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Rogue State America

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posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 08:09 AM
This is an article by Stephen Lendman , in it he discusses how if

" You flip over the rock of American foreign policy (throughout) the past century, this is what crawls out:”

“invasions, bombings, (subversion), overthrowing governments, suppressing (popular) movements for social change, assassinating political leaders, perverting elections, manipulating labor unions, manufacturing ‘news,’ death squads, torture, (chemical), biological (and nuclear) warfare, (radiological contamination), drug trafficking, mercenaries,” police state repression, and war on humanity writ large.

Out-of-control US policy is arrogant, misguided, and destructive. It combines state terror with war on humanity. It does so despite no enemies. It invents them out of whole cloth.

I recall I have read quite a few threads on ATS about just those sort of accusations, this being one:-
America - The rogue terrorist state - A few introductory videos on American hypocrisy and foreign po

Is America calling the "Pot Black" with regards to Syria?

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Difficult to dispute the facts presented in this well written article.

Why? Who allowed American to become this rogue state? We did.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

And every day we allow America to continue to ignore the governments violation of both domestic (constitution ) and international laws with out mass outcry is another day we are liable for it all.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 10:32 AM

reply to post by Pinkorchid

Difficult to dispute the facts presented in this well written article.

Why? Who allowed American to become this rogue state? We did.

I beg to differ. The American PEOPLE have never had any control over federal policy, for the most part they have been shut out of the decision making process since day one.

Who asked the people if they really wanted a bloody civil war? Could slavery not have been eradicated without spilling one drop of blood and tearing up the countryside? Well, yes it could have been simply by arresting slave owners, freeing the slaves and throwing their owners in prison. But that wasn't what it was about, the war weakened the WHOLE people to the point that survival became a priority over individual rights or state's rights and that was the real point of it.

Enter the 14th amendment, subjecting every American to federal jurisdiction, which is what the federal government wanted in the first place ~ "a strong central government". Granted that amendment "allegedly" wasn't properly ratified by a sufficient number of states but short of a second revolution the people had no ability to challenge that negation of their rights, even if they understood that it was a power grab under cover of "its for your own good", or in todays vernacular, protecting national security.

The only blame I'd lay on the people of any given generation is how many good opportunities they missed for throwing that second revolution. Now its too late and we're so far off track that it will have to be brought down by external forces. And it will be.

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