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Town's White Police Official Calls Obama N-word - Refuses to Apologize

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posted on May, 16 2014 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

You nailed it...

Racism has turned into a game of gotch ya.

No matter what a persons actions are. The mere mention they used a slur.

Can discredit a lifetime of work. It's a tactic being used to silence.

Real freedom demands we protect speech. Especially speech we don't agree with.

This game is designed to divide....And it sure is working.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Well said man. That is why I now refer to this whole process as the 21st century version of the Salem Witch Trials. All it takes is a simple accusation, evidence for such can be flimsy or exaggerated, and the result ruins the person for life (can't find employment, ostracized from friends and family, etc). Heck, the result here could even be worse then death by burning, at least there the pain is over rather quickly, with our witch hunt, the pain lasts a lifetime.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 01:50 PM
Having heard about this today and with all that is going on the following can be stated:

What we should all be upset about is the number of times where a person’s private thoughts or speech is being used against them. It is neither correct that a person be recorded without their knowledge, nor if in the course of that private conversation, their words be used against them. Not one of us is so innocent as to have never said something that would be considered offensive to someone at some time in our lives.

While we should be mindful of what we say, and expect the full right of privacy, as well as, allow for someone who is in office to have the very same freedom’s that we all enjoy there are a few venues where such would outweigh the right of privacy. When in a public venue, be it on the internet or where others can hear, speech crosses the line from being in private to more of a public venue.

Point in case of this, is if a person was sitting in a public space and admitted to committing a crime. All those around him would thus be witness to such and valid in a court of law. Now if it was in say a home between 2 people or on the phone, then there is a reasonable wall of privacy.

While the police commissioner does have the right to privacy and the freedom of speech, however, stating such out in public where anyone can hear it, or putting it on the web, removes that right of privacy and thus subjects him to the full opinion of the general public.

Should this be used to terminate him, no, if anything it should be a lesson and ultimately be put in his personnel file as a disciplinary action if anything, but not forced from his job. But it also means that his actions will now be subject to review a lot more so, when it comes to dealing with minorities.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd


Nothing wrong with either word, if I had to listen to my favorite 2 PAC song with those words removed it would suck.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: Mirthful Me
If the police official was black, this would be okay... Right?

That entirely depends. You mean Young Thug black, or Allen West black? Because there's black and then there's black. Those inauthentic African Americans can't be keepin' it real. KnowhutI'msayin'?

Yeah... I can't keep score anymore...

That's why I'm here. You're welcome.
edit on 5/16/14 by MrDesolate because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: Mirthful Me
Just to be clear on this...

If the police official was black, this would be okay... Right?

Yeah... I can't keep score anymore...

It's easy to score... we can call our own, but not from outside.
I guess it's a cool club, and you gots be a menber.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: freetheuniverse
Did Obama ever apologize for screwing us over time after time?

Did he ever apologize for lying to us which he has done at least four or five times.

I'm not condoning what the person said or the use of the word but give me a break it's only a word that was used in a private conversation.

If you can say you've never used a racial slur then feel free to judge. I won't believe you but that doesn't matter.

Edit - that wasn't directed at the person I replied to it was a general reply on the thread.
edit on 16-5-2014 by minusinfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: kruphix
Excusing racism is just as bad as racist themselves.

I'm not excusing racism. I'm rejecting the ever changing, ever liberalizing definition of racism and returning to the common sense, traditional definition of actual racism. Just because a minority is offended, doesn't mean it is racism. It simply means a human being got offended. Whoopity-doo, it happens to evrybody at some point in their lives. Racism exists, and racists often use slurs... then again drug addictions exist, and drug addicts often smoke cigarettes. It was assinine when Clinton suggested ciggarettes were a gateway into hard drugs and it is equally ridiculous to suggest that anyone who uses a slur is automatically a racist.

Here's one to make your head spin. A lot of racists DON'T ever vocalize using slurs. Look at many of the politicians who keep passing the programs intended to satiate the inner cities while ensuring their residents remain stuck there. That's hardcore racism for the purpose of guaranteeing votes... yet you'd never hear a Nancy Pelosi or a Harry Ried sling a slur.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: intrepid
a reply to: FlyersFan

As an elected official he has to represent all his constituents. That includes not offending Blacks. It doesn't matter how well he does his job, anything that is offensive to the people he's supposed to look out for is grounds for dismissal. Btw, a private conversation is in private. Not at a public table.

...unless the offense comes against the traditional, right? The constituents who are Christian, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, pro-gun, anti-taxation, etc, etc, etc can choke down on any offense they take from an elected official they find isn't representing their interests.

Look, I'm not suggesting that officials *should* run around trying to offend anyone, but the basic fact here is people who are searching for excuses to get offended will almost always find one. At some point we've got to make the decision to become big boys and girls, grow some goddamned structural integrity to our skin, and allow single use words to roll off our backs. It is a huge pile of horsecrap that in America, 2014, dropping a single slur, even being rumored to have done so in a private conversation, often has a greater negative impact on the vocalizer than commission of a violent or illegal act does. That's bush league Orwellian bullroar right there. Thought crime is apparently worse than actual crime. Take Donald Sterling and the NBA... old man voices unpopular opinion, no slurs, no violent comments, just basically says "I don't like seeing my 50 years younger than me gold digger publicly dating minorities." $5+ Million fine, lifetime ban, attempted forced sale of team. For contrasting purposes:
Marv Albert: Bites woman repeatedly in commission of what was essentially a rape. Brief suspension, back to being voice of NBA.
Allen Iverson: Maims a kid in a gang beatdown. Becomes NBA superstar and multimillionare.
Numerous NBA stars in Atlanta Gold Club fiasco: Run a strip bar that is actually a whore house, give free sex to any NBA player willing to invest and advertise for the place. Result: Nada to the players involved aside from becoming "Playas" in cultural circles that celebrate promiscuity.
Kobe Bryant: Sodomizes a woman who said no (sometimes called "rape") Result: Nothing from the NBA, couple million bucks out of Kobe's pocket to keep his wife from taking half of his assets in a divorce, however.
Isaiah Thomas: Sexually harassed an employee numerous times, including calling her slurs. Result: Knicks paid large fine, Issaiah continued his coaching career (and his loathing for Larry Bird based on Larry's abillity to dunk a ball)
These added onto a slew of players with multiple unsupported offspirng from multiple women, paying millions to their one night stands to abort the children produced, drug charges, distrubance charges, DWIs, domestic abuse, gang ties, jesus the list is endless.

There is a subculture in America that is behind the pushing of thought crime as being more destructive and more worthy of "discipline" than actual crime or traditional bad BEHAVIOR is. Now, I realize I'm far (really far) from progressive, but I still am a firm believer in "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me." Frankly I don't give a crap what anyone wants to say about me or to me and I don't give a crap what names somebody wants to call me. Chances are I can probably call myself much worse and surprise the hell out of the person I'm supposed to be offended by. The modern racism argument is completely devoid of perspective and common sense.

Quietly stands up and claps!

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: TiedDestructor


This will get bumped often.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: kruphix

Look up Joe Mitchell...there are plenty of others. The mere fact that some of you are saying he can have a private conversation but face the consequences it absurd. Is this Rome? Germany? You cannot have a conversation without someone complaining.

I can turn on MTV any day of the week and hear cracka ss cracka and nigga nigga nigga and that is ok? Really?

RACISM needs to end. A black man who sees himself as black is just as bad as a white man who calls that same person black.

When there is no color there will be no more hate. Until then you are all being played.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:06 PM
If I'm sitting here with my husband, and I say that the owner of the Clippers is a Red Neck S.O.B. ... does that mean that I hate all white people and think they are all Red Neck S.O.B.s ... or does it just refer to the one person I was talking about? It's just the one. Right?

This guy was having a private conversation and he referred to a politician as a slur. We all call politicians names in private. And just because we refer to one politician by a slur in a conversation, that doesn't mean we label an entire group of people by that slur.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
This guy was having a private conversation

He THOUGHT he was, but he was sitting in a PUBLIC place, talking loudly enough for the waitress to hear. His conversation was NOT private.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan


Okay if you're a racist piece of garbage you don't care if people know. (although the KKK members wear masks but they're cowards.)

Most of the time if I call a person a name behind their back I would tell them to their face.

I don't talk about people behind their back and I try not to call people names but if a duck quacks you call it a duck.

President Obama is a dirty rotten liar. I say that not because the man is black or white but because it's the truth.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:24 PM
I think Obama is a N word too


I think you get my point. So what, people get offended way too easily these days.

I told my friends girl the other day while she ate half a cake. You fat because you eat like that.

She threw my phone in the lake, kicked the door of my truck, made a scene, got arrested in a busy public place.... Then when out told me I had to pay for her jail, charges, damages...

Deal with life, or just stay out of it.

I'll say what ever I want, in my observations and perspectives, not always will they be pleasant.
edit on 16-5-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-5-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: Can't spell

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: Cuervo
a reply to: FlyersFan

If he was a janitor at Walmart, no it wouldn't matter. But he represents the law. Enforcing that law, without bias regarding race, is paramount to his job. Nobody should be surprised when people freak out about a racist cop (because they are so rare, right? Hah!).

If anything, this just makes me look forward to AI-controlled law enforcement. I'd rather risk a robot making an error than dealing with a cop who actively hates me because of my skin color. In this case, it's better the devil you don't know as opposed to the one you do.

Yet here you are making an assumption that he has allowed his personal view to slant his professional view. Do you have any evidence to suggest that this Officer has failed to enforce the law without bias? Nope... but yet here you are suggesting that he has.

There are many Police Officers who do not believe in the "War on Drugs", yet they still enforce those laws. They do not allow their personal views to interfere with their professional duties.

So here we have a cop that used the N word. Has he ever called a suspect that? Not that we are aware of. Has he done anything on the job to indicate that he held such a viewpoint? Not that we are aware of. Obviously the situation has caught his community off guard, so it is very possible that his personal views have remained separate from his professional duties.

The first amendment is here to protect unpopular speech. I don't like what the man said, but he has every right to say it. If anything, people should keep a closer eye on how he does his job now, but he shouldnt be fired over it since a word is not illegal. He has violated any laws. That being said, he should be under a microscope from here on out professionally.

eta: Just because someone uses the N word does not automatically mean they are racist. It is human nature when you truly dislike an individual to attack the things about them that are different from you. Have you ever gotten mad and called someone "fat"? Or "skinny"? I once called someone a "bald headed, droopy eyed, unibrow having mother *bleep*"- why? Cause those were the traits he had that made him different from me, and since I was mad and wanted to be hurtful I attacked the things about him that made him different from me. WE ALL DO IT. We have all done it. The use of the word does not make a man a racist. It's his actions that define weather or not he is a racist and there is a difference.
edit on 16-5-2014 by MrWendal because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:26 PM
Oh goodie! Another thread defending bigots. Ignorance runs deep around here.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic

originally posted by: FlyersFan
This guy was having a private conversation

He THOUGHT he was, but he was sitting in a PUBLIC place, talking loudly enough for the waitress to hear. His conversation was NOT private.

You're right.

On top of what you said there is no such thing as privacy it's a myth.

A person is allowed opinions in a "free country".

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

So I cannot be in a public place and call someone a name? If I am at a table in a restaurant it is not a private conversation? If I am in my car it is not a private conversation? My home is owned by a bank so I guess that would not be a private place either till it is paid off?

I am sure she heard political conversation and 'listened'. You know she did...

edit on 05pm31pmf0000002014-05-16T14:29:01-05:000201 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:27 PM
edit on 05pm31pmf0000002014-05-16T14:28:12-05:000212 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

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