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The Secret Code of UFO ET Crop Circles

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posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by dlbott

Did you miss the post where I said "I was a believer in ET created crop circles" ?
I am not closed minded about crop circles just to be closed minded I'm closed minded about crop circles because I've looked and there's nothing there apart from people making pictures in crops .

We have many documented examples of people making crop circles but not one of ET doing it , I would suggest that is because they aren't .

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 04:07 PM
Speculative AlienView:

IF higher forms of intelligence exist in the universe it can be hypothesized that one of their goals is 'The search for intelligence'. A good part of human history and the nature of humans does not reflect the higher level of intelligence these entities seek. Could they make clandestine contact with scientists or agents of government? Some believe they have - but this might not be their way. Posting enigmatic messages that may in fact contain hidden and decipherable code may be the way they have decided to see if Man the humanoid is ready for direct contact.

You can see how the resistance level to alien intelligence is so strong in some people that if the proverbial aliens were to 'land on the White House lawn' many, maybe even most, would reject it as a hoax. In the dead universe of the atheist materialist paradigm external intelligences to their limited imaginations are not acceptable - To others who will open there eyes and minds to what might be they may find intelligences surpassing even their wildest dreams of....???

Now I want you to imagine your IQ has just been increased by a factor of 10 times almost getting close to that of our hypothetical alien friends - Would you really want to have a conversation with some normal human politicians on the White House lawn? Or might you rather create an ENIGMA out on the woods to see if contact is feasible???

As far as clever humans hoaxing an inexplicable phenomena [many crop circles can be so categorized] to get their kicks. aliens will have to realize some humans are weird aholes - I think they already know this and this is another reason to avoid direct contact.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 05:22 PM

reply to post by intelligenthoodlum33

Don't you hate it when people naysay without even watching the video?

Not as much as I hate it when people post videos without giving a description of what it contains or why it may be interesting , if an OP can't be bothered to do that why should anyone spend two hours watching it .

Without a run down of what is contained within the two hour masterpiece how does anyone know that the person that posted it has even watched it themselves ?

My apologies, Sir. I figured you would get a description of the video by watching it. If I give the rundown, why bother?
But, I admit, I came across this just as I was about to log of the internet and go to bed, so I hadn't watched it myself. I just wanted to get it posted for those who might be interested enough to watch it for themselves.

At the 8:28 mark, an analysis is done on the wheat that shows how the real circles differ from hoaxes.
I skipped over to the end, due to being rushed to get ready for work, but at the 52:17 mark orbs were filmed at Oliver's Castle making some symbols in the fields. At the 53:00 mark, an expert analysis was done on the film by Jim Dilettoso claiming the film is not fake.

At the 59:00 mark Andrew Forgione explains Einstein's explanation of how symbols can offer subliminal messages to our sub-conscious that we may not even realize we are receiving.

At the 1:10 mark, they show many, many crop circles that, in my opinion, there is NO WAY could have been made by man; they are too complex.

I will watch the entire video when I have more time. If I come across any more info I think should be pointed out, I will do so then. But, may I suggest you all watch it yourself to get the full benefit of the information. The brain gathers/stores more information from sight and audio than from reading about it from another in text.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 05:27 PM

reply to post by dlbott

Did you miss the post where I said "I was a believer in ET created crop circles" ?
I am not closed minded about crop circles just to be closed minded I'm closed minded about crop circles because I've looked and there's nothing there apart from people making pictures in crops .

We have many documented examples of people making crop circles but not one of ET doing it , I would suggest that is because they aren't .

May I suggest you watch the NEW video in it's entirety? You may change your mind back to believing again.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by nugget1

That's cool, why dont you & sled deny some ignorance VS spreading it all around the web. Dont ever try to tell me what thread I or anybody else can chime in on. I have an I dea, I'm pretty sure Gortex is there with me. You guys need to stop beating that particular it's dead. Not every thread is liked nor backed by all that post. Read thru this one you'll get the point.
edit on 27-11-2013 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 06:22 PM

reply to post by nugget1

That's cool, why dont you & sled deny some ignorance VS spreading it all around the web. Dont ever try to tell me what thread I or anybody else can chime in on. I have an I dea, I'm pretty sure Gortex is there with me. You guys need to stop beating that particular it's dead. Not every thread is liked nor backed by all that post. Read thru this one you'll get the point.
edit on 27-11-2013 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

Talking to you is like mud wrestling with a pig; sooner or later you come to the realization that the pig likes it.
Have a happy Thanksgiving,

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by gortex

Good to see someone else be the bad guy for a change, I did not have the energy to say what you posted but will now add that I was really hoping for some pictures of the said Glyphs or whatever it is popular to call them these days, with an explanation of their meanings. A visual would be great, something we can quick scan to see if there is an interest. I mean everyone who came in this thread hoped to see some form of ABC decipher of the crop circles, whether to agree disagree or just to further information on the interesting yet mysterious formations.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 06:34 PM

reply to post by intelligenthoodlum33

I and the others dont pretend to know everything. We just know intelligent life would'nt draw pics in the fields, unless that intelligent life is "human". This has been debunked years ago. Only thing between then and now is our computers and GPS devices are far more sophisticated. Plus if intelligent life is coming here, dont you think they probally know all the languages spoken on this particular rock. I do.

Your post made me chuckle. You start by saying that you are aware you don't know everything and then proceed to explain ET psychology, which you can't possibly know.

Also, crop circles have not been "debunked"....just because some were found to be a hoax does not automatically make them all hoaxes.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 06:59 PM

Don't you hate it when people naysay without even watching the video?

Thanks for your time. I WILL watch the video and have no problem admitting that I don't know everything.

S and F

Have a good one

Thank you. Typical responses of the UFO forum... same people, same trolls, same everything. I think Drucilla's twin even chimed in. That's why I hate posting on this particular forum... the worst ATS has for this type of negative, nonrespectable behavior that I have visited.

I posted this video for you, and others that may be interested in the new information. I appreciate all the other positive remarks from the other members. This is for you.

For those who don't want to watch it, that's your prerogative. Remain in the dark, avoid any new information that could shed light on this subject. Keep your eyes and your mind shut as tight as you can possibly squeeze it. Don't you dare allow anything to penetrate though a small crack to open/expand your thinking, even a little bit.
Be joyful in your ignorant bliss.

I don't give a rat's pa-toot what you do.

As I said, this was posted for people who may be interested in the topic.

edit on 11/27/2013 by sled735 because: typo

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:03 PM


reply to post by nugget1

That's cool, why dont you & sled deny some ignorance VS spreading it all around the web. Dont ever try to tell me what thread I or anybody else can chime in on. I have an I dea, I'm pretty sure Gortex is there with me. You guys need to stop beating that particular it's dead. Not every thread is liked nor backed by all that post. Read thru this one you'll get the point.
edit on 27-11-2013 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

Talking to you is like mud wrestling with a pig; sooner or later you come to the realization that the pig likes it.
Have a happy Thanksgiving,


posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:08 PM

reply to post by gortex

Good to see someone else be the bad guy for a change, I did not have the energy to say what you posted but will now add that I was really hoping for some pictures of the said Glyphs or whatever it is popular to call them these days, with an explanation of their meanings. A visual would be great, something we can quick scan to see if there is an interest. I mean everyone who came in this thread hoped to see some form of ABC decipher of the crop circles, whether to agree disagree or just to further information on the interesting yet mysterious formations.

Start at the 59:00 mark and you'll find your explanation.

My computer is timing out too often. This will be my last response before leaving for work.

Happy Thanksgiving to all in the U.S.

edit on 11/27/2013 by sled735 because: add comment

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:18 PM
I see it this way.

Funny how most of you forgot we actually sent a probe out with the SAME stuff on it!

Maybe they think we actually Talk Like That!


posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:38 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Also, crop circles have not been "debunked"....just because some were found to be a hoax does not automatically make them all hoaxes.

That's true, but the problem is that some have be found to be made by humans (I wouldn't call it a hoax, as I don't know the intention) while, as far as I know, not one has been proven to have been made by aliens.

At the moment, the hypothesis with more support data is the one that says they are made by humans.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Watch the video.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 02:53 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Watch the video.

Unfortunately, 1h 20m is a very large percentage of my free time.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 03:14 AM

I see it this way.

Funny how most of you forgot we actually sent a probe out with the SAME stuff on it!

Maybe they think we actually Talk Like That!


That's an interesting theory. But, the first plaques carried on Pioneer 10 and 11 launched in the early 70's, were rectangular and not round as the records on Voyager 1 and 2. Voyager only recently left the outer fringes of our solar system. Besides, an intelligent lifeform that had the capability to visually read either the plaques or face-side of the records, would have likely sent back the same image(s) at some point. They wouldn't be repeating messages the same way through geometric designs for almost 40 years, if we clearly didn't understand them. That makes no logical sense. They would have found some type of commonality by now. Also, why if they have important messages for us to see, do they only do it secretly and under the cover of darkness?

The plaques and records depict planets in our solar system, a man and woman, the hydrogen atom, binary code, arrangement of our sun via pulsars, etc. There's no crop circle type of geometric designs displayed anywhere.


Also, crop circles have not been "debunked"....just because some were found to be a hoax does not automatically make them all hoaxes.

The default approach to crop circles are that they are human made. That's because it has already been proven that human beings can and have created them. Not a shred of evidence says that they are connected to alien beings. Not a shred of tangible evidence has connected anything alien to Earth, ever.

This type of nonsense feeds into the exact type of mindset these people want it to and it spreads like a virus. Use some simple common sense.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Ectoplasm8

Did you watch the video BEFORE responding with your words of wisdom? Ummmm... let me guess... No.

If you don't have time to watch the whole thing, skip to 52:17 and watch orbs making these symbols in the fields right in front of your eyes.
A man caught it on film at Olivers Castel. The film was examined by an expert who says it wasn't tampered with; no hoax.

Then, go on over to the 59:00 mark and learn how these symbols communicate with the sub-conscious mind. They even suggest that these are not ETs,
but forms of life from higher dimensions.

Common sense, you say?
I have more common sense in my little finger than most people have in their entire brain.

You need to go post that statement on one of the threads concerning Washington D.C. Any of them will do. LOL

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by sled735

Thanks for the information .

At the 8:28 mark, an analysis is done on the wheat that shows how the real circles differ from hoaxes.

I see the claim but would like to see the results and know who carried out the analysis .

but at the 52:17 mark orbs were filmed at Oliver's Castle making some symbols in the fields

The Oliver's Castle footage is well documented and is without any doubt fake and a creation of John Wabe , the crop circle was real (as in it existed) but the orbs not.

May I suggest you watch the NEW video in it's entirety? You may change your mind back to believing again

I like yourself skimmed the video but I may watch it all if I find time although the chances of it changing me back to a believer in ET formed circles are far bellow zero , I would suggest you watch the video I posted .
Once you know the truth it can't be unknown

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by gortex

Will do.

I'm watching it now.

Do you have a link to where the Oliver Castle orbs were debunked?

edit on 11/28/2013 by sled735 because: add question

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Ectoplasm8

Rats! Timed out again!

So in no way, ET has never made any crop Circles?

Even the ones at MTI can not understand how some crops have been treated to turn into a form, unlike mans laying it down idea. Even if we could program GPS to make one, it could not be done over night with the Treatment or joints left on the plants!

Okay, lets get simpler. Take a section, use abc's and # to see if someone responds to it! Have all the planets with names so they can learn our lang; if they do not already know this. Even if somehow their commucating at a different level, a child should understand this!

Man create crop circles to try to match theirs yet now a confusion if you like. Might as well try something else instead of circles! Would be surprised if you get a Hello Earth Beings!

Come on now! How does one get a close up on a cave wall of ET and them flying around all the time back in the day and we still go about saying there not Real?

Some are afraid of this being true, why?


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