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Celente - Disastrous Global Collapse & Riots Will Engulf World

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posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by whywhynot

If only I could have given more than 1 star...

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 07:58 PM


I always here people say they're going to head to the woods when TSHTF, but most of these areas are federal or state run properties. There will be choppers overhead Which will be able to spot a campfire from miles away. And as you, and your group, slumber in your make-shift tents for the night, you're going to be awakened and blinded by a dozen soldier/cops with AR-15's and flash lights. FORGET IT.

Remember how they were able to keep people out of the national forests during the government shutdown? Well magnify it a thousand times. There's going to be task forces patrolling the streets and enforcing curfews, day and night air patrols over all the state and federally owned lands.

Foret about roaming the streets looking for supplies too. Especially if your armed!

And if you so much as fire a single shot in your house, for ANY reason, you're going to have a swat team busting down your door, and you'll be handcuffed in front of your family and taken to a detention center.

Contrary to the Hollywood movies, it's going to be a quiet Country. Maybe sporadic shootings, but after people see how the police/ and military react, they'll settle down real fast.

So you have three choices. Stay in your community. Stay at a detention center, or die in a shoot out against the police and military. All this other rogue survival nonsense is fantasy.

I don't disagree with your thoughts in toto, but I do think we need to remember that law enforcement, especially local police and sheriffs, are residents of the local areas, with families who will also be suffering. While "duty" will call and they will respond for a time, if things get bad enough, they will take care of their families first. Of course, that reasoning doesn't necessarily apply to the military...
edit on 31-1-2014 by RidgeWalker because: grammar

^ This. Please also don't think that because the US military machine and Homeland Security is so large and powerful that it cannot be stopped or at least severely slowed down. Two kids basically created martial law in Boston and MA last year. A lone gunman shutdown Washington D.C at a Navy Shipyard. It only took 19 men to bring the world to a standstill and caused the longest war in our history.

Never underestimate what 2-3 determined men could due to a city. If people were fed up enough and became insurgents, they could attack the power grid, supply lines, political centers of power, etc. Drive around your town and look around - look at every potential piece of infrastructure as a potential target. This is why the Government fears us and why they don't want us to have firearms.
edit on 31-1-2014 by wills120 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by webedoomed

Simply said: usury should never be allowed. Interest on loans are evil. Period.

Such a simple notion that every holy book TELLS US NOT TO DO.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by bitsforbytes

And so should death and taxes but……

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by whywhynot

Death is not evil.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 09:13 PM
This guys a blow hard.

That is all.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 09:58 PM

This guys a blow hard.

That is all.

Let's agree that he is...

Even a fool will eventually see the writing on the wall but by then it's already too late to do anything besides go with the flow at that point.

The federal reserve system is not controlling the money; they are controlling debt.

It's a big ponzi scheme like the rest of the worlds currencies which are all based on faith in government.

FRN's are just paper and cloth that we put faith in when reality it has no value.

Although I suppose you could use it a kindling to start a fire with once the SHTF.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by whywhynot

Just commenting on inevitability not evil.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 10:21 PM
Google "Foreign Troops on US Soil" - now do i totally believe it - nope but people claim up to 400K Russian, Chinese, UN Blue Helmets etc. in the US. It's a big country plenty of places to hide them.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 11:08 PM

Google "Foreign Troops on US Soil" - now do i totally believe it - nope but people claim up to 400K Russian, Chinese, UN Blue Helmets etc. in the US. It's a big country plenty of places to hide them.

I'm not buying it either. HOWEVER, I was at the range a couple of times over the holidays and some guys were shooting targets with little blue helmets drawn on them. I thought it was funny and was chatting with them....turns out they were active duty Marines and they didn't think it was that funny at all.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by BABYBULL24

On one hand I remember foreign troops training in the US 40 years ago so that in of itself that is not new. The number of troops may have increased dramatically but I know of no way to track that number over time. It would make some sense that it would naturally increase with population count.

On there other hand if the overlords, TPTB, Banksters or whoever is running this show wanted a sure fire way to help out the civilian population in turning our National Guard and federal troops from following their orders and rather having them join the civilian resistance they would have those foreign troops fire on us. Oh it would so be on then. Guaranteed!

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 12:08 AM


Today the man who remarkably predicted months ahead of time that the Fed would taper in December, and then again in January, warned King World News that people need to brace themselves for a disastrous global collapse and riots that will engulf the entire world. He also discussed exactly what will trigger and then accelerate this tragic collapse and ensuing chaos.

Well the man has made some accurate predictions.
Yah! More Doom Porn!
Well I guess we had better get ready for this one.

I have spent almost my whole career in the financial sector. I'm on the technology side as opposed to the business side but I get plenty of exposure to the business. In addition, being on the technology side, I'm also privy to metric crap-tons of data. I've always had an interest in the market and I love data so I am constantly comparing the two looking for trends. Identifying trends and knowing whats coming next is critical to making money. For me it has lately been just to know how bad things are. I got out of the market completely right before the 2008 bust. It was pure luck and not a bunch of money, I'm nowhere near rich. I just so happened to be buying a house and cashed in my 401k. Six months later everyone I knew took a 30 -60% beating on their 401k. My Mom, my friends, everyone at work. Literally everyone. Half their wealth, gone. I'm sure many of you got hit as well. I thanked God I had just cashed mine out. I had been listening to Celente for a while and he was warning but I was like everyone else. Nahh, it will never happen. Maybe a bump but nothing major. Now we know different. I can tell you that many major corporations and governments hire Celente to data mine, analyze and forecast for them. In my opinion he is one of the only financial insiders worth listening to. Very few are worth their salt and I don't say that to be mean, its just that they are either ignorant to the facts or willfully ignoring the issues and in most cases I believe its the latter. They are no better than your average MSM journo. Just talking heads that say what they are told. All the while ignoring the economic impacts of Obamacare, the rampant unemployment, the Stock Market that recently topped 16,000, its highest mark ever while the massive unemployment and entitlement programs bleed the middle class dry. In the midst of all this the stock market hits its highs? Doubtful. All the money that has been printed has devalued the dollar so far that China has warned us to stop or they will no longer buy our bonds. We printed so much money to buy our own bonds and keep this fantasy alive, we alienated our biggest investor. Celente called all of this time and again, but few listen and the voices are lost because even on a site where we aim to foster truth most would rather flame each other for misspellings or other super-important issues like that. I respect everyone's opinion, but Celente is no more doom porn than than the canary that drops dead in its cage warning the miners they had better leave or suffer the same fate. He is the Edward Snowden of the financial industry except that he tells them in the boardrooms and staterooms the same thing he tells you on the radio and television. Look at all the preparations that the government is going through. Look at all the drills. The purchases of bullets, armored vehicles, FEMA camps, underground seed vaults. Who do you think warned them of what's coming? Research it a bit and you will find many times its Gerald Celente. He knows what he is talking about. We have been papering over the market for years and at some point it will collapse. As family leaders it is our responsibility to make sure that in any event our loved ones will be safe and secure. Its only prudent to be somewhat prepared when the expert that the experts call says to be. They don't pay him the big bucks because he's wrong. Think for yourself. Pray he is wrong and prep like he is right.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 12:23 AM


This guys a blow hard.

That is all.

Let's agree that he is...

Even a fool will eventually see the writing on the wall but by then it's already too late to do anything besides go with the flow at that point.

The federal reserve system is not controlling the money; they are controlling debt.

It's a big ponzi scheme like the rest of the worlds currencies which are all based on faith in government.

FRN's are just paper and cloth that we put faith in when reality it has no value.

Although I suppose you could use it a kindling to start a fire with once the SHTF.

Exactly right. Paper money is only worth what we all agree its worth. Its a debt marker for our time which is the only real currency on the planet. What do companies want from you? Your time. That's it. Nothing more or less. What does your TV want? Your house? Your wife? Your grass? Your kids? Time is everything and paper is paper unless you agree its more and the fantasy goes on. Fractional Reserve Banking is a scam at best but its the scam we all bought into and nobody wants to admit they are wrong so we will do anything to keep the dream alive. Dillute our own currency to buy our own bonds. Check. Impose federally mandated health insurance. Check. Its all lies and we are in the matrix metaphorically. Maybe one day we will wake up. Anyone who thinks Gerald Celente is anything but the premier trends forecaster alive on the planet doesn't know much about the guy. Goverments and Fortune 50 companies don't hire blowhards. They pay for accuracy and they pay very well. Until you are doing data mining, analysis, research and forecasting for blue chip companies and governments best to do your homework before speaking out in class.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 12:25 AM

reply to post by webedoomed

Simply said: usury should never be allowed. Interest on loans are evil. Period.

Such a simple notion that every holy book TELLS US NOT TO DO.

Exactly right. Great point. Its enslavement and driven by pure greed.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 12:52 AM

Celentes predictions are always if nothing else predictable! He makes his living talking BS.

Why do these Celente threads never make it to the hoax bin?

Global meltdown in 90 days

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 05:28 AM

reply to post by webedoomed

Simply said: usury should never be allowed. Interest on loans are evil. Period.

Such a simple notion that every holy book TELLS US NOT TO DO.

I don't disagree with you, but what this leaves is a world without loans, since why would a loan be made if not for profit? Good samaritans and social idealogical fantasies would not manifest in the real world economy. Social mobility would cease to be, unless motivated by violence - the evidence for this is global history up to around the last hundred years.

I agree that banking, like politics, attracts those without the ethics fit for such responsibilities. Furthermore greed promotes those whom make the most profit for the system, regardless of means.

In la la land i'd love to do away with banking (and politics), but there's no real-world alternative that would prevent society falling back into the dark ages of real serfdom - as opposed to the virtual serfdom by political manipulation of the masses we have now.

It saddens me to see a world of sheeple under the illusion of freedom, but a world back under the heel of real everyday fascism is probably worse. I'm at a loss as to a workable solution. But in the meantime we need more transparency in the machinations of politics and banking which checks and balances the personal gain of those involved with the social gain those intuitions should be there for.

edit on 1-2-2014 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 05:29 AM
I thought he was talking about emerging markets, BRICS sort of places. Don't see how that will equate to complete collapse in the fully developed world. Last time I looked all my stuff was made in these countries, not their stuff made in mine. Yes if the emerging markets collapse they cant buy our stuff but, like I said, it is us that buys theirs. It will impact but I dont see a total collapse of the US economy coming from this quite yet, just more hardship.

As far as preparing, I think it was Machiavelli who said that a prince's strongest fortress is the love of his people. So I recommend gathering a community of people around you whom you can trust. This is easier done in small towns. Running away from other people just when you are going to need them most seems the wrong thing to do.
edit on 1/2/14 by Cinrad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by McGinty

All the other problems didn't exist until the last 100 years ie, pollution, their is still war, people are chasing their material idols, weakness is reinforced.

I don't see any long term benefit for any other than the one "lending" at interest.

We have been sold pure BS.

Loans are still possible without interest. Greed is one of the deadly sins. The love of money is the root of all evil.

I don't understand why we still don't understand this.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by McGinty

Welcome to the new age, where banks own politics and own the planet. You can't imagine what anything else is like because you are so sure this is the best way to go, because TV told you and history books. You can't figure any other way of living besides the model we have now?

Remember humanity lived for THOUSANDS of years before our precious era of robotic enlightenment. Remember they are replacing you by a machine, slowly but suresly. That is what the model dictates. They are basing their model on scarcity. Hope someone doesn't decide that water or air should be scarce.

That would never happen right? After all, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, pride, sloth and envy aren't displayed by any decision maker on this planet. Never...

Interest is not good. It doesn't make sense. That is the only reason why the US got off the gold standard, because interest would require us to be able to create gold into existence, they (the evil ones) understood this and decided to base money on nothing.
Money is a lot easier to pop into existence.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by bitsforbytes

With respect, please don't patronise me. I'm well aware of the banking system's world domination (when was money/treasure not the driving force?)

And i'm also aware of the way in which sociocultural devices such as materialism, social standing and body image are used as means to control the mob (again, when was this not the case?)

The difference between eras is always that the mechanism for control becomes ever more sophisticated.

Rather than stating what i and everyone else here already knows about this sad state of affairs, instead please describe how your world without loans would function and how the transition can be made. No sarcasm - i'd love to here it.

As i said, i'm at a loss to do this - not because i lack the imagination due to brainwashing, but because it's incredibly elusive. You my friend may decry this confession all you like as brainwashing, but the truth is that if you can't come up with the answer, instead of throwing mud, then you too are at a loss, but just can't admit that.

edit on 1-2-2014 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

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