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Illegal Now For Homeless To Use Blankets?

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posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Aazadan

That's true. What could happen to help people with the mental illness is making it a housing where people check on them and help them with their illness.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 06:21 PM

reply to post by DazDaKing

It worries the hell outta me, too. Being a parent, it is studies like that giving me the impetus to guide my own in the proper direction.

As a human, "human nature" is no excuse except for the most dull of minds (i can't find it in my to hold someone of reduced intellectual capacity to the same standard as myself). As a non human animal, I have varying viewpoints on what I expect. A snake....he will be a snake. He will bite you, and that is just what snakes do. A dog, however....there is some deeper intellectual processes going on with a dog, and I expect them to be nonviolent. Unfortunately, sometimes my expectations are not met. LOL

The human is two distinctive parts: the physical, and the rest. LOL, yea, not very exact. But think of it like this: you have the human animal (our body) and the human being (everything else....or the mind, which I believe tends to reside external from the body, but that is another topic altogether). The challenge for man is to have the human being triumph over the human animal.

This may not be the goal of our existence. I have no idea why we are here. But I can definitively say that if I must live this life, I want to do it on my terms, not a bag of meats terms.

RE: is why I moved away from buddhism. I thought it morose that the point of buddhism was to conquer the ego, but on the other hand eschewing the physical is meant to protect the ego. Now, "protect the ego" is not directly stated. But your assessment is correct in that "happiness" (as referenced in common buddhist thought) is nothing more than an ego that is not being damaged.

I don't wish to conquer a challenge against a weakened opponent. There is no honor in that. While I do like to choke down the ego, at the same time I also tend to take some pride in being a tenacious hardass (which feeds the ego).

In any event, I saw the limitation of buddhism. It was less a "map to happiness" and more a trick to denature the human being and make it less prone to damage.

Couldn't agree with you more.

Regarding the 'weaker opponent' point - I believe this is a fundamental divide in people. I played chess quite a bit when I was younger (and extrapolated that to fighting games such as Street Fighter and Tekken lol) and could never gain joy from beating someone who didn't fully understand what I was doing to beat them.

I had to 'educate' them, raise them to my level, so we could have a fair friendly competition. That way there is a real enjoyment and mutual respect that is a great connection in general. Likewise with sports, but its easier to raise people in mental games than physical!

But other people simply enjoy winning no matter what - regardless how easy it is or how unfair it is. They will not help the opponent either. One might argue here that the second view is more logical - why would you raise the level of potential enemies?
Better gene to have, survival trait etc etc. I don't have time for that way of thinking anymore.

I also believe a large part of what we define as consciousness or the complete human experience resides outside the physical body. I get a lot of slack for that view because people instantly assume I'm a Christian or something and place me in some sort of box in their heads.

I have met few people that have an opposing view and actually bother to sit and listen to my logic on the matter. It's like the majority of humans want to trivialise their existence...why? That makes me sad to be honest. And by trivialising our own existence we allow ourselves to trivialise others as well.

I don't know what if anything made the universe and how it got here - or - what our purpose is if we have one, but I see clearly that the 'design' by its inherent 'nature' is meant to allow something like us to happen. A self-aware entity within the system that can learn about the system and experience the full range of possibility available to us. I can't put it into words well, its really hard. There has to be something to this - the battle between the human animal and the human essence or 'soul' like you say.

Your child is blessed - you are evidentially a good and intelligent person who considers the bigger questions in life while being rooted in the 'knowns'. Not sure I can say the same about a lot of people though, but we'll get there eventually.

All the suffering of man across time CANNOT be in vain. No...we've reached the stage where we can protect ourselves from anything theoretically - things like predicting asteroids years before they are even near us. We can't let it go down the pan - surely this is the greatest gift that the universe can provide.

The problem is mate, and taking it slightly back on topic, there are forces determined to halt this progression or even revert it. I pray that we have the courage as a race to stand up to these forces at play when the time calls. I honestly don't think any sane person can doubt that there is a sinister force orchestrating events to an extent.

Or back to the metaphor of before - the human animal seems to be winning at the moment. In that sense I understand why you say we are the same dirty apes we always have been. I think the force at hand truly understands this though, and thus the human is being constantly manipulated by modern society to embrace the animal inside him - under the parade of civility.

Sometimes I wonder if certain ancient groups understood all of this better than us. We often paint them as stupid, barbaric fairy-tale believers but I'm certain even we will be viewed in that light by future civilisations. In fact, I imagine some of the worst acts of mankind were committed in the last 500 years.

If our economic system collapsed a lot of people would revert 200,000 years within weeks - I sadly believe. How do you trigger 'spirituality' in people again? Now that we've denounced it so much as a race? This anti-homeless law crap is just another example of our empathy being attacked and numbed, and as usual wrapped up in a way that makes it sound good and beneficial.

That's the worst thing about this - a lot of this crap is paraded as 'good' and for justice and in the name of 'God' and peace. The facade is truly breathtaking sometimes.


edit on 9-2-2014 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-2-2014 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 07:38 PM
My first order of business upon winning a major sum of money:

I would a build a factory, and it would have dorms. Anyone can volunteer to work for 30 days, unpaid. In return they can sleep in a warm bed, and get 3 hot meals in the cafeteria. There would be counseling, medical care, and drug rehab available on site. All of their basic need would be provided. After 30 days, they begin to make minimum wage. They are encouraged to stay and set a good example for new recruits. After 6 months or a year, if they have shown that they are grateful and responsible people, they begin to make $11/hour with guaranteed raises every year. At this point they are encouraged to find an affordable home and a car to commute to work. They are also encouraged to counsel new recruits and participate in helping people find the place.

I don't see a lot of downsides to this plan. If the 1% would bring our jobs back from oversees then we could fight the problem and end homelessness.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Kmhotaru

For christ's sake man, making homelessness illegal won't f#cking stop homelessness. Making drugs illegal didn't stop drug addiction... making murder illegal hasn't stopped killers, etc. etc. etc. What the hell is wrong with the people who make these laws? And who put them in charge? I don't know what's more crazy, the fact that we elect these swine or the fact that such profound idiots exist in the first place.

It's way past time we reinstated "common sense" as our political standard. You don't solve problems by making problems illegal. It doesn't work like that.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 09:21 PM
maybe this is what all those FEMA camps are for...the homeless...out of sight, out of mind....sort of like poor people a job, your free...lose your job and a place to live....AMERICAN GULAG TIME!!!

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 01:32 AM
What you do is you give out the politicians address to all the cold homeless. You got a choice, serve the public or we eat your ass. How is that for your law plan?

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 03:56 AM
Don't you just love the addicts dream, legalise drugs....Cures all ills....

Making drugs legal will cure NOTHING, it might put the street dealers out of business but all it does is make more drugs easier to get and gives the government cash in taxes. Sadly it also makes the use of drugs more open and easier, some will say 'hey man its just a bit of weed, hurting no one' but I say tell that to the parents of children killed by IDIOTS high as a kite in cars thinking they are invincible while getting away from Police, would you like your airline pilot to be on weed when he flies you?

Some will say that the car thieves would do it anyway but how many are already on drugs before the taking so the test there is invalid, the simple fact is that while on an intoxicant the person believes they are happier better people for the most part, it messes with their ability to make logical choices, fact, not to mention the percentage that actually suffer severe paranoia and get abusive.

Making weed easier to get for the homeless would just create a zonked out army of homeless, no easier to deal with, certainly harder to get back in to society and simply would create an army of addicts. What people do in their own homes is fine by me but making it turn up on the streets because its easier to get ISN'T the way, all it says is there's a hell of a lot of people who are addicts but fail to admit / realise they are.

I watched a a Police stop programme a while back, they pulled a car over for no tax (UK) and when the Police man puts his head in the car there's a stink of weed, inside the car is a mum and daughter, the daughter is 12, turns out its the daughter smoking the weed while on her way to school with full permission of the mother......Does that sound cool to you, does it sound right, does it sound like good parenting, any one saying yes needs to sort their life out...Seriously, you do need to sort your life out.

I'm not anti drugs, I'm anti making them a way of life, if you NEED to smoke a joint or take other drugs not medically prescribed to you for the CORRECT reason then you are NOT in control of your life. If you need to smoke a joint while working then you are dangerous and irresponsible if you job means operating machinery or dealing with people then you are out of order, any one been served by a stoned person, found it fun did you?

Again, what you do at home with or with others is fine but getting high and then driving home isn't good...Its about responsibility, both for you and others...The same with drink or any other intoxicants. You watch street centres on a weekend, young people in their thousands out to have a good time, most drink, many also take drugs, they then come out go home but just as many have taken to excess and those people cost a small fortune in Policing, hospital transportation and care and generally tend to be complete idiots who some poor person has to deal with....Good time, for who?

But more on topic, this will make me unpopular initially but read on, homelessness NEEDS to be hard......

The idea is to get these poor people back in to mainstream lives where possible, to get them homes, to get them back to work, to get them back standing on their own two feet. Creating area's filled with tents and soup kitchens galore is kind but there will always be a section of people that if you make it easier will accept it as ok so the issue never stops. Don't get me wrong, NO ONE should have to live on the streets and suffer the abuse and hard times but making it simply easier isn't the option. How about instead of giving 500million pounds of aid to Pakistan (per year and rising) for it to be corruptly frittered away, lets use it to create programmes to screen and help those who can return to society and then deal with the rest who have mental health issues or other medical problems.

We waste so much money on corrupt countries who simply fail to get the money to the needy while rich countries in their area's simply ignore them.

But to return to my point, sleeping rough needs to be hard, there has to be an impetus to make the person try and get out of the situation and many DO, do I mean banning blankets etc, no, I mean making it easier to continue their life on the street isn't the answer.

Lets help these fellow humans get off the street and back in to a proper life.

edit on 10-2-2014 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 04:00 AM
All rules, laws and legislations that violate human rights, basic common laws, constitutions AND COMMON SENSE, are illegal and crimes against humanity. Anyone following these are criminals and ignorance of the law is not an excuse. I think people should be dontating land and erecting yurts and firing all city officials that try to stop it, no dental, no pensions, just go to jail for crimes against humanity. Its always up to people to do the right thing.
edit on 10-2-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

What do you do to people who think putting people in prison for crimes against humanity is actually against that persons humanity?

There have to be rules, we simply don't have the skill to survive as a people without them, we have become too civilised. Hunter gatherer instincts are too suppressed now.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Rules, like you can't murder me, like we all have equal rights to resources and an end to slavery. Not rules that are crimes, or musical chairs.

The crimes committed against people who are homeless, when there is no reason in natural rules and laws, for them not to build a home and plant a garden for they don't owe anyone and government is NOT a rule maker, they're a servant and supposed to uphold the equality and freedoms of all people. Nearly all their laws are crimes. Anything that fosters slavery is a massive crime and that includes, banks, realtors. I am NOT joking and write it many times. And all who support any form of slavery, and trauma to people, exclusion of people, torture of people, just the common bloke sitting on his affluent butt thinking he's all that, is a criminal right up there with Hitler and Jack the Ripper, for his opinion is torturing and murdering free and innocent people and will answer for this in the end.

You are only allowed to help and never to harm.

Here are the real laws:

You are not allowed to harm people! In any way, or be a stumbling block for them, control them, force them to work for you and steal their energy from them like a vampire. You're not allowed to run elitist pyramid systems, that abuse the majority of people. You're not allowed to prohibit survival and abundance of anyone, you're not allowed to set up a system that creates homelessness for those who are not criminals agreeing with the crimes because they're ok in this lifetime. They won't be in the next if they support any of this.

You're not allowed to harm anyone on earth and you're not allowed to support harm of it, and in the end everyone will face what they supported and all the pain and suffering they caused others. All people and their well being comes before any ISM or opinion, ie politics, economics and religon.

This law, is a crime against humanity. The homeless are GODs of GOODNESS AND PERFECTION compared to the criminals writing these unlawful bills and anyone supporting it.
edit on 10-2-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I totally agree but take a look at us as a species, there are people to this day simply ticking all the wrong boxes, millions of them, what do we do with them?

A last cull?

Cast them out and await their return?

I love your view on life and what you want, I want it too but what do you do to the people that refuse to be caring peaceful people?

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I don't believe that. I was poor, homeless more than once, hungry a few times. Through hard work, a little luck with a small inheritance, I climbed out of poverty and way beyond. Except for our needs, we give it all away to our kids, nieces and nephews. They all struggle and live paycheck to paycheck. We help them with the unexpected and through job lay offs and pay for college. None of which is a tax deduction for us.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Re: not legalising drugs, fair enough, but in that case alcohol should be banned. It does far more damage, to a far greater number of people.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by Kmhotaru

Well, home is where you make it.

Not allowing homeless to survive is ballszy.

Hope they get a slice of humble pie!

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 08:05 AM

reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I don't believe that. I was poor, homeless more than once, hungry a few times. Through hard work, a little luck with a small inheritance, I climbed out of poverty and way beyond. Except for our needs, we give it all away to our kids, nieces and nephews. They all struggle and live paycheck to paycheck. We help them with the unexpected and through job lay offs and pay for college. None of which is a tax deduction for us.

Read the study i provided, and try to apply that information into your personal experience. Maybe not you individually...but what you have seen.

I know a lot of very wealthy people, or have acquantance/dealings with them. In my experience, the Monopoly study is spot on.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I read the study with the game of monopoly. It is a game. It does not take into account the real psyche change that comes over you once you have been homeless. The Fear never leaves you after you climb out. That is why money does not mean anything to me anymore other than being comfortable. It is more important to me that the people around me never have to experience that Fear.

But I am not going to live forever. I hope that we become a better, kinder, and more forgiving of other americans country for my grandchildren's sake.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 08:57 AM

reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I read the study with the game of monopoly. It is a game. It does not take into account the real psyche change that comes over you once you have been homeless. The Fear never leaves you after you climb out. That is why money does not mean anything to me anymore other than being comfortable. It is more important to me that the people around me never have to experience that Fear.

But I am not going to live forever. I hope that we become a better, kinder, and more forgiving of other americans country for my grandchildren's sake.

I covered this with another member already: i am not posting that story as an attaack on the character of every human. I posted it to show what people who were not mindful of their behavior would act.

As with any behavioral study, results may vary. Broad brushes are not accurate on each individual level. For what its worth, that is the way you should always view such things.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I understand the point about accepting the results in general. IMO this study is flawed with flawed results. Based on my personal experience with being homeless and observing others.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 09:32 AM
There is roughly 2 million homeless in the US. I get tired of hearing.. Well they should help themselves. When your down your down. That's like falling down a well and be expected to climb out. With no life line they aren't going to get out. After the government shutdown and reopen, congress gave Pakistan 1.6 billion dollars of your TAX dollars.

We could of given 25,000 dollars to 64,000 homeless people. Money that would of went directly into the economy, got them off the streets and jobs. The government doesn't see it that way. They figure you're the one that caused your situation, but in reality it's the government that caused the problem! So we continue to pay pay pay pay. We get nothing in return but grief from all the nuts in office causing most of the problems and giving themselves raises for it. Oh we're doing so good lets give ourselves a raise!

Honestly how long is this going to last? If you combine all the retired, homeless, jobless, underage. About 92 million don't contribute and it's not because they want to, it's because they can't. Kind of hard to find work when there isn't any and I don't think the 90 year old grandparents can do anything and that leaves out the underage toddlers they can't work the corn fields like slaves yet. Then you got the teens graduating from high school every year and go into debt going back to school to get a degree that won't matter anyway.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 09:47 AM
It has been rumored that here in Florida places like NYC will give their homeless a one-way bus ticket to Florida as one of their homeless controls. Go to the Greyhound station in Jacksonville, Fl and ask a homeless person.

Given our climate in Florida I can see why we have so many homeless per capita. Almost all the homeless are not there by choice and it is not as simple as finding a job for them. When someone lives on the streets with no place to bathe, if they are lucky the might have a few change of clothes, they will not got hired or if they do find work it won't be long before there hygiene becomes an issue.

What is disturbing is there are far more empty houses, condos, and apartments than there are homeless people. We could house the homeless, give them a place to bathe and a place to keep clean changes of clothes and they will have a much better chance of finding employment and live a healthier life. Many places in the US are already doing this, some studies even suggest this is cheaper than letting them stay on the streets because most homeless living on the streets will either end up in jail(housed and fed by tax payers) or in the hospital with a serious condition(again paid for by taxes), it is cheaper to subsidize low-income housing than it is to jail someone or let them become serious ill and end up in the hospital.

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