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The JFK Assassination---The Roles of Masons and Royalists---50 years is long enough

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posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by Aleister

if this is the link you are referring to, then no it does not show or even mention Arlen Specter nor Ronald Reagan

What the Link does show is Masons standing up for themselves and has nothing to do with Specter or Reagan.

On Mason Judges


this is the real title to the link by the way


edit on 9/1/2014 by Sauron because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/1/2014 by Sauron because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 06:14 PM
Texas Gambler LBJ and the Historical Texas Method of control of Govt. using Masons:

Extreme Mason Control of Texas

Masons continued to play a significant leadership role in the Republic of Texas. According to The New Handbook of Texas (2:1169):

"Although constituting only about 1_% of the population [of Texas], Masons filled some 80 percent of the republic's higher offices. All of the presidents, vice presidents, and secretaries of state were Masons."

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Except he wasn't a Mason and because you are not a Mason, you don't understand or have the authority to say who is or isn't a Mason.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Andrew Johnson, Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Gerald Ford are the Masons that served as VP before President, but Johnson and Teddy were the only ones to ascend because the previous President was assassinated. Truman ascended after FDR died of illness and Ford because of the impeachment of Nixon.
edit on 9-1-2014 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Let get back to the beginning instead of you google links like a mad man, and prove to the readers and me your an honest man.

Name the Lodge and date Arlen Specter was made a Freemason / Mason

Name the Lodge and date Ronald Reagan was made a Freemason / Mason

You said you had certified proof that Reagan a Mason, well still waiting on that.

Otherwise how can your word be taken seriously, I think your agenda is very apparent almost in a spammish way.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 06:49 PM
Looks like another warning about Masons and how they worship Baal. Yeah, every time I read Mason Googles-----they say the Masons are dishonest. Just pops up everywhere. imho

Though this thread is about Masons and Royalists per JFK-----It isn't and remains not my goal to associate with a Mason.

Every page I turn tells me the Masons are a corrupt and dishonest bunch. imho

Masons love Baal

Roots & Links to the Occult

For the vast majority of Masons, Freemasonry is a lifelong succession of deceptions. Most Lodge leaders do not realize that they are deceiving their members. For the most part, they are simply reciting the same things they have heard and said, over and over, assuming that they are right and good. However, the Princes and Adepts of Freemasonry deliberately deceive the Masons under them. (See Tom C. McKenney, "Please Tell Me...Questions People Ask About Freemasonry -- and the Answers," pages 123-133.)

Masons take blood oaths, but are told that they are only symbolic. They participate in rituals that they don't understand, assuming that they must be alright because their masonic friends have done it.

This paper contains quotations which would shock most Masons because they have never read what the highest Masons say about Freemasonry. Masonry is a system that confuses, deceives and controls men, getting them to do things that they would not do if they understood them.

The highest-level Masons (Princes and Adepts) deliberately deceive the Masons under them. For example, Albert Pike was one of the highest authorities in American Masonry. He was Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry from 1859 to 1891. He was also Grand Commander of the Thirty-Third Degree, as well as a Prince Adept. His book "Morals and Dogma" is given to men when they reach the 32nd degree. The following quotations from Pike's "Morals and Dogma" show that Masons of the highest level deliberately deceive the Masons below them.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Sauron

No, this link to a post by the OP, all the way at the bottom of the post after the traditional rambling. He posted a lodge number after you had asked him over and over. Hard to catch his attention I guess. Anyway, does his data have validity (and even if it does, no big deal, Spector was just glad to get his hands into as many things as he could in those years, and the single bullet theory that the OP complains about seems to be as accurate as any other, except for Connally originally disputing it).
edit on 9-1-2014 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Aleister

Indeed if it's true or the same person, dates of EA, FC, and MM and year and link to the lodge would be nice.
Though I will not dispute this

Arlen Specter (Pa. E. Coppe Mitchell Lodge No. 605)

One down and one to go



posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 07:31 PM
In digging around on the Theme for Presidents killed and replaced by a Mason-------the first search finds Abe Lincoln was killed by a Sordid Mason plot with John Wilkes Booth and Abe is replaced by MASON Andrew Johnson. imho

In the plot we find a cover up comparable to the Warren Commission, and the Mason's Hero fore square behind the Abe Lincoln hit and cover up. imho

Very Very Interesting !!! Now the quest for how many more times did this happen !!!


Lincoln's VP was a Mason


(Lodge records lost during the Civil War) Initiated: May 5, 1851, Greenville Lodge No. 119, Greenville, Tennessee.

Then when I dig around more I find a ton of Masons out to kill Abe Lincoln, which is captured in the book SCARLET AND THE BEAST--Volume 2

By John Daniel

Had it not been for Abraham Lincoln, English Freemasonry would have succeeded. When Lincoln restored the Union, the British Brotherhood, out of revenge, plotted his assassination. The Knights of the Golden Circle, bankrolled by British Masonic interests, selected John Wilkes Booth, a 33rd degree Mason and member of Mazzini´s Young America, for the task.

Freemason Edwin Stanton was assigned to cover up Masonic involvement in the crime. Immediately after Lincoln´s assassination, Stanton ordered military
blockades on all roads out of Washington, D.C., except one -- the road Booth was known to have taken for his escape route. Stanton then arranged for a drunk man to be found, similar in build and appearance to Booth. This man was to be murdered and his body burned in a barn adjacent to the only road not guarded by the military. Stanton just happened to be on that road when he "found" the murdered man, certifying that the charred body was the remains of John Wilkes Booth. The real John Wilkes Booth escaped.


After these events, the Knights were soon exposed to the Military Commission that heard evidence on the Lincoln assassination as the secret force behind both the Civil War and the assassination. Original documents relating to the president´s assassination are still locked up in the archives of the Defense Department and are not available to researchers today.

Directly involved in the plot were 33rd degree Freemason and British Prime Minister Henry Palmerston (died in 1865); 33rd degree Freemason John Wilkes Booth; Freemason Judah P. Benjamin, the British Masonic banker´s mouthpiece who gave the order for Lincoln´s assassination; and Jacob Thompson, former Interior Secretary in the Buchanan administration, who withdrew $180.000 from the Bank of Montreal in Canada to set the plot in motion. (Benjamin and Thompson both fled to England to avoid apprehension.) And Freemason Edwin Stanton prepared a cover-up that compares in audacity with the 1963 Warren Commission cover-up of the Kennedy assassination.

The exposure of the Knights was so celebrated following the 1865 conspiracy trials that in the spring of 1867, Albert Pike and a small group of former Confederate generals met in the Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. to change the name of the Knights of the Golden Circle to the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The Knight´s new name was taken from the Greek word “Kuklos,” which means "circle."

edit on 9-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: The Corrupt Masons and Albert Pike appear to have killed Abe Lincoln imho

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 07:52 PM
Hot on the trail of the murderous Masons behind the Abe Lincoln hit:

Abe Lincoln killed by Masons

In an act that would haunt Andrew Johnson during his impeachment trial; just seven hours before Lincoln's assassination, John Wilkes Booth left a note at Vice President Andrew Johnson's residence that read "Don't wish to disturb you. Are you at home? J. Wilkes Booth."

Shortly after his impeachment investigation began, Albert Pike and Gen. Gordon Granger met with President Andrew Johnson for some three hours at the White House. Soon afterwards, when Granger was summoned before the Judiciary Committee, he was asked to disclose the substance of that conversation with the president. Granger testified:

"They [President Johnson and Pike] talked a great deal about Masonry. More about that than anything else.. And from what they talked about between them, I gathered that he [Pike] was the superior of the President in Masonry. I understood from the meeting that the president was his subordinate in Masonry...."


Why did Mudd's case take 133 years for the mere consideration of a civilian trial he was entitled to? because it would prove Booth indeed survived, through traitors in the military and Lincoln's cabinet. It should be noted that an admitted conspirator, Union Gen. Lafayette Baker, knew they could only control the outcome of the trial by forcing a military tribunal. A civilian trial would've exposed the fact that the man killed by Scott Corbett was not John Wilkes Booth at all-- which is why Booth's body was never photographed or accessible to the defense. Indeed, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, fingered by Gen. Baker, further implicated himself by hiding the key to Booth's alleged tomb and 18 pages from his diary in the days leading up to the assassination.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 08:08 PM

reply to MagnumOpus

Nope---have not change the story or opinion, as the record shows Ronnie is a Certified Mason. imho

Ronald Reagan has often been referred to as a Freemason. President Reagan is not a Freemason although he is an honorary member of the Imperial Council of the Shrine. President Reagan has on numerous occasions been involved in Shrine and masonic functions throughout his career.

Only a Blue / Craft Lodge can make a man a Mason, and that's Masonic Law.

Ronald Reagan was never a Freemason, / Mason.

Though it seems he did a lot with the Shriner's and is very commendable.

edit on 9/1/2014 by Sauron because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 08:32 PM
Now we can see the Mason pieces fall into place for the Abe Lincoln hit. The British Royalist Bankers are mostly all MASONS. imho

Abe Lincoln borrowed some money from Britain's Mason Dominated Banks and told them to screw the Interest after the war, as he would only pay back the principle. imho

Abe also started the Green Back, which was the US money. This was similar to the Colonial Script that was used in the Colonies, which Mason Ben Franklin told the Mason Bankers in England about that ended up setting off the Revolutionary War.

Abe Lincoln Freed the slaves, but it was the English Bankers out of Liverpool that captured and enslaved the blacks of West Africa to provide cheep labor in the US to pick cotton. This was part of the English Bankers and Shipping Atlantic Triangle process. imho

Abe Lincoln even had to have Naval Protection from the Russian Czar to keep the British Mason Bankers from retaking the Colonies and keeping slavery and cheep cotton prices. imho

The English Royalist Bankers MASONs were a huge problem all along in the Americas, from Revolution, to Abe Lincoln, to FDR, to JFK and more.

So, what happens to England when millions of black people discover that Britain took their Freedoms and England owes them damages?

What happens when JFK gave them Civil Rights, and the Liverpool gang is screaming Communism, as it becomes more obvious that the English MASON Bankers are the ones that enslaved them. imho

In the US, Mason Albert Pike hates the Blacks and wants to rerun the Civil War and have the South Win for the British Banker Masons profits. Pike is tied to Jackson via Masonry, and Pike is tied to Abe's killers, and even Booth leaves Jackson a note before he kills Abe Lincoln. imho

Now, why would anyone wonder why Jackie wanted the same Carriage / Ca-son and pal that held Assassinated Abe Lincoln to also carry the dead body of John Fitzgerald Kennedy? Jackie knew the same evil Mason force killed JFK. imho

When JFK did the EO 11110, he made his own greenback and colonial script, and the British Royalist Banker Masons wanted that stopped.

When JFK backed Civil Rights, England's Masons would be discovered for their extreme interests in slavery of blacks and it would only be a matter of time until the Blacks discovered their enemies were the MASONS and Mason traitors like Albert Pike and the KKK.

Even Mason Andrew Jackson pardoned Mason Albert Pike is true Mason cover up fashion of treason.

When RFK asked Mason LBJ why he had his Brother killed, he accused a Mason of killing JFK !!! imho

edit on 9-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: Criminal Mason Conspiracy Exposed imho

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

You do know the British were leaders in anti slavery banning it in 1833...before many other country's including the USA.
Tell me who are the black people going to sue? and how can it stand up in any court?. Everyone involved in the slave trade died many many years ago.
You are not right dude...
edit on 9-1-2014 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 09:03 PM
Now we can see the Motives and Hidden Hand of the MASONS running around killing people for Royalists Banker MASON money.

One can forecast there was a huge Mason Rift in WWII due to the allies working with Stalin in Russia. Stalin and FDR got along well. Mason Winston Churchill hated Stalin and Communism, and the US had to be separated from Stalin, even if they had to kill FDR. imho

With FDR in place there would have been strong alliances with the US and Russia after the war.

Soon after VE day, FDR gets poisoned in Warm Springs, Ga. and 33rd level Mason Harry Truman takes over and starts doing things for 33rd level Mason Hoover to force more Mason control over the US. Hoover wants the OSS gone and Kermit Roosevelt out of the spy business because he thought like FDR and Stalin. FDR knew all the Royalist's Bankers were MASONS and they hated Stalin.

Stalin knew that 33rd Mason Winston Churchill has been trying to kill him toward the end of the war in Europe, but it was easier to kill FDR. This put in a new Masons, Truman. But Eisenhower and JFK were not Masons, and LBJ was. And LBJ knew all these huge MASON controls and knew JFK would likely get killed as the Masons tried to push people around for Royalist Mason Money in England. imho

Eisenhower welcomes Khrushchev efforts to peaceful Coexistence in the late 50s and the MASONs and other extremists start calling Eisenhower Communist and he alerts to the Mil / Ind Network running out of control on affairs of state. JFK comes in and hits the same extremism from the MASONS, allied with John Birch Society, allied with PERMINDEX, allied with INCA, allied with CIA.

JFK wants to block the Hungarian Zionist effort of 33rd Mason George Mandel via PERMINDEX to give them nukes. JFK wants to block the UK's Royalist Mason bankers from Usury via the Fed. Res., and JFK wants to make peace with Khrushchev and Russia, which is the arch-enemy of the Masons and Royalists money system. Then JFK starts doing the same thing with Castro, and the MASONS in high places come unglued to kill JFK. imho

Mean time JFK and MLK were great pals, and MASONs hated backing Black Civil Rights, just as they hated Abe Lincoln doing the same !! imho Masons were running around dynamiting schools in the South over Eisenhower's push toward integration. Masons backed the killing of JFK via LBJ, Hoover, Dulles, Mandel and lots of others in Texas. imho


Stalin tells FDR was Murdered by same one trying to kill him

En route, I stopped at Habbaniyah in Iraq for refueling, and while on the ground an Air Force B-25 arrived with an old friend of mine flying it, and with L. Col. Elliott Roosevelt, the President's son. I introduced him and Roosevelt to the Chinese, and vice versa.


Quickly, Stalin responded, "Don't you know who killed your father?"

Roosevelt-shocked-answered, "No."

Stalin rising from his chair, continued, "Well, I'll tell you why I have not invited her here. As soon as your father died, I asked my ambassador in Washington to go immediately to Georgia with a request to view the body." Stalin believed that if Gromyko could see the body he would confirm that the cerebral hemorrhage that had caused his death had caused extensive discoloration and distortion.


Stalin took a few steps around the office, and almost in a rage roared, "They poisoned your father, of course, just as they have tried repeatedly to poison me."

"They, who are they," Elliot asked

"The Churchill gang!" Stalin roared, "They poisoned your father, and they continue to try to poison me…the Churchill gang!"

I had heard, while in Tehran, that Roosevelt and Churchill had had a strenuous argument in front of Stalin and Chiang during the conference on the subject of decolonialization of South East Asia. I have read it in a government publication of the time. Then, this account of Elliott's visit to Moscow in 1946 was written and signed by him and appeared in the February 9, 1986 issue of the nationwide Sunday Supplement magazine "PARADE."

Harry Truman 33rd Mason

Winston Churchill 33rd Mason

Geroge Mandel 33rd Mason allied with UK Bankers
edit on 9-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: Criminal Process of MASON organization---support of terrorism against Americans. imho

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 09:22 PM
The FDR and Stalin Alliance that the MASON Bankers hated and had to stop, if they could not poison Stalin, they would poison FDR to stop that from happening. imho

THE FDR Stalin Alliances of mutual trust

Documentary - Churchill Saw Stalin As a Greater Threat To Western Civilization Than Hitler.


But Roosevelt chose to side with Stalin, rather than with Churchill, in designing a plan to defeat Hitler. Roosevelt considered Stalin to be a more valuable ally than Churchill, and was personally fond of the mass murderer, and referred to him affectionately as "Uncle Joe".

Of course, Roosevelt and the American media elites, thought Stalin was better than Hitler, because Stalin was more open about his atheism, and he was more openly anti-Christian. It was FDR who appointed known communists in the State Department in the 1930s and 1940s, the ones that Joe McCarthy tried to remove in the 1950s.


The shocking revelation of the documentary, is that Stalin's occupation of Eastern Europe was not accidental, but that FDR gave Eastern Europe to Stalin as a gift. FDR handed over Eastern Europe to the commies, over the objections of Churchill. FDR was looking to a post-war world, in which he and Stalin could rule the world together, and impose a socialist/communist paradise over the entire world. One wonders how far FDR would have gone with his New Deal, if it was not for the opposition he received from the Supreme Court, and from Senate Republicans such as Sen. Robert Taft. FDR was the first President to disregard America's democratic tradition of a 2 term limit, established by George Washington, by running for a third Presidential term in 1940.
Many American patriots in the 1930s and 1940s, regarded FDR as a secret communist. The documentary shows how FDR and Stalin conspired to undermine Churchill, as they waged their war effort in Europe, which gives credence to those claims.

edit on 9-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: Criminally Conspiring Masons on Abe Lincoln, FDR, JFK, RFK, and MLK crimes. imho

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 09:41 PM
Now we can jump back to the Reagan piece that was all about support for the Big Bankers Mason dodge story. Here we see the favorite cover story delivered by Reagan to hide the Mason's involvement in the JFK by blaming the Russians, who the UK Banker Masons all hate.

Here the corrupt Reagan turns on his full B-Movie persona to tell the biggest lie for the Royalist Money MASONs associated with the JFK hit. Pure misleading the public is the intention, and saving Hoover, Dulles, Mandel, LBJ, and Churchill in life or death's reputations, but Mason's dirty deeds on the whole over large spans of US History. imho

How more obvious can one get with this crap from Reagan performing for the MASON's greatest part. Then Reagan starts appointing Masons all over the place to screw up America some more. imho

Reagan--Who killed Kennedy

RFK was shot in Governor Reagan’s state. Reagan was no stranger to Bobby Kennedy. He had debated him a year earlier on national television, which didn’t go well for RFK, with Reagan clearly outshining him. Kennedy told his handlers to never again put him on the same stage with “that son-of-a-b----.”


That debate occurred five years after Bobby Kennedy had intervened to get Reagan fired from his long stint as host of the top-rated GE Theatre on CBS—a fact unknown until it was revealed by Michael Reagan in his excellent book, The New Reagan Revolution.


But particularly interesting was how Reagan unflinchingly pointed a finger of blame in the direction of Moscow. Reagan noted that Kennedy’s killer, Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian Arab and also a communist, had shot Kennedy because of his support of Israel during the Six Day War that had occurred exactly one year earlier. On that, we now know beyond dispute what Reagan knew then: That war had been shamelessly provoked by the Kremlin.


But Reagan wasn’t finished positioning blame where it deserved to be placed. Eight days later, on July 13, 1968, Reagan delivered a forgotten speech in Indianapolis. Both the Indianapolis News and Indianapolis Star reported on Reagan’s remarks, but the only full transcript I’ve seen was likewise located in Bill Clark’s private papers. In that speech, Reagan leveled this charge at international communism, with an earlier Kennedy assassination in mind: “Five years ago, a president was murdered by one who renounced his American citizenship to embrace the godless philosophy of communism, and it was communist violence he brought to our land. The shattering sound of his shots were still ringing in our ears when a policy decision was made to play down his communist attachment lest we provoke the Soviet Union.”

Everyone knows what set off the Six-Day War was the Germans were selling Egypt German Rocket technology, so then came the preemptive strike, attempts to sink the USS Liberty, etc.


Six Day War Causation

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

We don't worship Ba'al. Here are some facts about Ba'al that most don't know:

Throughout the Old Testament, the word Ba'al is an ordinary everyday word, with ordinary everyday meanings. It is true that it is used sixty-nine times to represent a Canaanite god or gods, although often not as a proper name, but as a description. It is used as a proper name of other things or persons many times. For Example Ba'al is the name of a city in 1 Chronicles 4:33. In 1 Chronicles 5:5 and 9:36, it is a name of a Jewish person.

It is used even more frequently in combination:

Baal Gad, Baal Hazor, Baal Hermon, Baal Meon, Baal Perazim, Baal Shalisha, Baal Tamar, Baal Zephon, Baalah, Baalath (feminine of Baal), Baalath Beor and Baale are names of towns or places.
Baal Hanan and Baalis are names of kings.
Baal Berith, Baal Peor, and Baal Zebub (Lord of the Flies) are names of gods.


However, what is much more significant is the use of baal translated into other words. It is translated as "master" four times...


This is very important, as by analogy, Yahweh is the Ba'al of Israel. Another translation is "owner" (twelve times).


A third translation is as husband (eleven times).

Who says we are dishonest? Anti-Masons?

I hate when people assume. I understand the obligations, oaths, and vows I've taken. I've researched and understand the rituals of every group I've joined. We don't take blood oaths in Masonry.

That was not what Pike said. His quotes are often misquoted, which is ironic, as Pike, in the entire chapter, not just one portion, is talking about those who deserve to be misled will be misled by their own ignorance. This chapter also warns against fascists and extremists. I have read Morals & Dogma...4 or 5 years before I even joined the Scottish Rite.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

You do realize that Lincoln was pro-Mason right? He would have joined, but he didn't want to make it appear as a political ploy.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Who says that the "British Royalist Bankers" are Masons? You? What source are you using and what evidence do they provide? Or do they just say it without proving it?

The English Royalist Bankers MASONs were a huge problem all along in the Americas, from Revolution, to Abe Lincoln, to FDR, to JFK and more.

Again, nobody cares about your revisionist history.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

More lies.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

So you support Communism? Or in this case Stalinism?

reply to post by MagnumOpus

More lies.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:18 AM

In digging around on the Theme for Presidents killed and replaced by a Mason-------the first search finds Abe Lincoln was killed by a Sordid Mason plot with John Wilkes Booth and Abe is replaced by MASON Andrew Johnson. imho

In the plot we find a cover up comparable to the Warren Commission, and the Mason's Hero fore square behind the Abe Lincoln hit and cover up. imho

Very Very Interesting !!! Now the quest for how many more times did this happen !!!


Lincoln's VP was a Mason


(Lodge records lost during the Civil War) Initiated: May 5, 1851, Greenville Lodge No. 119, Greenville, Tennessee.

Then when I dig around more I find a ton of Masons out to kill Abe Lincoln, which is captured in the book SCARLET AND THE BEAST--Volume 2

By John Daniel

Had it not been for Abraham Lincoln, English Freemasonry would have succeeded. When Lincoln restored the Union, the British Brotherhood, out of revenge, plotted his assassination. The Knights of the Golden Circle, bankrolled by British Masonic interests, selected John Wilkes Booth, a 33rd degree Mason and member of Mazzini´s Young America, for the task.

Freemason Edwin Stanton was assigned to cover up Masonic involvement in the crime. Immediately after Lincoln´s assassination, Stanton ordered military
blockades on all roads out of Washington, D.C., except one -- the road Booth was known to have taken for his escape route. Stanton then arranged for a drunk man to be found, similar in build and appearance to Booth. This man was to be murdered and his body burned in a barn adjacent to the only road not guarded by the military. Stanton just happened to be on that road when he "found" the murdered man, certifying that the charred body was the remains of John Wilkes Booth. The real John Wilkes Booth escaped.


After these events, the Knights were soon exposed to the Military Commission that heard evidence on the Lincoln assassination as the secret force behind both the Civil War and the assassination. Original documents relating to the president´s assassination are still locked up in the archives of the Defense Department and are not available to researchers today.

Directly involved in the plot were 33rd degree Freemason and British Prime Minister Henry Palmerston (died in 1865); 33rd degree Freemason John Wilkes Booth; Freemason Judah P. Benjamin, the British Masonic banker´s mouthpiece who gave the order for Lincoln´s assassination; and Jacob Thompson, former Interior Secretary in the Buchanan administration, who withdrew $180.000 from the Bank of Montreal in Canada to set the plot in motion. (Benjamin and Thompson both fled to England to avoid apprehension.) And Freemason Edwin Stanton prepared a cover-up that compares in audacity with the 1963 Warren Commission cover-up of the Kennedy assassination.

The exposure of the Knights was so celebrated following the 1865 conspiracy trials that in the spring of 1867, Albert Pike and a small group of former Confederate generals met in the Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. to change the name of the Knights of the Golden Circle to the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The Knight´s new name was taken from the Greek word “Kuklos,” which means "circle."

edit on 9-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: The Corrupt Masons and Albert Pike appear to have killed Abe Lincoln imho

Oh dear oh dear, your history teachers are busy giggling behind your back. You have heard of the Civil War haven't you? Surely?

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:22 AM
Maggers, you seem to be getting your history from penny dreadfuls and the dribblings of conspiracy theorists who have no proof at all. This is getting very amusing but also a bit alarming. I suggest you go away and read some books. You know, big papery things with actual facts in them.
Oh wait, I'm probably just another ebil Mason troll who's alarmed because you're getting too close to the truth! Pitiful.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 08:01 AM

Wait, I thought that I suggested the aggressive use of cake?

Whoa, whoa... Cake? You get that in your eyes and it stings.That could hurt someone!

Besides, our criminal Masonic books EXPLICITLY state "no cake".

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