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Father disowns daughter in epic letter when she kicks out her gay son

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posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 03:57 AM
the fathers a moron
people are not born gay
She did the right thing

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by MALBOSIA

Maybe you don't see it because you weren't born gay!

When did you make the choice to be straight? To make a choice you have to have an option!

Option one: You can be straight

Option two: You can be gay

Can you honestly remember when the "CHOICE" was put to you and how you came to your decision? No I didn't think so!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 04:06 AM

reply to post by silo13

Choices????? CHOICES????? What choice did the son have in being gay? Please cite fact and NOT FICTION!
Even IF you are born gay you DO make a choice to ACT on it and ENGAGE in homosexual sex unless you were raped .Get a grip.
edit on 4-10-2013 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 04:09 AM

the fathers a moron
people are not born gay
She did the right thing

The grandfather is much less of an moron than anyone who thinks that being gay is a choice!

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by starfoxxx

Hahahahahahaha! So just to make the world right, the way you want it, I should sleep with a woman even though the thought repulses me? Or I should just be celibate my entire life! Just so that the world can be the way you want it to be? You get a grip! I am a 54 year old homosexual and I don't and will never live by your rules!

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 05:14 AM

Yes, it's much better for her to hate her child and not have anything to do with him.

Who said anything about hate? I sure didn’t. Don’t put words in my mouth.

Not having ‘anything to do with him’? Yes, that is the right thing for some parents. Not all. Some.

Who are those ‘some’? The ones who know certain lifestyles are not acceptable. A gay lifestyle for some parents is not acceptable. It just isn't.

I would suggest at this point you not subscribe to hypocrisy either. You condone someone who’s gay living a homosexual lifestyle. Ok, that’s fine. But do not throw someone else's choices for choosing their lifestyle - sans homosexuality - in their face just because it doesn’t match your rainbow colored glasses view of the world.

That's better than know..parenting.

Parenting? He’s an adult. He’s making moral choices she cannot accept. That means her parenting job is done. Not her choice either. If that man chooses a gay lifestyle over his mother and the morals he grew up with? That’s his choice.

She took the 'easy' road, not the high one.

Obviously you’re not a mother. It was probably one of the hardest things she ever did. But guess what? Some people will not compromise their morals for anything or anyone. That takes guts - period - like it or not.

It's much easier to put a few pieces of felt in your ears and scream "LALALALALALA I"M NOT LISTENING"

Which is what she would be doing if she condoned her sons lifestyle. She would be pretending it wasn’t happening. Some people chose reality instead of pretend.

than to be adult and confront your problems. [/

LOL - the problem isn’t hers. It’s his.

Feel free to answer but honestly? There’s really nothing left to say without beating a dead horse so let’s just chose to agree not to agree.


posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 05:26 AM

reply to post by starfoxxx

Hahahahahahaha! So just to make the world right, the way you want it, I should sleep with a woman even though the thought repulses me? Or I should just be celibate my entire life! Just so that the world can be the way you want it to be? You get a grip! I am a 54 year old homosexual and I don't and will never live by your rules!

Thank you for that sir, that IS your CHOICE.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 05:46 AM

she did right thing.

Well what you expect from someone who can't even write a sentence correctly?

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by starfoxxx

Yes, my choice, my choice not to live a lie! My choice not to sleep with a woman, have children and be lying to them, BUT NOT MY CHOICE TO BE GAY!!!

When did I make the choice? When did you make the choice to be straight?

You can't judge my life! Your God can't judge my life!

The day I die MY GOD will welcome me with HER arms open wide!

Born Gay and I'll die this way! I thank my God for the parents I had, they never judged me, they loved me as much as they loved my straight brother and sister!

You people who judge will still stand in front of your god AND be judged by him!

Judge not lest ye be judged! It is not your right to judge me or anyone else!

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 07:34 AM
I'm hearing a lot of sad stuff so just because ur child that u carried for 9 to 10 months inside u that u created isn't the way u want him u throw him away mabe u should have thought things through before u gave birth thede kids know w what's taught to them and they also know what they feel

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by LadyLurker

There is this myth - a myth that you can change EVERYTHING. Americans are particularly prone to believing that myth, the blahblah about the paperboy that became a millionaire (as if that made him a better human being) or the stories about the (invariably) black (invariably) poor (invariably a) boy that (invariably) became the president (as if you'd ever see the day
..) But believe-you-me: if you're born a black, stupid, ugly boy chances are stupendous that you will die as such. Oh well, maybe not always as a boy, perhaps. Even in America, even nowadays.

Some things are as they are. We seem to be part of some Big Cosmic Lottery and not all of us win a prize, alas. Some are born stupid, some are smart. Some are handsome, some are plain ugly. Some are straight, some are gay. Some are white, some are black, red, yellow and the occasional blue or green person has been spotted too, I believe. Anyway - you are bound to the limits of what you have.

And it is IMPOSSIBLE to choose if you don't have half the brain needed to think. Hence, some mothers throw out their sons because they love men. Hence, some fathers then throw out their daughters because they threw out their sons.

A fine mess.
edit on 4-10-2013 by ForteanOrg because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by apydomis

I am sorry homosexual people- you may be kind and gentle- but your compass is not reading north. Have you ever heard of calibration? Humans require it too.

I think this is a good teaching opportunity :-)

Non-religious, AND many, many religious people as well - have a problem with this sort of behavior

You are not in a position to tell gay people - anything

You're entitled to live your life anyway you want to - but the rest of us, no matter what we do or don't believe - do not fall under your jurisdiction

Perhaps you should tend to your own needle and not worry so much about what direction the other needles are pointing?

Just a thought

I don't know that much about Jesus - to be honest - but he never seemed to me to be the least bit snide

He always impressed me more as being a live and let live, love each other and play nice kinda guy

edit on 10/4/2013 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:39 AM
Well i just briskly read through this thread and had a fair share of chuckles along the way.

I for one am in full support of the OP and the story, but that aside I want to comment on some observations.

1st: Those from the religious perspective; I think God would actually be somewhat insulted if he was as closed minded and down right dismissive of people as some of you are suggesting. If i were God, I would slap you back to the time of Samaria.

2nd: Those from the other side of the fence; No point getting riled up over the non-nonsensical arguments of those from the other side. To each his/her own i say. They have the right to defend their beliefs just as much as the other side, regardless of how valid or moral it is.

Peace to all. Stay the heck off my lawn..

edit on 4-10-2013 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:40 AM

What a freakin’ hypocrite he is.
reply to post by silo13

I think he's brilliant

I'm sure he loves his daughter - he's teaching by example

She just might feel the sting of her own sword in all this

Or not

Either way - that young man has someone who loves him in his corner at a time when his own mother cast him out and essentially demonstrated he has no place in her heart

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Awesome grandfather.. I hope the kid gets over it, ones mother is still ones mother and I can not start to imagine how bad it must feel to be rejected by your own mother.

Good luck and best of wishes to both the kid and the grand father.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Christian Voice

Jesus was actually bisexual.. He had sex with both women and men. They all did back then. It was perfectly normal. Like in ancient greece, male mentors would frequently have sex with their mentees.

Now picture the last supper before you.. It was wild.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:54 AM


reply to post by silo13

Choices????? CHOICES????? What choice did the son have in being gay? Please cite fact and NOT FICTION!
Even IF you are born gay you DO make a choice to ACT on it and ENGAGE in homosexual sex unless you were raped .Get a grip.
edit on 4-10-2013 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

I'm sorry, but that has to be the stupidest thing I have ever read.

Committing a homosexual act does not make you homosexual. Prisoners are a good example of this (although, that is not as prevalent as our society would like to think it is). It is the preference that comes from within.

Ill tell you what is funny...I would bet that a whole lot more men are capable of enjoying another mans company than would be readily admitted to. Sexual performance for a man is 100% about arousal. That is not possible unless you are able to be aroused by the environment you are in.

Just something to think about.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:55 AM

reply to post by RockstarMatt

Can you post a link to some proof that homosexuality is something
you are born with? I know that is th conception of most people
but it still seems to be a topic of debate.

Most gays say they KNOW they were but i don't see how it is
possible that they could know that.

Did you always know you were straight or did you find out somehow when you were older?

Gay people don't become gay one day just as you didn't become straight.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:00 AM

Also...I do in fact feel very sorry for you since you are obviously in the (erroreous) belief that with a certain up-bringing and education "being gay" can be prevented.

/sarcasm=on I know I know. Let's open up a center to convert all these wacko heteros out there into rainbow warriors! We can do a clockwork orange number on them and let them watch man on man action 24x7, because its all about sex and more sex. YES. I see it now. Big men wearing black cloaks and pushing a cart of "straighters" ringing a bell - Bring out your sex. Bring out your sex. /sarcasm=off (because some people are just that dense)

Show me one. Anyone and I might take any of this silliness to consideration. Show me one definite case where a heterosexual adult was converted from heterosexuality to homosexuality. Show me one. Show me how sexual preference is a choice and I will start to take your claims seriously.

FFS people get with the current medical and psychological research. It is not a choice and is even exhibited in MANY other species - indicating that this propensity for proclivity is not something just "chosen".

Here are some books on the subject to get you started.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by MALBOSIA

Some people are turned on by jeans, some by horses, others by kids, some by women, some by men.. heck I even read about someone who got aroused when he made himself a sandwich. Some are into midgets others cant get enough of teachers. Then there those who enjoy pain, those who gets turned on by rape and some who can not get sexual release unless they kill another person..

I can find 3 amongst my examples that I am disgusted by. Those who prefer certain genders are not one of them.

I do not know if sexual preference is something you are born with or something that comes later according to ones environment and social growth. Maybe it is a mix of everything. But there is still that one tiny detail. You can not control what turns you on.

Take me as an example. If I see a (in my opinion) beautiful woman with a short skirt, my mind flies of into wonderland. And trust me, the short skirt is what turns me on the most. I have no idea why. Same as those sexy cheerleader uniforms and nurses uniforms. 0.0 My mind goes blank and I cant think of anything else but one thing (you know what that one thing is.)

Im guessing its the same for gay people. A guy sees another guy that he finds sexually attractive and BAM! its just there. I never go: "Should I be turned on by that chick in that cheerleader uniform? hmm maybe not this time." It just happens, I can not control my sexual attraction and I highly doubt anyone else can. Gay or not.

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