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Did Abraham ever really exist?

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posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:05 PM


- obviously, you ve No Clue what means 'love'.

Love rests on Free will

- if someone Resists the other, there cannot be love.

do you have a child ?
a lil boy or girl ?

did she get adolescent yet ?

and started to Hate you ?

now YOU CREATED HER - didnt you????????????

Ok I see have reading comprehension problems. I will explain where you went wrong.

I didnt say god created the devil.

I said evil. Your mind automatically associated the two. And then confounded them.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Lone12

??? what?.

Anyhow it all boils down to faith, but faith is not the truth so to present any religious stuff as truth is well false.
If people want to be a slave follow a religion, call God master, Lord etc and forget about your own freewill into deciding who/what/why because you are not following your own mind just what someone else has told you to follow.
I hope JC existed because he said some cool stuff, son of God? we all are.
I think Flyers is bang on right saying each of us should question religion even if it goes against what you have been taught.
We got freewill and our amazing minds for a reason...use it.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:07 PM
"no evidence Abraham existed".....sigh...

- and it dont help you that millions of Hindus pray to "Brahma"

and you neither Care to know, hów come, they do Hitler said: the bigger the Lie
the more will believe it.

evenm its Staring you In The Face,
you *want* to believe, Abraham ever existed.

THATS your problem :

you REFUSE to believe.

well..... - good luck with your ' fact finding proofs' then.

im sure you ll construct some Monstrum
and believe thát.

im off.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:11 PM

"not original"....
you kidding me..?
and you actually MEAN what you say here ??
...hopeless this...

Seriously dude .. read the thread.
Adam and Eve .... creation myth 'borrowed' from the Summerians (and names changed)
Noahs Ark ... myth borrowed from the Summerians (and names changed)
Psalms .... many borrowed from the Egyptians Poems to the Sun God.
10 Commandments ... 'most likely' borrowed from Egyptians
(I said 'most likely' because adjensen would be happy with that but I think it's clearly borrowed)

None of that is original. It's borrowed from elsewhere.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:15 PM

..such Lousy comment
lousy, 1-dimensional thinking

because of that Lousy thinking, you get the wrong premisses !
edit on 24-9-2013 by Lone12 because: (no reason given)

Well lets think in mutliple dimensions.

Every dimension below this one we are god.

Every dimension which resides above another has beings which the lower ones would consider god.

This alone disproves the one god theory and by association christianity, islam....etc

Anything else youd like to discuss about lousy one dimensional thinking?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

is this fact now tho? or just based on zecharia sitchin's translations?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by adjensen

The bloodlines simply trace back to someone named Adam, whom the Israelites believed was the first human being, but the bloodline could be correct without the "first human being" being literally the first homo-sapien, just some notable guy, and that has nothing to do with the age of the planet.

I was wondering if someone was going to go here. There are Jewish "sages" who believe there were many people here before Adam. There belief though, is that Adam was the first to be created with a soul. Something those before him did not have. So the lineage is traced back to Adam because all Jews come from him.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:21 PM


"not original"....
you kidding me..?
and you actually MEAN what you say here ??
...hopeless this...

Seriously dude .. read the thread.
Adam and Eve .... creation myth 'borrowed' from the Summerians (and names changed)
Noahs Ark ... myth borrowed from the Summerians (and names changed)
Psalms .... many borrowed from the Egyptians Poems to the Sun God.
10 Commandments ... 'most likely' borrowed from Egyptians
(I said 'most likely' because adjensen would be happy with that but I think it's clearly borrowed)

None of that is original. It's borrowed from elsewhere.

- believe Just As You Desire, dear FF.

there are many, who think like you,
"convinced" of their being right.

Thats fine.
Every soul has free will.
Also to believe or not as he chooses.

But -
we wont win the War with those opinions.

its like
little boys in a schoolyard
fighting about irrelevant things

while the REAL WAR is raging around the school.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:21 PM

"no evidence Abraham existed".....sigh...

- and it dont help you that millions of Hindus pray to "Brahma"

and you neither Care to know, hów come, they do

We know... its the same way that millions pray to allah...or jesus...or god. The only mystery is how you dont know that. Hitler said: the bigger the Lie
the more will believe it.

How you dont get that this applies more to religion than any othr belief on Earth is astounding. iterally the biggest lies ever, yet has the most believers.

Im starting to forget which side youre on.

evenm its Staring you In The Face,

lol. Yes it is staring you in the face with every comment you made in THIS post

you *want* to believe,

Therein lies the crux of our argument pointed out by you. Ironic. Also lol at my use of crux which is latin for cross. lolololololol

THATS your problem

Quite literally its your problem, not ours. Are you even getting this?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:23 PM
- but SOME of us - at least - need to get it Right

to comprehend things the right way


because this is all about Legal Spiritual Rights -

because understanding exposes Lies.

and exposing Lies brings in Another reality [ as this fake one] .

- i rather wished you *joined* .

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Beavers

Paul mentions Adam and Eve, but they were't real.

got a source for that?


Almost every man alive can trace his origins to one man who lived about 135,000 years ago, new research suggests. And that ancient man likely shared the planet with the mother of all women.

Despite their overlap in time, ancient "Adam" and ancient "Eve" probably didn't even live near each other, let alone mate.

In addition, mitochondrial DNA from the men, as well as similar samples from 24 women, revealed that all women on the planet trace back to a mitochondrial Eve, who lived in Africa between 99,000 and 148,000 years ago — almost the same time period during which the Y-chromosome Adam lived.

These primeval people aren't parallel to the biblical Adam and Eve. They weren't the first modern humans on the planet, but instead just the two out of thousands of people alive at the time with unbroken male or female lineages that continue on today.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by winnar

see post above.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:25 PM

- but SOME of us - at least - need to get it Right

to comprehend things the right way


because this is all about Legal Spiritual Rights -

because understanding exposes Lies.

and exposing Lies brings in Another reality [ as this fake one] .

- i rather wished you *joined* .

You cant get it right because you cant know everything. Something you already believe because according to you only one can know all. Yet it conflicts with your other words.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Lone12 Hitler said: the bigger the Lie
the more will believe it.

Nice of you to quote Hitler, that should get you some brownie points.

If more people believe big lies, then why is Abrahamic religion the most popular in the world? Hmmmm... the bigger the lie.... the more people.... I wonder....

edit on 24-9-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:28 PM
look guys,
you Discuss, please.

thats very useful, and discussing s fine.

just know that
you wont find No Proof for the OP s title.

- since its a Lie.


posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

All roads lead back to the Summerians (4000 bc)
The common themes are there ... just the words used are a bit different each generation.

Who got it from...who? Directly? Or indirectly? One source? Or multiple? Someday, I hope we get this traced back to its roots. Or at least close.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:30 PM

edit on 9/24/2013 by Klassified because: There's a first time for everything, I guess.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by windword


what got me was the 'almost' and the bit about adam and eve not living near each other!

long relationship distances are a bitch, but surely two of them must have got together to, well ya know

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Lone12

just know that
you wont find No Proof for the OP s title.

- since its a Lie.

How do you KNOW it's a 'lie'? You're just going to fly-by post, without sources or any solid argument?

C'mon - throw us a bone. Please provide your evidence that 'it's a lie'.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:41 PM
riddles.. English is a riddle language. Who spoke it first the people from England? NOPE!

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