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Mark Dice channel deleted by Youtube

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posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:24 PM
It appears that youtube has trashed Mark Dice's channel, not that I am surprised. I never saw anything on any of his videos which violated the t&c's. I guess it's pretty apparent that our free speech is no longer recognized on youtube. He does have a back up channel, but who knows how long that will last till some decides to press a button.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:27 PM
I'm sure their was a reason for it... They don't just shut people down for fun

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:29 PM
This is pretty infuriating if it's true. I really don't want to have to boycott youtube.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by 3u40r15m

Ah sry I see his channel has been put back up.. Can mods delete this?

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Freezer

"Youtube" is a privately owned company. Your free speech is irrelevant. What about their rights as a company? Don't they have the right to refuse service? Look at ATS if you break the rules or piss off a mod they have the right to ban your account. Why is it different for YT?

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Freezer

Amazing isn't it?

The people in the US shake their heads in amazement when countries such as China shut down internet speech, but in this instance, because Mark Dice is speaking out against the current corrupt administration he is singled out?

Would have youtube shut down Michael Moore because he spoke out against Bush?

One thing you failed to put in your post OP was that this happened 3 day AFTER the AP reported that "Google" announced that it was shutting down you tube channels based upon their trust in 200 users whom they were giving permission to shut down channels.....

Google’s guidelines prohibit videos that incite people to commit violence, or that show animal abuse, drug abuse, under-age drinking or bomb making, among other topics. Google maintains a separate system to monitor for copyright infringement.

The news about the super flagger program comes as some governments pressure social-media sites that they blame for civil unrest. In Turkey, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan threatened this month to ban FacebookFB +0.40% and YouTube because they “encourage every kind of immorality and espionage for their own ends.”

YouTube Enlists ‘Trusted Flaggers’ to Police Videos

So yea, I don't want to hear Americans act horrified that China keeps their people in the dark, when a company such as Google is doing the same thing in the United States.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by minusinfinity

"Youtube" is a privately owned company. Your free speech is irrelevant. What about their rights as a company? Don't they have the right to refuse service? Look at ATS if you break the rules or piss off a mod they have the right to ban your account. Why is it different for YT?

Google is a government prostitute! Why else do you think Google receives such a light tax burden compared to other companies!

If Google paid their damn taxes like everyone else, then perhaps you have a point! But being that the government gives them such a heavy tax break in return for shutting down free speech???? HELL NO!!!! They are NOT a private company!

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

Okay. As I roll my eyes once again I ask why if Google is such an evil company do people continue to use their services? Why does anyone care if this person's videos are removed from youtube if it's all controlled by tptb?

Hypocrisy is abundant in the world of conspiracy.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 05:25 PM

reply to post by seeker1963

Okay. As I roll my eyes once again I ask why if Google is such an evil company do people continue to use their services? Why does anyone care if this person's videos are removed from youtube if it's all controlled by tptb?

Hypocrisy is abundant in the world of conspiracy.

Youtube can act as a form of alternative media as opposed to the mainstream presstitutes who only push lies and propaganda, and when that goes you should be concerned. Why use their services? Because there are millions of people who use it. Have a better alternative? Please post it.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 05:43 PM

reply to post by seeker1963

I ask why if Google is such an evil company do people continue to use their services?

The below sentence is true.
The above sentence is false.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 05:44 PM
I don't know who Mark Dice is or reasons why did they shut down his channel, but giving some kind of "special power" to some chosen group of people who were not elected in any way but chosen by the company is a very serious issue. I know that there is somewhat valid argument that Youtube is a private company so they can menage they site whatever they like, but I think that Youtube became so big and so influential that I don't know if it's right for a some company to suspend freedom of speech...or maybe we should admit that companies are getting so strong that they are actually overpowering laws and democracy and that we live in some kind of new system that overshadows the power of state... This is a really serious issue that needs much more attention.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 05:49 PM
Alex Jones had him on his show and they were discussing how Alex helped Mark get his channel back up. From what I understand, Alex has had his channel shut down before as well.

Good ole youtube...

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 05:50 AM
Whether Youtube is a private company or not, this *is* a serious issue. The thing with Youtube and what makes it a serious issue that spans beyond their rights as a private company is their associations with other big companies that are a growing problem to the citizen's right to happiness and free speech. These companies lobby in our government platforms and get laws passed with blatant disregard to what the people want, even when they find out about it and raise an outcry. This isn't just some private "we don't have to serve you issue" anymore. Youtube has the wrong associations for that.

Mark Dice was shut down for his open political views. I've never seen him incite hatred or encourage unrest. He just spreads information. His biggest schtick is to conduct fake petitions in public to see if people even pay attention anymore. He's found if he adds the words "for Obama" a good number of people will sign away rights to good drinking water, women's suffrage, you name it. The petitioning is filmed so you see it happening, albeit cut being as watching every second would be kind of boring.

Sure Dice's channel is up again but we shouldn't drop our outrage. Instead we should be very concerned that the kind of censorship that does happen in China is being slowly levied down on the rest of us. They can't pass a law just now because people aren't dumbed down enough for that. So they use legal loopholes like this one instead.

Personally I've felt for a long time now the best way to stop this is to stop using Youtube. Period. It's called a boycott. But how many here are willing to do that? Raise your hands. And so there goes that.

I will watch on occasion. And yes I use Youtube, but I also use other channels. Because in the end, when you pile everything in one basket you lose everything when they steal your basket. And as a matter of fact, I'm probably going to start using Youtube a little less for the rare times I upload material from here on out.

I mean, this problem actually started when the big companies started demanding intellectual rights to everything. Most of us nodded our heads, uh huh yep sounds good. And then they started copyrighting things that actually belonged to us, like honest to god a bird's chirp. A freaking bird's chirp. And we just shrugged. They have the right, they bought it. But you know, there has to be a limit to how much power they should be allowed intellectual property and thus our free thinking. But literally they're vying for the power to own our very thoughts and control what we do and say.

Why SHOULDN'T we be upset over that? Why is it that everyone is so freaking apathetic!!!

My way of fighting back is, as an artist, I will donate my some of my work to public domain. This actually has worked to my benefit.

I've a friend who won't do it because she believes in big corporation.

I'm making more money than her.

So there's something to this. And people should wake up and stop believing the corporate lie. Greed is not the answer.

(steps off soap box)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 06:23 AM
Can I Google that story ?

You see Google gives us our news these days and sure then don't make it 100% obvious that they hide anything that does not go along with what their masters tell them to hide else everyone would look elsewhere but they do manage to hide/not see 90% of news that does not come from a controlled source.

YouTube is always using the slightest excuse to remove uploads and apply's the same double standards as John Kerry uses about attacking other nations so throw in Facebook and Twitter and you now have a team that is able to fool most of the population into thinking that they are getting a full picture about what people are thinking around the world, they are not it's all getting distorted.

Having no competition was never a good thing and removing news, blocking tweets or videos is not only propaganda for the masses but out and out censorship by the state.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 07:15 AM
Google it? I should think so... maybe.That's how I found it: going through a search engine looking for something completely different. :-)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 12:28 AM

I don't know who Mark Dice is or reasons why did they shut down his channel, but giving some kind of "special power" to some chosen group of people who were not elected in any way but chosen by the company is a very serious issue. I know that there is somewhat valid argument that Youtube is a private company so they can menage they site whatever they like, but I think that Youtube became so big and so influential that I don't know if it's right for a some company to suspend freedom of speech...or maybe we should admit that companies are getting so strong that they are actually overpowering laws and democracy and that we live in some kind of new system that overshadows the power of state... This is a really serious issue that needs much more attention.

"Elected"? Elected by who?

Nobody outside of my company is elected to do anything regarding my company. If I was a publicly traded company - as I once was before buying back the stock - I would have a Board of Directors elected by the Shareholders.

A select number of mentors, friends and family are invited BY ME to provide insight, guidance and criticism of the company by ME.

What "New system overshadows the power of the state"? And other than taxation and the laws of the land, what business does the "power of the state" have in the affairs of my company?

There is no freedom of speech concept within a private company - so there is nothing to "suspend" - it isn't a democracy and it is none of anyone's business beyond my customers, clients and suppliers. (And the bank, but that is another topic for another day).

What you seem to be implying is frightening and would destroy private enterprise in months.

What laws are being "suspended" in your opinion? How are they, or any company, "overpowering" democracy?

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by Leonidas

You know, I agree with you. Youtube should have the right to conduct their business. The part about it that I disagree with is their association with the bigger companies and how those companies actually got a court of law to declare they were a human entity and thus had the rights of a single sentient person. They're not a person. They're a freaking company and should conduct business as such.

They also shouldn't have the right to lobby like people do, and they certainly shouldn't have the ability to get laws passed - often times under our noses - but they do. And each law that passes restricts the freedoms of us, the real life people.

I am a firm believer in the separation of corporate and state.

As such, let Youtube do that if they want... but in retaliation we should BOYCOTT. Period. There ARE other places besides Google, Youtube, and the other big companies. FIND them.

So long as people aren't willing to step way from these caustic platforms and keep putting up with corporations running our lives, well. They get what they deserve I guess. The shame of it is I also get what they deserve, and I don't even want it. People need to remember that the companies depend on US. Not vice versa.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 08:30 PM

reply to post by Freezer

"Youtube" is a privately owned company. Your free speech is irrelevant. What about their rights as a company? Don't they have the right to refuse service? Look at ATS if you break the rules or piss off a mod they have the right to ban your account. Why is it different for YT?

This is correct.

Start a new youtube that is not censored.

Become a competitor.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 08:25 PM
I like

Its kinda uncensored.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 07:50 PM
Shutting down his Youtube for a little while is a good way to get people to believe that he actually has some good 'information'.

If you want to hide information, there are smarter ways to do this. Like just deleting a particular video from their account while still allowing their account to be active so that no one gets suspicious.

Or, hire people to keep reuploading the important video and keep deleting it and reuploading it so that people can think it's some important video that keeps getting 'banned' from youtube.

When it comes to situations like this, it is good to think in many ways and see if there are any alterior motives or reverse psychology happening.

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