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Ancient Vedic Aliens

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posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: moebius
But try to think about it a bit more rationally. How would you identify whether a planet has intellegent life, by the radio signals it is emitting?

What makes you assume that intelligent life will produce RF emissions for the duration of its existence? Maybe we will only use RF at significant powers for a couple of hundred years out of our total existence. I'm sure a more advanced civilisation would develop better ways of detecting planets with intelligent life.

originally posted by: moebius
Now we earthlings have been emitting radio for a bit over a hundred years. This means the only alien species noticing us, must not be farther away than some 100 lightyears, which is a tiny distance if you look at the scale of the universe or even our galaxy.

Yes, it is very probable, that there are other intelligent beings somewhere out there. But them knowing about us and vice versa is a whole other story. I think this is something a lot of people don't realise, the space is huge, the distances are just ridiculous.

Also seen from multiple hundred lightyears away, the earth might not look that special. According to estimations based on Kepler data, there might be over 500 million planets in habitable zones in our galaxy alone. How many of them will probably contain intelligent life, a few hundreds? And despite of SETI listening for over 50 years, we haven't observed a single intelligent signal yet.

Again you are judging what other civilisations are capable of by our current capabilities. The distances are huge to us now but travelling to the other side of our galaxy could be a day trip in the future. Who knows?

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: captainmjp
I also agree that at some point any advanced race did use electro-magnetic based communications at some point. I just find it highly improbable that any such race developed close enough to us to ever be detected by such means.

Open your mind Horatio!

My mind is open, Hamlet.

Watch out for your uncle.

Your post above may be correct. On the other hand, our directed broadcasts of high powered radar waves would make it quite far indeed, possibly a couple of thousand light years.

Any society that was using such radar 2,000 years ago or so would be detectable by us now. Of course, the use of even higher-power directed beams would be more easily detected.

The downside is that such beams are directional and would have to be aimed at least toward our general vicinity for us to receive them. But if there are enough civs out there using EM, the chances are reasonably good that we could.

I don't know everything. Basically, I know something about everything. Some of it is quite in-depth, some of it is quite shallow.

I made the comment to point out that you weren't taking into account the thousands of years light takes to get to a (relatively) nearby system from here. Was I wrong?


posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 06:29 PM
CANARD POSTS☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆
I think youre forgetting that early humans did take large quantities of peyote and other such substances. whenever i see something like this I usually just chuck it up as the human imagination being overactive

However, skepticism about this particular subject has been counterproductive. we do not know if the verdic aliens exist or do not exist, and if I were to take a guess, Id say they most likely exist, but in a different state of consciousness.
CANARD POSTS☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: Harte

LOL!!! Nice comeback!!!

Well, I'm glad to know that we both know that we don't know everything!

You may be right. I, for one, hope they do hear a signal. It would help confirm what I have already come to believe -

We are not alone!!

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: captainmjp
a reply to: Harte

LOL!!! Nice comeback!!!

Well, I'm glad to know that we both know that we don't know everything!

You may be right. I, for one, hope they do hear a signal. It would help confirm what I have already come to believe -

We are not alone!!


I tend to agree with your sentiment. I don't think we are the only life (Earth.) We may be the only intelligent life in the galaxy at this particular point in time, but I'm not exactly sold on that either.

I also hope they eventually find a signal. But, like you, I wouldn't count on it.

We might just discover other intelligent life in some other way before we ever find a signal.


posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

The yogi doesn't explain how he associates supposed aliens with the Vedas.

It's all a step too far for me.

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