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Beyond Disgusting ...

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posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: Expat888
With israel having knocked out the only power plant in gaza .. limited fuel supplies to run hospital generators its only a matter of time till the generators run down then life support fails more people die .. surgery becomes alot more difficult causing more to die ..

Yet israels apologists continue throwing the same damn bull# and lies to justify their barbaric actions while the world sits back and watches live feeds of the slaughter twiddling its collective thumbs ..

So whats next to watch ? will you people ever get sick of the damn slaughter rise up and tell the murderous bastards of the world enough of the damn slaughter .. not only in gaza but everywhere in the world where people are being murdered over nothing ..

or have you all been so brainwashed by the damn media and your damn governments that human life holds no value and you revel in the slaughter of innocents around the world ?

Just wonder what will you think when it comes to your door and is no longer just something you watch and cheer on livefeeds as people die ?

How many more must die to satisfy your damn savage bloodlust ?

How many mozarts .. beethovens .. van goghs .. monets .. einstiens .. hawkins have been lost because they were butchered before they even had a chance ?

Go ahead make your damn excuses and cheer the barbarism on ..

Well that's a pretty good rant...But while we watch those live streams of the Israelis bombing mostly empty houses and terrorist tunnels, we also realize that at the same time, the Palestinians are shooting thousands of rockets at Israeli schools filled with children, hospitals, shopping malls, airports and any civilian target they can aim for...

Pretty easy to be swayed by the media, isn't it...

If the Palestinians will stop, the Israelis will stop...

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: ugmold
One side started the fighting and will continue until the Genocide is complete, get real.

a reply to: beezzer

Which side?

Not the side you think, you seem to be locked into TWO sides, it is beyond clear that all the religious books both of these foolish ( not really their fault ) peoples, are being manipulated totally and clearly, by third parties, and more.

But we all know now, that you just have no ability to realize it, or care.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: Iscool

So , all the Palestinians should completely and utterly submit, get out of Israel, and fast, I understand!

But then who would challenge Israel and try to destroy them so the Messiah can come to help them RULE ENTIRELY over the earth ??

Seems like a lot of people do not realize they are totally looking at all of this through the same blind eyes as the Islamics are.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: loam

That is seriously disturbing...I can't believe they put that brainwashing crap on tv.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: Expat888

This is one of the best rants I've read Expat, kudos for seeing and stating the sad reality of it all.

There will only be peace when everyone wakes up from the giant lie of separation and division that they are brainwashed and entrenched with since birth. NO ethnicity is better than any other. NO religion is better than any other. And ALL politics are corrupt and set up to serve a limited few. Why can't people agree to disagree, and live and let live? Except I think they can and do, for the most one loves *everything* their neighbour does, but they tolerate it and are generally courteous all the same, the world over - including the Middle East.

Could it be as simple as these wars are fueled, funded and stirred up on purpose, for nefarious means, and have been for many years? With the media egging things on and playing sides against each other, there can be no winner.

On ATS (a microcosm of the world, if you will) the media manipulation is discussed almost DAILY, but I see little actual learning going on - people here still fight among themselves for their different beliefs - no different than the Middle East! So many see them as the barbarians, yet look at how easily people here are riled at different opinions. How long will it be before people in the West are so disgruntled, on whatever current issue, (Economy crash? - Illegal immigration perhaps?) that we end up the same way? We are as expendable as anyone else on this planet and have the potentiality of being just as barbaric.

Everyone needs to truly see how they are being played by the Governments & the Media - in EVERY country of the world. Divisions are meant to divide people, skew common sense and distract at all costs, and the only reason it still works is because we let it.

The Middle East is simply the mirror for the world's hatred and divisions, and the reflection isn't pretty.
edit on 30-7-2014 by MoonBlossom because: Spelling

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 09:07 AM
I can't wait til ISIS gets to Israel. Hopefully Israel will nuke them and in the process accidentally nuke itself too.

If Silence is Golden, a few hundred years of silence from the Middle East would be pure platinum!

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Expat888

Text So whats next to watch ? will you people ever get sick of the damn slaughter rise up and tell the murderous bastards of the world enough of the damn slaughter .. not only in gaza but everywhere in the world where people are being murdered over nothing ..

Did you start this thread to preach your side of your story or did you start this thread to hear what others have to say about why you are so upset?

Yes it is terrible that any human has to die in any type of conflict. Most people realize that but tell me just what is my opinion going to do to change this? I could preach to the choir till hell froze over and it will not change one bit of this evil which is in the minds of men.

If every Jew in this world was disarmed or eradicated it would not change one thing. I can prove this by history. The Muslims just had an eight years war between themselves from 1980 to 1988 in the Iraq/Iran war and you cannot blame this on the Jew. Tell me, if the Muslims were so concerned for each others welfare then why do the existing Muslims throughout the middle east and the world not take care of these poor Palestinians? Instead they eat each other when there is no Jew meat to eat. I can't fault you for being enraged but I can fault you for being so focused on hate for the Jew.

I don't know how old you are but one thing is certain. I never heard on peep out of the bleeding hearts when Iran/Iraq were slaughtering men, women, and children for well over eight straight years running. Not one word from all the bleeding hearts hit the news stands. Not one word of awe when Hussein slaughtered Kurds by the thousands and those were also men, women, and children. Not one word of pity to the boatloads of Jews who fled Hitler and were turned away by this country. Yes by this so called Christian country they were forced back to Germany to face death and nothing was said or done. Where were all the bleeding hearts then?

If the Jews were to suddenly stop this war and everyone go home, then what? You mean to say that things would be honky donkey? No more rockets and no more war. Is that what you are advocating? Your rage is justified but your understanding is blinded by your hatred for Jews. Your hatred is as bad as those who you accuse.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Seede

Because after 40+ years of putting the victims of the butchers back together in warzones around the world and burying the dead am sickened and disgusted with all of it. There is no damn justification for wars and mass murder .. yet everyone spouts the same old damn lies .. propaganda and hate and not a damn thing changes aside from the methods of slaughter ..

Next idiotic assumption ? never said that I hate jews or anyone else. Nice try but your a no go at this station take your paper and move out.

Good to see that out of the majority who failed to grasp the point of my diatribe theres a few who understood ..

To those spouting the worn out old lies .. propaganda and hate .. step back a moment and take a good long hard look at yourselves ...

Meh.. time for a drink ...

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 11:43 AM
You're asking people to change fundamental human nature. We are complete animals. Get used to it.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: Expat888

not only in gaza but everywhere in the world where people are being murdered over nothing ..

I think most people did not read this part and just jumped into ra ra Israel or ra ra Palestine. Sometimes I think that if I just go into every thread on ATS and posted Yay Israel and three posts later Yay Palestine I would amass more stars than anyone in history. Well that is until I get banned for trolling.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 08:30 PM
All wars are based on lies. War is a racket. Only the defense contractors benefit...and banks. War started for religious reasons or for political ones or for gaining land or minerals/greed...No matter the reasons, nobody "wins". War and murder and mayhem. Perhaps it is in human nature to be violent. As a species, are we racing toward our own demise...mutually assured destruction? I am sick of it all as well. There will be no winners in the long run. We will ALL shrivels the soul and destroys the human spirit.

No one is right anymore when it comes to seems this is just one bassackwards world anymore...sad but true and tragic

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 08:43 PM
Folks have put up pics of negative Islamic kiddie tv shows...There are pics of Israeli kids signing b*mbs too...see what I mean, it never ends...back and forth.

The electric power was destroyed by Israel. Babies in incubators will die, folks on oxygen will die. There are human rights violations occurring. Children in Gaza being shot in the head by snipers are not accidental incidents. Gaza fires rockets and Israel out guns them with military might...and so it goes. Back and forth and kids die and our humanity dies.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: Expat888 ...while the world sits back and watches live feeds of the slaughter twiddling its collective thumbs ..

So whats next to watch ? will you people ever get sick of the damn slaughter rise up and tell the murderous bastards of the world enough of the damn slaughter .. not only in gaza but everywhere in the world where people are being murdered over nothing ..

or have you all been so brainwashed by the damn media and your damn governments that human life holds no value and you revel in the slaughter of innocents around the world ?

While I agree that the murder of innocent civilians is bad, what do you propose we do about it? Better question, What exactly have YOU done to stop it? You say that we're all brainwashed and twiddling our thumbs. No, people go on with their day to day life. Even if I wanted to do something personally, I'd probably end up dead or arrested with the way things are in 2014. I don't even want to think about 2015. The only two ways for this to end is to EXTERMINATE either one or both factions. Or, just let them duke it out until a victor is in view. They're both in the wrong, and they don't want to hear what anyone else says, because they can't be wrong. As an American, halfway across the globe, making minimum wage, I really don't think their is much I could do.
edit on 30-7-2014 by ItzShadyT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: Restricted

You're asking people to change fundamental human nature. We are complete animals. Get used to it.

Wrong. Animals are complete animals.

We however, have the potential and to grow and evolve.

I say potential, because clearly we have evolved enough to invent distracting SHINY TRINKETS AND BAUBLES such as cell phones and computers, but have NOT evolved enough to care whether our fellow HUMANS live or die. Seriously?! We ought to be utterly ashamed at learning so little, so late in the game about what it really means to LIVE on this planet. It's not like we don't have copious amounts of examples from which to learn already.

We can be a technological and compassionate race, or a technological and heartless race.

Which do you think has the best chance at long term survival? Moreover, which race do you want to be a part of?

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 02:51 AM
A miracle baby died this week in Gaza because the hospital was attacked and because the electricity was destroyed as well. The baby was in an incubator and has since deceased. The "miracle" was that the baby was delivered from its dead mother in Gaza. That little scrap of life had 5 days of life and is now dead. It is all so senseless and brutal. So many pics of dead Gaza can even google relevant to it and see the horror of it. Pics of dead Israeli children in comparison, where are they, yet, piles and piles of bodies in Gaza. The numbers don't lie relevant to the reality of the situation and who is suffering the most and having the most dead innocents.

You know what Israeli soldiers call a "kill" like that....a "twofor"...killing two lives with one bullet...a pregnant woman and her child. How sick is that?

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 01:55 PM
You know, the Japanese got 2 bombs dropped on them in World War II. Having been the target of the only two nuclear weapons ever used against people, now they are almost completely against nuclear weapons.

How many Jews were killed during World War II?

You'd think maybe the Jews in Israel should use the Japanese as an example?

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: Expat888
With israel having knocked out the only power plant in gaza .. limited fuel supplies to run hospital generators its only a matter of time till the generators run down then life support fails more people die .. surgery becomes alot more difficult causing more to die ..

Yet israels apologists continue throwing the same damn bull# and lies to justify their barbaric actions while the world sits back and watches live feeds of the slaughter twiddling its collective thumbs ..

So whats next to watch ? will you people ever get sick of the damn slaughter rise up and tell the murderous bastards of the world enough of the damn slaughter .. not only in gaza but everywhere in the world where people are being murdered over nothing ..

or have you all been so brainwashed by the damn media and your damn governments that human life holds no value and you revel in the slaughter of innocents around the world ?

Just wonder what will you think when it comes to your door and is no longer just something you watch and cheer on livefeeds as people die ?

How many more must die to satisfy your damn savage bloodlust ?

How many mozarts .. beethovens .. van goghs .. monets .. einstiens .. hawkins have been lost because they were butchered before they even had a chance ?

Go ahead make your damn excuses and cheer the barbarism on ..

Yeah...damn Israel! They have no right to do such horrible things just because the rest of the region wants them dead and bombs them daily. I mean...come with it Israel! Missiles are just the Muslim way of saying they love you.

PS: And...yeah...human life hasn't held much value since humans appeared. Didn't you get the memo? Welcome to Earth!
edit on 8/1/2014 by WeAreAWAKE because: Added PS

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: Expat888
Yaaaaawwwwwnnnn ... as expected .. all the usual damn excuses ...

Carry on with your senseless slaughter and barbarism ...

You want to call facts of the matter excuses and try to dismiss them as though they have no relevance in any of this,how convenient for you.However for us that have no dog in the fight the facts are precisely what we go on and the insinuations you make about the character of those who disagree with you may silence the timid but to most it`s a obvious tactic similar to racism charges, that people like you use when they have no facts to back up there argument. This used to work but its been over done and now its just a marker for people to presume whoever`s saying it is saying it from a position of weakness.Hamas started it,Hamas has violated all 5 ceasefires first,on and on.If hamas stopped attacking civilians tomorrow, this would all be over tomorrow. Youre obviously prejudiced against one side here,why wouldn`t you blame the side that started it?

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 05:56 AM
Alice Cooper - Brutal Planet

Kinda says it all...if you listen to the lyrics.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny
I can't wait til ISIS gets to Israel. Hopefully Israel will nuke them and in the process accidentally nuke itself too.

If Silence is Golden, a few hundred years of silence from the Middle East would be pure platinum!

HaHa...Won't happen...The murdering muzlims are not staying in the Middle East...They have infiltrated every Country in the West and are growing...And if they don't have non muzlims to kill, they kill each other...

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