading for more coverage, our goal is not to remain on this planet forever, we must continue to procreate all we can, if our numbers grow to large then we move out to other planets, killing ourselves off is counterproductive to the goal of the universe in creating us, pieces of itself which observe itself.

current population of earth, 7 billion, you can fit every one, man woman and child, into the state of rhode island shoulder to shoulder,

even better, you can fit every man woman and child into the state of texas and give every one of them almost 1000 square feet of land to themselves. thats more then most homes have. its math anyone can do, if you believe in overpopulation then you havent bothered to grab a calculator and do the math yourself.

we are not overpopulated, whats at issue with us living on this planet is how we do it, not our numbers, but our methods. we are wasteful, we overproduce and overbuy junk, while under-producing and under-sharing the most important necessities like shelter, water and healthy food.

pouring our money into war with each other, rather then the technology we need to reduce waste, reduce price of those necessities, and facilitate our spread to the stars.
edit on 9/8/14 by pryingopen3rdeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: Grimpachi

originally posted by: Answer

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: MarlinGrace
a reply to: gladtobehere

How come it is when the people that say this nonsense never leave it on a note next to their bed when they take their own life offering to lead the way to a civilized earth prosperity?

What they are saying is, now I have enriched myself and it's time for you to go, thanks for your help now AMF.

I say let them lead by example.

Has it occurred to you that a solution to overpopulation is to lessen or stop reproducing? That doesn't involve killing any people.

Yeah, that was my point but it went unnoticed apparently.

Yeah I don't know why people think anyone needs to be killed. People die naturally everyday the problem is that far to many people think that every time they have sex they should have children. They are like rabbits. What is wrong with having one child per couple do people really feel they need to have a pack of kids. WTH is wrong with those types with 4 and 5 kids?

26,812-----------Births today
95,234,541------Births this year
11,063-----------Deaths today
39,294,915------Deaths this year
15,749-----------Population growth today
55,939,627------Population growth this year

Here's an example that makes me shake my head:

A girl I know has a toddler. The father of her child has 2 other children on the way with 2 separate women, one of those was a one-night-stand. So that will be 3 unplanned kids in 2 years for this guy. He's broke, no house, dead-end job.

I asked her a blunt question "Why the hell doesn't he just pull out?" Her answer "I liked when he went inside me..."

It's an all-too-common story. You need a license to drive a car but anyone can screw up and create a person.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: Answer

Sounds like a sensible idea but not everybody wants to go that route. My first pregnancy was a special surprise and that was important to us. That's the problem. It only appeals to so many. I like what I did better. After I had 3 children I got a tubal ligation. Or sterilized. Had it done right in the hospital while I was still there. I knew 3 was enough for me. They're raised and gone now.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: Answer

Wow, that was a blunt question.
Do you ask that because you are into population control or just nosey in general? It's like saying your child is taking up space and not wanted. How rude.
Like I said, I really don't care what other people do. I sure don't want people telling me how to live my life.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: violet
a reply to: Answer

Sounds like a sensible idea but not everybody wants to go that route. My first pregnancy was a special surprise and that was important to us. That's the problem. It only appeals to so many. I like what I did better. After I had 3 children I got a tubal ligation. Or sterilized. Had it done right in the hospital while I was still there. I knew 3 was enough for me. They're raised and gone now.

In hindsight you can call it a "special surprise."

If you were unable to have your special surprise in the first place and had waited until it was planned, I really don't think you would love your child any less.

Your solution only works for people who are intelligent and rational. Intelligent and rational people are not the ones reproducing like rabbits.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: violet
a reply to: Answer

Wow, that was a blunt question.
Do you ask that because you are into population control or just nosey in general? It's like saying your child is taking up space and not wanted. How rude.
Like I said, I really don't care what other people do. I sure don't want people telling me how to live my life.

We know each other that well. She admits that her child was due to a stupid mistake and that her son's father is a careless loser... so that's why I asked the question.

Some people aren't as sensitive about their screw ups.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: Stemo
Just build a wanking machine.

Whaaaaat? 😮

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: Answer

originally posted by: violet
a reply to: Answer

Sounds like a sensible idea but not everybody wants to go that route. My first pregnancy was a special surprise and that was important to us. That's the problem. It only appeals to so many. I like what I did better. After I had 3 children I got a tubal ligation. Or sterilized. Had it done right in the hospital while I was still there. I knew 3 was enough for me. They're raised and gone now.

In hindsight you can call it a "special surprise."

If you were unable to have your special surprise in the first place and had waited until it was planned, I really don't think you would love your child any less.

Your solution only works for people who are intelligent and rational. Intelligent and rational people are not the ones reproducing like rabbits.

I think it could work if it was enforced. If this population control must be. They are in the hospital anyways and say after you have two children, it's done.

It's such a slippery slope telling people what to do. There are people who remarry and wish to have another child with their new partner. For me, I had no intention of having anymore. It was done ASAP before there was another.

There's also vasectomies. A man should take responsibility. Like this guy you know who is seeding the town, maybe he needs stopping. I know a guy like this as well and I say who does he think he is? He's not broke though, quite wealthy and pays support on his children.loves them. It's just he thinks he can have kids with various women. I think it's his culture. His brothers do it as well. His family is huge. I can't keep up with all the half sisters and brothers on the kids.

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