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Ancient Time Travelers

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posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:25 AM
Time travel, not if its possible, but when it is possible, its already history. Could we already be in that alternative timeline or one of infinite alternative timelines that have been influenced by time travel? Who would benefit most from time travel? People in the future who have nothing left but an exploited planet devoid of its environment and on the verge of collapse. In the search of a new world time travel could be the exodus. Some with intentions of a new start others with an intentions of perversion and world domination. The ancient peoples of earth would view these time travelers with their technology as magicians and gods. Many mythological stories fit the glove in a sense with their amazing feats of strengths, magic, and flying crafts (vimanas)
(Vimanas Petroglyphs in the Diamer Basha Dam, north of Pakistan. They may have had epic battles of opposing factions to secure their dominance on future earth. Puzzled ancient people would have recorded these beings and their epics in their mythology and religions mimicking their technology in images.
(Abydos, Egypt - Helicopter, tank or submarine, space craft or submarine - high tech)
Furthermore if time travel is possible and we are the result of its influence in an alternate time line what other evidence is their? Some fossilized foot prints in granite might suffice.
A human footprint, with bare feet: 290 million years

Paleontologist Jerry MacDonald found a wide variety of fossilized tracks in 1987. The old tracks were made by a variety of animals and birds, located in a Permian strata.

Among the various fossilized tracks MacDonald discovered undeniable prints of a naked human foot impossible located in the Permian strata.

Permian strata dating from 290 to 248 million years, many millions of years before man existed, animal, birds and even dinosaurs.

In July 1992, the Smithsonian Magazine published an article in the footsteps of MacDonald, "petrified footprints: A bewildering parade of beasts Permian .."

The Smithsonian - plagued by orthodox historians - admitted the mystery and acknowledged "what paleontologists like to call, 'problematic.'" Describes what appears to be human footprints. Humans "evolved long after the Permian period, yet these tracks are clearly Permian."

"The sandal that would have crushed the living trilobite was 25.2 cm long and 8.4 cm wide. The heel is sunk slightly more than the sole, as is normal in a human fingerprint.

It is a stone that would print about 300 to 600 million years. As usual in all fossil that is trapped in sediment, both sides of the box show the mark of a sandal, one positive and the other negative, the size of a human foot. This particular crushed a trilobite, an ancient relative of spiders that is already extinct (320 million years ago)."
"Footprint from the beginning of the Permian period about 300 million years ago

Amazing footprints discovered in Kentucky, USA was reported on January 20, 1938 by the New York Times:

"Discovery of footprints in the sand, so human in appearance that could have been made by one of the earliest ancestors of man, it was announced here today by Dr. Wilbur G. Burroughs, head of the Department of Geology at Berea College, Kentucky."

"Beyond impossible artifacts, the best proof of the existence of time travel and time travelers are the human footprints left behind - from a time when most people would agree that no human could have existed naturally . James Snyder lives at the base of a mountain in the Cleveland National Forest, USA. Snyder lived a relatively uneventful life until, in 2002, discovered a fossilized footprint on the mountain above his property. The impression had been embedded in the granite, the rock is estimated to be around one billion years."

"Time travel - inevitable, once achieved, always has, time travel exists throughout history evidence of alternate timelines within infinite altered timelines. Point of origin?" -G Gaia

"Other ancient traces left by time travelers

Human footprints alongside dinosaur footprints

H.W. Harkness, MD, is quoted by the Proceedings of the California Academy of Science in August 1882. Procedures describe the discovery and mentions Harkness found six sets of human tracks, each having one to 17 apparently footprints shoe sole.

The tracks were apparently made by more than one person. In the following years many experienced followers found fossilized footprints. All agreed that the footprints were made by humans."

Ancient Probe / drone? In the series Terra Nova about people from the 22nd century travelling back 85 million years to start a new world they first sent a drone through the worm hole to see where it would go. This ancient Chinese image depicts a device very similar to the one in the television series. Was this a way to leak the idea of time travelers or even alien technology to the publics subconscious? Even looks like a depiction of a circuit in the writing.
Terra Nova probe (Fair Use)

Ancient Mayan depiction of computer type technology. A time travelers analogy of a future society "slave to technology its weight burdens the mind, the elites technocracy?"

Then we have the ancient Sumerian civilization apparently appears out of no where according to historians. Heres a 4,500 year old depiction of the full solar system including a 12th planet we only speculate upon due to the pull of gravity on the exterior planets. Now this is before people were said to have known about the earth not being flat and the sun the center of the solar system. Not to mention some technological devices one being used by the being in the seat.

Could the ancient Nazca lines be evidence of an ancient advanced long lost civilization due to time travelers. It is evident that these lines particularly are artificial in nature and similar to what one might expect a massive air strip or highway could look like after thousands of years of abandon and weathering.
Has their been cases of time travelers caught on camera? Lets assume communication devices in the future may not be dependent on the same limiting factors modern day communication devices are, and that time travelers might have access to such technology.
Its tin foil hat time! Still, their is that unsettling possibility that some of the similarities to these celebs are uncanny.
My Music PageMy FB Page Evidence of Ancient Aliens

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:33 AM
Auh! I read a lengthy paper about the points of that star depicted in your 12th image, I've done much research of the stuff you've posted over the last several years -- Now if only I can find the link for you....I think you really might like to read the paper I found about it. Will edit this post when I find the link (it's a mission now to find that paper, it's driving me nuts that I can't remember at the moment)
edit on 10/21/2013 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by GareyGaia

I love the idea of time travel. I cannot explain the footprints in rock, nor have I seen them explained in a manner that would make me believe the "other" explanation.

Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not) but cell phones need a cell phone tower to work. Along with the infrastructure as well.

Unless we are going with the "future cell phones work anywhere/anytime" explanation.

Edit- can you imagine the roaming charges!?!??!?

edit on 21-10-2013 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:40 AM

reply to post by GareyGaia

I love the idea of time travel. I cannot explain the footprints in rock, nor have I seen them explained in a manner that would make me believe the "other" explanation.

Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not) but cell phones need a cell phone tower to work. Along with the infrastructure as well.

Unless we are going with the "future cell phones work anywhere/anytime" explanation.

Edit- can you imagine the roaming charges!?!??!?

edit on 21-10-2013 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

As I mentioned in the original post and it is important to note time travelers from the future would have access to technology not dependent on the limiting factors of present day technology such as the need for a cell tower. We are talking about future technology and people with the technology of time travel. I am sure in the future their will be other advanced methods of communication.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by GareyGaia

In both those 1930 films the people around the subject on the phone look like trannies. Interesting blog .

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by superman2012

Why is the "Black knight" sattelite up there you think

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:08 AM
I like the parallel idea for some reason - resonates with me. Too many strange things happen to people, including myself. A 5 hour drive takes 14 hours yet nothing was done differently on the drive. Stuff like that, with no explanation has to have a cause.

If I could travel to any time period I would like to go to mid evil Europe to meet that oaf a a man Henry the 8th. That would be one of many trips. If people did time travel did they do it intentionally or was it spontaneous? I would think spontaneous because they would have passed the knowledge to us otherwise.

Or there is the idea of us being planted here. We came to visit long before we ever settled permenently. A dying planet elsewhere - maybe mars, and we moved here due to atmospheric loss. But - if that happened why start over with no technology? Maybe it is both time travel and this explanation, but with time travel being a conscious choice. Time travel to see if we would handle the technology right this time maybe? Then over time lost the ability to be conscious about it for some reason. Sorry - I'm tired so hope this makes sense. Really interesting post OP. One of the most interesting topics IMO.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by GareyGaia

what ATS is made of...

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:19 AM
What I find fascinating in those videos is that everyone else around the time travelers seem oblivious to the idea of a portable phone. . .as though it's not a big deal. This would imply that every day people might be used to seeing others use "futuristic" technology, or that perhaps you just don't bother someone crazy enough to talk into a little box while walking.

edit on Mon20v2010America/Chicago st31Mon, 21 Oct 2013 01:20:23 -0500 by Divine Strake because: Oh Yeah!

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:20 AM
Ancient time travel...hmm...Was their time travelling machine powered by that Iranian battery?

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by GareyGaia

The stuff you think is cell phones are actually hearing aids they weren't small and compact like today they were boxes you held to your ear.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by GareyGaia

Great job on the OP!

Definitely in my wheelhouse but am exhausted right now (is it really 2:25am EDT on a Sunday night?!?) so will be back tomorrow.

(ATS: the anti-sleep medication)...

S&F (if I can find the star/flag button and still work my mouse)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 02:19 AM
A mass of long ago debunked claims re-stated.........why not look what research has been done on them instead of posting them and acting like they have not been previous addressed.....scores if not hundreds of times?

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 02:21 AM
I don't think there is enough on the video to prove she is using a phone or some other kind of modern communication device. For all one knows she could have been fiddling with an earring, have earache, a hearing aid, or simply just her hair. I can see nothing to convince me she is either out of place or time.

Sorry I would be very interested in some form of time travel but I also think its sometime before we can re-arrange our atoms and put them back together again elsewhere - it would make visiting the supermarket a breeze, instead of the usual shocking dirge.

(My mind then leapt on, as it can at times into the idea of whipping into the time-travel capsule and arriving at heaven for a quick look). All can see its early and I haven't got my coffee yet.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 03:22 AM

reply to post by superman2012

Why is the "Black knight" sattelite up there you think

What is a Black knight satellite..some secret NASA or military project??

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 04:14 AM
Interesting. Will re read again tonight.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 05:25 AM
Things are not as we claim to understand, are told or taught. Our reality and history (and future maybe) is very very different!

Our understanding of physics is still in its amoeba stage.

The question is to what level of understanding are those with the knowledge ...........?

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by GareyGaia

if you look careful you can see two other people (men i think) with black headwear on
with their same hands to thier heads just thought it maybe of use

also as some are saying cell phones would need towers

maybe they are just two way radios to keep in contact with each time traveler IDK

just my thoughts

also the last look a like is spot on

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 05:40 AM
In regards to the foot prints of humans and dino's together, could it be that man and dino were together at the same time? Granted we are told they died out 65 million years ago but so did the coelacanth until it was discovered to be very much so alive and well today.

Time travel is quite intriguing and would be great if we can do it, I'm sure just about everyone would love to see different parts of history actually happen. I know I would love too.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:44 AM

Ancient time travel...hmm...Was their time travelling machine powered by that Iranian battery?

a machine powered by a battery with less than 1 volt of electricity the size of a football?

Could be. You'd have to go into the future to find out.

TIme travel is not possible and if it is, it will be in a way that we will never see it in our past.

When does a circle become a circle and stop being a curved line? Then, when was it ever a curved line and not a circle?

Time travel would be here now if it was in the past - it would always be. Not just in the future waiting for us to discover it, or just in the past as a sign of it's possibility, but once it was invented, it would exist always.

And as we don't have it, it doesn't exist.

The ends will never meet, because there is no circle.

edit on 21-10-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

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