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Father disowns daughter in epic letter when she kicks out her gay son

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posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

No you do not, I will never believe that you hang with Christians all the time. You may know some, may live next door to some, but hang with us ? Nah, I don't buy it. We have had several so called "atheists" come and go in our small town and the moment they learned we were Christians they hauled butt the other direction and avoided us like the plague.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:42 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I doubt that you know many Christians. Funny, Christians usually will have no problem associating with non Christians but non Christians tend to hate us and refuse to hang with us. I need a shovel in here now. It's getting deep Texan

So your broad brush is even wielded in this regard? As I whole family is Christian.

Hell, when I attend my weekly Rotary meetings, i frequently am asked to lead the prayer/pledge. I have a position on a few boards around town (like the CHamber) where I have frequently led the prayer/pledge.

My grandfather was a pastor in the Church of Christ. I attended a Baptist university. My best friend growing up was the Presbyterian ministers kid.

Your perceptive pool is excessively shallow. So shallow that you are now only left with "LIAR" as your response. I would presume that if I pressed a little harder you will begin putting your fingers in your ears and saying "LA,LA,LA.....I DON'T HEAR YOU"

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:42 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by Ph03n1x

. God did not make people homosexual. People choose homosexuality.

I guess no one wants to discuss the topic at hand you guys just want to turn every single thread into a Christian bashing party.

That statement right there is an example of the arrogance i was talking about.....

you claim that god did not make people homosexual and yet even i, as a non religious person with a healthy respect for our creator do not presume to know the inner workings of the mind of god....

you sir are blinded by your views and perhaps one day your eyes will be opened to the truth, until then i will bow out of this conversation because i have no desire to educate those who quite clearly are too full of themselves to learn.....


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:43 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Oh I think you could perform with another man in the room just fine. According to your own posts about "scientific research" they believe the homosexual urges are passed down from the father. HHHmmm the plot thickens. Another piece of the puzzle.

One last time, can we get back on topic ?

Unless you read the article, you look silly trying to talk about it.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

Oh I think you could perform with another man in the room just fine. According to your own posts about "scientific research" they believe the homosexual urges are passed down from the father. HHHmmm the plot thickens. Another piece of the puzzle.

One last time, can we get back on topic ?

The topic is whether disowning the mother for the duration of her bigotry was an appropriate decision. Your opinion, apparently, is that the son should have been disowned instead. Or at the very least, he would have spent the rest of his life being the black sheep of the family. You've already explained your point of view. It's a very cold one.
edit on 6-10-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Ph03n1x

Bye, I hope your blindness doesn't cause accidents for you today.


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:46 PM
Ok, time for a friendly reminder:

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:46 PM
Good for writing the letter but epic? Nah.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

No you do not, I will never believe that you hang with Christians all the time. You may know some, may live next door to some, but hang with us ? Nah, I don't buy it. We have had several so called "atheists" come and go in our small town and the moment they learned we were Christians they hauled butt the other direction and avoided us like the plague.

And here is the reason you're not learning anything. Education is a matter of choice rather than opportunity for you. You don't learn, you selectively absorb and reject. I tell you, everything I told you is true. I have no reason to lie. Perhaps it's your brand of religion that repels them. Perhaps you're the problem.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:47 PM
I see the letter has been doing the rounds on Facebook, although until now I have no proof of its authenticity.

Nevertheless, it does describe a hypothetical situation that many families (not only fundamentalist Christians) have struggled with, and will struggle with.

What astounds me is the amount of evangelical Christian material on YouTube that calls Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology, FLDS, the Brethren, Islamists, Westboro and other rival groups "cults" because they break up families by disconnecting with people who leave the group, or stray from the teaching.

Yet, by kicking out a family member simply for being gay (or feeling they are gay) these hypocrites are doing exactly the same thing, which also renders them a cult by their own definitions!

I think it is possible to find a compromise.
If people really feel that their faith is love and love wins out, they will not give up on their child, and maybe his sexuality isn't even set yet.

The problem is that some of these churches bombard their members with deceptive misinformation.
So when they hear "gay" they immediately think it's people who go out all night cruising for thousands of men, who become addicts and shove gerbils into orifices, and who will parade around the house in drag every day.

A lot of people do actually become more tolerant when they see this is not the case.
A gay teen is just like any other teen, and should be able to maintain standards and rules (which religious homes also set for heterosexual kids).

OK, tell your kid if you're not comfortable with it, and that you don't want dating or outrageous behavior, especially in your house.
However kicking someone out for being honest about their orientation?
That's a complete break of trust.

My feeling is that in this case the kid would have been disconnected for some infraction sooner or later, whether he was gay or not, unless he totally submitted to the parental cult.
In that case it's better to deal with it sooner rather than later, and work towards independence a.s.a.p.
Ironically, it's from intolerance like that that gay ghettos and political power got started in the first place.

At least in SA the kid could however sue his direct blood family for maintenance if he becomes homeless and cannot find a job, while they have lots of money.
A family problem should not become society's problem, although that's what some religious groups create.

Straight people also can't just open their legs and have kids for two minutes of pleasure, and then throw them away as youngsters when they suddenly don't like something about them.
No sir, it shouldn't work that way.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I read the article. and I'm not the liar here. You are the one trying to further your argument with imaginary "pastors". That's sad Texan

So you heathans refuse to stay on topic huh ? Just gotta relieve some God issues on me huh. I think It's bout time the mods shut this thread down. Gimme a sec so I can alert em......

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:50 PM

This is exactly why we SHOULD develop a prenatal treatment to lesson the likely hood of children being born gay.

In a world which is entirely over-populated I could actually envision a "prenatal treatment" where people choose to bear gay children. I could also envision that "being gay" could be seen as something beneficial since it would allow sex without worrying about pregnancy.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Let me ask you this:
Where in this letter is it even suggested that she kicked him out over religious convictions ? It is never even implied that she did so for religious convictions nor does it imply his age or any type of background story. So now are you guys trying to tell me that Christians are the only group on this planet that have strong convictions against homosexuality ?

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:54 PM

Christian Voice
It is no secret on here how I feel about homosexuality. My mother in law(who is insanely liberal minded) asked me one time what I would if my son told me he was gay. My response was this:

I would have a talk with him and make sure he knows where his Mother and I stand on the topic as well as God's position. Yes God is very clear on his stance of homosexuality despite all of the perverting of the Bible that some homosexuals on here try and do. I would reiterate how much I Love him and he is always welcome in my home however he would not bring that into our home. What he does in the privacy of his own home when he does move out is his business but he will not bring it into our home. OUR HOME, OUR RULES.
With that said I don't see that happening though. He is being raised in a Loving Christian home with both parents who show each other Love every single day. He does not ever have to wonder if his parents Love each other and does not have to wonder if we Love him. He is not bombarded constantly by sexual crap on TV as we rarely watch TV and if we do it is very family friendly programming. He is not bombarded by the perverse entertainment industry at all as we monitor very closely what he watches. Everytime you turn on the idiot box or put a movie in the gay agenda is shoved down our dang throats. So we rarely watch tv and are very selective on our movies. We also are very careful of those he surrounds himself with. (You are who you associate with),,, lie with dogs and come up with fleas.

Its a shame. This is the first entry in this thread by Christian Voice. The religious perspective was utilized right off the bat. And the as yet undefined "gay agenda" was mentioned, as well as insinuating that parents of gay people are somehow bad parents.

All these pages later....all we get is "your a liar, and we need this thread shut down".

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I did not bring my faith into that post, if that's what you read from it then whatever.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 04:06 PM

Christian Voice

My faith was brought into it by another poster. My opinions stay to myself most of the time.

Oh come on, what a crock of sh!t. You were sticking your so called "Faith" in everyone's face from your first post and you know it! If you forgot, go back and read it yourself. You even end it with "LET THE CHRISTIAN BASHING BEGIN".

Face it, regardless of how much you'd like everyone here to see you as some martyr, you're nothing but a intolerant bible thumper who chooses to let a book do all their thinking for them because it removes any responsibility for your actions away from yourself and places them on a fictional god. That way you can go around spreading your sick twisted opinions about the sins and problems of others while at the same time feeling important about yourself. Everything about you from your nickname "Christian Voice" to the title below your name "Defender of the Word of God" reeks of the persona of someone who's trying to justify their own self importance.

Your deluded self image of a warrior of god is as transparent and false as your theology and your fake god. Only someone who subconsciously hates themselves very deeply would even be able to imagine and worship a god who would hate and punish his own creation. Good luck working through that BTW.

I feel sorry for you and the weight you must be carrying for whatever reason you feel you must carry it. You don't have to live with that baggage ya know. Just drop it, it's ok. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone else. While you may not practice unconditional love for others, some of us do, or atleast try. We will accept and love you just like you are, you don't need to prove anything or hide who you are to us.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 04:09 PM

Christian Voice
None of the Bible has been debunked

Oh brother ...

Adam and Eve - proven to be a creation myth 'borrowed' from the Summerians. The names were changed by the Jews when they adopted it as their own creation myth.

Abraham - Did Abraham Even Exist? Answer - maybe or maybe not. But the folklore around him is unreliable. He supposedly lived in 2000 bc but the stories weren't written down until 500 bc. That's 1500 years of embellishments and adding on and subtracting from the story of Abraham. Totally unreliable.

The Ten Commandments. 10 Commandments - doctrine of men Proven not to have been given to Moses by God on a mountain top.

The Psalms. Not all written by David like the bible claims. Many were taken from Egyptian temples that predate David. They were pagan hymns to the Sun God of Egypt.

Noahs Ark - Didn't happen. Folklore from the Summerians that the Jews 'borrowed' and changed the names of. Proven impossible by science. The planet couldn't repopulate in the amount of time given by the bible, and it couldn't repopulate with only 3 pairs of reproducing adults (who were related to each other). The DNA says it's impossible.

and you just made up a God to believe in on a whim ? WOW

WOW ... yet another strawman absurdium from you. Comical.
Newsflash ... people don't have to buy into the Old Testament bunk in order to believe
in a God. In fact, there isn't much of God in the Old Testament.

The Old Testament is notoriously unreliable. Large sections is easily bebunked.
It's obviously not from God.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 04:12 PM

Christian Voice
By your own hate filled words you have made it very clear that you would not be associated with us Christian folk.

MOST christians don't act like bigoted homophobes. MOST people are capable of getting along with each other. It's the homosexually obsessed homophobic fundamentalist Christians that can't get along with others.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 04:18 PM
i feel sorry for the christian soldiers they cant see the bibles about love not hate tolerance not intolerance

so please people dont hate those who you dislike their private life for surely they the same lovable person

and does the bible not say love thy neighbors and treat those how you wish to be treated

please people no more blood and hate theres too much of it in history i do not want my daughter to grow up scared of hate and fear

please people see sense we should be united not segregated

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

Here I'd agree with you to a large extent, and I did say in my post that many families (not only Christian fundamentalists) have dealt or will deal with the issue.

The letter (or at least its description in the OP's link) does mention "abomination", which seems to be a paraphrase of Leviticus about men lying with men as with women (which I find quite anatomically impossible, unless all the men back then were having anal sex with their wives and concubines).

But anyway, many groups use a version of the Bible, and it could well be a fringe group (I think I mentioned quite a few, and I could add a few more homophobic groups, also from the Eastern religions ... Fulan Gong or ISKCON, for example).
There's also an anti-gay Africanist stream that often surfaces in some black churches and mosques, which strikes me as very violent.

To the same extent I'm also surprised how more mainstream Christians seem to have supported the position of the mother, when even you have said on p. 1 that you'd talk with the child, but you also didn't say you'd immediately kick him out.
I think any parent should talk to their child about sexuality, not necessarily in a threatening way, but also that there are dangers out in the big bad world, and they are not ready, whatever they do later.
Another response could be that parents simply find the issue too complex, and disconnect from the child by allowing them to do whatever they want without any guidance.
This is also not good.

But yeah, for me that goes back to issues of authenticity, because the whole letter seems tailored for a broader culture war, and winning one over the Christian right.
The grandpa character - possibly because he fought for freedom as a core value in a historic war - is implying that the mother's generation has actually missed something crucial.
They shouldn't harp on about patriotism and family values, if they're going to reject a family member simply for saying he is gay.
Yeah, that's also stereotypical and unfair, especially as authenticity and details of the specific sect are lacking.
That's the connotation I get.

As such it may cause further divisions (no matter how helpful it appears to be to a lgbt position).
Sensitive family matters are always disastrous when people can't think outside culture war propaganda on either side, and they can't see each other as sensitive, dynamic individuals.

edit on 6-10-2013 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

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