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Inequality: How Wealth Is Distributed In The UK

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posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Carreau

It's not yours, you don't deserve it, you didn't earn it, and you would just waste it. Distribution of wealth is theft no matter what you call it.

Ahhhh, no one is asking for your money. I'm sure you worked very hard to get it but do you not agree that we all deserve the same chances?

Do you not agree that money should be separated for power?

I would just waste it? And what do you do with your green paper? Heal aids in Africa? Give food to the starving?

edit on 27-10-2013 by ALOSTSOUL because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Carreau

David Cameron, is that you?

On a serious note though....

The OP is right about inequality in Britain, especially when it comes to the north/south divide.

It's not through lack of education either, I for example have good GCSE and A level awards, I also have a HND in microcomputer engineering and sciences...can I get a job in the local area? No.

I had to start my own business up because there is a lack of my kind of services round here, nobody can afford to run a shop in the trade because of the likes of PC World (just one example of a big corporation who sell cheaper than most can buy in at trade), rising rent costs, council tax and many other taxes.

There is also the fact that most other people in the area are on low wages and can't afford the services, they would rather pay bedroom builder Bob £10 to semi-fix their systems so he can buy 10 fags and a bottle of white cider at the weekend.

Most companies, even the larger companies like the previously mentioned PC World only offer NMW and low hours these days, so everybody struggles, full time employed, part time or self employed. People on benefits are actually better off than most that aren't, and that just makes the benefit system more appealing to a lot of people.

I walk through my town, and other nearby towns and there is so many boarded up shops it is unreal, the cost of living is just getting too great and something needs to be done soon.

You know, for a Yank, you seem awfully obsessed with British social issues.....may I ask why?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

0% tax on any income under £24,000 (except national insurance, we should all pay that).
Rent freezes.
Raise the minimum wage to £8 an hour.
Cut VAT by half.

Do you really think those are all valid and workable proposals?....seriously?

No income tax on earnings under £24k p.a ?.....who exactly will be making up the billions of £'s needed before the country goes bankrupt?......the wealthy?.....why?

Who gets to differentiate between the wealthy "silver spoons" and the self made men and women? what incentives are you going to give those people to do well and succeed?

I have an uncle who is a multi-millionaire, totally self made, standard education, upbringing etc. are you telling me he should double or triple the tax he pays?....why?

Maybe we should instead focus on the low life benefit scroungers that inhabit this country, and no, I'm not referring to the people who genuinely need the safety net of the benefit system in this country, I'm referring to the people who have absolutely no intention of working and instead prefer to milk the system for anything and everything they can get and still complain that they don't get enough!

It's not a redistribution of wealth we need in the UK's a redistribution of morals and backbone!

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

You know, for a Yank, you seem awfully obsessed with British social issues.....may I ask why?

You know for a Limey you make a lot of excuses. What happened to that famous British stiff upper lip? I'm not obsessed, I'm replying to a thread same as you. Was calling me Cameron more of that dry English humor?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Argyll

People on £24,000 actually pay a very same percentage of national tax anyway. There would be no bankruptcy. There would not need to be a change to the high tax rate. Except for those in the top 1%. I would also make sure all companies and conglomerates pay their taxes.

There are many, many ways to do it without raising anyone's taxes.

So yes I believe the proposals are very workable.

edit on 27-10-2013 by ALOSTSOUL because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Carreau

Sadly, the stiff upper lip only stiffens so hard, when enough is enough, even the stiffest of us has to say enough.

We are getting to a point now where, going by peoples attitudes on various Facebook groups and even down the pub, there is going to be a revolution one way or another, and I fear it isn't going to be a case of oh Mr softy softly.

One example, something big is planned for the 5th of November in London, and the way things are looking it isn't going to be peaceful, I just hope to God nothing bad happens.

Oh and by the way, I wasn't making excuses, I was presenting cold hard facts as seen by someone who lives in this country and knows a little bit more about it than you dear boy.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

People on £24,000 actually pay a very same percentage of nation tax anyway. There would be no bankruptcy. There would not need to be a change to the high tax rate. Except for those in the top 1%. I would also make sure all companies and conglomerates pay their taxes.

Do you mean "small" when you say "same"?.....I'll assume you do.

Well the standard personal allowance is £9440, so that means that people on £24k p.a will be paying tax on £14560 which is ~£2912 per person per year.

Now bearing in mind that your proposal is that all of those people earning £24k p.a and less will pay no tax at still think this country could sustain that?

I'll answer for it couldn't.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by Carreau

Why is it childish to want fair pay? Myself and many others work ruddy hard and all we get is increased bills (I will have to pick between heating and food this winter) our energy companies across the board have put up the price by 10% despite making millions in profit, old folk will die because of this.
The thing is If we got payed a living wage we wouldn't have to apply for working tax credits and we would save the government billions.
Get a different job? Iam darn lucky I have one now and over 700 people went for my job, it is the same across the board hundreds f people going for one minimum wage job.
Something will happen and the underclass will do something....Cameron beware you are the first swinging from the rafters of Parliament.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 04:02 AM
"You cant have a revolution because im scared of the outcome"

Said the people with something to lose.
edit on 28-10-2013 by SearchLightsInc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 04:57 AM
That saying must be right, "you cannot get two Brits to agree on anything", having just read the above posts, seems the date of the revolution will never be agreed on! (no, that clashes with Man U at home etc)

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 07:26 AM
Totally off topic, and I don't want to derail the thread, but as this is a Brit thread, can I just sneak in here and draw your attention to this thread please

Thank you......
As you were....


posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 09:00 AM

reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

What kind of "revolution"? You did not specify. Would you like to see everyone that has over a million pounds killed and confiscate their possessions? Or just steal their money and leave them penniless?

Or do you want anyone with more money than you to be robbed? Once all the money is "redistributed", does everyone get an equal amount of the ill-gotten booty? After all the wealth has been handed out in equal amounts, who is going to create the jobs and pay wages?

Who is going to take the risk of investment and invent something, develop a business, or give a loan? How many people have you employed in your life?

Do you know what a P/E statement is and how to read one? I think not.

I think you have arrived at your proper place in life and the only one you should be pissed at is you.

Why does help in redistribution have to include killing, robbing or Draconian laws?

You can achieve a better society by separating Business interests from government first of all. Sooner big co operation keep there noises out of government the better. End of the old boy network and nepotism.
After that focus on education! Education, education ,education. Make sure the poor have the same education opportunities and ability to pursuer there potential.

That's all that's needed. No draconian taxes or wage caps. Just make sure everyone has the chance in life to pursue ones goals.

A happy socity is one with high social mobilty.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 09:08 AM

You live in a country with a Monarchy and you think wealth redistribution will stop Class constraints?

A Monarch with no power.

Plus the USA has it own Artistocracy. No they dont have Sir and Lords in front of there name but they dam well have most the political and soical power in the states.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 09:11 AM


If everyone felt the same, the business would be forced to raise wages because no one would work at current pay. But obviously that is not the case.

Well thats stupid reasoning right there!

You have to work there or you dont eat!

It a cycle. You work there and get paid a low crap minimal wage your can barelt live off and will result in a pointless futile life or you dont work and starve.

Yeah great.

Take your yanky doodle tea party crap elsewere.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 09:16 AM

You think that if every child is given the same education there wouldn't be a different level of success in the children?

Every child should be given the SAME opportunities .If they fail to use those opportunities then fair enough a life of burger flipping and shelf stacking for them.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 09:20 AM


It's not yours, you don't deserve it, you didn't earn it,

Actually seeing as MY MONEY went into balling out the banks when THEY messed up I think the banks to owe ME a propotion on there profits.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:28 PM

reply to post by Carreau

Why is it childish to want fair pay? Myself and many others work ruddy hard and all we get is increased bills (I will have to pick between heating and food this winter) our energy companies across the board have put up the price by 10% despite making millions in profit, old folk will die because of this.
The thing is If we got payed a living wage we wouldn't have to apply for working tax credits and we would save the government billions.
Get a different job? Iam darn lucky I have one now and over 700 people went for my job, it is the same across the board hundreds f people going for one minimum wage job.
Something will happen and the underclass will do something....Cameron beware you are the first swinging from the rafters of Parliament.

You're right about tax credits. The reason pay is so low is because Labour created a system of tax credits to give to the low paid. This preserves inequality by enabling big companies to hire people on lower wages.

The reason we have high income tax in the UK (60% at 100,000) is also to preserve inequality. The rich are frightened by the thought that someone could work hard and become rich themselves. They look down on people like this, new money, nouveaux riches, etc. So there is huge tax on earned income and this money is given to the rich through grants, agricultural subsidies etc.

Both these things were done by the supposed left wing party, but I guess you could blame Cameron for not undoing these injustices quickly enough.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Carreau

So you think the Waltons deserve all their wealth while their workers can barely get by and they shut out small businesses in the local communities? Seems fair.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:58 PM

reply to post by Carreau

So you think the Waltons deserve all their wealth while their workers can barely get by and they shut out small businesses in the local communities? Seems fair.

People like that get off on things like this.

You see to them thats "freedom" .

Freedom is only freedom as long as only less than 1% have it and the majority are slaves to them.
edit on 28-10-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

A social and cultural revolution, There is nothing inherently wrong with being rich but the problem is how they have siphoned off the wealth and bankrupted the economy below there own level, the best analogy I can come up with it they live at the top of a grand old tree in a treehouse but have for years hacked at the root's to burn in there treehouse for there own comfort.
A fair Taxation system need's to be implemented but never will because the vested interests that run Britain are the same one's whom have financially stripped it into there own pocket's.
Corporations need to be opposed and an international treaty limiting there size and the size of personal investment's into those corporations need's to be agreed, Business which become corporate should have an internationally agreed maximum size before law forces a sell off of at least 90 percent of there stakeholding as share floatations, this would not harm the corporations but limit there power to a slight degree while forcing major shareholders to transferre there investments into multiple other corportations and or holding's thus forcing a more fair and competative financial international market and generating job's by truly preventing monopolisation of market sectors.
No corporation should be allowed to invest in other corporations and all loan's to corporations from private bank's should have to cleared and pass through national bank's in order to ensure legal banking and corporate activity.
Will we see these reform's no my friend as we are only livestock as far as that 1 percent are concerned.

We had a revolution but it ground to a halt, it was in the 1940's and 50's and the Tory's have worked for over half a century to reverse it, now they have so we are back to a poverty and ultra wealth servant master society that thatcher dreamed, blair aided by divide and conquer and cameron is fullfilling.

Only in god will we see these people answere and though I don't know if you believe when I saw cameron going to church I could only say HYPOCRIT to him.

The government legislation to allow british police to use DUMB DUMB round's against riotors was intended to scare any action against his reforms off and remember Camerons motto "we are all in this together", who did he mean WE or THEY the 1 percent, he stole the slogan from Tony Blair OR DID HE?.

The only way we could stand against these B******s it through active democratic action but they have mentally broken people and bamboozled them with years of lying politicians offering them everything and never delivering a thing (except for themselves and there friend's) so most people turn away at even the thought of polotics, can you blame them.
If we ever used another method we would lose the moral high ground and never win so if you can't beat them join them, I am too old to go into active polotics but I think you could, and remember you have never lost an argument until you finish arguing your point so long as you have a point and you do.

edit on 28-10-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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