posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 02:26 PM
-Back at the Wood Witches cottage-
As they left and started the day now was the best time as ever for Serenity to tell what she found out that night.
"So how many do you think are following us?"
"1 human and 2 henchmen of the black king and there hired accomplice!"
"You are pretty good!"
"Sometimes when your not paying attention I round back to make sure no one gets to close who is unwanted. besides he has heightened abilities being a
lycan I'm sure he can smell them!"
"Thank you but don't forget the mages we have with us can sense presences aswell and Loukha also has heightened abilities I'm sure he has caught
there scent to!"
'Well Asara you have proved to be pretty useful I had been wondering where you would disappear to from time to time. i like your thinking."
"We are too big a group to not be noticed and because we are all so unique from one another it would be apparent to anyone that we are up to
something major!"
"Exactly which is why we need to make sure that we keep our focus! We have a fight coming! They know it and I'm sure they know we know it!"
"It's about time. After that power boost I'm anxious to see what I have to play with."
"Sorry to say but there is 1 more following. 1 you didn't sense. must have used magick to cover her tracks!"