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CT GUN GRAB in full effect -media blackout- door2door cop: Resistance is futile

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posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 04:05 PM

I've picked sides and let people I know what side that was. I don't need to be living in a police state. I'm half German, my family fought the Nazis once already. But unlike the poster above me I don't think they will give you a Kristallnacht. It's too easy to point to and start the revolution everyone is waiting for. They can't give any main triggers with large satisfaction. Everyone is waiting for the kick off, the start date, but it was long ago. Instead they will slide and change shape and cajole their way forward inches at a time. Would they risk a flashpoint?
edit on 24-3-2014 by KnightLight because: (no reason given)

Great write up KnightLight!

I'd have to say that I agree with your sentiment about Kristallnacht/kick off/start date. Why give one? The better question is it avoidable? No matter what they want, it's entirely possible that it's inevitable.

You get enough "following orders" LEOs and eventually their gung ho nature is going to get the better of them. Right now the stories that we see about LEOs visiting citizens - wrong houses, killing pets, killing kids with Wii remotes, killing homeless, etc. Sooner or later it's going to be one too many citizens or the wrong citizen.

They may not want a kick off, but inevitability is a bitch sometimes.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 05:01 PM
I wonder how they resolved the issue of cops and their family members that do not wish to comply?
This from 3 weeks ago, so I still am curious what action has occurred regarding this.

With in hours a print off of all sworn Law Enforcement officers in the state was obtained. Comparisons of the list of gun owners who failed to comply with registration requirements and sworn LEOs showed a startling figure. Just over 68% of Connecticut cops had failed to register firearms according to the new law.
An anonymous source in the Governors office said lawmakers were dumbfounded. “Someone suggest firing all the cops who failed to register. But the reality of hiring and training that many new police officers is not practical.” The source goes on to say “Senator [redacted to protect our source] said maybe we should issue an official order to all cops to comply with registration or face termination. I mean seriously these people are a special kind of stupid to think that gun-loving cops are going to go along with this blatant violation of the 2nd Amendment.”

Attitudes like this below by an officer posting on fb does not help the situation any.

Another policeman, Branford officer Joseph Peterson, was placed on paid leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation about Facebook postings he made in response to citizens who wanted to know what he'd do if they didn't turn in their guns.

Replying to a resident who asked if police would confiscate weapons from homeowners, Peterson replied on Facebook: "I give my left nut to bang down your door and come for your gun."

Peterson also said: "It's not a Nazi policy you thick-headed idiot, it's a state statute, ok, I don't come to your job [to] tell you how to do yours."

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It is interesting how this issue is not on the page of most msm outlets

edit on 24-3-2014 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 05:07 PM

"I give my left nut to bang down your door and come for your gun."

This is today enforcers. A game, a sport. If he goes to the right house, he might just lose that left nut. Hope the state takes away his firearms.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 05:51 PM
This needs to be put in perspective and most folks aren't seeing this straight nor are they asking the right questions...meaning "WHY?" We're way beyond simple knee-jerk reactions, public safety or Constitutional's about control and seeing how far they can move the bar.

Frankly, it was a huge trap and I'm disgusted that close to 50 thousand people bothered to register their firearms at all. Why couldn't we get 50,000 people to stand on the steps of the CT capitol building and peacefully protest and demand that this law be repealed?

Unfortunately for gun owners in CT (and the rest of the country) all of this is a test to see what will happen before being pushed to larger states like NY and California. When/if the confiscations occur, if too few people choose to fight back (I mean both legally and with lethal force) then it will embolden the progressive statists to continue their march towards their dream of totalitarianism. Now that they've upped the ante, they give gun owners few options: 1) Sell or move your firearms 2) Turn them in or destroy them 3) Bury them or "lose them in a tragic boating accident" 4) Fight to the death or go to prison when they come for them.

To steal a quote from The Joker in The Dark Knight: "(I'm) like a dog that chases cars....I wouldn't know what to do if I caught it" Right now, they've managed to catch a car. The next step lies with the gun owners and patriots of CT.

edit on 24-3-2014 by wills120 because: grammar police

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:14 PM
I'm a CT resident and armed local here. I have my CT pistol permit (issued by the state police, lol).

CT doesn't have central popular gun lobby groups like other states do. There are gun groups here but they don't have support like groups in NH or VT. CT is as blue as you can get.

Remember, all it takes is a few people who are just angry, and crazy enough to do some serious harm to hundreds. The OK City bombing was a result of the Gov. assault on the men, women and children of Waco. This is all unnecessary.

The Gov is kicking a bees nest. None of us wants violence but it can't be helped if violence is done unto us. The bloodshed from a gun confiscation could be entirely avoided if the government would back the # off and abide by the supreme law of the land. There are 1400 state troopers in CT. At least 250 have publically declared they will have no part of the confiscation, for both respect of the law and fear for thier lives.

300,000++ "assault rifles"* in CT unaccounted for and only 1400 state troopers, do the math, who will win this firefight?
*(and countless other firearms in the hands of owners like myself)

No one needs to be harmed, however, the American way is prepare for war to maintain peace. Should war come to CT those gun owners furious with anger and hatred at those who would dare threaten us will fall and it will be the shot heard round the country once again.

Edit: Not sure how many armed CT residents visit these forums, any questions feel free to ask. I am well familiar with firearms and the law pertaining to their use and self defense, etc. I have close family that is leadership of major political lobbies related to firearms freedoms as well.
edit on 24-3-2014 by SovereignZuul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by GoldenObserver

I believe the situation goes back some months when the gun owners were told they were to register all their weapons. The problem came when there were certain models we they were not allowed to own any longer. Of course if you previously owned a weapon they were now deeming "illegal", TENS OF THOUSANDS of people were deciding to to register would pretty much be telling them when to come get what. It was a catch 22 & this is the 30 to 300 thousand people that chose not to comply. Breaking the law? Sure, but it was a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. I will be watching to see how this pans out, hopefully the NRA steps in quick!

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by GoldenObserver

i used to wirk in a store like walmart that sold rifles every kind from ancient mausers and enfield 303 to bushmaste m4 look alikes and sks and mak90 made in china now every rifle we sold had a huge amount of paperwork that had to be filled out at time of purchase and had to be sent to atf so how in this state are people buying unregistered firearms they are registered at time of sale with the atf aren't they .

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:54 AM
I understand that in the US your average criminal is more likely to be armed than the average criminal in the UK. Doesn't mean some aren't armed here, but it's pretty unusual where most of our police officers don't have guns.

But that is why the situation in the US is so different, isn't it? And also, in some areas you are still a hands on hunter types of people and you also have more dangerous wildlife in rural parts than we do. Your need for firearms is, on balance, far great than many other countries.

I thought however that this quote will always apply to the US as it has many enemies, both internal and external:

'Those who beat their swords into plowshares end up plowing for those who kept their swords.' Benjamin Franklin

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:46 AM

reply to post by diggindirt

And I bet no one informed the poor old misinformed guy that no one was going door to door collecting guns. But this wouldn't be nearly as interesting if that extremism was left out of the story.
My family far and wide don't own guns. Never have never will. We have grocery stores so we don't need to go out and hunt down food. We've been civilized like that for generations. I understand others are not....

No, he wasn't "misinformed" at all. He follows these things very carefully because he spent three years of his life making sure your "civilized" family weren't herded into a Japanese or German prison camp.
I rather believe the axiom that goes like this: An armed society is a polite society.
If you don't want to own guns, that's just fine with me, your choice. However, it is not your choice to determine whether or not I have the right to protect myself from whatever it is that threatens me, be it human or animal. What, exactly is it that bothers you about the fact that owning a gun is my way of protecting my own life?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 04:11 AM

reply to post by diggindirt

My family far and wide don't own guns. Never have never will. We have grocery stores so we don't need to go out and hunt down food. We've been civilized like that for generations. I understand others are not....

Humor me and write those words above down on a sheet of paper. Fold it up and then tuck it away in a book.

Exactly 72 hours. That's how long it'll take for your ‘grocery stores’—you know, where your food currently comes from—to be cleaned out, due to such unforeseen circumstances as electric grid failure, hurricane, tornado, flood, tsunami, asteroid, civil unrest, war, etc…

Shortly afterwards, and assuming heaven-forbid that you haven't perished (or worse) at the hands of roving gangs, you and your family will have resorted to burning the pages of books to stay warm. And lo! You' will come across a yellowed, folded-up sheet of paper. The pain you will feel upon reading it is called stupidity.

It will be a novel feeling, because right now civilization anesthetizes people to their own stupidity.

Many of us wince when we read words like yours … because we can imagine the future pain your arrogance will cause. Even though you, now, cannot.

Everything you just said was predicated upon assumptions.
Like building a house of cards on a beach.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 04:17 AM
The door2door thing. Very dramatic. Where did anyone mention that?

No Door-to-Door Gun Confiscations: State

he new head of the state police, Dora Schriro, says she knows her troopers will live up to their oath to serve and protect. She wants to make very clear that the talk of confiscation is nonsense.
“There’s no plan in place nor has there been any execution of a plan where we would, for example, go door-to-door and be actively involved in the confiscation of weapons,” says Schriro, who took over as Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection at the end of January.

reply to post by DarthImpaler

So police will be coming from Taiwan and South America to take our guns? Your scary pictures are also soooooooooooo dramatice. Please source them.

ETA: It's irresponsible reporting and uninformed talk and posting like that exemplified by some news organizations and in threads like this that is more likely to scare and anger people be the spark that causes a real tragedy here than the actual law itself. I swear sometimes I think some people actually wish the police would show up to confiscate their precious automatics so that they can use them.
edit on 3/25/2014 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 04:32 AM
Gun grab in full effect? Blackout? The door2door thing. All very dramatic. Where did anyone mention that?

No Door-to-Door Gun Confiscations: State

he new head of the state police, Dora Schriro, says she knows her troopers will live up to their oath to serve and protect. She wants to make very clear that the talk of confiscation is nonsense.
“There’s no plan in place nor has there been any execution of a plan where we would, for example, go door-to-door and be actively involved in the confiscation of weapons,” says Schriro, who took over as Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection at the end of January.

reply to post by DarthImpaler

So police will be coming from Taiwan and South America to take our guns? Your scary pictures are also soooooooooooo dramatic. Please source them.

ETA: It's irresponsible reporting and uninformed talk and posting like that exemplified by some news organizations and in threads like this that is more likely to scare and anger people be the spark that causes a real tragedy here than the actual law itself. I swear sometimes I think some people actually wish the police would show up to confiscate their precious assault rifles so that they can get ti actually use them on more than a paper target or a tin can.

edit on 3/25/2014 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 05:21 AM


I swear sometimes I think some people actually wish the police would show up to confiscate their precious automatics so that they can use them.

I swear sometimes I think some people actually wish the police would show up to confiscate their precious assault riflss (sic) so that they can get ti actually use them on more than a paper target or a tin can.

The post so nice you said it
(and spelled “dramatic” wrong) … twice

Oh well, now what if one doesn't own any of these ‘automatics’ or ‘assault waffles(?)’

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:19 AM
And nothing will happen. The lobbies and interest groups are all on your side on the gun issue. They want to keep making money off of firearms and ammo. There kind of stories keep the SALE signs far from the stores.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 01:06 PM
I was in a CT gun store today. There is a lot of tension. Patrons and staff were openly speaking about armed resistance and rebellion. Even the regular gun owners have had it. These are not fringe elements but regular dudes...
edit on 25-3-2014 by SovereignZuul because: missing word, spelling

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by SovereignZuul

Somewhere, deep inside the NSA, an analyst is realizing for the first time that a civil war is about to break out in CT.

All is going according to their plan...

This is what they want. Our choice is between submitting to the incrementalism or stand and fight.

If we fight, we stand a chance.

If we submit, we are dooming our children to a prison planet. Today, "assault rifles". Tomorrow, "assault hand guns". Day after tomorrow, "assault knives". And so on... until we are all disarmed.

The war has already begun. The only question is, do you want to win or lose? Live free or die a prisoner?
edit on 3/25/2014 by Cryptonomicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 04:57 PM
Random Prediction: throwing darts here but;

>2nd civil war starts
>wall street makes a lot of money either way; by both providing funding for rebel forces (through complex fiscal networks) and the government forces.
>stock for gun and ammo manufacturers goes through the roof as sales boom.

>after a while sales begin to die down, as does fiscal support to rebel groups who seem ever less like good investments, mostly because their more moderate members either surrender or die off.

>drone strikes terrorize the countryside

>rebel carbombs terrorize the cities.

>public sentiment is turned against the rebel groups, who through the media are cast as bands of violent fundimentalist racist yokels. Sadly this isn't exactly false; as fringe groups of the rebels are motivated by religious or racial ideology; (this probably won't be the majority of the rebels).

>the Chinese and Russians take advantage of our weakness, begin to expand their influences, (over Japan, Taiwan, Korea for china, over the old soviet block for Russia);

>eventually begin to send their own covert special forces to secure/disable our nuclear strike capability.

>various countries intervine as part of "peacekeeping" efforts

>In the end the UN slices up the former united states into several seperate countries, Russia annexes Alaska; Mexico is given the southwestern states(but feels southern california is more trouble than it's worth and leaves it as it's own country).

>Canada expands greatly, sets about rebuilding much of new england, the great lakes states, and the pacific northwest, places with value in terms of technology, financial industry, art, culture.

>China isn't given any territory on the mainland, but instead given authority over the pacific territories + Hawaii.
edit on 25-3-2014 by NonsensicalUserName because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2014 by NonsensicalUserName because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 05:00 PM
It is time for the revolution, almost. We need more politicians pushing this exact type of referendum in most if not all states. It is way to easy to say 'well it isn't happening here'. However when it happens to even one of our countrymen it happens to us all. Those who lie on the borders of CT need to harbor the 'illegal' guns for when they are truly needed. When a duly appointed sheriff won't stand up for our Country, our Constitution, our Rights, then we all need to stand up to them.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by gardener

If 100K AR owners took to the street the entire leadership of CT would pray for a reprieve. The threat of an armed assembly would have them back off I would hope. Some laws must be defied, but a few nut jobs is not going to cut it! Stand or hand em over plain and simple. This is one of those cases where civil disobedience is the right thing and is backed by constitutional law.

The U.S. Declaration of Independence states that "when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government"

Right of revolution
edit on 25-3-2014 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2014 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 06:02 PM
Perhaps it is time for gun owners in CT to actually begin forming well regulated militias again? Train weekly, have a command structure, all the things the 2nd amendment states cannot be infringed. If the state govt attempts to stop these groups from forming and training, then they are, WITHOUT A DOUBT, in violation of the United States Constitution. There will be no debate, no "wiggle room" for legal hounds to attempt a run around the law. In addition, it will demonstrate to the state government and local LEO's that it has become their own backyard.

We look to you CT to be the new Lexington and Concord. Massachusetts did it over 200 years ago, you can do it today.

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