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I Think I Have A Ghost, She Is Trying Very Hard To Communicate...Help

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posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

This is very correct. If you ask them to respect your space, tell they are passed, and ask them to move into the after life they will. You can call upon angels Gaberial (sp) and Michael to assist. I channel spirits constantly to talk with their loved ones. It is a gift to be so open minded to see things. If you are comfortable talking to her the best thing to do is meditate. Open your energy field and third eye. You can do this by holding your hands ontop of each other facing toward you. Starting on your belly button and moving out slowly seeing the energy in your head move between your hands and body. You want to push in towards your body til you feel a resistance. Do the same in front of your heart and then in front of your forehead where your third eye sits. You can then Picture you charkas opening. Do so by seeing yourself pull a red ball out and putting it into place. Then the orange ball, then the yellow,green, blue, violet and then clear. They should all be spinning together in line with your charkas and getting larger as they spin. Then call upon her. Ask her questions. I ask them in my head. Example. I ask "How old are you? 10, 20, 30, 40, 50..." When you hit the right answer you know it. Trust your gut. Once you get to know her you can ask more questions like what do you want. You will not always hear a voice. Once I had my shoulders push forward to tell the person to move forward with the desicion they were struggling with. Sometimes I hear thoughts, not others thoughts, its hard to explain. Like one it was a strong "here for the kids" "not enough time", but it wasnt someone elses voice. its kinda like forced thoughts. There are also a lot of stones and crystals that can help you open up your insight and awaken your senses. I find these helpful.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:28 PM
When I started reading this thread it was very convincing, but as I continued reading every post in it, yours specifically, I started to wonder if it was really legitimate.
You have an amazing story going on here, and there were moments in this thread that I felt genuinely concerned and sorry for you.
What irked me the most at first was that the photos you posted were your fingers in the way of the camera, which you must have known were there when you took the photos and decided to share them with us.
I've seen hundreds of "paranormal" photos and taken some fake ones myself to get an idea of what a "fake" photo looks like, or a "forced paranormal" photo, rather.
Aside from that, it seems that you've done a complete 180 since the original post was made. You're questioning why you should be afraid now, etc. And seem to have gone from 0% to feeling 100% in your home, and the entire situation.

I'm not doubting you, but it just seems strange when you read the entire thread from beginning to end all at once.
Regardless, I hope things are going better now for you and wish you the best down the road.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by lifemonkey
will post more but i had a nervous break down and not quite ready to share what was revealed please hoax...



posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by shells4u

hi shells, just finished reading entire thread and want to tell you i actually smiled when i read ur post asking why should i leave, i was so proud of you! i am so proud of you! you decided to take ownership of your life and show strength and courage that many cant find. good for you!

im concerned over most recent post, im sorry to hear youre facing stressful situation again and look forward to hearing details when ur ready.

until then, whatever is going on, dont doubt urself, dont lose your strength, u may face obstacles but in the end you do have the strength to get thru whatever it is and u seem to have many supporters here including me

to the poster questioning her decision to stay, that doesnt reduce her credibility. what i read was a story of a frightened/terrified woman learning how to keep herself safe, both spiritually and physically by changing locks which further boosted her inner strength. after countless hours of suggestions and information she went from hiding at her sisters house to reclaiming her life and refusing to be a victim. im proud of her.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 02:47 PM

to the poster questioning her decision to stay, that doesnt reduce her credibility. what i read was a story of a frightened/terrified woman learning how to keep herself safe, both spiritually and physically by changing locks which further boosted her inner strength. after countless hours of suggestions and information she went from hiding at her sisters house to reclaiming her life and refusing to be a victim. im proud of her.

reply to post by Curiousgal

Thank you for the ecourageing words...things have gotten better, not perfect but perfection is what GOD is not is a photo i was just looking at and enlarged...look near the doorknob in the background...could be camera issues or not...still have lots of noises at bedtime and things fall over quite frequently...I just ignore it as much as possible...

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by shells4u

You don't want to use a camera flash when you trying to take paranormal photos unless you are intentionally trying to create orbs. Any reflective material in the area will cause enough light to enter into the aperture and cause an orb. Even normal lighting reflected off a surface into the lens will cause this. That thing by the door is simply lens flare from using a flash in a mirror.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by defcon5
what should i do just natural lighting and no flash...i will try that...good advice...I will take some when the bugger is up to his/her its tricks...

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by shells4u

When you take the photo, don't use a flash, and if you see an orb in the picture, the first thing to look for is anything that could shine light back toward the camera. Could be something subtle, such as a polished doorknob, a deadbolt, a brass light fixture, a faucet on a sink, etc...

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 05:21 PM
Any fresh evidence on what has been happening to you?

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 06:11 AM
So who's the little kid appearing at the door in that pic?

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 08:25 PM

So who's the little kid appearing at the door in that pic?

omg i couldnt make out what was in doorway at first but after i read ur post i looked back and completely see what ur talking about. almost like its in profile looking toward right side of screen. looks like chubby faced little boy to me.
anytime a kid shows up i get suspicious. seems too much malevolence masks as a child. worth thinkin twice about imo


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