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America's arrogance astounds me; despite our freeze, record heat persists worldwide!

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+15 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 09:59 PM
As the title suggests, we are the only part of the entire world that has the cold temps, so what happens, we here in America like to start heckling the global warming crowd that this is proof we're not warming. Then they bring up the idea that the world could be entering a mini-Ice Age. What a joke!

While most of US froze, parts of Alaska set record highs

The same contorted jet stream pattern that brought the brutal cold to the lower 48 states pushed a pulse of milder-than-average air into Alaska, where some spots recorded temperatures unheard of for December.
Along Alaska's northern coastline, which lies above the Arctic Circle, the warmest December temperatures on record in at least 70 years occurred this past week. At the airport in Deadhorse, which serves the oil production hub of Prudhoe Bay, the temperature hit 39°F on December 7, the highest December temperature on record there since at least 1968, said Rick Thoman of the National Weather Service (NWS) in Fairbanks in an interview. Even more notable, perhaps, was the fact that it was raining, rather than snowing. Rain there is unusual so late in the year

Heatwave in Australia causes bats to fall dead from the sky

Southern Queensland is being gripped by furnace-like temperatures, said the local RSPCA.

The has in turn caused mass deaths at least 25 separate colonies have been reported since the weekend, including at Mt Ommaney, Redbank, Boonah, Palmwoods, Laidley and Gatton.

RSPCA spokesman Michael Beatty says the heatwave was a significant hit to the population of bats across the state, reports the ABC news station.

"The heatwave was basically a catastrophe for all the bat colonies in south-east Queensland," he said.

"That's obviously going to have a pretty disturbing impact on those colonies and those colonies are vital to our ecosystem." The smell of bat carcasses has caused problems for locals.

The Scenic Rim Regional Council, west of Brisbane, has organised rubbish collectors to clear up the carcasses of about 2,000 bats.

And a recent ATS thread in regards to snow cover

Compare Asia and Europe snow cover in recent years

And to back up that thread about the lack of winter in Europe

As US shivers, northern Europe awaits winter

While part of North America is suffering through a record freeze, northern Europe is enjoying unusually balmy temperatures that are disturbing wildlife, traffic and the winter sports season.

The month of December was one of the mildest in a century in the Nordic countries, according to meteorologists, with temperatures exceeding their normal seasonal average by four to five degrees Celsius (24 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit) in Norway and Finland.

Oslo experienced its warmest Christmas since records began in 1937, while in Helsinki and southern Finland the second half of December was the mildest in 30 years. In Koege outside Copenhagen the mercury reached 11.6 degrees C (52.9 F) on Christmas Eve.

Russian region famous for cold winters experiences freak warm December weather

It is famous for being one of the coldest, most inhospitable places on earth.

But after weeks of the warmest winter weather in living memory there's something peculiarly absent in many parts of Siberia this December - snow.

At this time of year the harsh east Russian region is normally covered in a thick layer of the white stuff with temperatures plummeting to as low as -40C.

This is usually snow covered Siberia and a frozen river. Usually temps as low as -40C, but instead they have been above freezing with rain.

While Siberia remains slightly colder than western Europe, most locals say they have never experienced a December so warm.

Fyodor Olifirenko, 83, from Novosibirsk, the most northerly city in the world, told the Siberian Times: 'I do not remember such a warm December.

'In 1963 there was some thaw on December 24-25, it was raining a bit. But by morning all was frozen and after that started strong frosts.'

It pushed 90 degrees in Siberia this past summer...

Arctic heatwave hits Siberia

Today, a heatwave circling the Arctic set its sights on central Siberia. Temperatures soared into the upper 80s to near 90 degrees (Fahrenheit) over a vast region of Siberian tundra, setting off pop-corn thunderstorms and sparking large, ominous fires reminiscent of the blazes that roared through this region during late June of 2012. Those fires were so large they sent a plume of smoke over the Pacific Ocean and blanketed valleys in western Canada.

Each individual fire in the above image hosts a plume of smoke about a hundred miles long. The fire to the far left, hosts a very long smoke plume of at least 350 miles in length.

To sum up...Central North America experiences a deep freeze while the rest of the world experiences freak warm temperatures. Are we going into an Ice Age or could it at all be possible that we are experiencing global warming?

+11 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:07 PM
Yeah, I love how "winter" suddenly 'proves' there is no global warming. LOL Fools can't see past their own noses. One cold event doesn't disprove or prove global warming, yet I've got idiots on facebook posting stuff like "Negative 17 here..yep that's global warming for you!" How many times did these people get hit on the head?

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by amazing

LOL, right...I've seen those similar Facebook posts to. Like I said before, we here in America forget that there is a rest of the world, or better yet, we think the world revolves around us. If it's cold here, then by golly, the whole freakin' world is entering an Ice Age.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:17 PM
In all fairness, it's far from just America ...and winter has been a bit late starting here too. However, when it came, it most definitely arrived this time. It wasn't long ago here though, we had droughts and a heat wave to rival the dust bowl years. (I have the USDA national maps for impact between the years if you're curious. They're something to see for cyclic repetition.)

Russia's mild December this year is in quite a contrast to last year, which lead into quite a winter where they were being clobbered as badly or worse than we are in the States, this year.

While the snowstorms have caused inconvenience for large population centers in western Russia, they have been life-threatening further east in the country. The polar circle city of Norilsk has been buried under 10 feet of snow – entire apartment blocks, markets, stores and offices were buried under snow overnight.

Banks of snow were as high as two people put together, reaching the second-story windows of some apartment buildings. Cars, stores, garages were blocked. Norilsk metropolitan workers were forced to dig passageways through the snow banks to create access between the outside world and the barricaded city.

Snowpocalypse Russia: 'Snow tsunami' swallows streets, cars, buildings (PHOTOS)

I won't make light of how much of that side of the world got snow-slapped last year because it could be us, this year while summer in the Northern latitudes could be brutal or mild..Hard to say. The last couple weren't pleasant but then, it's been awhile since a real winter happened who knows.

Australia is a rough one. They got clobbered pretty hard during the Southern winter this year and/or last as well, didn't they? Massive flooding and other things.... Weather is getting more violent and extreme in my opinion. It's just getting more dangerous on both ends of it, it seems.

+43 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:18 PM
People are arrogant because they don't agree with you?

Oh, the irony.

+6 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Metallicus

Now is that even remotely close to what he said?

I didn't think so.


S + F

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

While I agree with your side of the problem I strongly dislike your choice of wording for the title and would even define it as trolling if it wasn't for the presentation of the OP...

The problem with US public opinion is not arrogance. I strongly believe that most of the world understand the core issue, it derives from lack of proper information channels and bad leadership (obvious since Kyoto, even if I agree that the treaty needed some corrections, but in that particular event it become obvious, by those that refused to participate in a proper debate how the world works). Even more if we consider what steps have been done to fix it and by whom...

The problem behind US bad actions on this subject and why its public opinion on it is not only confused but falls prey to bad science and intentional (and verifiable) attempts to subvert evidence is because there is money behind it. Coal production and cheap oil is the major motivator for the intentional blindness in regards to the problem. Once again we can even see China taking huge steps (fast adopting cleaner coal energy production tech, and by subversion taking control of the green energy craze, something that we would expect from the US a few decades ago) and brilliant negotiation (the exclusion from drastic limitation on CO2 emissions). On the other side the US is focusing in making a buck from doing nothing even leveraging its position to create fake solutions (carbon trading)...

If we look into Europe we can see major and drastic changes, even considering that nations are moving away from nuclear power and have a taxation system that extremely dependent in taxing oil imports and gasoline consumption (a vicious circle that has kept a stronghold in energy competitiveness with most other regions of the world). In any case Europe is making the larges effort so far, including technology trading with Africa (even investing in clean energy centrals there with the intention of importing the excess production).

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:22 PM

Russia's mild December this year is in quite a contrast to last year, which lead into quite a winter where they were being clobbered as badly or worse than we are in the States, this year.

Russia's harsh winter last year occurred while we here in the States were experiencing a mild winter. Sort of an opposite to what's happening now. If you remember, Winter here didn't show up until nearly spring and then lasted right up until May. In Wisconsin, we had a snow storm on May 8 that dumped over a foot of snow. And in regards to the foot of snow... a warming atmosphere is going to cause much more moisture which we all have certainly had with all of these massive snow amounts and if it isn't snow, it's a heck of a lot of rain. Sure, there are still droughts in places, but many more rain and snow events, and it seems that every snow event dumps at least a foot of snow these days.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:27 PM

People are arrogant because they don't agree with you?

Oh, the irony.

Ha, I see your point there. I think the gist of the OP though was spot on. My take on it is that there are real scientists and mounds of data saying that there is no global warming, I disagree with those, but...with that much evidence, data, etc, I can't call someone that doesn't agree with me an idiot. It's really hard to navigate all that propaganda from both sides to see the truth, however, people that spout of stuff like, North America is freezing therefore that proves there is no global warming, should be shown the error of their ways. Winter doesn't disprove global warming and summer doesn't disprove a mini ice age. Just sayin.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:27 PM
Maybe were cold because of radiation.

You know where i got information to back that claim up? Nowhere that was completely pulled out of my booty.

But hey who knows i could be right.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:28 PM
Maybe were cold because of radiation.

You know where i got information to back that claim up? Nowhere that was completely pulled out of my booty.

But hey who knows i could be right.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:32 PM


People are arrogant because they don't agree with you?

Oh, the irony.

Ha, I see your point there. I think the gist of the OP though was spot on. My take on it is that there are real scientists and mounds of data saying that there is no global warming, I disagree with those, but...with that much evidence, data, etc, I can't call someone that doesn't agree with me an idiot. It's really hard to navigate all that propaganda from both sides to see the truth, however, people that spout of stuff like, North America is freezing therefore that proves there is no global warming, should be shown the error of their ways. Winter doesn't disprove global warming and summer doesn't disprove a mini ice age. Just sayin.

And you're 'just sayin' it correctly. The whole point..."North America freezes doesn't prove there is no global warming"

North America - cold
Europe - warm
Eurasia - warm
Asia - warm
Australia - warm
Africa - warm
Alaska - warm
South America...not sure, haven't checked lately.

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:36 PM

To sum up...Central North America experiences a deep freeze while the rest of the world experiences freak warm temperatures. Are we going into an Ice Age or could it at all be possible that we are experiencing global warming?

We are going into an ice-age. The ground state or normal weather of the planet is ice-ages and usually follow a ratio of about 10:1 ice-age to temperate periods (~100kyrs:10kyrs), geological records point out this inconvenient truth. Order emerges from chaos and the earth will fix itself. We are experiencing extreme and erratic weather patterns, an indicator of a dysfunctional system. Just go look up some waveform analysis on brain and other biological research and the synchronous patterns they produce during systemic failure. Since the natural state for the earth is an ice-age, I am quite sure that this will be the failure mode when chaos breaks down.

You might want to counter this with "ice ages have only been going on for a couple of million years," however, consider the possibility of expanding earth theories and as well increased geothermal activity that could have supplied additional thermal input to the atmosphere due to a thinner crust.

I'd be the first one to admit if asked that we do have extreme climate change occurring, but I really don't think Philadelphia is going to become beachfront property. We are dealing with forces that are way beyond our technology and again I ask; Do you (or anyone) have a process that could regulate the fuel consumption of the Sun or a way to steer the solar system around "offending" space or a method of globally controlling geothermal transfer? No amount of money, no amount of taxation, no amount of wealth transfer and certainly no political or banking agenda is going to be able to fix this problem if it is accelerating as fast as it appears.

We have a problem Houston. I would suggest you worry about what you can change like your ability to adapt and prepare, rather than what you can't, as this could very well be our ELE. I stated in another thread, we have the makings of the perfect storm coming together on financial, sociological, geological and solar fronts. As I said in that same past thread, just my opinion, but all the signs are there for anyone with eyes to see.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 1/9.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

But are you saying that your research has led you to believe that we're in for an ice age and soon? Like, is moving to the north within the next couple of years a bad idea?

Also wanted to note that, although, we have many differing long term weather/climate models and we haven't perfected them yet, some models suggest that global warming may cause an ice age due to melting of ice and turning the sea water colder...if not an ice age then a mini ice age or several decades of extremely declining temps before the ice freezes up again and the earth warms up and well that a viscous circle?

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:44 PM
Well heres the truth....

the universal order of things is BALANCE, the entire universe relies on balance to survive.

we humans are out of balance which means we are forcing the universe to respond by bringing us back into balance,

how nature does this i have no idea but it is a fact or we wouldnt exist.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

Global warming or not, the weather is changing.
is it a cycle? maybe.. but 'this' cycle has been modified thanks to our 100years of industry and manufacturing pumping various chemicals into the atmosphere and oceans.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

Its arrogant to think we have more control over the weather then the cosmic ebbs and flow of the universe.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:59 PM

reply to post by Rezlooper

Global warming or not, the weather is changing.
is it a cycle? maybe.. but 'this' cycle has been modified thanks to our 100years of industry and manufacturing pumping various chemicals into the atmosphere and oceans.

mhmm, stop all that and what are we all going to do? and based on what? theory? I agree that we need to take better care of our soil and water. I don't agree with people thinking a tax (see gullable) is going to solve that problem, nor totally shutting down all working infrastructure and by default destroying whole nations economies and likely their populations just because.. its cold.

People can plant some trees, restore the natural canopy and ground cover. Clean out streams and rivers, Otherwise, folks are not changing much of anything by arguing with everyone over manufacturing while simultaneously dumping nuclear waste into the ground or disturbing or destroying eco systems just the same with "clean energy." Good stewardship is fine, in fact I encourage it. Bull#? I cannot, sorry.

edit on 9-1-2014 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 11:02 PM

reply to post by bobs_uruncle

But are you saying that your research has led you to believe that we're in for an ice age and soon? Like, is moving to the north within the next couple of years a bad idea?

Also wanted to note that, although, we have many differing long term weather/climate models and we haven't perfected them yet, some models suggest that global warming may cause an ice age due to melting of ice and turning the sea water colder...if not an ice age then a mini ice age or several decades of extremely declining temps before the ice freezes up again and the earth warms up and well that a viscous circle?

If you get global heating you get more and more condensation in the atmosphere through evaporation. Eventually, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere will become so great it will produce a kind of heat shield and reflect light and heat back into space. As the temperature starts to drop, the water will come out of the atmosphere in the form of rain and then snow.

Let's say for one year we have a radical increase in global average temperature which produces lots of water vapor in the atmosphere and cloud cover. Then let's say that the equator is the only reasonably clear place, but it remains hot for a second year pumping more water vapor into the atmosphere. Then we go into solar minimum and temperature drops, say the next year. Initially you'll get a lot of rain, but because of rapidly dropping temperatures due to cloud cover and solar minimum, that would change to snow and a lot of it probably 25 to 30 degrees either side of the equator. Now because the equator remains warm, it will continue to pump water into the atmosphere through ocean evaporation, dumping that on the north and south as snow. After 10 or 20 years, you'll have glaciers starting. If this started now, in 3 to 5 years we would lose every city north and south of 30 degrees and all of the arable land that produce crops. The problem is that once this starts, it has to reach its point of equilibrium before recovery can occur and a new temperate period starts. The last time this happened (from geological records), this took about 100,000 years.

There's a silver lining though, the oceans should drop far enough that we would get a land mass increase and probably be able to do some excavations of ancient cities that were around when this happened the last time. That is if we didn't kill each other over food, space and the generally insanity that comes with global catastrophe ;-)

Cheers - Dave

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 11:08 PM

"North America freezes doesn't prove there is no global warming"

North America - cold
Europe - warm
Eurasia - warm
Asia - warm
Australia - warm
Africa - warm
Alaska - warm
South America...not sure, haven't checked lately.

Niether does Africa being warm, nor the southern hemisphere having a summer when they're supposed to prove that there is global warming.

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