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200 to 300 Miles Per Gallon for a car is to good to import to America ? Mileage tax ?

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+16 more 
posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:58 AM
I heard about these VWs last year: I came across another article on these amazing cars and thought I would post.. There are programs now in the works (America) to charge drivers by the mileage they actually drive. Once these programs are in full effect then maybe we will see these cars allowed in the states ? This is just one report of the mileage tax ( Oregon launching new program to tax drivers per mile) You can bet your bippie the gas taxes per gallon will not be removed once the mileage tax is added.. Maybe lowered to sell the idea but wait a few years and they will be right back where they started or higher.. An insatiable apatite for tax dollars which never ends only increases.

(Jim Stone) You won’t find the 300 MPG Volkswagen XL1 in an American showroom, in fact it has even been denied a tour of America because it is too efficient for the American public to be made widely aware of, and oil profits are too high in America with the status quo in place.

Though the XL1 can hit 300 mpg under ideal driving conditions, it’s combined mileage is usually a little over 200 mpg, and if you do city driving only that will drop to a minimum of 180 mpg under the worst driving conditions. But I’d be happy with that no doubt.

Most of us older fellows have heard about the carburetors which were developed in the 70s that could get a cars mileage rating up to over 100 MPG that never came to market.. Looks like Volkswagen did one better..
edit on 8-4-2014 by 727Sky because: ...

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

And the only way to implement the mileage tax would be to 'inspect' every vehicle in America on a regular basis.

The car is pretty impressive, so much so that I am skeptical. But, if it is this efficient the below quote explains why it isn't here.

The XL1 will not meet American emission standards NOT because it is not clean enough, it will not meet them simply because inefficient parts that are mandated by the EPA are not part of the XL1′s power train.

These import laws function as tariffs and blockades to viable competition and do not serve the interests of the public.

Case in point being GM. Our policies have rescued and rewarded a should-be-defunct leviathan with public money and shunned better products from our should-be-free markets.
edit on 8-4-2014 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

+6 more 
posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:09 AM
If other nations of the world are truly serious about bringing about the demise of America, this is how they will do it.

Undercut the need for petroleum, you destroy the petrodollar. Any other "attack" is just for the public dog and pony show.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

It is because it does not meat regulations....mainly it does not have "mirrors". Not sure why that isn't working....

[url=]Forbes[ /url]
edit on 8-4-2014 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:19 AM
A local guy sold a patent he had for a carb system that got over a hundred miles to a gallon to an automaker. Now he wound up with a million bucks but the carb was never manufactured. That was a long time ago, an old guy I know well was telling me about it and even told me exactly where the guy used to live. I suppose the oil companies bought the patent from the auto company. The power derived was very good for the gas mileage. What a way to keep people dependent on oil.

Most cars in europe don't meet our emission standards....fifty mpg seems like it would put out less emissions than twenty mpg in my book. After all, you are only using two fifths the fuel. I guess in this country they figure emissions on the gallon, not on the emissions produced per mile or time the engine is running. They should rate it on efficiency instead. I am not sure if I have this exactly correct in writing it but this is the broad scope of how it works.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:21 AM

A local guy sold a patent he had for a carb system that got over a hundred miles to a gallon to an automaker. Now he wound up with a million bucks but the carb was never manufactured. That was a long time ago, an old guy I know well was telling me about it and even told me exactly where the guy used to live. I suppose the oil companies bought the patent from the auto company. The power derived was very good for the gas mileage. What a way to keep people dependent on oil.

Most cars in europe don't meet our emission standards....fifty mpg seems like it would put out less emissions than twenty mpg in my book. After all, you are only using two fifths the fuel. I guess in this country they figure emissions on the gallon, not on the emissions produced per mile or time the engine is running. They should rate it on efficiency instead. I am not sure if I have this exactly correct in writing it but this is the broad scope of how it works.

I have heard of this but, dismissed it as a hoax. Still not convinced until I drive one.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

There were quite a few devices created that aided in fuel economy. A local did something similar, but he was taking big old V8 monsters and getting them up to 100mpg. The money he got from Chevron for that bought him a new garage (he built racing engines for a living).

I personally know of 1 other person.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:30 AM
Two things here are crazy.
1 being the Gov't mandating higher mpg in cars. Then they realize they are losing tax revenues from gas taxes.... so lets tax miles.

2 not allowing this car into the country. Or could a dealership import some and make them qualified with some work?

They are so concerned about their tax dollars flowing in. I understand that our country runs on tax dollars but they spend them like it grows on trees.

If they tax miles travelled will bus passengers be taxed? bike riders? or just discriminate against car drivers?

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:37 AM
If you know anything about cars and how an engine works you'll realize you can't just stick on a 'special carby' and get 100mpg. That is ridiculous. You need an air fuel ratio below about 15 or your engine will run lean and be destroyed by detonation.

The VW X1 is a limited production car of 250 units it costs over $120,000 US.

Hybrid petrol and electric cars are a good way to get the fuel economy up. The Chevy Volt can drive up to 38 miles on battery using no fuel at all, which might be enough for city commuting, then it can use petrol power for longer ranges.

There are already fuel efficient cars for sale in America. Toyota Prius?

Best hybrid cars available in America.
edit on 8-4-2014 by JimTSpock because: add

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:13 AM
Its the same, in fact worse in the UK. When a guy started talking on the news channel about the mileage hybrid cars could get a few years ago, the interviewer nearly jumped down his throat to shut him up. It was disgusting because you suddenly realise the extent of media control that exists in so called free thinking democracies.

What really stings is the position of the government. I feel as a voter and payer towards their salaries their loyalty should be to getting the very best deals on everything from around the world for the people they supposedly represent. In fact I think its time when elections come round that we the public demand their loyalty and a considerably better job to be done for our interests,than when they obviously are takling backhanders from the petro-lobby and only representing their (far fewer) interests. Were we to withold our votes and demand a complete change to the way our politicos are run before we cast our votes, change would have to take place as its ground into people's minds that politicians can't run a country without a mandate from its people.

We need a way to get rid of politicians if they are not doing their best to represent us and not have to put up with them even when they are caught out doing something adverse to the interests of the people that vote them in in masses, such as allowing products that would make our cost of living cheaper, to be kept from us.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by JimTSpock

On Huck, the guy I referred to above, it was an entire intake manifold. It was a larger manifold, as well, requiring the removal of part of the hood (like a supercharger)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:46 AM
I remember asking why in 1987, Honda had a CRX that got over 50MPG and today we cannot get over 40? I was told it's emission equipment. It's kind of easy to see it's big oil keeping us using exactly as much as they want us to.

This VW is the kind of thing we need to throw at the AGW crowd. President Obama? Are you listening? Didn't think so.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I've been working on high performance cars for years. I've heard just about all the crazy claims. There is no way my car would have anything other than top quality high performance parts installed.

If you want to try it out on your car be my guest but don't be surprised if you need a new engine after 100 miles.

There is a limited amount of energy in petrol and diesel fuel. Modern internal combustion engine design has reached a very high level of efficiency and engineering.

If you really want to use less fuel you're going to have to go to a hybrid car. Or buy a scooter. Or maybe a tiny little 4 cylinder Honda.

The fossil fuel powered internal combustion engine has already been engineered to the nth degree. The future is probably with hybrid petrol or diesel and electric motors or further into the future hydrogen fuel cells running electric motors.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:58 AM


I have heard of this but, dismissed it as a hoax. Still not convinced until I drive one.

I've looked into it a bit, and believe it works for one reason and Ill explain.

The combustion process in cars is in-efficient and leads to a lot of waste, you see gas flying out of an old car muffler from a carb, all the time due to a miscalculation.

Now, what happens is the gas is sprayed in liquid form as a mist, now this is why I think it works.

Take E-cigs, and other Vaporization (theres a reason Im mentioning this)

E-cigs arose, from another herbal vaporization process, which arose because of its efficient use of combustible material, more bang, less buck.

NOW everything I have read about these "300" mile carbs people made, all involved one common element, VAPORIZATION of the gas from the liquid, usally using a very low voltage heating element to not spray, but heat the gas slowly to vaporization point, and send that instead of the mist of liquid into the cylinder heads.

It supposedly uses the exact right amount of gas to create combustion, as opposed to the over abundance that current methods use.
edit on 8-4-2014 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by tinner07

Two things here are crazy.

1 The Gov't mandating higher mpg in cars. Then they realize they are losing tax revenues from gas taxes.... so lets tax miles.

2 Not allowing this car into the country.

They are so concerned about their tax dollars flowing in. I understand that our country runs on tax dollars but they spend them like it grows on trees.


Once again, government intervention backfires.

One could also argue that its a collusion of BIG government and BIG business.

BIG oil doesn't want the car because it would mean that people would be buying less gas ie less profit.

BIG government doesn't want it because their revenue from gasoline taxes would decrease.

As bloated and wasteful as government is, they will NEVER cut spending.

Politicians are like crackheads. Except they're addicted to spending our money.

I truly hope that Americans will resist a mileage tax. Things have gotten way out of hand.

edit on 8-4-2014 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 12:15 PM
According to Volkswagen, they're only making 250 of these, for sale in Europe. I think it's too early to say it's a conspiracy to keep these out of the USA.

I do think there is a conspiracy to prevent electric cars from gaining any foothold here. Chevrolet destroyed all its EV1 prototypes, on which this VW was based (again according to VW).

Aside from all that, the American road system is not conducive to lightweight economical cars, electric or hybrid.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 12:21 PM

reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I've been working on high performance cars for years. I've heard just about all the crazy claims. There is no way my car would have anything other than top quality high performance parts installed.

If you want to try it out on your car be my guest but don't be surprised if you need a new engine after 100 miles.

There is a limited amount of energy in petrol and diesel fuel. Modern internal combustion engine design has reached a very high level of efficiency and engineering.

If you really want to use less fuel you're going to have to go to a hybrid car. Or buy a scooter. Or maybe a tiny little 4 cylinder Honda.

The fossil fuel powered internal combustion engine has already been engineered to the nth degree. The future is probably with hybrid petrol or diesel and electric motors or further into the future hydrogen fuel cells running electric motors.

Fuel and air are part of the equation. Exhaust is another.

In the 60's and 70's we had leaded gasoline, and no emissions worries whatsoever.

I is possible it would shorten the lifespan of the engine. I don't know. I am not a very good mechanic (although I can tool around just fine if needed). What I DO know is that Huck had a car that got in the 90+ mpg range, then when that car was no longer around he had a new shop built. With dad being somewhat friendly with him, he told dad that Chevron sent folks in with a check and some words.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 12:30 PM
This is from the same article:

You will NOT see the Xl1 in America, even it’s far less efficient 85 mpg non hyrid full size station wagon counterpart – the Jetta TDI blue motion wagon (Img, which is made in America is banned from American roads. And I would like to ask why? What excuse is there for banning highly efficient cars from American roads?

It's really getting bizarre that majority of cars sold in Europe are diesel while in U.S. it's less than 5%...

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 12:33 PM

This is from the same article:

You will NOT see the Xl1 in America, even it’s far less efficient 85 mpg non hyrid full size station wagon counterpart – the Jetta TDI blue motion wagon (Img, which is made in America is banned from American roads. And I would like to ask why? What excuse is there for banning highly efficient cars from American roads?

It's really getting bizarre that majority of cars sold in Europe are diesel while in U.S. it's less than 5%...

When we bought my wife her Juke, I was so upset that the Diesel model is only europe.

We are thinking of selling it, if we do, I really want a diesel, but your limited to a Chevy cruze or VW.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 12:33 PM
And America meant to be free market?

HAHAHA yeah right

edit on 8-4-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

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