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Believe in Possession by the Devil

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posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:33 PM

A significant proportion of British adults believe that the devil exists and can possess humans, but the number is much larger for Americans

On the one hand, 65% of Britons deny that the devil exists or that he can possess people, 18% believe that he does, and he can, while another 17% say they aren't sure about the existence of the devil or possession.

In comparison, Americans are far more believing.

That last line sounds like a insult.

While there were moderate differences in credulity between Americans of different ages, belief among Britons is less variable. Predictably, the greatest difference was between British people who describe themselves as ‘religious’, about a quarter (26%) of whom believe in possession, and the non-religious, the demographic group least likely to believe in possession (although 10% still do).


I think it was a insult. Well hey we have a reality TV show coming out called teenage exorcists. thread here

From the graphs we look a bit backwards. If you don't like the thread it wasn't my fault the devil made me do it.
edit on 10/15/2013 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Maybe it's because we Americans have more to blame on the Devil, and therefore have higher rates of believers. The more "evidence", the more who believe in him. Never mind the fact that most people don't even know where the modern Satan comes from. And you don't have to trust me when I say it's not from hell. Just look it up for yourself.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

It is insulting, as it should be.

I think last article I read was that anywhere from 48-68% of Americans believe in possessions.

Possessions which have absolutely no proof at all. Yet evolution/adaptation, which has been studied and documented only garners I think a mere 46% of the population.

This is one of the reasons America is falling far behind other nations in science/mathematics.
edit on 14-10-2013 by OrphanApology because: d

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:06 PM

reply to post by Grimpachi

Maybe it's because we Americans have more to blame on the Devil, and therefore have higher rates of believers. The more "evidence", the more who believe in him. Never mind the fact that most people don't even know where the modern Satan comes from. And you don't have to trust me when I say it's not from hell. Just look it up for yourself.

Here I can explain it to him/her.

The Devil, Satan is nothing more then what you are trying to hide about yourself. No matter how hard you stuff things into a closet, they always find their way out!

You are God and Satan Both! It is You that decides who You want to Be!

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:16 PM

reply to post by Grimpachi

It is insulting, as it should be.

I think last article I read was that anywhere from 48-68% of Americans believe in possessions.

Possessions which have absolutely no proof at all. Yet evolution/adaptation, which has been studied and documented only garners I think a mere 46% of the population.

This is one of the reasons America is falling far behind other nations in science/mathematics.
edit on 14-10-2013 by OrphanApology because: d

I do not see it as a insult. People here place blame on something else other then themselves. Thats why Relg was taken out of schools in the first place. Here we have any Pill that can fix that possession, mind madness, you name it, their is a pill for it on the market!

No wonder why people think their posssessed, seen the Devil. Yet I think they want you to think this and feed this info crap to strip you of your power thinking God will do it for you or if your in trouble, Just Pray to God and ask for help.

God will help, not until you get off and start fixing it yourself first.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:25 PM


reply to post by Grimpachi

It is insulting, as it should be.

I think last article I read was that anywhere from 48-68% of Americans believe in possessions.

Possessions which have absolutely no proof at all. Yet evolution/adaptation, which has been studied and documented only garners I think a mere 46% of the population.

This is one of the reasons America is falling far behind other nations in science/mathematics.
edit on 14-10-2013 by OrphanApology because: d

I do not see it as a insult. People here place blame on something else other then themselves. Thats why Relg was taken out of schools in the first place. Here we have any Pill that can fix that possession, mind madness, you name it, their is a pill for it on the market!

No wonder why people think their posssessed, seen the Devil. Yet I think they want you to think this and feed this info crap to strip you of your power thinking God will do it for you or if your in trouble, Just Pray to God and ask for help.

God will help, not until you get off and start fixing it yourself first.

What are you even talking about?

I'm atheist and I don't believe in fairy tales.

With that being said, religion was taken out of the schools because it goes against the establishment clause in the constitution.

People with schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses have been abused and abandoned for years because of this nonsense. Don't even get me started on the numbers on child abuse. It's embarrassing that so many people still think some boogie spirit has possessed someone instead of looking for logical solutions.

Here's a study in England on these nut job parents.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:31 PM
I don't see this being too odd since America was considered to be a place of religious refuge.

Many of the British North American colonies that eventually formed the United States of America were settled in the seventeenth century by men and women, who, in the face of European persecution, refused to compromise passionately held religious convictions and fled Europe. The New England colonies, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland were conceived and established "as plantations of religion." Some settlers who arrived in these areas came for secular motives--"to catch fish" as one New Englander put it--but the great majority left Europe to worship God in the way they believed to be correct. They enthusiastically supported the efforts of their leaders to create "a city on a hill" or a "holy experiment," whose success would prove that God's plan for his churches could be successfully realized in the American wilderness. Even colonies like Virginia, which were planned as commercial ventures, were led by entrepreneurs who considered themselves "militant Protestants" and who worked diligently to promote the prosperity of the church.

America as a Religious Refuge

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:01 PM
The devil exists and believe me he's no red short man with a pointy hooked tail, horns and wings... but rather a spiritual entity. Many prominent scientists refer to the ET phenomena as being demonic. Base word of demonic is of course demon and webster dictionary has this defined as " an evil spirit". Of course spirits can manifest within this world and a world we can not see which is why we call them spirits. ET's manifest into this realm and then dematerialize out of it. Whatever you want to believe is your own path but I assure you those behind the veil of control don't want you to even ponder that such an entity can or does exist.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:23 PM



reply to post by Grimpachi

It is insulting, as it should be.

I think last article I read was that anywhere from 48-68% of Americans believe in possessions.

Possessions which have absolutely no proof at all. Yet evolution/adaptation, which has been studied and documented only garners I think a mere 46% of the population.

This is one of the reasons America is falling far behind other nations in science/mathematics.
edit on 14-10-2013 by OrphanApology because: d

I do not see it as a insult. People here place blame on something else other then themselves. Thats why Relg was taken out of schools in the first place. Here we have any Pill that can fix that possession, mind madness, you name it, their is a pill for it on the market!

No wonder why people think their posssessed, seen the Devil. Yet I think they want you to think this and feed this info crap to strip you of your power thinking God will do it for you or if your in trouble, Just Pray to God and ask for help.

God will help, not until you get off and start fixing it yourself first.

What are you even talking about?

I'm atheist and I don't believe in fairy tales.

With that being said, religion was taken out of the schools because it goes against the establishment clause in the constitution.

People with schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses have been abused and abandoned for years because of this nonsense. Don't even get me started on the numbers on child abuse. It's embarrassing that so many people still think some boogie spirit has possessed someone instead of looking for logical solutions.

Here's a study in England on these nut job parents.

No, let's not go there. We could blame the Church or if you like the nut job Parent's! Did read your link; fast read though, comparing 94 children out of 1,000,000 if not more is not a Fair compairsion. If I remember, down to 18 or was that 36? Thats like the drug programs out there, out of 2,000 these are the side affects now let's give it to 1,000,000,000! since it is okay now!

Child abuse is either past down from their up bring or something else is involved. Here in the US, a time-out could get you tossed in jail now days! Look at the Kids Now running the streets! Some need a nice kick in the @SS! And people wonder why no one has any Respect, compassion or work enick's!

Bulling is the name used in schools today, seems to be growing at a rate faster and now people actually noticing it. As of now, no plan's. I wonder why? God forbid if the highschool QR back is found bulling another kid, must have been the other ones fault right? Or the Highschool Qween, rich kid, and so on.

And now the children who were raised upon a stuctrure of beating your kids; it seems spanking is outlawed, taking away their toy's and the like. They have learned only to tell a teacher a story and Hello, I have my way now!

How many parent's who only wanted to raise their kids right, not having babys at 11 yrs old, drugs and party's and skipping school, ended up in jail and fines? Only to have Special People come every week into their Home's to tell You how to raise a child when they never had one of their own.

And the power that the school system has to say this kid needs drugs, no one even consider's that why children in the US hate school is because they do not teach them anything, find it boring, lame and gay. Just ask any child what they learned in school today and all you get is NOTHING!

Thats why the Failure of education started! It was planned this way!

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:32 PM

The devil exists and believe me he's no red short man with a pointy hooked tail, horns and wings... but rather a spiritual entity. Many prominent scientists refer to the ET phenomena as being demonic. Base word of demonic is of course demon and webster dictionary has this defined as " an evil spirit". Of course spirits can manifest within this world and a world we can not see which is why we call them spirits. ET's manifest into this realm and then dematerialize out of it. Whatever you want to believe is your own path but I assure you those behind the veil of control don't want you to even ponder that such an entity can or does exist.

Yet one must ask oneself indeed! For the thing you call Evil exist within your own mind and so does God.

Here is something to consider. If you keep blaming the Devil for the thing's that happens, 2 things you lose. One is you Power and the other is the Devil win's in Default!

Then again, if you can not find God. Why is it so easy to find Satan?

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:39 PM
Then again, if you can not find God. Why is it so easy to find Satan?
there are those that understand that not finding "God" and being good to your fellow man and woman is easily achievable. it is called a choice and core values

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:39 PM
regular consumption of fluoride can render the consumer incapable of
logical thinking,. =tea
edit on 14-10-2013 by Lil Drummerboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:41 PM




reply to post by Grimpachi

It is insulting, as it should be.

I think last article I read was that anywhere from 48-68% of Americans believe in possessions.

Possessions which have absolutely no proof at all. Yet evolution/adaptation, which has been studied and documented only garners I think a mere 46% of the population.

This is one of the reasons America is falling far behind other nations in science/mathematics.
edit on 14-10-2013 by OrphanApology because: d

I do not see it as a insult. People here place blame on something else other then themselves. Thats why Relg was taken out of schools in the first place. Here we have any Pill that can fix that possession, mind madness, you name it, their is a pill for it on the market!

No wonder why people think their posssessed, seen the Devil. Yet I think they want you to think this and feed this info crap to strip you of your power thinking God will do it for you or if your in trouble, Just Pray to God and ask for help.

God will help, not until you get off and start fixing it yourself first.

What are you even talking about?

I'm atheist and I don't believe in fairy tales.

With that being said, religion was taken out of the schools because it goes against the establishment clause in the constitution.

People with schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses have been abused and abandoned for years because of this nonsense. Don't even get me started on the numbers on child abuse. It's embarrassing that so many people still think some boogie spirit has possessed someone instead of looking for logical solutions.

Here's a study in England on these nut job parents.

No, let's not go there. We could blame the Church or if you like the nut job Parent's! Did read your link; fast read though, comparing 94 children out of 1,000,000 if not more is not a Fair compairsion. If I remember, down to 18 or was that 36? Thats like the drug programs out there, out of 2,000 these are the side affects now let's give it to 1,000,000,000! since it is okay now!

Child abuse is either past down from their up bring or something else is involved. Here in the US, a time-out could get you tossed in jail now days! Look at the Kids Now running the streets! Some need a nice kick in the @SS! And people wonder why no one has any Respect, compassion or work enick's!

Bulling is the name used in schools today, seems to be growing at a rate faster and now people actually noticing it. As of now, no plan's. I wonder why? God forbid if the highschool QR back is found bulling another kid, must have been the other ones fault right? Or the Highschool Qween, rich kid, and so on.

And now the children who were raised upon a stuctrure of beating your kids; it seems spanking is outlawed, taking away their toy's and the like. They have learned only to tell a teacher a story and Hello, I have my way now!

How many parent's who only wanted to raise their kids right, not having babys at 11 yrs old, drugs and party's and skipping school, ended up in jail and fines? Only to have Special People come every week into their Home's to tell You how to raise a child when they never had one of their own.

And the power that the school system has to say this kid needs drugs, no one even consider's that why children in the US hate school is because they do not teach them anything, find it boring, lame and gay. Just ask any child what they learned in school today and all you get is NOTHING!

Thats why the Failure of education started! It was planned this way!

The majority of children on the streets have been physically, mentally, sexually, or neglected. Lack of "spanking" children is not the cause for street kids. Spanking SHOULD be outlawed. It is child abuse.

I can't go up and slap my girlfriend in the face for perceived misbehaving. Why? Because it's ASSAULT.

Men were allowed to spank their wives 100 years know why it's illegal now? Because it's assault.

It's assault when it's a child and it's assault when it's an adult.

If you are such an incompetent parent that you can't teach your children how to behave without hitting, verbally abusing, or some other type of abuse then you shouldn't have children.

In real life you have to interact with people and learn self control from other source beside being beaten. When my customers complain about something on a work order that they find to not meet their standards, they don't come up and hit me. As adults you work through issues and learn from the things you did wrong. As children it's the same.

Schizophrenia, autism, disabilities, behavioral problems due to neglect are what many of the "possessed" people have historically had symptoms of.

Beat the devil' out of em.

Here's the wonderful United States child abuse numbers since you seem to think they are simply cases of a "time out" being reported.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:23 AM

Yet one must ask oneself indeed! For the thing you call Evil exist within your own mind and so does God.

Here is something to consider. If you keep blaming the Devil for the thing's that happens, 2 things you lose. One is you Power and the other is the Devil win's in Default!

Then again, if you can not find God. Why is it so easy to find Satan?

It is easier to find satan because he is a fallen angel and this is his dominion for a given time. I see the evil all around me. It exists unfortunately more alive as a force in this world than good and that is by choice of the people influenced by that same force. We are constantly attacked daily in the simplest ways that you would not fathom to think your doing wrong. Decisions you make now can affect others so be courteous and respect others! Push down your greed and ego. Instead of thinking only for yourself you need to think as an individual living with others in this world. And I'm not sure what "power" you speak of. I was not given any power of rule. I suppose the power is that of free will and thought?

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

I haven't gotten used to this new system yet and didn't notice the charts were the same. This is the chart of How many in America believe in the devil and possession.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by joshuaislord

What you see as evil, I see as carefully cultivated survivalism as the animalistic roots in people are harnessed and aimed. They don't want us too civilized or we will begin to see their their deceptions. It has nothing to do with Satan or Lucifer or any supernatural force.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

You're spot on, in a way.

Although outside sources of the spiritual nature can affect our thoughts and will,

we ultimately have the FREE will to choose to be devilish or Godly, to act like a demon or an angel, to be a sinner or a Saint, to love or hate, to choose life or choose death...

God bless

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:08 PM
I've had run ins with demons/evil spirits a handful of times. The instances weren't my getting myself all spooked out ... but real run ins with an evil spirit being right next to me ... the hate they have is totally focused on you and they want you worse than dead. It's real. I don't know if 'the devil' is real .. but considering that the evil spirits are, then I'm going to guess that the devil is also.

Like it or not ... evil spirits are real.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:21 PM


It is easier to find satan because he is a fallen angel and this is his dominion for a given time. I see the evil all around me. It exists unfortunately more alive as a force in this world than good and that is by choice of the people influenced by that same force. We are constantly attacked daily in the simplest ways that you would not fathom to think your doing wrong. Decisions you make now can affect others so be courteous and respect others! Push down your greed and ego. Instead of thinking only for yourself you need to think as an individual living with others in this world. And I'm not sure what "power" you speak of. I was not given any power of rule. I suppose the power is that of free will and thought?

Was speaking about your Power, being able to see evil and yet continue to do good. It is a choice, free will in deciding on how one decides to live one's life.

What you do today, will effect thing's later. Go's with everything! Only most do not realise that it has a ripple effect; say someone come's along in a bad mood one day, it effects everyone around and another person there ends up in a bad mood also, now that one will pass it on even future.

The power that you have is to see this happening, choose a thought and decide what you can do to stop it from passing it on. It only applys to your being; each person is responcible for their actions.

Choice is one, therefore the Devil really could have not made you do it if you were acting upon your thoughs at the time. Placing blame outside yourself means you were not able to choose yourself at the time.

People are cold and Ego's are at their high. I Want is replaced with I need. Look around your home, spend some time on this and ask yourself if you really Need them. You will find more Want's then an actually Need. That's why people are so on edge, spent so much on credit for things of no value then on the things they actually needed. Then one day you lose your job, get sick and so on and the banks come take it all away.

Keep the stuff you really need, get rid of the stuff that is costing you more then money. Again there is the choice you have, and it relates to everything in your life. That is your Power. Using any other excuse means you let it happen to you and did not make the choice when you could have.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:22 PM

reply to post by Grimpachi

I haven't gotten used to this new system yet and didn't notice the charts were the same. This is the chart of How many in America believe in the devil and possession.

I would have thought you might have noticed You GOV at the bottom.

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