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Father disowns daughter in epic letter when she kicks out her gay son

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posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 01:18 PM

Christian Voice
It is no secret on here how I feel about homosexuality. My mother in law(who is insanely liberal minded) asked me one time what I would if my son told me he was gay. My response was this:

I would have a talk with him and make sure he knows where his Mother and I stand on the topic as well as God's position. Yes God is very clear on his stance of homosexuality despite all of the perverting of the Bible that some homosexuals on here try and do. I would reiterate how much I Love him and he is always welcome in my home however he would not bring that into our home. What he does in the privacy of his own home when he does move out is his business but he will not bring it into our home. OUR HOME, OUR RULES.
With that said I don't see that happening though. He is being raised in a Loving Christian home with both parents who show each other Love every single day. He does not ever have to wonder if his parents Love each other and does not have to wonder if we Love him. He is not bombarded constantly by sexual crap on TV as we rarely watch TV and if we do it is very family friendly programming. He is not bombarded by the perverse entertainment industry at all as we monitor very closely what he watches. Everytime you turn on the idiot box or put a movie in the gay agenda is shoved down our dang throats. So we rarely watch tv and are very selective on our movies. We also are very careful of those he surrounds himself with. (You are who you associate with),,, lie with dogs and come up with fleas.

Christian bashing?

Yours isn't a "Christian" position to begin with so there's nothing to bash except maybe your ignorance.

Gay people are gay, and as Christians we are commanded by Jesus himself to love one another as he loves and to love our neighbor as our self, which presumably would include family members.

You talk as if "gay" is something that's "caught" from society or from a non-nurturing family like a flu virus, but that's not the way it works as far as I can tell.

Take a good look at many Lesbians and tell me that they didn't get an extra x-chromosome.

Yes there are elements of the gay community which cannot be and ought not be considered acceptable Christian conduct, but that's not what we're talking about here.

I'm straight myself, but if I were gay, and a Christian, I would be praying for YOU and as such would be counted by God as a son of the most high.

Conservative fundamentalist evangelicals like you are hurting the cause of Christ when you focus on this issue and condemn part of the family of God.

"Let the Christian bashing begin"? Are you kidding?

To identify one's self with Christ while condemning people for their sexual orientation isn't Christian. It isn't congruent with the love of Christ.

To gay members who might be reading this thread, you know better of course and ought not be scared away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ because of the bigotry and hatred of some who claim to be Christian.

We are all part of one human family, gay people included.

Just like me you are beloved of God and don't let anyone tell you differently.

Jesus speaks as much to you as to me, and the condemnation by a certain faction of Christendom ought not deter you from exploring the true nature of the love of God in the person of Jesus.

With love, your brother in Christ,

NAM aka Bob

P.S. Please note in reading your reply, and mine, as to who is speaking with the "Christian Voice"..

edit on 4-10-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 01:19 PM
There is a rumor going around that this letter its fake that it is some sort of gay agenda thing , for the record I am not the one who started the rumor. I couldn't find anyone here on ATS anywhere on this thread that had mentioned this but ATS is not the only website discussing this but my question is has anyone else on ATS heard this rumor. For the record this topic isn't important enough to me to validate or debunk, but ATS it's my favorite website and to deny ignorance is to recognize the possibility that this letter is fake.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 01:20 PM
How nice.

This time Karma wasn't a b....

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 01:42 PM

There is a rumor going around that this letter its fake that it is some sort of gay agenda thing , for the record I am not the one who started the rumor. I couldn't find anyone here on ATS anywhere on this thread that had mentioned this but ATS is not the only website discussing this but my question is has anyone else on ATS heard this rumor. For the record this topic isn't important enough to me to validate or debunk, but ATS it's my favorite website and to deny ignorance is to recognize the possibility that this letter is fake.

If I was a smart, devout, very conservative Christian I would make up a story like that. Look at the tolerance for homosexuality in this thread. To a hardcore "Christian" this would be troublesome and frightening! I'd feel like the whole world has gone bananas.

I'd probably convince myself that God would be OK with me making up a story about how the letter is fake and part of a gay agenda" to reassure other Christians. I mean, we're already loosing the battle for everyone's souls as it is! We can't afford to loose more Christians to the gay agenda!

It's what a politician would do, and it's what some preachers/pastors I've run across would do.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

That is kind of what I thought , when everyday we see people even on here pushing their own personal agenda, be it political, religious or whatever, even here on ATS people push their agenda so this is why I posed the question, can it be fake or is it real ??? Even on here already I've seen people post things like , you see,you see even the older generation is accepting of homosexuality so you should to!!!!!! But the difference I have with your opinion its that I don't think it was the Christians who would fake this, I don't subscribe to any modern religion, but I do believe in God , but it seems from reading the thread on here that the hardcore Christians are against this,bbut your right this letter could have been faked so they can claim tolerance, but I was thinking more along the lines of politicians faking this, hey look at my left hand, but don't pay attention to my right hand
edit on 4-10-2013 by DonVoigt because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:10 PM
When my cousin came out of the closet, I was the first one he told besides his parents. He asked, don't you think I'm a monster? I cried finding out his parents were more than disgusted with him. The mere thought of him being gay, made them turn into monsters themselves. His mother asked him if he was going to start wearing skirts in a diminishing way. Even though my mind has been set to kick her a&& more than once, I sit back and rethink ... really, how would that help??
Maybe this woman's dad sounds great but we can't change evil with evil.
edit on 4-10-2013 by denyego26 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:17 PM

For the record this topic isn't important enough to me to validate or debunk, but ATS it's my favorite website and to deny ignorance is to recognize the possibility that this letter is fake.
reply to post by DonVoigt

You know - I wouldn't be surprised if it was fake. It's got the feel of PR (which doesn't necessarily mean it's fake - who wouldn't want to promote this story to advance the rights of the LGBT community?)

I disagree with you about whether or not it's important enough to argue over. Whether it's fictional or not it still works as a hypothetical situation. The replies are all sincere, so it's just as valid as a subject either way. This sort of thing happens in real life over and over again. It's happened to people I've known. The details might be different - but the story remains pretty much the same

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

I were an ordained Christian minister, I would marry gay couples who are devoted exclusively to one another in a monogamous relationship of mutuality and love.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:18 PM

There is a rumor going around that this letter its fake that it is some sort of gay agenda thing , for the record I am not the one who started the rumor. I couldn't find anyone here on ATS anywhere on this thread that had mentioned this but ATS is not the only website discussing this but my question is has anyone else on ATS heard this rumor. For the record this topic isn't important enough to me to validate or debunk, but ATS it's my favorite website and to deny ignorance is to recognize the possibility that this letter is fake.

I am guessing the letter IS fake but that's neither here nor there. It has generated valuable discussion on the topic which is always needed.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Wow, maybe hope for humanity after all.

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Yossarian

The letter is real.

The letter was posted on Monday to the pro-gay youth organization FCKH8's Facebook page. It received more than 5,000 shares, 11,000 likes, and 600 comments. FCKH8 spokesperson Luke Montgomery spoke to the grandfather and grandson to confirm that the letter is real. "We get letters and emails from fans of our equality T-shirts all over the world who want us to share it on Facebook and spread the word for the cause," Montgomery tells Yahoo Shine. "The teen who sent this in has one of our 'Some Dudes Marry Dudes' T-shirts and we are going to be sending his grandpa a free 'Straight Against Hate' tee for being such an awesome example and inspiring so many even though it was by accident."

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

Wow, maybe hope for humanity after all.

Thanks for sharing.

Won't be long before a new war or a spy program or a terrorist organization or random shooting overshadows this little bit of good news by ten-fold.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:27 PM

she did right thing.

I hope you live under no illusion of having family values. If you belong to the group that falsely claims that mantle I'd appreciate it if you'd stop. You have no idea what the word family means. You degrade the word.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

Sorry you misunderstand me any topic of discussion can be valid, the thing that I was talking about was that it doesn't matter to me if the letter was fake or real, but I think your right it had public relations smell all over it and if you look at the post a few spots up by afterinfinity it has all the keywords that scream PR agenda, oh it was on facebook , they called the grandfather and grandson and verified the letter, spread the word for the cause, it had thousands of likes and shares, ok I'm now convinced , the letter is some fake crap to promote some facebook page, move along nothing to see here, PR crap.
edit on 4-10-2013 by DonVoigt because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:37 PM

reply to post by Yossarian

The letter is real.

The letter was posted on Monday to the pro-gay youth organization FCKH8's Facebook page. It received more than 5,000 shares, 11,000 likes, and 600 comments. FCKH8 spokesperson Luke Montgomery spoke to the grandfather and grandson to confirm that the letter is real. "We get letters and emails from fans of our equality T-shirts all over the world who want us to share it on Facebook and spread the word for the cause," Montgomery tells Yahoo Shine. "The teen who sent this in has one of our 'Some Dudes Marry Dudes' T-shirts and we are going to be sending his grandpa a free 'Straight Against Hate' tee for being such an awesome example and inspiring so many even though it was by accident."

Thanks for that. I still suspect it is fake though. Who writes a letter on graph paper to their daughter saying they are being disowned? Who took the photo? Was it before or after it was delivered? Was it even delivered? Why upload it to the net (it seems a pretty personal and tough family situation)? It's not folded or creased so was it left on her coffee table? I don't know for sure but to me it looks like something perfectly created to generated hits. When you look at the original post on facebook there is a click-through ad directly under the posted text and above the comments.

Regardless, it's getting the message out.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage
Such caring people.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Yossarian

If it was fake, it probably would not be written on graph paper. Sometimes you write notes on whatever is around you at the moment.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Yossarian

Yes, I can see the appeal of designing this to go public. But I can also see how publicity would be the icing rather than the cake. Going public was just a part of the plan. Like that guy who put up a Youtube video talking about how his autistic son was being mistreated in class. That wasn't a publicity stunt. It was waking people up. It was a challenge. And that's what this is.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:47 PM

reply to post by Yossarian

If it was fake, it probably would not be written on graph paper. Sometimes you write notes on whatever is around you at the moment.

I'd like to think that if someone was about to disown their daughter for whatever reasons they might say it to her face or write it on paper, put it in an envelope and make sure it doesn't end up on the internet. Do we know who uploaded it? Did the grandfather upload it? Does he know how to send it to a facebook group? Patting himself on the back? Did the daughter do it? Did the the grandson do it? If so, how did he intercept the letter? Completely trivial side to this issue but interesting nonetheless.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by DonVoigt

I did misunderstand - sorry - but wasn't meaning to argue anyhow :-)

Turns out it's real - funny - I was wondering about that last night before you brought it up

PR - I'd like to apologize for that too - but, only because people hear something negative when we use that term

It is PR though. True or not, whether we like it or not - and amen to that

The more of these stories that get circulated, the more discussions or out and out brawls we have as a community and as a culture - the faster people change the way they think and then how they behave towards each other

So, here's my contribution to the PR machine:

Ole Miss football players shout homophobic slurs during “Laramie Project” performance

Nearly 15 years, almost to the day, after Matthew Shepard was beaten, tortured and abandoned to die while tied to a fence in Laramie, Wyo., a group of football players from the University of Mississippi attended a performance of “The Laramie Project” and shouted “fag” and other homophobic slurs at the student performers retelling the events surrounding Shepard’s tragic death.

I'm afraid these are the sorts of stories that make the OP's story so necessary and so important

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